Ruby Redstone

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Revision as of 00:54, 30 March 2021 by FayneFirestar (talk | contribs)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Ruby Redstone
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Gender Female
Race Au Ra
Clan Xaela
Citizenship Ul'dah
Place of Birth The Goblet, Thanalan
Guardian Menphina
Nameday 3rd Sun of the First Umbral Moon
Age 17 Cycles
Marital Status Single
Occupation Fighter


Ruby Redstone is a fun loving teen doing her best to live her life in Ul'dah.

Ruby is a light hearted, usually friendly Auri Xaela girl. When first met she can seem a bit out going and loud. She always means well and does her best to make sure everyone she knows is comfortable, even after first meeting.

Ruby confuses a lot of people at first. Her body doesn't match her age, at least not for how time flows in Eorzea. She was born in Eorzea on The Source only a few years ago, though her body is that of seventeen cycles. This is due to a kidnapping her and her brother endured to The First when they were still just babies. Their parents were able to find a way to travel to The First, to the time they were taken, and without a proper way back to The Source, Ruby and her brother were raised in Norvrandt on The First. For what was fourteen years on The First was only two months on The Source. So while Ruby was only two years old when she was kidnapped, she was returend as a proper teenager.

Because of this, Ruby has mannerizms that differ a bit from those of The Source, though many find that as part of her charm. On top of her funny curses from a different world, she is also bilingual thanks to her father.

Now doing her best to learn indipendance, Ruby now lives in the city of Ul'dah at the Quicksand finding work at the Coleseum. She's already made a few friends and even has her first real crush, but she still has so much to learn about her home world and the people who live in it.


Ruby considers herself to be both tomboy and girly at the same time. She finds ways to kind of mesh the two styles together. She isn't very fond of dresses, though she can be convinced, but she does love painting her face with make up. If she had the choice she would probably wear mostly pirate or steam punk asthetics. Just like her father. And because of her mother she loves to dye her hair.

Height: 5 Fulms 2 Ilms
Weight: 160 pnz
Complexion: Tan, like she's in the sun a lot. Ebony scales blot her skin, acting similar to smooth alligator scales.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, usually red or pink dyed in.
Eyes: Green
Particular Traits: Swirled pupils
Voice: Mild and appealing
Clothing style: Pirate and/or steam punk.


Open-minded. Intelligent. Extraverted. Ruby often considers herself the life of the party, though if she were honest she hasn't been to many. Though she has found it easy to make friends once she became more indipendent. She doesn't have any fear that she'll look like a fool when introducing herself to others, and has no problem walking up to strangers. She tends to reserve her judgments of people until she gets to know them a little better, and prefers to make up her own opinions rather than just believe in what someone else tells her. She seems to always has energy and loves to be with friends. She often finds herself lonely at night in her room. Aside from just people, Ruby is very curious and is very intelligent, sometimes too much for her own good. She would rather discover the truth of something for herself before just believing a rumor. If something piques her interest she will often chase that interest until it gives her all the information it can.

Compassionate. Brave. Creative. Along-side that craving for information, Ruby is also very creative and kind. If she is faced with a problem she will do her best to find a solution rather than just give up. You put a wall in her way and she'll do her best to knock it down. On the flip side of that she absolutely refuses to be held back. If she is told no she will look for any loophole or even break the rules entirely. She cannot be held back creatively, or physically. Aside from being so headstrong in the field, Ruby does know how to relax. Though how she relaxes may not always be what others consider "relaxing," her down-time activities do allow her to unwind and release some tension in her muscles and thoughts. She believes that everyone should take time to have a good look at themselves and take time for themselves.


Sparring/combat practice
Dying her hair
Make up
The night sky


Being bound in anyway
Being Alone
Being Stagnant


Color: Red
Food: Meat
Drink: Rolanberry Lassi
Place: The waters of Costa Del Sol


Make Up


Strong (Physically)


Hardheaded or stubborn
Touchy (Mentally - She doesn't know how to handle being called out)
Short attention span
Can hold a grudge
Doesn't always think ahead


Being unable to protect those she loves
Losing everyone she loves because of her own foolishness
Being alone


Short range melee combat


Kinesthetic (She learns physically, IE. touch and action).
High school level of reading/writing
Bilingual (common|Al Bhed)
Basic knowledge of metal working
Large knowledge of aether
General knowledge of many weapons
Skilled in hand to hand combat


None specifically. She will pray to whatever god will listen.
Questioning the existence of gods at all.



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Nickname: Little Shit
Zero is a whiley little ferret that was gifted to Fayne by Dante, after he found that giving her a companion of her own would be highly beneficial. Ruby's pet by association.


PC stands for Precious Cargo
While transporting food and goods from the Dravanian Forelands to Limsa Lominsa Dante heard the sounds of something plundering and munching on food in the cargo bay of his airship. Dante began to follow the noise through the crates only to find one labeled as 'Precious Cargo' with a hole in the side. Inside was a bunch of broken pots as well as a Red Panda covered in peanut butter. Ruby's pet by association.



Nicknames Rubles
Current Residence The Skyforge Sirens free company house (Goblet Ward 2, Plot 12), Her own room in The QuickSands, mother's boat house in The Mist (Apartment in Mist Ward 4, Appartment 053), and the family home in the Mist. (Dante's personal house. Mist Ward 13, Plot 11)




Ruby is skilled in many different forms of combat, though her favorite is with her explosive fists. Ruby can be considered a "Jack-of-all-Trades" when it comes to combate as she has been trained on just about any weapon - though she is most proficient with her fists or a sword. Ruby does consider herself a well rounded combatant and able to easily adjust to new fighting styles, even adapting said styles to suit her own. She is currently a gladiator in the Coliseum in Ul'dah and her favorite fighting style is hand to hand combat, though her hands either burn with fire or explode, and she moves effortlessly and quickly with ice on her feet. (She combines black magick with her monk style fighting.) She loves to spar and will never back down from a challenge.


Broadsword (Skilled) Beginner - novice - skilled - expert
Great sword (Skilled)
Axe (Skilled)
Gunblade (Novice)
Cane (Skilled)
Fists (Expert)
Lance (Skilled)
Daggers (Novice)
Bow and Arrow (Beginner)
Gun (Skilled)
Chakrams (Novice)
Staff (Skilled)
Rapier (Skilled)


Conjury (Skilled)
Thaumaturgy (Skilled)


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Ruby's favorite weapon is her own fists and magick. She's yet to see anyone else with a similar style, though were she honest she has yet to really explore the world of Hydaelyn. Being a daughter of both a magic user and melee fighters, Ruby has learned to adapt using multple styles in her fighting.


Birth and childhood (0-10)
[This story is still ongoing and incomplete. Will update as story develops.]

Ruby was a baby that never meant to happen, but it was such a miracle that she was, to both of her parents. Due to some time bending involved with Alexander, a sixteen year old Ruby came back to a time before she was born to save her own father from death at the blade of Cruse Chaser. Very shortly after, she returned back to her own time and a few months later, she was born in Limsa Lominsa. Two cycles later she had a little brother too!

A sharp turn early in life nearly had her lost to the world. Shortly after turning two years old the toddler and her new baby brother were kidnapped by a strange fay creature and were taken to The First as captives in an attempt to harm their parents, Dante and Fayne. On top of being pulled into a different world, they had also been taken into the past - the past relative to The Source, anyway. While there she had to be saved by her parents, though they had no easy way back to their home world. While her parents lived as spirits in The First, Ruby and Sapphire were living with their bodies, and so practically grew up as pure citizens of The First - living without light and not much knowledge of The Source aside from what their parents and Nanny Alia could tell them.
Teen Years (10-16)
[This story is still ongoing and incomplete. Will update as story develops.]


[Under Development]
[This story is still ongoing and incomplete. Will update as story develops.]

*Some of Ruby's background may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise, or anyone wish to be a part of Ruby's past, the openings are there to fill.


Last Update...3/30/2021

$ Business 💑 In a relationship Wants that person dead🔃 Unsure


Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Ruby has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Ruby, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions! If you think there is a mistake, please message me!

* An asterisks denotes that Ruby doesn't know the individual's true name.

Alia Bloodmoon, Magick Teacher.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "On the surface she acts like a bad bitch but she's actually very protective of me. She seems harsh sometimes but I know better."

Ruby met Alia while still a very young child shortly after her discovery of her own magickal ability. Alia, being well versed in thaumaturgy and black magic, willingly took the child in as a student, and quickly formed a bond with Ruby as the child's god-parent. When Ruby was kidnapped, it was thanks to Alia's powerful magicks that Ruby could be recovered safe and sound.

Cailin Teowulf, "Auntie Cailin"; Ex-Babysitter.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "I'm disapointed I didn't get to know her more when I was little. She's so small and quiet. She just exudes 'damsel in distress' energy."

Cailin was Ruby's babysitter while she was still young, but ultimately did not get to know the woman well. When Ruby was returned to The Source, she was reintroduced to Cailin and while there was some familiarity, it was clear Cailin had a stronger connection than Ruby did with her. What a surprise it must have been for Cailin to see her charge go from two cycles old to sixteen cycles of age in the span of two moons! Cailin has a... thing... for being pregnant though, doesn't she?

Fennel Teowulf, Auntie Cailin's husband.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "A big boy, and very good caretaker of his wife and kids. Though he just keeps having kids..."

The husband to the babysitter as far as Ruby is currently concerned. A nice man and a good father to his many children.

Basil Teowulf, "Baby Bass"; Babysitter's baby.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "He's a baby. Very cute, but not much else."

Cailin's baby. He doesn't do much. They were first introduced when Ruby was a baby, but due to timey-wimey shenanigains, Ruby and Basil did not grow up together. Now Ruby is the baby sitter.

Juniper Teowulf, "Baby June"; Babysitter's baby.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "She's a baby. Very cute, but not much else."

Cailin's baby. She doesn't do much. They were first introduced when Ruby was a baby, but due to timey-wimey shenanigains, Ruby and Juniper did not grow up together. Now Ruby is the baby sitter.

Reavyn Cinder, "Rae"; potential girlfriend.( 🔃 )
Ruby’s Thoughts: "Fuck their hot..."

Ruby met Raevyn almost on accident. Raevyn, currently apprentenced by Ruby's father, is often around the free company and is believed to stay there, while Ruby had JUST moved to Ul'dah proper. So while they are not so far away, they do not see each other daily. They haven't been on many dates, but Ruby has already found herself with a confusing attraction to her.


Nelo Lazarus, Kidnapper.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "I've been told he found piece, but he tore me away from my home world. I don't remember him, but I don't appreciate what he did."

Ruby and Sapphire's kidnapper. Though she was very young when she was taken and doesn't remember much about it, she does have a shadowy memory of being without her parents and there was the existence of a blue elf. Not anymore.


These are mostly backstory-related relationships.

Dante Redstone, "Da, Daddy"; Ruby's father, Skyforge Siren's leader.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "I love my Da so much, he's taught me so much and I consider him one of my best friends, good teacher and kindest father."

Ruby's father who her future self came back to the past to save. Ruby, of course, has no idea about any of this but adores her father. As much as she looks like her mother, she has taken a lot after her father. Including mannerisms.

Fayne Firestar, "Ma, Mommy"; Ruby's mother, Skyforge Siren's Co-leader.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "I love my Ma to pieces. She's tought me almost everything I know about physical combat, makeup and hair."

Ruby's very loving mother. Though Fayne may not be the best of moms, she does try very hard and Ruby loves her all the same. She does also owe her mother her life, as Fayne was the main combatant when it came to her and Sapphire's kidanpper. Ruby looks up to her mother for fashion advise.

Sapphire Redstone, "Saphy"; Ruby's younger brother.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "---"

Ruby's younger brother. Sapphire was born roughly two cycles after Ruby, and so Ruby was not fully aware of what was really going on. She didn't like sharing her parents at first, but she learned to love her little brother all the same.

Victor Redstone, "Bybbo"; Grandfather.
Ruby’s Thoughts:"---"

Ruby's grandfather on her father's side. She doesn't see them as often as she would like due to them living on boats, but she is always excited to see them.

Aurora Redstone, "Sysyf"; Grandmother.
Ruby's Thoughts:"---"

Ruby's grandmother on her father's side. She doesn't see them as often as she would like due to them living on boats, but she is always excited to see them.

Alden Firestar, "Grandpa"; Grandfather.
Ruby’s Thoughts:”---”

Ruby's grandfather on her mother's side. Ruby has never met Alden, as he has been presumed dead for a majority of Fayne's life.

Mindred Firestar, "Grandma"; Grandmother.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "---"

Ruby's grandmother on her mother's side. Ruby has met Mindred a few times due to Mindred's persistence in meeting her own granddaughter. Which is absolutely fair, and after living away from her own mother for a time, Fayne is far more willing to try again to make amends with her mother. Though Mindred, in Fayne's opinion, is someone you hang out with in bursts.

Dyna Redstone, "Yihd"; Aunt.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "---"

Dante's sister. Yihd Dyna is also very fashion forward and very willing to teach young Ruby about magitech.

Arik Kha, "Ihlma"; Uncle.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "---"

Dyna's husband. He's an Au Ra like Ruby, but he's got blue skin and very large horns. Despite his large, somewhat scary look he is actually quite timid and fun to play around with. Arik and Aunt Tuli might be the only other Au Ra Ruby knows.

Tuli Kha, "Oba"; Aunt.
Ruby’s Thoughts: "---"

Arik's sister. She's an Au Ra like Ruby, but with blue-gray skin and ram horns. Tuli is very active and loves to play. She always brings sweets of some kind to Ruby and is Ruby's "favorite aunt." (When Ruby says this she is rewarded with cookies). Though Tuli acts a fool sometimes, Ruby knows just how dangerous she actually is. Uncle Arik and Tuli might be the only other Au Ra Ruby knows.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Fayne. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "I heard she owned a boat in Limsa before coming to Ul'dah... Apparently some blonde kid used to live with her. Caused quite the noise, if you know what I mean..." -- Ul'dahn Trader.

  • "She's quite the flirt. I hear she used to get around quite a bit, maybe she still does." -- Just about anyone.

  • "Did ye ever stop to think that she hate's the color red? And she's married to some guy named Redstone. How does that work out?" -- Gold Saucer Patron

  • "She only got snakebites so she could look more scary. It didn't work." -- Random patron of The Cat's Meow.

  • "She's not actually bi or pan or whatever the hells she wants to call herself. She likes men too damn much to actually look into that shite." -- An onlooking woman in the Quicksand.

  • "The poor girl is actually afraid of thunder, you know. Too many bad experiences with it..." -- Momodi from the Quicksand.

  • "She doesn't actually like the ocean. She just likes how blue it is." -- Maidservant at The Drowning Wench.

  • With a click of his teeth, "There ain't no way she can read because she's too stubborn to wear some damn glasses." -- Ul'dahn trader.

  • "That woman does nothin' but waist all of her real-life gil on fake gil for prizes that don't matter at the Gold Saucer. I've heard of a gamblin' addiction but shite." -- Gold Saucer patron, definitely not a gambling addict.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Ain't she actually allergic to copper? Or... is Copper the name of her chocobo..?" -- Chocobo Breeder in Bentbranch Meadows.

  • "I heard she spent the night with a tribe of hunters. You know. 'Spent the night.' With all of them." -- Tailfeather Hunter.

  • "I bet she only comes to the Gold Saucer to find easy points." -- Gold Saucer Patron.

  • "She is terrified of being a mother because she can barely take care of herself. I mean. Have you seen her?" -- Momodi from the Quicksand.

  • "I'll bet she fucked the lord what gave her a spot in the Order of Dragoons. How else could an Au Ra make it in?" -- A Dragoon Knight.

  • "You know she used to be Hyur once? There has to be some kind of voidsent shite goin' on with her..." -- Ul'dahn Resident.

  • "I heard she has a scale fetish. Can you have one of those if you have scales?" -- Quicksand Patron.

  • "That scrawny piece of shite is a witch. I've seen it with my own eyes, she controls the weather or something!" -- A Dragoon Knight.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "I heard she stabbed a little girl once..." -- Gridanian Resident.

  • "There's no way that girl is normal. I've heard her screech once. Like a dragon." -- Ishgardian Resident.

  • "She fucked a damn Sahagan before. I swear on my life she did. Just ask her!" -- A Low Ranking Yellow Jacket.

  • "Don't listen to that 'fucking a Sahagin' shite. She was drowned by Leviathan though. Prolly still is... I wouldn't trust her fer nuthin'. -- Maelstrom Soldier.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • "She changes her hair daily. I never understood it. I'm fairly sure she's trying to keep from becoming boring, which doesn't make sense but, to each their own, I guess." -- Kailee Ivicus

  • "She is the richest person in the gold saucer but it doesn't matter cause its fake money." -- Dante Redstone

  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of Fayne that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Fayne, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s), or drawn by me. Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


The player or mun of Fayne has low self-confidence combined with a desperate need to RP. Unfortunately these things don't mix, and so I don't get the RP I seek all of time. This is also paired with the fact that I RP when I'm bored, or have any kind of spare time (even if it's just five minutes). Please never feel like you are a bother to me! Do not be afraid to come to me looking for RP! I accept walks ups and tells in game, and I RP over Discord as well. Aside from that, I am also an artist! I do take commissions on occasion, just ask! I promise I wont bite, and I try to work with you every step of the way. Again, please do not be afraid to tell me something. But that is a discussion for another time.

I am in my twenties, working five days a week and have little time to actually RP or do a lot of stuff in game. I try my hardest to always be attentive and I reply to everyone's messages as soon as possible! I do try to be in game when I can, and I am constantly on Discord (FayneFirestar #7298)! I try to be very understanding and open-minded, and I hate conflict. I am always trying to improve myself, so if you see anything wrong or weird, please tell me and I will try to fix it.


Communication is very important. Communication is something very important to me. Weather it's just a fun little slice of life RP or a heavy hitting drama, please be sure to talk with me and I will talk with you about what's going on. I want to make sure everyone is okay with what is happening OOCly, and that no stress will come of anything.
OOC does not equal IC I have had enough drama in my role-playing life to know I don't want to confuse anything IC with OOC. Feelings, strain, conflict, anything that happens ICly with my characters does not equate to how I feel about you as a real person. This is why communication is so important.
I might be busy! As much as I try to stay on Discord as often as possible, I might actually be busy. Please bare with me if I don't respond to you right away! I work often, five days a week 9AM-6PM. If I am AFK in game, I might be cooking dinner, or doing some much needed chores. I might also be asleep, as much as I wish I didn't need it. Please have patience with me, I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I do more than just RP! If it wasn't obvious I do also do actual content. There might be times I am running dungeons or have plans to farm a thing for the sake of getting a new thing. I'm not afraid to have you along, but a lot of the time my party is full (I have pre-mades all over the place), so please ask and I can probably set something up with you if you ever want to do anything!
I want your friendship. Touching a bit back on OOC vs IC, I would rather be on good terms with you in real life, than have to force our characters to like each other for the sake of liking each other. If you can't RP, I'm always down for headcannons and discussing new content/ideas.
Parts of my character's histories are intentionally left blank. Some of my character's backgrounds may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of my character's past, the openings are there to fill.


I don't get offended or super uncomfortable easily. I know I myself can get a little weird and uneasy to be around sometimes. So I'm going to show you a list of do's and don't's so you have a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into, and what not to ask of me (because I don't like some stuff, just like you).


Seriously injure someone without first talking about it. Going back to the communication thing, I need someone to talk to me first before making any kind of life altering decision is made. If you want me to stab, maim, any kind of NSFW, even possibly kill your character, or if you want to do anything of the sort to mine, please ask me first and we can discuss what will or wont happen as a result. I have learned from past mistakes.
Take constant abuse. Having an antagonist is fine, but if it ever comes to a point where a supposed friend is doing nothing but hurting my characters or themselves on a constant basis just to have drama, I'm sorry but I'm out.


RP darker themes. These aren't the most comfortable subjects, and I know it, and not everyone has to do them. But I will RP torture, rape, fights, drama. However please be patient with me. Sometimes it can be too much for me as a mun, and I need a second. It is not that I don't enjoy the RP, I just become too emotionally attached to my characters. I will say this again and again; communication is key.
ERP. I will say this again and again; communication is key. I have had issues in the past that surrounded ERP, but that wont stop me from cutting it from my life completely. However there must be an understanding that it is between the characters and the characters only. Also as mentioned in the above "will do," if I ever get to being too uncomfortable a discussion will be had before I continue the RP. All I ask is that you please be patient with me. Please ask before initiating anything and please understand when I ask to fade to black.
RP Relationships. This is actually something I thrive off right now. IC relationships give me something to RP at all times, or even have discussions and cute draw ideas! This is not restricted to romantic relationships by the way! Platonic, and business relationships are also very welcome! So long as everything is understood as to what is IC and what is OOC, everything will be fine. Communicate with me.
Do In-game, Discord, and Tumblr RP! Where I most prefer to RP in Discord, a lot of contacts are going to come from in-game, and I understand that! Please do feel free to walk-up or send me tells if you see me in game. Otherwise, please ask for my Discord or tumblr information, or let me know if there is some other platform you would rather me try!


Final Fantasy Tumblr... Faybexiv.
Artist Twitter... Fayne Firestar.
If you want to see more of my art... Art Tag on Tumblr.
Discord Tag... Fayne#7298 (Please message me with what you are contacting me for! I am very suspicious a lot of the time!

  • She once got a burn on the left side of her face after a battle with a B-rank hunt mark issued by the Centurio Clan. Nothing serious and no permanent damage, just a couple weeks with a less than perfect face.
  • When she found out her best friend Paradyme was a piercing artists she had to get him to pierce her. Without ears she was worried. Then realized she had lips he could easily get to. Then snake bites happened.
  • She proposed to Dante. She then married him on 5 November 2016.

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