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* Flattery
* Flattery
* Wood Wailers
* Wood Wailers
* Dogs
* Slavery
* Yarzon
* Yarzon
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====<div style="color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; padding:2px 15px; background: #00297C;">Other</div>====
====<div style="color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; padding:2px 15px; background: #00297C;">Other</div>====
* Alignment: Chaotic Good
* Alignment: Chaotic Good

Revision as of 03:21, 16 April 2015

Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Adeya Evenar
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 23
Profession Scholar
Nameday 7th Sun of the First Astral Moon
Guardian Thaliak, the Scholar
Server Balmung



Originally hailing from the Black Shroud, Adeya turned up in Limsa Lominsa one day with little more than a beat up spellbook and the clothes on her back. Since then she has been trying to make a name for herself as a mage and scholar.


Standing at about 5 fulms, Adeya is of average height for a miqo'te. While the more charitable might call her build lithe, scrawny is perhaps a more accurate description, as lithe implies a grace that Adeya tends to lack. This, combined with the fact that she usually keeps her dark denim hair short, has in the past occasionally resulted in people mistaking her for a boy, even without her trying to appear as one. Despite having lived under the Vylbrand sun for the past several years she is still rather on the pale side, in stark contrast to her dark eyes which are the color of carmine. Almost directly below her eyes are a pair of grey facial markings sometimes seen in miqo'te, while above her left eyebrow is a small, faded scar.

As a general rule, she dresses in the styles typical to Limsa Lominsa. Her clothing tends overwhelmingly towards the practical, with a clear emphasis on function over fashion. It is a rare sight indeed to see her in a dress or bothering with makeup, and even then it's clear that she's not completely comfortable in more formal attire. Even rarer still is seeing her without her dark red grimoire at her side.


Like many a Keeper of the Moon, Adeya can be seen as reserved. She tends to be somewhat guarded with her thoughts and emotions, a fact which has occasionally been known to make her appear to be detached or even cold. It perhaps doesn’t help that she can be a bit blunt when dealing with people and has a tendency towards sarcasm. Furthermore, Adeya’s view of the world is a fairly cynical one. Her upbringing taught her to be wary around people, especially Gridanians, a tendency which was later expanded and reinforced during her first few years in Limsa Lominsa.

Still, around close friends or those who share her interests she is much more open. When discussing something she is passionate about, such as anything to do with aether, she can be quite animated and, if not stopped, rather long winded. At the end of the day Adeya is extremely curious, and she is always eager to both acquire and share new knowledge. This quiet enthusiasm is something that she brings to pretty much everything; when she has made a decisions about something it is difficult to change her mind. She takes both her word and commitments very seriously, and hates to break either.

Romantically, Adeya is interested in both men and women, with a slight preference towards women. She can see the beauty in either, and tends to be more concerned about whether a potential partner can keep up with her intellectually (at least when it comes to anything serious). She is also fairly comfortable with open relationships.


  • Is a terrible, if enthusiastic, cook.
  • Seems to possess no talent for conjury despite being a decent arcanist and passable thaumaturge.
  • Tends to pace when upset or thinking hard about something.
  • Has trouble seeing her carbuncle as just a tool, and has even given it a name.
  • Has been known to keep a torn grimoire page in her pocket. Just in case.



  • Arcanima
  • Magitek
  • History
  • Archery
  • Astrology


  • New Spells
  • Books
  • The Sea
  • Rain
  • Sweets


  • Tribal Miqo'te
  • Flattery
  • Wood Wailers
  • Slavery
  • Yarzon


  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • Favorite Food: Sachertorte
  • Favorite Drink: Vylbrand Cider
  • Vices: Drinking, Gambling



  • Kiht Evenar - Growing up, Adeya and her mother had a rather rocky relationship. The two haven't spoken since Adeya ran away from home, a situation which at the moment is unlikely to change.
  • Z'rhiki Tia - In truth, Adeya doesn't really know much about the man that fathered her, having never actually met him. This has resulted in her having rather mixed feelings about both him and her Seeker heritage in general. Still, she has occasionally tried to track him down, though her attempts have all been unsuccessful so far.
  • Kiht'a Evenar - Adeya's half brother and one of the few family members that she stays in contact with. The two aren't exactly close, though Adeya can still be rather protective of him.


  • Asheloux Thalantos - An Elezen mage and Adeya's current employer, "friends" isn't quite the right word for their relationship, as it would be hard to call the two close. Still, she has respect for him as a fellow mage and researcher, and hopes that their current partnership helps further both their goals.
  • Kurt Steel - A Hyur adventurer that Adeya once taught basic arcanima to. Despite appearances to the contrary, there does seem to be something like a friendship between them, a few recent rocky moments notwithstanding.
  • Miah Amariyo - Adeya's best friend from childhood. The two haven't spoken in years, though Adeya once heard rumors that she left the clan not long after she herself did. On the other hand, she hasn't been able to find out anything about her since the Calamity, leading her to assume the worst.
  • Octavel Amyot - Adeya's mentor and the person who helped encourage her love of history. Though he has since left Limsa Lominsa the two have remained in touch.


  • Erimmont Chevalier - An Elezen writer and teacher, at their first meeting Adeya found him somewhat charming. Plus, she was intrigued by his book club idea.
  • Hikari Leblanc - A Highlander mercenary and one of the leaders of the Illustre Alliance. Once friends, it's not entirely clear now where they stand, and Adeya isn't eager to press the matter.
  • Orrin Halgren - An Ishgardian Hyur who once employed Adeya for a trek into the Wanderer's Palace, one that left the group with more questions than answers. Currently the two have an agreement to share information on the matter with each other, though on a personal level Adeya isn't quite sure what to make of him yet.
  • Rageki Revanite - An elezen mage currently working for the Maelstrom, Adeya finds him annoying. Still, she also does have to admit that he is rather fun to tease. Especially since his haircut makes it so easy.
  • Ramona Spencer - A Hyur thaumaturge who seems to have an obsession with making gil, lately the two have been running into each other fairly often. Also calls Adeya Blue for some reason.
  • Sabirr - A Seeker conjurer, Adeya wouldn't say that she likes her or anything. Still, after a few rocky encounters she at least feels like she's beginning to understand her.
  • Surge Dravorgas - A Hyur explorer that Adeya once shared a drink with. While he can't seem to stay on one topic for more than a minute, some of his ideas seem to show promise. That is, assuming they don't blow up in his face first.
  • Xavarian Mystrife - A weird duskwight with an even weirder aether problem that makes being around him interesting at times. In spite of that, so far Adeya has found both him and his knowledge of ritual magic nice to have around.
  • Ziek Kazuto - A very odd Hyur that calls himself a wanderer. Adeya can't quite make sense of him, though she's hoping to run into him again. If only to get a chance to try to figure him out.

Rivals and Enemies

  • Naois Faller - A Highlander pirate, one that Adeya ran into not long after she became an arcanist. It's safe to say that the two don't like each other much.
  • Rhela Amariyo - The matriarch of Adeya's former clan. Despite years having gone by Adeya still carries a deep, abiding grudge towards the older woman. She suspects the feeling is mutual.


Local Rumors

Common Rumors
  • "I've seen her around. Tends to keep to herself though. Always with her nose in a book."
  • "Watch out if you ever play cards with her. Underneath that quiet bookworm act she's utterly ruthless."
  • "Don't ever ask her about Nym or anything history-related if you don't have a few hours to kill. I did it once. Never again."
  • "Word is she's been trying to recruit researchers for some new group. Something about magic, I think. Or maybe it was airships."
Uncommon Rumors
  • "I heard she once set a carbuncle on someone who mistook her for a Seeker. Poor bastard still has the scars and everything."
  • "I got a look at her notes once. Weird stuff. I didn't even recognize half the formulas. And if that's just her notes, what's in her grimoire?"
  • "The other day I heard her asking around, wanting to know if anyone had ever heard of some Miqo'te named Z'rhiki. Didn't say what she wants with him either."
Rare Rumors
  • "Be careful around that one. I've heard that she has ties to gangs and smugglers. Honestly, I'm surprised the Guild hasn't thrown her out yet."
  • "I saw her get angry—no, furious—this one time. For someone who claims to not be a thaumaturge, she sure is good at calling up flames. Looked like she was gonna burn the whole building down."

PC Rumors

(Feel free to add anything, true or not, just keep it IC)

Known Haunts

  • Various Lominsan taverns, especially those that cater to either gamblers, students, or academics.
  • The Arcanists' Guild
  • Investigating the ruins that can be found on Vylbrand.
  • The shores of La Noscea, where she has been known to either swim or practice archery.


  • Current member of the Mythril Wings.
  • Current member of the Arcanists' Guild in Limsa Lominsa.
  • Former member of the Umbra faction of the Illustre Alliance. Left along with the majority of the Umbra.
  • Former member of the Padfoot Clan, a small group of Keepers living deep in the Black Shroud. Left under less than pleasant circumstances.
  • While not an official member, she has worked closely with the Maelstrom in the past.


The Black Shroud

Ask a Gridanian the right questions, and you might hear about some of the other residents of the Black Shroud; specifically, the Keepers of the Moon. While over the years some Keeper groups have made their peace with the city-state, to this day there are still others that have refused to follow suit. The Padfoot Clan is one such group. Fiercely independent and proud of their traditions, they shunned all opportunities to make peace, instead choosing to retreat into the most remote part of the Shroud, where they would never have to fear falling under the control of outsiders.

Or so their stories go anyway.

The reality of the matter paints a much bleaker picture. Already small and insular even by Keeper standards, over the years the conflict with Gridania and their own dwindling numbers began to take their toll on the clan. At some point it became clear to their leaders that they had a choice: abandon their absolute isolationist stance, or die out. They chose the former, and not long after the Padfoots emerged as players in the fur trade. Ever since it has been a constant struggle to balance their traditions against the pragmatic necessities of survival—and even then it’s never been quite clear whether they succeeded or merely delayed the inevitable.

It was into this uncertainty that Adeya was born. The unplanned result of a tryst between a young huntress and a smuggler, she never met the man who fathered her. Instead she was raised solely by her mother and the rest of the clan, a story that wasn’t terribly unusual amongst their kind. What was viewed as somewhat odd turned out to be Adeya herself. Smaller and clumsier than her cousins and clanmates, she seemed to have inherited none of her mother’s hunting talent. Instead what she did have was a keen mind, but with no obvious conjurer abilities or crafting talents, it seemed likely that the most that she would be good for was balancing books and perpetually asking questions. Indeed, all of this, combined with her appearance, lead to occasional whispers and jabs that she wasn’t a “true Keeper”.

As the years went on Adeya began to distance herself slightly from the rest of her family. Taught the basics of how to read, the few books she had became an escape, a window into the possibilities offered by life outside of the Twelveswood. Eventually she even began to covertly defy the strict rules laid down by the clan’s matriarch with regards to outsiders. Despite the risk to herself and potentially the others, occasionally she would sneak off to the smaller settlements in the Shroud; after all, she was curious about the non-Keepers also living in the forest.

But everything changed the day she was caught. Fortunately for her, it wasn’t by a Gridanian, though at the time she would have thought that was preferable to being dragged before the matriarch. But even worse than that was the fight that followed afterward with her mother, where the truth about who her father was finally came out. Shaken by this realization, over the next few weeks Adeya gradually came to a decision: it didn’t matter who her father was. She would prove that she was just as good as the rest of them.

Driven by this resolution, things would finally come to a head during her coming of age ritual. Several times a year, a group of fifteen and sixteen year olds from the clan would be given the chance to prove that they were ready for adulthood. The final test was to be sent out, alone, into the forest for several days and to return with something of value—typically a pelt, herbs, or other supplies they needed. While Adeya knew when she set out that she could have easily captured a rabbit or something like that, she ultimately had her sights set on bigger game. After all, while a rabbit would have been acceptable, she also knew that there would be no recognition in it. No, she needed something impressive, something that would get everyone's attention.

Afterwards, Adeya would never really talk about what happened while she was gone, though it was obvious that something had. What was made quite clear to everyone, when she returned several days late and empty handed, was that she had failed. What was also obvious was that her failure had hit Adeya hard, so much so that it almost wasn’t a surprise when everyone woke up one evening and found that the young Keeper had disappeared - and had taken her belongings with her.

Limsa Lominsa

The first few days after she left her clan were the most difficult for Adeya. Afraid to go to either the Gridanians or other Keepers, she eventually took the risk and tracked down a trader she had heard was in the area. The furs she had taken with her earned her just enough gil to get her to her ultimate goal: Limsa Lominsa. After hearing the (somewhat exaggerated) stories of the city’s arcanists, there was nothing she wanted more than to study with them.

Of course, the reality fell rather short of her expectations. Still, with what felt like few options left open to her, she decided to stay and stick with it. Eventually her talent with geometries lead to her getting taken under the wing of one of the older arcanists, an Elezen man named Octavel Amyot. For the next several years, her days would be spent tracking down smuggled cargo and contraband, while at night she dived into books concerning magical theory, history, and language. And as time went on, she became quite certain which of the two she preferred.

Fueled by this and a growing disillusionment brought on by a series of difficult cases, when she got a chance to switch from customs work to focus on research she took it. Her interest was on the ancient city of Nym, specifically the ancient spells used to keep it aloft. However, as she went on she began to see links between Nymian magic and arcanima, ones that she intends to prove to the rest of the world.

Recent Events

Enticed by the offer to further fund her research, Adeya was convinced to join the Illustre Alliance, specifically the research division known as the Umbra. Yet everything did not quite go as she planned. While the expedition into Nym was essentially a success, tension within the Alliance would lead to the majority of the Umbra leaving the Alliance to form a new, independent group.

Additional Info

RP Hooks

Your character may have a tie to Adeya if:

  • They are an arcanist or are otherwise affiliated with the Arcanists' Guild. Depending on when they joined there's a good chance they may have worked together at some point, or at the very least heard some of the rumors about her.
  • They are a Yellowjacket. Another case where they might have worked together. Perhaps dealing with smugglers or something along those lines.
  • They are or were a member of the Wood Wailers or Gods' Quiver. While it's unlikely that they would know of Adeya personally, the name Evenar is known to be tied to the Padfoots, a small group of Keeper poachers and black market fur traders.
  • They are interested in Nymian history. They might have heard a mention of her name or even read some of her work on attempting to reverse engineer Nymian magic.


Threshold - Turned to Dust

Zack Hemsey - The Calling

OOC Notes

Always up for more RP, either in-game or on the forums. If you've got ideas don't hesitate to share.

Also, if anyone would like to play another clan member or distant family from the Ziz tribe that would be awesome. Just get in touch so we can work out details.

Lost an equal sign somewhere or something