Fuyuko Uta
Birth Name: Fuyuko Uta
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race & Clan: Au Ra • Raen
Height 5'1"
Physique: Athletic • Slim
Status: Alive
Alias: Fuyu • Lady Uta • Voidal Maiden
Nameday: Unknown
Birth Place: Far East
Citizenship: Doman
Residence: Lavander Beds Apartment
Job: Void Hunter & Head of Trade operations in Eorzea for the Uta Family
Marital Status: Uninterested.
Sexual Orientation: Straight.
Alignment: Nuetral Evil
Server: Balmung
Timezone: EST
Active: Weekdays: Evenings Weekends: Daytime and Evenings
Contact: Discord @ GhostlyMaiden#2841 • In-Game @ Fuyuko Uta • RPC @ Ghostly-Maiden
RP Style: Varies between short response, single paragraph, and multi-paragraph
Preferences: In-game and Discord work for me
Other Characters: Kanako Moonweaver, Ariette Nox, & Kieva Reiko
Expand Himita Uta (♥ ☠ ) - Mother
Expand Shinjo Uta (♥ ☠ ) - Father
Expand Kimiko Uta (♥ ) - 2nd Eldest Sister
Expand Raijo Uta (♥ ) - Younger Brother
Expand Akira Uta (♥ ) - Younger Brother
Expand Yufuko Uta (♥ ) - Younger Brother
Expand Ren Uta (♥ ) - Younger Sister
Expand Ariette Nox (✔ ● ) - Company Partner
Expand ---- (● ≈ ) - Researcher
Expand Shion Tokunaga (● ● ≈ ) - Lady Tokunaga
Expand --- (● ) - Broody
- ■ "She’s too sporadic to really know what she’s like." — (Common).
- ■ "She has a a lot of miracle working alchemical remedies, I just hope you’re ready to pay the heavy price for them." — (Common).
- ■ "Don’t fuck with her or you’ll surely regret it. To say it’s smart to stay on her good side is putting it lightly." — (Uncommon).
- ■ "Don’t trust what’s on the surface." — (Uncommon).
- ■ "The Feral Maiden is here in Eorzea now and you can bet she’ll leave a bloodtrail. Steer clear if you know what’s good for you." — (Rare).
- ■ "Anyone associated to Adelaide Levenson is bad fucking news." — (Rare).
- ■ "RUMOR." — PERSON.
- Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Music links to Youtube or SoundCloud. Careful of the volume when using speakers/headphones. A full playlist of songs associated to Kieva can be found [here] but below you will find the songs individually linked and what they are tied to.
Ambient Themes
Combat Themes
- (Coming soon!)
- (Coming Soon!)
- (Coming Soon!)
Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!
The whole layout and page design belongs to Suen Shyu.
You can use this wiki page layout at will and I will be glad if people actually do, but please try to change the colour theme at least. However, all the image banners are off limits. Make up your own, please! Thanks.
If you are interested in Suen’s old layout, please see here The sidebars were made by Xeiz Feine and until I can make my own, I have been given permission to use them for the timebeing!
[[Category:Au_Ra Raen]