Nonope Nope

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 Nonope Nope
Best friends with Bad luck
Gender Always Female
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Not-so-homeless-Nomad
Age "Old enough."
Deity Oschon, The Wanderer
Vocation Unwilling troublemaker
Marital Status Single but not very interested
Occupation Adventurer, jack-of-all-trades
Nameday 3rd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
General Information
Once unsavory, always unsavory. Just as much a wanderer of the Continent (and soon continents) as a wanderer between social statuses, Nonope has always been walking toe-to-toe with bad luck, followed shortly by catastrophe. Being from the Sagolii, and having lived the bigger chunks of her life on the road, she’s learnt to care only but for herself, and follow her own codes and rules. As much as it’s a boon, it’s equally as much a curse. For many years, and even today she falls into the Adventurer life, both unwilling and unable to break free from its grasp. She still fashions the endless paths of the Continent as her home as you can still find her wandering upon them, or sleeping beside them, even though she owns an apartment in the mists. One day she hopes to return to the seemingly endless Dunes of the Sagolii. But such time is not yet, for there are still many things to do.

She's not affiliated with any Free Company, though she occasionally freelances for the Maelstrom in the Frontlines.

Your Character's Inventory

Last updated: 27/5, 2017

- 1x Loupe
- 1x Overly long pipe
- ?x Odd herbs, most likely for smoking
- 5x Cigarettes
- 1x Wine Red Velveteen scarf
- 6x Hairpins
- 1x Gil pouch filled with smoke bombs and firecrackers
- 1x Small carving knife
- Unkown quantities of other Junk that she can somehow hold on her person.

Height: 2 fulms 8 ilms

Weight: "Unnecessary detail."

Complexion: Dark, red-ish brown.

Hair: Ghost-white, sometimes dyed jet black.

Eyes: White-ish purple on the right (blind eye), Purple on the left (still functioning).

One thing that makes it evidently obvious that she’s a lalafell is her height, as she is tiny, standing at the full 2 fulm and 8 ilms, when standing straight as a stick, though it doesn’t really help that she slouches about a lot. She’s got youthful features, holding quite true to her age. Her skin holds a dark red-ish brown complexion and her skin is neither too oily or too dry. Her small button to a nose is in a lot darker shade than the rest of her skin, making it stand out quite the bit. Compared to many other lalafell, Nonope’s ears are really big, and also flexible as she seems to be able to move quite a lot, though mostly restricted to perking up or slouching. They also seem to move in response to certain emotional states or when she’s in thought. The tips of her ears also share the same darker shade as her nose. Due to many mistakes, and bad decisions she’s lost the use of her right eye. Both eyes still bare the standard dunesfolk lense, both also has a low luminescent glow to them. The eyelashes around said eyes are bushy. Above her eyes rests two oval dots, which would be her eyebrows. Both her eyelashes and eyebrows share the same ghost-white colour as her hair. If her hair bares many similarities to a furble in relation to how fluffy and messy it is. Quite easily considered attractive, or as many say, cute.

The two most common expression you’ll find on her face is either a solemn and semi-tired one, or a wide mischievous grin that shows off all of her pointy, shark-like teeth.

If it wasn’t for her heavy makeup that she usually wears, either just heavy eyeshadow or full on facepaint that crosses over her eyes in a big line, you’d most likely notice the heavy bags underneath her eyes, showing off that this one lacks either several days of sleep, or weeks. Other notable accessories would be the many, -many-, different types of earrings and such she hangs in her big ears, and the lip ring that’s attached to her lower lip. Hidden underneath her forelock sits the traditional dunesfolk gems. Worn proudly, but not shown to many.

If it wasn’t for the quite lofty clothing she usually wears that don’t stick to her body or shows off her features, her body would easily be described as having curves, most notably on the part of her body that resides underneath her waist. Her waist itself is of average lalafell proportions, not too thin and not too thick. Her hips on the other hand are a bit wider than usual, which also adds more width to her already sizeable derriere and thick thighs. If there’s one thing you could call her body, it would be bottom heavy. Her body is also heavily scarred, carrying many scars of various kinds all over her body.

Nonope has a low-key and cocky tone and speaks in a very sloppy manner. Awfully different compared to when she speaks in the old lalafellin tongue, where she sounds a lot more energetic and on point with speech manners. It would be a feat to mistake her for anything but a grown woman.

Nonope tends to be cautious around people she’s just met, even though it might not show on her, or in the way she speaks. She acts polite and nice, though mind you that this is still an act in order to get a better look at someone and their intentions before making the decision whether to run or stay. Though if it’s just another adventurer, or one of the more unsavory kind, she’s more direct and blunt, usually teasing and taunting the people she speaks too with a big mischievous grin on her lips. If it’s something she likes more than anything else, it’s messing with people.
Compared to people she doesn’t know well, or doesn’t trust, she’s way more open with her normal behaviour. She’s even more teasing and taunting than normal, and sometimes touchy. Depending which level of relation you’re on with her, you might get different behaviours however as there’s many more sides to this coin, than just two. How now that’s supposed to work.


RECKLESS - Tends to sometimes act before thinking.
BAD LUCK - Seems to always have terrible luck, no matter what it is. As she says herself; “I don’t look for trouble, trouble finds me.”
SHAMELESS - Doesn’t seem to have any shame left in her and usually don’t seem embarrassed about more private things.
HEAVYHEARTED - Has seen a lot and been through a lot. There’s a heavy weight on her already torn heart, body and soul.
HYPOCRITICAL - Speaks for itself, really.


DEBTS - Big, frightening and usually takes a lotta money from your pockets.
NEEDLES - Just small pointy things that pierce your skin. It’s icky.
ANTS - The big ones. C’mon, they’re gigantic bugs okay.
DEATH - Like many others, she keeps a tough outside but she fears death. Mostly because dying before your time is due, would be the absolute worst.


THIEVING ACTS - Generally good at pickpocketing and other things that includes snatching objects from people.
QUICK LEARNER - She’s quick on picking up new tricks, whether it’s fighting or something else.
LYING - If you keep up one lie, the lie will eventually become truth. She’s learnt how to lie and has gotten quite good at it. Whether this is a boon or a bane, it is up to you.
OBSERVANT - A consequence from having lived in a more unsavory way of life, and also alone, she has become very observant of even the tiniest of details.


HEAD TILTING - She tends to tilt her head from side to side a lot when speaking, or just thinking.
LIP RING TUGGING - Usually when in thought or just casually, she tugs on her lip ring.
VERBAL TICK - Tends to always put a “yes” or a “no” and sometimes a “maybe” at the end of her sentences.



CRAFTING - Everything from smoke bombs to mechanical devices to knitting and sewing. It’s something she enjoys doing on her free time when bored.
LITERACY - Writing is not something that is new to her, as she’s been doing it for quite the while on her free time. Just that she doesn’t show it to anyone.
TRAVELING - Using her own two legs, she’s traveled to many places around the continent and is not planning on stopping.
EAVESDROPPING - A bad hobby, but an enjoyable one. Will most likely get you into more trouble than most other things, but hell is it worth it.


COIN - Money, money, money and more money! Nothing is wrong with some good coin!
SAND - Truly a child of the Sagolii she is, as she’s very fond of sand.
SPARRING - Like many who practice the arts of war, she’s quite fond of sparring. Honing her skills is something she’s in need of a lot as an adventurer, though she’s been neglecting it for a while now. Better start with it soon.


HYPOCRITES - Yep. Says the hypocrite.
KILLING - Needless slaughter and/or killing people herself is not something she’s fond of and tries to avoid to the best of her ability.
GOODY TWO-SHOES - Mostly the fact that they refuse to believe they’ve done something wrong before, and also that she’s gotten lectured by many of them for doing something wrong. The nerve!
BEING POOR - Self-explanatory.


Favorite Color(s): Purple and Wine red.
Favorite Food(s): Tomatoes and Sandworm Meat
Favorite Drink: Pineapple Juice
Favorite Scent: Many sorts of tea leaves
Favorite Place: The Sagolii Desert
Strength Excellent
Agility Excellent
Toughness Good
Intelligence Average
Willpower Great
Perception Excellent
Fellowship Fair
Influence Poor
Nonope’s fighting style could be described as many things; “Reckless coward”, “Fight’n’flight”, “You tried, atleast” etc. She doesn’t aim much to win as she aims more to escape from the situation. She’ll mostly stick to defensive stances and moves, aiming to dodge or parry incoming strikes instead of being on the offensive end, trying to get in one or two strikes whilst she’s at it and then disengage from her opponent. Alternatively, she’ll try to stick as close to her opponent as possible, utilizing her short height to skip around her target. It’s not unlikely that she’ll be using the environment around her as an instrument for offense or defense as well, as she’s chucked rocks at people several times in the past as an alternative to a ranged weapon.

Eventhough she can be a tough opponent to deal with, she’s not really made out of the strongest of stuff, nor does she have the best of luck, as bad luck tends to favor her instead of the more favorable part. She may have a willpower that can challenge steel itself in terms of what’s stronger, but after a few heavy hits she’s good as done. She’s still mortal, afterall.


FISTS - Her fists. Just her fists. Her main and most trustworthy weapon.
SMOKE BOMBS - A last resort, mostly for escaping as they’re not made to cause damage.
METAL SKEWERS - Eventhough she uses her own body as a weapon like many other pugilists, she’s used daggers before but has opted to use long metal skewers instead as an alternative to them. Both lighter and cheaper to get, she’s able to carry many more of them and also don’t worry about replacement costs too much.


WARDS AND CHARMS - She’s got minimal practice when it comes to magic, but knowns atleast how to make the most basic of wards and charms, for both offensive and defensive purposes.



Birth and childhood (0-10)

Your character's life as a child.

Teen Years

Your character's life as a teenager.


About your character's adulthood, pre- or post-Calamity.

Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC! Some of these rumors may be untrue or greatly exaggerated.

Common Rumors (Easily overheard)

"Tried talking to her once. Not too bad, I thought, until I realized my gil pouch was gone." ~A mildly annoyed citizen
"A duel with her? Oh heavens, no. Last time she got angry because I was using my shield so much, and put a huge dent in my iron shield with her fist! -HER FIST-!" ~Slightly terrified gladiator
"Oh, she’s got some great things about her… And I’d say her rear is one of them." ~A someone with an eye for details.

Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)

"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person

Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)

"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person
"Insert rumor here." ~Person

PC Rumors (Rumors from the characters of other players)

"Ah, she’s lovely. And vicious. I mean, she likes to sneak up on yoOHH-" ~N'taeyl Yhash, as he’s snuck up on yet again.
"There is something missing within her and that emptiness is a vessel for sin. You may not see it, but I do." ~Nonotome Tototome.
"Insert rumor here." ~Name


💑 In a Relationship Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Family Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing Deceased

Person A: A blurb about a person.

Person B: A blurb about a person.

Dates are included mostly for me so I can keep track of things. However, feel free to use them as references for character journals.

Notable events are divided into arcs, so that you can easily find new info on each arc.

An Example Organizational Tab

(1/1-1/2) An Example Table

(Status: Complete) (Who was Involved: Person 1, Person 2)

Write about your important event here.

(Credit is due to Endel Blanche for the idea to add in this tab!)

Optional tab. Remove if you don't want. Here, you can put in little 'hooks' for your character - easy conversation starters so that people might find it easier to walk up to you.

What I am looking for/interested in:

  • Here, you should put things you are looking for, such as romance arcs, long-term RP parters, etc.

What I will NOT RP:

  • Here, you should put things you're either not looking for or uncomfortable with RPing.


  • Any links you feel are important for people to see, like journals, can be linked in this section.


Optional section. Remove if you don't want. You can link Tropes about your character here.

About the Player:

Optional section. Remove if you don't want.


This template created by Rihxo Matoi with the help of Nanagi Nagi and has pieces from the templates of Unnamed Mercenary, Roen Deneith, Cyrus Wolfe, and Coatleque Crofte.

Other Stuff

  • OOC notes. For extra fun, write at 3am.