N'herys Kavvah

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 N'Herys Kavvah
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Thanalanian
Age Early 20s
Height 0'0"
Name Day N/A
Occupation Adventurer, Mercenary, Pike for Hire
Patron Deity Oschon, the Wanderer
Server Balmung

((It's a work in progress!))



Birthplace: ((WIP))

Family: Herys doesn't often talk about her family, let alone openly. She has mentioned her mother on one or two occasions in reference that she misses her, and that there are extenuating circumstances that prevent her from returning home.



Herys is generally a free spirit. She is dry humored, mischievous and playful. There is a bit of sarcasm and snark, but she is soft-hearted towards those she cares for. Herys doesn't trust very often, but once established she can be is loyal, fiercely protective and dependable to a fault. There also is a tendancy to be overly sensitive in regards to her status around the people in her life. If she says she's going to do something for you, she will. To strangers, she mades good on her word within reason. She does not respond well to males (Miqo'te males have a more volatile reaction) asserting themselves or their positions over her.

Player Character Standing

Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing
Brendt Fowkes - Their relationship started as a one-night stand, and though it may seem strange when Herys mentions that she never really left... Their relationship really isn't as odd as it sounds. The two got to know one another, and came to the conclusion that exploring possibilities didn't seem so bad. The two laugh about the beginning of their journey together.
Averett Gerralt - (Coming soon.)
Nathaniel Graves - (Coming soon.)
Jethas Zykiri - (Coming soon.)
Azazelle Veusoix - (Coming soon.)
Vianne Marinterre - (Coming soon.)
Azazelle Veusoix - (Coming soon.)
Adala Archer - (Coming soon.)
Jacques Durand - (Coming soon.)
Tharsis Tor - (Coming soon.)
Akira Aridan - (Coming soon.)
Eufrasi Reingott - Currently amidst a gender swap, Eufrasi is a Paladin first, and a Hyur second. It makes him (her) both a great swordsman(woman), but a terrible ally. The two came to verbal blows over battle tactics after a long battle, one that Herys was turned into a mage's pincusion and Eufrasi faced his(her) deepest fear. His (her) words continue to echo in her mind on the field.
/ Erimmont Chevalier - Ririge Rige gave Herys the name of a novelist who was organizing a meet'n'greet party; little did Herys know it was borderline a business meeting. Tall for an Elezen, the man strikes a figure, but is easy with a smile and a terribly charming flirt. There's a sense of danger and blood behind those eyes, but Herys can appreciate that he doesn't much hide it... She would rather him as an ally than an enemy. (She still thinks lace is from the Seventh Hell!)
/ Gen Quickpaw - Leader of the Dreamers, Herys appreciates the man who can sit quiet in a conversation one moment, then slide into it the next. He's quick to wit, a joke or a passing flirt, while willing to defend her and the other Raven's when an argument broke out. She's not sure she likes the rumours surrounding him and his, but wants to withhold criticism until an opinion can be made on her own.
/ Kiipa Nulstat - Quiet, strong, demur... Doll? Herys thinks she's nice enough from their first meeting, but there's an uncomfortable air about her that makes Herys' ear-fur stand on end.
/ Anton Borneheld - Finest cook this side of Thanalan! ... Aside from Kryst, of course. Willing to trade jibes, team up in an argument and still owes her a drink!
Arden Feros - 'Great looking Miqo'te in a fine jacket.' Arden, and subsequently those of the Velvet Rose, are currently one of Ravenstar's allies. She likes the Miqo'te well enough, and is intrigued to know how his job works.


  • Nicknames: Herys, "Luv"
  • Age: 26
    • Nameday:
  • Gender: Female
    • Sexuality: Heteroflexible
    • Marital Status: Married
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Height:
  • Weight: Fairly muscular for a Miqo'te
  • Body: Taut, faint musculature around her arms, shoulders and back.
  • Hair: Black streaked with a tawny brown
  • Eyes: Left eye blue, right eye brown
  • Skin: Burnt Honey
  • Clothing: Kecks, Brendt's sun shirts, boots.


  • Chocobos
  • Highlander Men
  • Booze (Specifically of the Cactila/Ale kind)
  • Grilled meats


  • Snow
  • Nights without Brendt
  • Vylbrand
  • Senseless violence

Areas of Expertise

  • ((WIP))


  • ((WIP))


  • ((WIP))

Other Notes


Immortal Flames (Through the Adventurer's Guild; not actively enlisted.)

Order of Ravenstar

Fangs (Was on friendly/allied terms with leaders Surilian Blu and Akama Kharn, and a spattering of other members; Order Currently Disbanded)

Nhi Aldgoat Tribe

C'theran and his... Entourage of Women


Currently she has practiced, and prayed to, Oshon the Wanderer a number of times, thanks to the devout followings of her partner.


Herys has a thing against lace. She hates the way it looks, the way it feels, the way it's not quite fully fabric...


Herys' equipment usually consists of something spiked, some sort of padded hauberk/jerkin, leather leggings and ribbed leather/plated boots.


Any of the following rumours can be heard predominantly in or around Thanalan / Ul'dah. (If your character has an opinion about her, feel free to add it here! :D)

Common Rumours

  • "That Miqo'te can hold her Cactila like none I've ever seen before... For a married woman, that is." - Impressed Innkeeper
  • "Seen 'er around wit' some bloke o' a sergeant or sommat. Sickenin' cute 'hey are." - Drunken Soldier
  • "She's part of that Raven flock, right? Some merc with a spear. Always seems nice, though." - Goblet Merchant

Uncommon Rumours

  • "She's got a wicked temper. All I did was tell her how I wanted to bend her over a table and do some rightfully sinful things of the Twelve with her and she straight hit me with a chair. A chair!" - Woeful Miqo'te Seeker
  • "Where's she from? Can't say I've heard. Doesn't really talk too much about who she was previous to that Fowkes fellow. Your guess is as good as mine!" - Wildwood Pikeman

Rare Rumours

  • "Ah 'ear she go' some'ne followin' 'er... You aren' 'he firs' one t' ask 'round fer informa'ion on tha' Kavvah gal." - Lominsan Sailor

((Currently Under Construction))

What PCs are saying

  • "Herys? She's probably my best friend in all of Eorzea, and beyond for that matter. I don't think I've ever known someone so loyal and so fiercely protective of her friends in my life." - Nathaniel Graves
  • "My father tells me he met her lurking around their bar one moon in the early bells. Something about this raven is a little... off? Maybe it's all the squawking. Though, there's no one greater I'd trust to fly in our skies. *chuckles*" - Orenji Kharn
  • "Quite the exciting young woman, I admit I'm surprised to not have judged her as I usually do. Perhaps I am merely getting soft, but I do hope that there are future chances to learn of her and hers." - Kiipa Nulstat
  • "Pretty much the only good thing to come out of a rough night. Herys has humor, spirit and fire in good measure, And I do plan to get to know her and 'er mate a bit better." Gen Quickpaw

Known Haunts

Places you may know, have seen, heard or otherwise spotted the rowdy Miqo'te in:

  • Ul'dah, anywhere really. She likes to wander and explore the city streets.
  • Camp Drybone, Eastern Thanalan (Previously seen commonly in the tavern or waiting around the Flames' barracks)
  • Horizon, Western Thanalan (Former resident)
  • Many of the various bars, pubs and/or taverns in the Thanalan area.
  • Ravenstar Headquarters, Ward 8, The Goblet




OOC Inspirations


http://changephase.tumblr.com/ - (General FFXIV catch all for characters~)