Mynne Rosalia
Mynne Rosalia | |
![]() "How much ya willing to pay...?" | |
Character Information | |
Full Name | Mynne Rosalia |
Race | Miqo'te |
Subrace | Seeker of the Sun |
Gender | Female |
Sexual Orientation | Bisexual |
Relationship Status | Single |
Nameday | 13th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon |
Age | 24 |
Guardian | Azeyma, the Warden |
Birthplace | Ul'dah |
Occupation | "Item Acquirer", Information Gatherer |
General Information
Mynne is the quintessential street waif of Ul'dah. She never knew her mother or father and grew up in the dark alleyways of Ul'dah in squalor and poverty. A survivor of the harsh circumstances of her birth, she has fought tooth and nail to cling to life in a world that never wanted her. Surviving by any means necessary and using every onze of guile and instinct inherent within her, Mynne carved out a niche for herself in the seedy underbelly of Ul'dah's darker corners. Having grown up into a woman without the experience of a true childhood or the loving nurturing of a family, Mynne is a cynical individual when it comes to society. Her carefree demeanour conceals her harsh view of the world, seeing it as a cold and uncaring place where the powerful control and coerce the weak.
These days, Mynne is typically found out and about looking for easy marks or easier work. She is ever willing to snatch a purse, rob a noble's house, or perform other such illicit activities so long as the pay is good. Always on the lookout for ways to make gil to support not only herself but her gang of adopted street kids, Mynne has begun to branch out to the other city-states in pursuit of opportunities. She was recently hired by Azzy Crannach, the financier of the Legatum Mysteria, to act as her personal special operations. Her ability to get the job done has begun to afford her the grudging respect that she has always craved, though her caustic attitude often sours those she would impress... and Azzy is no exception.
Mynne is rather skinny and lithe, a combination of her life with minimal nutrition and a careful cultivation of her body proportions. Her snow-white shoulder-length hair is relatively well-maintained, primarily to keep strands of hair out of her eyes for maximum ability to see when needed. Her forehead has strips of leonine markings, a hereditary quirk from an unknown mother.
Mynne primarily wears loose fit clothing with an ample amount of visible skin and curves, seeking to show off her form in order to manipulate her targets to get what she wants. Cocky and confident, Mynne regards most folks who approach her with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation; are they a customer or simply another mark?
A socializer by nature, Mynne can be loud and attention seeking... when she wants to be. She enjoys getting in people's business just to stir the pot and has little time for those who can't "take a joke".
Personality Traits
- Cocky
- Confrontational
- Flirtacious
- Sly
- Sneaky
- Manipulative
- Crude
- Skilled
- Survivalist
- Cute
- Apathetic
- Cynical
Mynne is a button-pusher, often actively antagonizing people who are otherwise leaving her alone. She does this typically as a way to alleviate boredom, but also as a method of gauging a person's ability to react to situations around them. If one proves themselves a fool, Mynne will likely mark them as a target for later, seeking to relieve them of their Gil purse. She relishes feelings of being in control, seeking to manipulate people to her own ends as she craves the situational control denied to her for most of her life.
Mynne looks at the world from the perspective of one who was forced to survive childhood and adolescence on her own, seeing the world as a place where the predators feed on those who display weakness and helplessness. Determined to never again be the vulnerable girl in the alley, Mynne goes out of her way to present herself as a capable and confrontational woman so as to keep the bullies away. A tad cynical and always suspicious of one's motives, Mynne is slow to trust, and even slower to forgive.
Generally when she is out and about, Mynne is a mingler - seeking to find those willing to buy her drinks and otherwise keep her entertained. Her relationships rarely last though, Mynne typically growing tired of these people and abandoning them for something new and fresh when they start to talk about commitment. Still, for those willing to put up with the woman, they can find themselves enjoying their time in the company of the fun-loving Miqo'te.
Philosophy & Ideals
Mynne is severely critical of wealth and those who flaunt it. Having experienced and seen the hardships of poverty firsthand, she sees those with excessive wealth as gluttonous blights on society and she typically will do everything in her power to ruin them. What little mercy she used to have for the elites has been eroded away by a lifetime of abuse and more than one nobleman has found themselves waking up in a dark Ul'dahn alley - naked, bruised and nearly beaten to death.
Despite her sharp and caustic nature towards society in general, Mynne does have a tender side she works hard to suppress. She has 'adopted' several street urchins off of the Ul'dahn streets, her "Gutterchildren" whom she seeks to shield from the unforgiving world of the Ul'dahn streets. The catte is confrontational about her charges and even more confrontational about her role in nurturing them, often picking a fight if people try to accuse her of the weakness of being a motherly figure.
Though Mynne has been quite successful in her trade and could likely live a comfortable life of luxury, most of her acquired wealth goes towards the six children that she supports in an attempt to spare them from the fate that she endured growing up. Having lost a seventh child to a murder on the streets already, she is fiercely protective of the other six to the point of violent retribution upon anybody who even hints about threatening them.
Rarely does Mynne speak of her personal life, but given enough alcohol and the rare acquaintance that she actually enjoys the company of, Mynne is willing to lower the barriers slowly. Those who get to know her and earn her hard-to-win respect will find that Mynne is a steadfast and reliable ally to have though such most partnerships are doomed to fail without adequate patience on their part.
Personality Tidbits and Random Facts
- Mynne loves to manipulate others into buying her things, using her charm and good looks to get free drinks and other luxuries.
- Mynne is no stranger to more base pleasures and is often found carousing in cheap taverns or taking her pleasures in brothels.
- She enjoys taking on challenges that others would shy away from, especially where gil is concerned. Mynne often adopts an attitude of "having nothing to lose" and is fond of high-risk high-reward scenarios.
- Mynne fights dirty, not above cheap shots and dirty tricks when backed into a corner.
- The streetcatte is never far from trouble, yet generally squeezes free without so much as a scrape. She is very lucky when it comes to survival.
- Always on the lookout for a quick score, Mynne frequently can be found in and around adventurers guilds; particularly when she sees a posting that she thinks she can finagle. (Usually by stealing the requested item in question)
- Mynne never knew her mother or father, and often has a hard time reconciling bonds of familial affection. The closest thing she has to such is her bond to her six gutterchildren.
- Mynne has no idea what her true surname was, and has adopted the surname 'Rosalia' rather than adhere to typical Miqo'te surnames. She is so named due to her nickname on the streets where people would comment on her rosy cheeks, often nicknaming her "Rosie".
Likes | Dislikes | |
Skills | Education | |
Strengths | Flaws | |
Fears | Favorites | |
Early Life
Mynne isn't quite sure how she ended up in Ul'dah, or who her mother and father were. Most likely, her mother was a woman who sold her body on the streets for coin and abandoned the babe as soon as she gave birth. Her infant years are a blur of lost memories, shadowy figures passing the babe from hand to hand with dark motives and darker intentions. Barely kept alive by scraps of moldy food she would find outside restaurants and trash cans, Mynne eventually turned up on the streets as a small child having run away from whatever dark hovel she had been kept in. The memories aren't quite clear to her, though the agony of the beatings and sharp hunger were feelings she will never forget. Begging for gil on the streets, the little cat did whatever she could to scrounge up food to stave off her hunger. Occasionally she would get so desperate that she would try to steal coin or food from the market stalls though she was often caught and brutalized for her troubles. Still, despite the odds she managed to survive into young adulthood and honed her ability to be unseen and unheard.
The girl would grow up into a grungy street waif and for the first time in her life, she found herself with an asset she could peddle for the night's meal: her own body. Using her bodily charms to her advantage, Mynne began learning the subtle art of manipulation and socialization that would become the backbone of her adult skillset. She learned how to control those that she slept with, fleecing them with honeyed words and touches in all the right places. With the information garnered from those she found herself coupling with, she would go on to find relatively easy scores that would offer her a somewhat comfortable state of living for the first time in her life.
Still, even with the newfound source of income life was not easy. Mynne found herself growing more and more disillusioned with the world, finally beginning to understand the colossal disparity in wealth between Ul'dah's poorest and wealthiest citizens. Growing increasingly bitter, Mynne found herself taking on more and more dangerous heists. She saw each mark as an opportunity to "stick one" to the nobles and merchants who would sooner let the poor starve than mildly inconvenience themselves. Incredibly, she kept succeeding. Always seemingly one step ahead of certain disaster, Mynne had quite the knack for staying beyond the reach of authorities.
Mynne's adulthood life has not differed much from the way she has lived the rest of her life. She still seeks out heists and marks, looking for information on potential sources of income. Had she known any other way, Mynne might have found a more honest way of living at this point, her unique skillset likely being of use to those who needed a scout or a spy. Instead, the woman continued as she always had: looking to dupe and steal from those she found lacking in wits.
Early into her adult life, Mynne chanced upon a group of young street urchins in a back alley one night, their sunken eyes and hungry faces leering out at the catte. To her utter astonishment, Mynne found herself giving the group of children her own coin, not able to bring herself to abandon them. Perhaps she saw herself in those sad little desperate eyes, or perhaps it was simply on a whim. Whatever the case may be, Mynne pseudo-adopted the children and adopted more along the way doing her best to at least make sure they had some food in their bellies and a safe place to stay. She continues to watch over these children as any devoted guardian would, the kids being the lone exception to the otherwise wholly self-serving machinations of the Miqo'te.
Another significant milestone in Mynne's life was chancing upon the conjurer Lily Nibelung. Lily had travelled to Ul'dah on her way to meet friends, and had happened to stop in the markets for some shopping. Figuring the tourist was an easy mark that wouldn't miss her coin purse, Mynne was preparing to liberate the pouch from the naive woman when a pair of hungry children approached the woman. To Mynne's astonishment and confusion, Lily gave the children enough gil for more than a few meals. Intrigued, she approached the woman looking to find out who she was and perhaps see if she could get her hands on some of that gil for herself. The two spoke for some time, and Mynne found herself respecting the serene woman's heart. (Even if she thought it foolish.) Perhaps sensing some of the pain and desperation of Mynne's past life, Lily offered to take Mynne under her wing on the side and teach her some of the art of conjury. Seeing nothing to lose and figuring she could at least rob the woman if it was all a trick, Mynne agreed. What followed were several weeks of Mynne learning to control and commune with the elementals - she even had a knack for it. This chance encounter would shape the catte's future, culminating in Mynne joining in with Lily's organization, the Legatum Mysteria.
Recent Times
Mynne recently became affiliated with Lily's network of contacts. Primarily, she was responsible for helping to track down and narrow down the search for a woman named Zozola Zola who would later become Lily's lover. She also was instrumental in finding the voidsent Lydaea who had usurped control of Lily's corporeal body from her later on. In tandem with a coalition of Zozola's friends, Mynne was able to both locate and help free Lily from Lydaea's clutches. Begrudgingly grateful to Mynne for keeping her beloved alive, Zozola tolerated Mynne's presence in her venture: The Purple Orchid.
Mynne later introduced herself to the Purple Orchid's financier, a woman named Azzy Crannach. Seeing Mynne's skillset and needing more talented individuals for special operations, Azzy offered Mynne a job as a specialist on her own personal payroll. Mynne operated as an informant, working the streets for vital information for the Mysterium's goals and helping out where she could. Though she saw it as little more than a job, Mynne's opinion abruptly changed one day when she was captured and to be used as a scapegoat for 'H', a mysterious individual. Mynne was promptly slated to death by hanging in Ul'dah, and came within minutes of meeting that fate at the hands of the people she had reviled her entire life.
Incredibly though, Mynne was rescued by Mysterium members who put their own necks and standing in Ul'dah on the line to crash the execution. Led by Zozola, Daerin, and other influential members of the Mysterium, Mynne was spirited away in the eleventh hour to safety. This act of mercy shattered Mynne's ideals of working alone, and marked the first time the catte found herself as a part of a family. An extremely humbling experience, the catte spent the next few moons licking her wounded pride and connecting with those that had rescued her. Seeing herself now as part of the team, Mynne no longer puts herself above the rest of the Mysterium and instead works hard to keep all of them safe.
Common | Uncommon | |
These are rumors that are easily overheard or public knowledge. Use them freely!*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These rumors may take a little digging to find. Use sparingly or ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
Rare | Player Descriptions | |
These rumors are very difficult to find. Ask permission before use.*
* Some rumors may be partially or entirely untrue. |
These are descriptions of Mynne made by other player characters.
Relationship Status Key
- ☀ Loved One
- ❤ In Love
- ✿ Attraction
- § Complicated
- ♫ Friend
- ✔ Good Standing
- ✘ Poor Standing
- ● Neutral
- ✫ Uncertain
- ✞ Deceased
Partner | Close Friends | |
Family and Friends | Acquaintances | |
Likely Locations | Affiliations | |
RP Hooks
Street Urchin
A survivor of the streets of Ul'dah, Mynne grew up in squalor on the streets. If you have any time living on the streets in the desert city, you might have glimpsed her at one point.
Acquirer of Items
Need something lifted? Something burgled? Something broken into? Mynne is willing to do it all... for a price.
Lowbrow Entertainment
Mynne enjoys carousing during her offtimes, drinking and partying. She frequents brothels and other venues where she can blow off steam as well as gather knowledge on her next mark. If you frequent these locations, you might run into her... just make sure you don't become her next mark!
Student of Conjury
She had a brief stint as a conjurer, visiting Gridania once or twice at Lily Nibelung's behest. Perhaps you met her there briefly? It's hard to forget the saucy catte, after all.
Odds are, even if you don't know her and don't feel any need to approach her... Mynne will approach you. Fond of causing mischief and mayhem, she delights in bothering those who don't want to be bothered.
Enemy of the Elite
She despises nobility and folks with extravagent displays of wealth. If you have a plan to cut them down to size and perhaps relieve them of some wealth in the process, she is all ears.
RP Preferences:
I'm open to roleplaying with just about everyone - Veteran or novice RPer alike! Walkups are welcome and encouraged. My only three real requests are:
First - That you try to keep OOC and IC interactions separate when possible. I really prefer trying to keep character interactions in-character, and trying to differentiate when I'm talking to your character and *you* is difficult when someone constantly switches between the two without a warning. So trying to use "(( ))" tags when possible is greatly appreciated! :)
Second - I welcome almost all backstories and roleplays. If you'd like to do some sort of life-changing collaboration storyline involving Mynne, please clear it with me first so I can think about the story a bit ahead of time and make it an awesome experience for both of us! That being said, I almost never turn down playing a role in your character's development.
Third - Regarding character relationships, while I am okay with Mynne becoming - slowly - involved with somebody romantically, It would need to be something that would be built up upon many roleplaying sessions. I also want to stress that it would be strictly IC and would have it not bleed into the real world. Please respect that I prefer to keep the boundary in-game and will respond negatively if you try to make it go beyond that. Thank you! :)
Other Information | Credits | |
Mynne Short RP Prompt - "Lucky Day": Mynne Short RP Prompt - "Mynne's Innocence": Mynne's Arc 1 - "Queen Takes Rook" - Mynne's Arc 2 - "Queen Takes Rook Part 2" - Mynne's Arc 3 - "Queen Takes Rook Part 3" - |
This theme was lovingly coded by Shieke. Feel free to use this theme for your character! I have taken inspiration from the following people:
A big thank you to all these lovely people! |