Defiant Bride

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Defiant Bride
I-it's a p-pleasure to make y-your acquaintance, t-truly!



BIRTH NAME Defiant Bride

CURRENT ALIAS... Def | Bride | 'Amber'


RACE & CLAN... Au-ra, Raen

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 23 | Born the 16th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon

ORIENTATION... Polyamorous and Bisexual

MARITAL STATUS... In an open relationship


NATIONALITY... Abalathian (by location of birth)


FAMILY... Mother, Father, Papa, Older Sister, two Older Brothers, Estranged Sibling (no biological relatives)

RESIDENCE... Aethertide Ventures, Mists – Ward 12, Plot 45.

OCCUPATION... Goldsmith, Knight, Private Assistant & More

PATRON DEITY... Menphina

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 4 fulms, 8 ilms, 146 pounze.

ALIGNMENT... Neutral/Lawful Good



Most hearing the name of 'Defiant Bride' immediately summon to mind a proud Hellsguard... tall and broad-shouldered, a stubborn and rebellious daughter of the mountains of Abalathia. Few expect a raen, much less one so tiny and shy. With a warm smile and perpetual stutter, Defiant Bride has gone from an outsider new to Eorzea to a well-liked and well-connected member of the community in only a few short moons... and with hands in all sorts of markets and jobs across the city-states, she shows no sign of shying back.


Not even reaching five fulms tall, Defiant Bride is short even for the noticeably height-challenged women of the auri tribes. Despite being an active young woman who takes to the fields of combat fairly regularly, she doesn't bear much in the way of muscle, instead having grown noticeably soft and chubby over the moons out of her previous intensive training schedule. She's curvy all around, with an impressive breast, soft hips, and a noticeable belly, her tail also a bit on the thick side. She bears several visible scars of her time in Eorzea, but none are more prominent or obvious than her single horn, bearing only her left-handed appendage and sporting nothing but a smooth stump of bone on the other side of her face.

Defiant is unusual among Raen for her dark brown skin, contrasting with the white scales that cover her body. These too are more heavy than many others of her race, bearing scales all the way around her neck from her jawline to her collarbone, with others covering her inner and outer thighs or gathering at her spine before her tail emerges. Though not noticeable, she is heterochromic, with her left eye bearing a green hue and her right a more aqua color. Her hair is naturally a soft, unusual shade of pastel blue, but she's taken to dyeing it blonde with highlights of pink... or lavender, with only hints of blonde. Regardless of color she almost always wears it straightened and pulled back, curly when it's down but found most often in sleek twintails. She takes a small amount of pride in the softness of her hair, skin, and scales, though her hands are well-callused with years of hard work.

She scars heavily and visibly, with shiny pink keloid scars decorating her chest, thighs and stomach. The most prominent among this is visibly twisted and poorly-healed, a heavy rip that bisects her stomach and has fresh white scales growing over the very ends... anyone with a modicum of knowledge can tell whatever wound caused it wasn't properly cared for. Her single horn also bears hints of damage, small hairline cracks covering it's surface and several scales missing where it was heavily injured.

She's quite the open book when it comes to her reactions and emotional state, and blushes easily... it's simple to tell how she's feeling just by glancing at her, her feelings writ over her face and in the motions of her tail. Many find her habits adorable, and call the woman irresistibly teasable, much to her chagrin. Rumors that she peeps loudly when agitated remain mere rumors, so far as anyone knows.

Distinguishing physical characteristics:
Mismatched eyes, bright and often smiling.
A single horn, curved by her cheek and bearing signs of past damage.
An incredibly tiny build, noticeably plump all around.
A warm, welcoming smile, sincere as anyone can be.
Cheeks that are quick to redden, be it out of embarrassment, shyness, or some combination of both.
A thick tail that, while not prehensile, tends to reveal her mood in it's flicks and swishes.


Sweet and painfully innocent, Defiant is nothing but earnest and welcoming to new acquaintances and a fiercely loyal friend to those who accept her affection. Despite her name, she's quiet obedient and agreeable, and tends to aim to act as mediator and greeter in social circumstances. She's quick to follow orders and considers herself far more a follower than any kind of leader, more than happy to take support roles and handle paperwork and details for other, more active people. She's both forgiving and quite polite, and those who get on her bad side require a GREAT deal of work to do so... most slights are forgiven without even being asked, even if there's no sign of contrition.

Though warm and eager to make friends, she can be remarkably shy when she feels she's in over her head... her interest in keeping people happy means that she tends to worry a lot about what others think, and she can repress her own feelings and opinions if she feels they might upset whatever balance she's managed to carve out. She gets embarrassed extremely easily and tends to stutter more and avert her eyes when lewd or romantic topics come up, growing bright red at the drop of the hat. This same habit makes her transparent as hell, as it's hard to get away with lies when you're burning bright as a cherry and tripping over every other word.

For all her appearances, Defiant suffers from intense anxiety and recurring bouts of severe depression. Her habit of bottling things up to not bother others leads her to lash out in less noticeable ways, and she's prone to overwork, not taking care of health, and engaging in risky behavior as forms of subtle self-harm. While she's promised to live on for the sake of others, she sees her continued living as a painful burden that she wishes to shed in some noble act... the strength of this desire waxes and wanes but has only grown completely silent once. She can work herself into painful panic attacks when she finds herself at a loss, as facing her own innumerable flaws devours her with anxiety. She's unwilling to discuss either of these problems with anyone in her life, believing that some things are unconscionable to burden another with.


HARD WORK: Few women can say they take as much pleasure in a job well done as Defiant... throwing herself into one of her many jobs fills her with a sense of contentment that's hard to beat.
KNIGHTS: Raised on old Ishgardian books about the noble exploits of the Holy See's Heavensward, Def still idolizes knights of all kind and seeks to hold herself to the same code they do... even if she admits there's no such thing as a noble white knight, not outside storybooks.
FUZZ: A tiny baby Spriggan barely a few moons old who's only just begun to speak. Def took him in after finding him on a mining trip and he's been her adorable soulkin pet son ever since!
THING: Description.
THING: Description.


RUDENESS: While she has a high tolerance for even the rudest of individuals, those who are incapable of meeting her even in the most token attempts at politeness (or worse; mock her attempts to be kind,) get no more hints of warmth from HER.
LARGE BUGS: Particularly sandworms, diremites, and yarzons. Absolutely disgusting, she'd rather fight a chimera than have to deal with one.
COLD: Abalathia's Spine had frozen, dire winters, but at least she lived with a family of living furnaces... on her own, she grows sluggish and numb a few minutes in the snow, and is extremely prone to hypothermia.
FLYING: A deep fear of falling combined with airsickness means even a brief airship jaunt leaves her pale and shaking. More extended ones can have her vomiting for hours even after she touches down.
THING: Description.


READING: While she favors romance novels, Defiant is a voracious reader of all sorts of books. She favors them to learn new things, and owns an extensive personal library.
EVENTS: For as shy as she can be, Defiant's desire to meet new people tends to push her out into the world where she can be met attending all kinds of shows and special social events around Eorzea.
THING: Description.
THING: Description.
THING: Description.


HARDY: Beyond any natural talent or particular skill, Defiant ENDURES. She can walk for malms in plate armor, remain conscious after life-threatening blows, stay standing after massive bloodloss or intense aetheric depletion. She survives, even if she might not always want to.
EMPATHETIC: There are countless experiences and lives Def can never know nor understand, but it doesn't stop her from trying. She always goes out of her way to see things from other people's point of view, and she's painfully empathetic.
MERCIFUL: After a very, very long time and a lot of pain, Def believes that everyone deserves the chance for mercy. Her sense of justice is informed by this desire, and anyone seeking a second chance will find an extended hand and a kind smile waiting for them.
INDUSTRIOUS: While she doesn't have many natural talents, no one ever told Def that. She's willing to put in hours of hard work and practice to learn and hone her skills, and never skimps on effort.
THING: Description.


DOCILE: Any questioning of her choices or opinions are sure to stop her in her tracks, and she's hesitant to volunteer her thoughts on things if they might be challenged. She's the type to follow orders from superiors, even if it leads her to regret not objecting later on.
REPRESSED: Her desires, her fears, her anger and sadness... just... just bottle that shit up and never tell anyone. No one has to know!
NAIVE: For all she keeps seeing the worst the six races have to offer, Defiant never seems to catch on enough to prepare her for the next time. She's still remarkably easy to manipulate and exploit.
INHIBITED In truth, Defiant's own fears and beliefs about herself hold her back. Her blade is slower when she's afraid of hurting someone, and her potential for magic is stifled by her belief that she's incompetent in wielding it.
THING: Description.


PROTECTING OTHERS: More than anything else, Defiant fights to protect those who matter to her, regardless of how capable they are on their own. Anything to help her loved ones live safely...!
LOVE: Though something of a romantic, Defiant truly and earnestly wants to feel loved. It seems to elude her time and time again yet still she seeks people who will hold her tight when she's afraid, no matter how many times it goes badly for her.
VALIDATION: Maybe somewhere, somehow, there's a reason for her to be alive? Maybe one day she'll find it.
THE GREATER GOOD: She joined the Immortal Flames because she wanted to fight for something, and signed up with Aethertide in hopes of making a difference. She's only one small, pathetic woman, but she'll do whatever she can to help others.
THING: Description.


FLAME OFFICER'S BLADE: A heavy, unusually-shaped longsword and Defiant's main arm. Earned through moons of hard work and effort put in with the flames, she wields it with an ease that belays it's true weight.
HIGH MYTHRITE SHIELD: A gorgeous work of art in shield form, Defiant's mythrite shield was originally crafted by Rawkin Forgeheart and served well until it was shattered in combat with Garlean forces. This new piece is magnitudes finer, heavier in exchange for being harder to pierce.
PEISTBANE: A gift by a dear, dear friend and her employer, the eccentric gillionaire, Sigurd Sundsteigen, this cereulean-powered gunblade is sleek and modern and folds up small enough that it can be concealed in Def's clothing. While new to shooting, she treasures the gift and the affection behind it and keeps it on her where normal blades might draw unwanted attention.
GOLDSMITHING SUPPLIES: Ever the hard worker, Def keeps several types of jewelry-making supplies on her, from a miniature tool kit to a variety of samples of chains and beads, to scraps of ore and jewels. The latter serve as gifts and payment when she finds herself in debt to others; the former tend to go right into her pet Spriggan's waiting mouth.
SILVER NECKLACE: A very simple silver necklace, not the finest quality but very well cared for. A valentione's day gift from her dearest friend Khyran Oisin... no matter how many fancy and intricate pieces she makes, it remains her favorite.
AMBER RING: A finely made ring with a golden band and a near-flawless cabochon of amber as the focal piece. While she started wearing it on a whim, circumstances have drawn her to the stone and she wears it as a reminder of her desire to serve as a guardian to others. She keeps it on her at all times, even when wearing gloves.
NOTEBOOK: A pocket-sized notebook with plenty of pages bound in soft aldgoat leather, with a tiny loop to hold a pen. A key point in her work as a personal assistant to Sigurd Sundsteigen, this notebook holds detailed reports of meetings of a clandestine group, long lists of tasks to be accomplished, a variety of receipts of sale for all sorts of goods... and a whole lot of grumbling and complaining about her employer, usually written down when she's told "Take a note, my most defiant bride!" before he begins to ramble.
LINKPEARL STRAND: A string of linkpearls with individual clasps designed to nestle them neatly against an auri horn. They range from casual social groups to formal military and secret society pearls. Her own has a personal line that's easy for any standard model to tune to, if messages need be sent.

The following information is not publicly available knowledge. Please refrain from metagaming.






Background Narrative

A caravan in flames, exotic goods scattered through burning woods. Two bodies, tattered, bleeding, in pieces on the ground, one before the other as if trying to protect them. A chocobo, injured and crying, hunched in the underbrush. An infant, sick, a few hours from death, dark skin contrasted by soft, milky scales.

Under Construction!

IC Narrative

Under Construction!


Family Involved Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure
Khana Borlaaq, Wife. ( ) - Dove.
Character's Thoughts: "You taught me how to love, dove."
Sigurd first viewed Khana as an awkward, waifish girl and tormented her in countless ways. But the pair grew to form a dark, affectionate, and tumultuous bond. Their relationship ultimately blossomed into a joyous marriage. Sigurd and Khana are often disgustingly sappy in private. The vintner admires how much she has grown as a person since their first meeting in Coerthas.
Anujin Sundsteigen, Daughter. ( ) - Princess.
Character's Thoughts: "You may not be my blood, but you will always be my first-born."
Although Sigurd and his infant daughter are not bound by blood, the vintner considers Khana's first child his own. Anujin’s teething marks can be seen all along the vintner’s right arm.
Odette Saoirse, Amesoeur. ( ) - Dear.
Character's Thoughts: "I love and /trust/ you... even if you could stand to lose a few pounze."
Sigurd was blacked-out drunk when he met the sultry bardess and treated her like a lowly bar-wench. Odette was kind enough to forgive the vintner and ultimately offered him aid against unspeakable evils. What began as physical attraction turned over time to genuine love, and Sigurd considers the bardess an amesoeur (soulmate).
Khyran Oisin, "Brother". ( ) - Cripple.
Character's Thoughts: You are a dull, insufferable, self-loathing shit much of the time, but I wouldn’t replace you for anything in this world.
Khy was a miserable, broken thing Sigurd when Sigurd bumped into the frail man in La Noscea. However, something about the cripple struck a sympathetic nerve, and Sigurd took the man under his wing for a time. Khy selflessly returned these favors time after time and freed the vintner of his demons. Sigurd owes Khyran a debt he will never be able to repay and gladly stomachs the cripple's mopey, humorless demeanor.
Skylar Brooks, Confidential. ( ) - Sky.
Character's Thoughts: ". . ."
Sigurd was drawn to "Sky" like a moth to a flame - the blonde 'secretary' intriguing him like few others he had chanced across over the years. Sky lured Sigurd away from his self-destructive habits. Although Sig and Sky crossed blades more than once, they maintained an unbreakable friendship and unspoken love. After her untimely death, Sky bequeathed the entirety of her 600-million gil estate to Sigurd, giving the vintner's life a new direction yet again. Sig frequently honors Sky's memory in private with a mutual friend of the deceased, Yael Cahernaut.
Endricane Feltaro, Distant brother. ( ) - Ender.
Character's Thoughts: "Perhaps we'll both be just men in the end."
Having seen the best and worst of Sigurd, Endricane first stumbled across the vintner on a terribly paved bridge outside of Ul'dah. Over the following months, Sigurd betrayed Endricane's trust numerous times. Endricane, however, forgave Sigurd after he learned the vintner's motivations. Sigurd and Endricane now bemoan the difficulties of fatherhood and still find exciting new ways to vex one another.
Septimus Nerva, Partner. ( ) - Septimus Rem Nero Varus Nerva.
Character's Thoughts: "...Should have listened to me, partner."
Sigurd counts Septimus a close friend and former business partner, despite their frequent feuds and drastically different personalities. While they operated Ebonbrand Teknoworks, Sigurd worked tirelessly to convince the Garlean to abandon his dedication to the "Fatherland." The vintner was disappointed but not surprised when Septimus was arrested and jailed by Eorzean authorities for treason.
Defiant Bride, Protégé. ( ) - My Most Defiant Bride.
Character's Thoughts: "...I will consider myself blessed if Anujin turns out like you, save for the stutter. Too many stuttering au ra in my life already..."
Defiant Bride possesses shockingly similar traits to Sigurd’s wife, Khana: short, waifish, kind hearted, and a serious speech impediment. Sigurd finds himself attracted to the stuttering raen while drunk but in rare moments of sobriety, considers her a protégé. Sigurd frequently delegates administrative and "detail work" to the poor Raen and lectures her on a variety of "important issues."
Glace Silencieuse, Buddy. ( ) - Frostie!
Character's Thoughts: "...Someday, maybe not in this lifetime, I /will/ hug you. I swear it."
Frostie! An old buddy of Sigurd. As much a "taxidermist" as Sigurd is a "vintner." Sigurd developed a tremendous amount of respect for Frostie while working in Ebonbrand. He finds the bleak duskwight a bit rigid, cold, and stiff at times, but such things are to be expected, no doubt.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"Sundsteigen? I've heard of that name before! It's on red wine bottles sold at the Quicksand!"
"Last week, /that/ Highlander shoved a glass of wine in my hand, slipped an arm around my waist, and proceeded to compliment my blonde hair ... I would have pushed him off, but the wine tasted too good..."
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
Something is /really/ off about Sigurd; he comes off pleasant enough, but... I've never liked the look of those eyes of his, especially when he's not grinning."


Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"He sure seems to know his wine! He knew exactly what rare wine Madame Momodi had available." -- Aya Foxheart.
"Conniving, desperately scrambling for power... I've yet to ascertain if that's cause for concern, but I will figure it out and respond accordingly." -- Faye Covington.
"Sigurd is a crass, lustful, shallow man who would much rather take the easy way than face reality. He's a bantering coward, drooling over blonde women and more often than not, drunk with his own wine." He sighs, and shakes his head. "But, who am I kidding. I love this man, as one of my dearest friends. I would die for him in a heartbeat." -- Khyran Oisin
"Completely absurd sometimes, but I know something of masks. I've recently come into some rare good fortune, and I have Sundsteigen to thank for it. Like it or not, I'm in his debt." -- Glace Silencieuse
"Sigurd like bee, buzzing everywhere and anywhere. Always amusing in Sigurd's company, never once boring but.. must be difficult to keep smiling and grinning like that." -- Tsaganarii Dhoro
"Someone didn't bolt his brainpan squarely shut. He seems like he loses his mind over stupid nonsense." -- Glace Silencieuse
"The man is a quick talker, and a damn good complimenter.. He slipped me a coupon and linkpearl, and I for the life of me have no idea what the pearl was for still.. the conversations over it though are interesting." -- War Bear
"Sigurd is... a work of art formed by various brush strokes of differing mediums. Each one a layer atop the other, lapped and overlapped to the point of being nigh indistinguishable beyond small chips that marr the surface. He's a smart-ass, a shit-stirrer and an incorrigible pain in the ass. Suffice t'say, however, a recipient of my support and developing friendship. Give him my regards." -- Odette Saoirse
"This guy tried to sue me for spilling wine on him! Total prick." -- Spahro Llorn
"Wha' he lacks in taste in women, he makes up fer with wine. Mostly." -- Avelyn Firestone
"H-he's a frustrating, obtuse idiot w-who demands a l-lot just t-to feel important a-and assigns t-the worst jobs t-to me whenever he g-gets frustrated... a-and... h-he's... he's very kind, too. He's v-very very kind when h-he wishes to be, and I trust him w-when things come down to it." -- Defiant Bride



Player Note
Personal RP Limits
I will play Almost anything that isn't described below.
Little Tidbits.
If you're ever uncomfortable, tell me! I don't bite! I can get pretty into RPing out consequences however and while I do my best to make sure permission is had and everyone is comfortable I'm not perfect. If you have a problem speak up.


Potential Plot Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP.
I heard you make wines, Mr. Sundsteigen!
Character Lore Adherence
Information in this Wiki is Lore Compliant to the best of my knowledge. Information that has been changed to better fit with the lore of XIV will be listed below as necessary.
No changes required.
Layout Credit
Template borrowed wholesale from Sigurd Sundsteigen. Original design by Abagail Graves and Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera, inspiration from D'lyhhia Lhuil, and more edits by Glioca Sargonnai. With the inventory page used with Odette Saoirse's permission. Please leave the link-backs if you use or modify the template.