Spahro Llorn
Spahro is a trouble maker, and she always has been. never content anywhere, she's prone to wandering. Recently she's taken up residence in Ul'Dah as a reporter for Tonberry's Lantern. She'd gained some notoriety as a scandal reporter, often being accused of turning the prestigious Lantern into nothing more than a cheap tabloid, but no one can argue that she moves paper. Sales are the highest they've been in years with her on the front page.
Spahro is of slightly below average height for a Miqo'te with dark grey skin and coal black hair. She's slim, and keeps her hair short and easy to maintain. She tends to dress in boyish fashions, but is known to deck herself out in fancy dresses and skirts when the occasion arises.
Spahro's personality is a verb rather than a noun. She tends to hit people over the head with it until they're dazed into passivity or driven away. She tends towards the abrasive, punctuating most sentences with either profanity or sarcasm depending on whether or not she's doing her job and how seriously she's taking it at the time.
Spahro is about as useful in a fight as an elderly marmot, and does her best to avoid them whenever possible. This doesn't mean that she doesn't pick fights, but rather that she runs away once they actually start.
Roleplay Hooks
You May Have Heard of Spahro If...
- You're familiar with Costa del Sol's vibrant social scene.
- You're famous and hope she never talks to you.
- You're literate and enjoy gossip.
- You're literate and HATE gossip.
- You try to keep up with current events.
- You're a fan of her Bronco Grease advertisements.
Spahro May Have Heard of You If...
- You're famous.
- You're a writer.
- You're unlucky.
- "I hear she writes for the Lantern, and she seems to have every qualification: she can squabble and sneak out on a tip like a pro!" -Aya Foxheart
- "You did not hear this from me, mind you, but I hear she loves to be complimented on her ample chest." -Red-headed Sultansworn
- "I've heard that she makes up half of her stories, just to sell the papers." - A Highlander woman with short black hair
- "The fact that I believed her to be a caring person once upon a time ago, only goes to show the extent of my naivete and foolishness. I know better now." - Roen Deneith
- "She said she caught the Pox from an Ishgardian Dragoon. Worst case the Alchemist Guild has seen in years. I would say she needs to be more careful with her lovers. She also has no idea what storks are for." - Alexaria Whiteraven
- "It is sometimes hard to remember there is a person beneath the garbage she continuously vomits. Typically hardest at the end of the week when the latest Lantern is printed." - Coatleque Crofte
- "She is the Eyes and Ears of the people, like a true journalist. At least when she's not writing up scandals for the masses to consume. I don't hold it against her though, we all have to eat." - Evangeline Primrose
- "If nothin' else, she makes the Lantern worth a laugh." - Osric Melkire
- "One of the only people alive who's seen me at rock bottom, and she still thinks I'm worthwhile... I'll try not to prove her wrong." - Jana Ridah
- “The last I saw of her, she had gotten herself into quite a bout of trouble indeed. …Thankfully, her continued contributions to the Tonberry’s Lantern reflect that she is quite well. Too well, even.” - Edda Eglantine
- “Nigh impossible to deal with, needing a combination of patience, guts and perseverance to survive the first couple of minutes with her potty mouth! She's also one of the truest friends I've made. Call it a strange paradox~” - Leanne Delphium
- "She said she owed me something called a royalty? I explained that I am no king's daughter and she dropped it at that." - Duped Bronco Model
- "I am lodging a formal complaint with the Ul'dah chamber of commerce against Spahro for fraudulent public business practices. Her marketing materials for the Bronco Brand contain material misrepresentations intended to mislead consumers. I shall not stop until she is assessed no less than 500,000 gil in civil penalties! ...No, I'm /not/ doing this because she threw a glass of wine at my pressed, fitted shirt the other evening. This is for the good of all honest, reputable consumers." - Sigurd Sundsteigen
- "Walking Trouble! I mean, really walking trouble! I mean, just trouble! Trouble!" - Aya Foxheart
- Rare Rumor "Yes that was her who danced with me at the ball. No, I had no idea that she was such an incredible dancer either! It was just wonderful, one of the most enjoyable dances I've ever had!" - Aya Foxheart
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