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I had lived my life the only way that I had known. But when the pillars of that life came crashing down, I did not stand and watch them fall. I turned, and walked away.

Ramza Beoulve, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions


Vital Information

FULL NAME... Astrelle Vianne De'bayle


RACE & CLAN... Elezen, Wildwood

GENDER... Female

AGE... Twenty-Six Winters Old

NAMEDAY... 17th Sun of the 3th Umbral Moon, 1551 S.A.E.



Other Statistics

NATIONALITY... Ishgardian


FAMILY... De'bayle

RESIDENCE... Lily Hills

OCCUPATION... Viscountess of De'bayle House

PATRON DEITY... Halone, the Fury Halone Icon.png

HEIGHT & WEIGHT... 6 fulms, 3 ilms. 164 ponze.

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good | Goodness before Freedom.

General Information
Set your mind to something and work towards that goal - no matter the cost.
Hair & Eyes
Many turns spent travelling Hydaelyn have given Astrelle's hair a slightly lighter color than the rest of her brothers. Drawn back into a loose ponytail to free her shoulders and vision of stray strands, she has become accustomed to a lifestyle of quick and easy movement that shows in her manner of styling.
Unlike the differences in their hair, Astrelle's eyes are a deep, dark cerulean quite like the rest of the family.
Physique & Markings
The entirety of her childhood and early years into puberty, Astrelle was tasked with nothing more than a few chores here-and-there; given the luxury of watching her brothers train while she sat beside with some jealousy. She remained slim and almost frail-looking until her departure from Ishgard. After her return, she has gained much in height and build; though not muscular or incredibly fit, she boasts the body of someone constantly on the move. A modest bosom helps to accentuate a more feminine figure, otherwise set against a slender frame.
Over the turns, among the various cultures of Hydaelyn, Astrelle has been lucky enough to avoid death and most maiming; however, a faint jagged end to her left ear and scar just above her left breast are the only true reminders of conflict during her time away. Halone hath truly kept an eye over her chosen.
Because of the various adventurers, vagrants, and pirates she traveled with and grew to respect for their ability to receive results, Astrelle hastened to show her worth to them. It results in a black, deep-set tattoo just beneath her left breast, along the woman's ribcage. The tattoo itself is an image of a revolver with a singular angelic wing sprouting from the grip, extended as if in flight.
Astrelle bares the same tattoo that the rest of her family has been given through either marriage or shortly after birth. The mark itself is etched on aetherically and has a small rose near the upper middle of its blackened lines.
Hygiene & Attire
Although she was raised to be a proper lady with cleanliness and astute observations for things such as trending fashions in Ishgard, Astrelle's departure and return have left her a very different woman. Her constant tinkering with magitek and machines has calloused her fingers and hands, and she can frequently be seen with grease and oil adorning her cheeks in splotches. She does not smell bad, however; her return to a more stable lifestyle has afforded her the luxury of bathing whenever she chooses, and she is glad to abuse such an opportunity.
Currently learning how to wield larger and more formidable weapons that would allow her the use of heavier armor, Astrelle still dresses as most adventurers do: light, comfortable clothing with little to no protection. Breathable attire that gives her the ability to move, dodge, and stretch are of utmost importance to her; a stark contrast to her brothers' usual heavy plated armor.
Psychological Profile
Many turns of guilt have washed Astrelle's softer and more reserved nature away; coupled with her time spent with people of dubious morals have changed the once soft-spoken and understanding woman into an eager seeker of knowledge and, at times, ruthlessly driven individual. She does not often view morals as a code - rather, she sees them as a means of manipulating others if that is necessary for doing what she has to get done.
The voice that emits from the woman as she speaks is low; serene and calming in a way, thought it may sound dismissive in tone or haughty in nature. Even as a youth, she was eloquent and perfectly articulate- a trait that has not been lost over time. Yet, after turns of traveling the world and presumably learning several different tongues, her Ishgardian accent has begun to dissipate. When she curses, it sounds as if she hailed from Limsa Lominsa; when she explains herself, Ishgardian; at other times it even holds a faint Doman brusqueness to it but always does it keep the same cool, alto voice.

Philosophy & Mannerisms
As a youth, Astrelle was refined and cared deeply for those around her. She helped to tutor her brothers when asked; did small households chores when the parents requested; and listened to everyone who spoke to her with great care and interest. The young female sibling was pruned to become a perfect little lady that she soon learned was to be married off for political gain. Despite her loyalty and conflict-aversion, she ran from her home: spurred on by the jealousy of her brothers who were allowed their choices and treated like they were people with opportunity - people with freewill.
Learning of her parents death after her escape from Ishgard, she returned only to witness the burial before leaving once more- this time to leave Aldenard and anything it offered behind. Her short study of the Miqo'te people in the Shroud was put on halt, but it drove her to learn more of the cultures and races outside of Ishgard; outside of Eorzea. Urged forth by a sense of duty to herself and a willingness to forget the family she'd left behind, Astrelle turned to new cultures and rich experiences to forget the pain and guilt that plagued her; though it only worked some of the time, it allowed her to open her mind to a grander world.
When Astrelle returned to Eorzea after so many Winters away, she was a different woman. No longer content with being told what to do and passively sitting about for the next sun to arrive while fretting over fashion or style, she is a seasoned traveler with experience of not only combat but a many different cultures under her belt. As a self-proclaimed anthropologist, she has gained knowledge about other races that most of her close-minded kin would never know or listen to. The Elezen is also a bit more ruthless in her achieving of goals: feeling fine to manipulate the goals or morals of others for her gain and not being above sacrificing a friend or loved one if her pursuit of greatness calls for it.
● Banana bread.
● Experiencing new cultures.
● Proving others wrong.
● Hot baths.
● Research and testing.
● Vulnerability.
● Spiders.
● Being proven wrong.
● Committment.
● Most children.
● Speaks multiple languages.
● Experienced in machinery.
● Survivalist.

Combat, Abilities & Weaponry

Basic Statistics
High: Marksmanship, Intelligence
Above Average: Agility, Engineering
Average: Strength, Healing
Low: Faith
Aetheric Abilities
Mastery: None
Expert: Lightning Magick
Average: Wind Magick
Novice: None
Weapon Training
Mastery: Carbine/Rifle
Expert: Daggers
Average: Swordsmanship
Novice: Lance
Combat Relevant Skills
High: Reaction Time
Above Average: In-Combat Thinking
Average: Maneuverability
Low: Pain Tolerance
Non-Combat Abilities
Dreamwalking: Astrelle can meditate, losing immediate consciousness of her body's senses, to view the memories her ancestors. She can also connect with another humanoid to observe their consciousness, via touching their forehead with her fingers, or directly placing her own tattoo upon their head.
(Passive) De'bayle Sense: The De'bayle is inherently connected with her fellow family members. Can passively sense a general direction of a De'bayle's location if within a certain distance, depending on their own mastery of the sense. The De'bayle will also appear brighter than any surrounding people to fellow family members.
Combat Abilities
Siphon: Using an invention of hers, she can drain aether directly from persons or siphon it from their magical attacks to store and use as ammunition or directly transfer back towards them as an attack.
Overcharge: By overheating her carbine with lightning aether, she can release a short-ranged shotgun blast from her gun that has the ability to stun when it lands without being fatal.
Reflect: If the situation calls for it, she can use her siphon sphere to collect the directed aether attack and directly return the magical properties at its wielder -- this has a tendency to cause her sphere to malfunction afterwards or break completely.
Wind Shear: Armont can channel a sharp gust of wind forth to either cut at a foe or redirect/negate incoming fire spells. This though, is something that Armont himself has yet to truly implement and he will not execute it at full potential currently.
(Passive) Dragoon Tactics: As a Dragoon Armont has the ability to leap high in the air by channeling air aether through his body to lighten his overall weight and increase jump and movement strength and speed.
OOC Note
Any relevant notes about combat should be added here, such as player preference, system preference, or links off-site to sheets using existing XIV player-made combat systems.

Each story read here is full of information that can be used against this character in what is known as meta-gaming. If any of this information is found used without consent, or learned without IC reasonings, it will resort in me cutting all IC and OOC contact from you. Please understand this is a mere history of this character and for the enjoyment, or dislike of those who wish to peruse.
WARNING: Long entries ahead!
Young Adult Life

From the day he was able to walk, Armont has been able to wield a spear. Drilled daily in his lancework, the Elezen boy's goals were to fill the shadow of his father, Aegisan, who was a renowned Temple Knight and head of the De'bayle family. With a steadfast attitude and his family beside him in his endeavors, Armont oft rose above those who trained around him. It was within the Temple Knight's that Armont befriended another Squire like himself; Onault Las'fre, who drove him to truly push his limits and conquer his fears. He and his childhood friend found themselves training in their off time until the late hours of the night, normally ending with them being scolded by Knight and Mother alike. Years passed and the two Squires found themselves in the midst of an attack from the Dravanian Horde. In this fight the city was raised and Temple Knights were dispatched out to the various sections of Ishgard. Being told to remain guarding one of the many gates, Onault heavily insisted that they assist those just below with the swarming Aevis's. Knowing the risk that would come of it, Armont disagreed, his friend leaving on his own to aid the opposition that rested below the spiraling steps. After the city was returned to a neutral state, Armont ran down to find his friend; that in which was in a pool of his own blood, with deep lacerations across his chest. Onault caused two others to perish from his brash actions and disobedience. The event of that evening alone was enough to shift the eldest De'bayle's views on orders, thus forging his unwavering devotion and loyalty to those who commanded over him.

During his late teen-hood, the sight of his kin becoming shambles upon his father death brought an even greater tide of change into Armont's life. He and his brother, Denz, began training under the watchful eye of Captain Yvain Dulimont who assisted them in honing their skills. With his help they were able to become more independent in their new lives among Ishgardian nobility, however, Armont still felt that the hole his father left on the family was not sealed over. Taking it upon himself to carry out this task, he left his family behind to wander Coerthas in attempts to help fight the Dravanian Hordes that waged war against Ishgard and her people for centuries. Eleven months passed before he was seen from, only rumors in his wake of a man in charred armor appearing from the blizzards and disappearing with great speed.

Where Armont went, carnage followed. He sought out every scalekin he could find, slaying them in cold blood at the mercy of his people. It wasn't until in recent times that he was tracked down by his youngest brother Denz with the assistance of two midlanders: Jancis and Carina. While Denz feared for Armont during his absence he embraced his brother once more, happy to see him safe.

A month passed from that time, and since then Armont has kept his word to his brother in remaining headstrong in rebuilding their shattered family name to its former glory. In this, he devoutly searches to find a House to be Knighted under, in hopes to aid in their mission of resurgence.

Adult Life

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In Recent Times
The following is history pertaining to the beginning of the character's in-game roleplay onwards.
Coming soon

Relationship Status Legend
These are ordered from better to worse standing, not alphabetically! (Family First)

💕 Partner
🌷 In-Love
💘 Romantic Feelings
Physical Attraction
💔 Former Partner
🥀 Erstwhile Love

House De'bayle
Non-Player Characters
Aegisan De'bayle, Father - Predecessor of the De'bayle Household
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Elliana De'bayle, Mother - Lady predecessor of the De'bayle Household
Write Here
Nuarmac De'bayle, Uncle - The Spiritual Leader of De'bayle
Write Here
Farstan De'bayle, Uncle - Enigmatic Sky Pirate
Write Here
Player Characters
Carina De'bayle, Wife - Master of Beasts & Alchemy
A woman dawning a great many scars from the Calamity, that in which branded themselves thoroughly onto her skin. She is typically accompanied by a small beast known as Joseph. Carina is a person Armont has come to see as quite noteworthy, being both a woman of the hand with her study in alchemy (despite the poor taste of her potions) and her earned title of Beastmaster through her own growth as a person. Both coming from a different spectrum of life; one a life of privilege behind the Holy See's walls and the other with nothing but her still young brother to raise her in the woods of the Shroud, the two found an equal ground of similitude. Carina was apart of the group called upon by Denz in search of his older brother, and in their short time together Armont took great interest in the burnt Hyur. The two soon became what seemed to be inseparable, usually seen attending things together or wandering off to spar one another; they formed a comforting friendship filled with the acceptance they both longed for. After months of the very clear signs and steps of their budding romance, the two accepted fronting the inevitable chastising they would most likely receive from a high-blood Elezen household such as Armont's for becoming a couple.

In the months passing, the two eventually married and had a daughter. They currently work on establishing and running the De'bayles Minor House, along with adventuring. The couple can have their pitfalls here and there, Carina falling into her bouts of depression, but they work to mend and overcome cracks to be stronger, rather than throw something meaningful away.

Hestia De'bayle, Daughter - Little Lancer
"Born into a world filled with evil, she will be the paragon of Halone the lance to smite the wicked. I will lay down the foundation for her success for like my father did for me. And in years to come, she will be both respected and feared, I promise you that."

Hestia is Armont's pride and joy and from the moment of her birth when he was able to hold onto his ruby eyed daughter he swore to himself to maintain his daughters safety and well being. As she grew up Armont's bond with his daughter only grew more as she began looking up to him as he once did to his father. It was pure nostalgia to him and he loves every moment of watching his daughter whack at Denz's ankles with her toy spear. Knowing all too well that his daughter won't remain small and eager forever he brings home gifts often, one notably being Emerald the Cat. While the two will never be as close as Hestia is to Joseph, she has no issues with cuddling and petting her kitten as softly as her mother had to forcibly teach her to.

Denz De'bayle, Youngest Brother - Knight-Errant of Ishgard
The youngest of the De'bayle siblings, he certainly took after his mother. More on the sensitive side and easy to worry, Denz is often the one trying to mediate conflicts that may arise in the family. Also a bit on the more modest side, he has a bit of trouble making large strides on the romance side of things. Armont's holds his younger brother in high regard, being well rounded in combat and also a reliable person to speak to. Denz was overwhelmed with happiness after finding his elder brother once more after a year of absence, really the only one to respond to his return positively. Before his departure, the two were always at each others side, often venturing out and interacting with others. Since their reunion, Armont has sworn to remain vigilant and help mend the pieces of their broken family, acting as its new head.
Guillemont De'bayle, Younger Brother - The Grey Wolf
Guillemont is the middle brother, and one whom he had the most relations with when growing up as he trained with him on few occasions with their father. Armont looks to his middle brother and sees him as a strong pillar of the family and a respectable man as he was squired under House Fortemps at a young age. While the two do not touch base often enough, Armont enjoys treating his brother with meals or drinks when he can to show his appreciation. In Armonts eyes, he is one of the best swordsman the family has at this very moment, and certainly one of the most well rounded Knights of Ishgard.
? De'bayle, Younger Sister - ?
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Ceonix De'bayle, Cousin - Holy Warrior of Ishgard
Son of Nuarmac and cousin to Armont, Ceonix is the De'bayle family blacksmith. The eldest Elezen brother holds caution in Ceonix's motives, who can more often than not be even more zealous than the eldest De'bayle sibling. The man was filled with personal responsibility to bring justice to Armont for what he deemed heretical choices during his year long absence from home and brought it on himself to fight Armont in order to feel any sort of acceptance over the brothers return. While the two did in time meet with each other lance to axe, the fight did little in the end to bring retribution the tensions between them. It did not end in death much to the onlookers relief but the two seemingly grew closer to it as the brawl progressively grew more violent. Finally ending at the request of Denz, the two went their separate ways, Armont's hope of mending his cousins distrust dim.

Shirayuri Toriko, Doman Friend - House Record Keeper
200px | frameless|left Upon coming into their Houses Office, Armont first met her inside as his wife was finishing up bringing her into the family. Still holding slight disdain towards those with scales as all of her race seemed to have been nothing more than brash, cocky or outright odd in his presence. To his delight, she was nothing like the rest he had met previously. There are no negative aspects of the woman in his eyes at this time, and having her within the House has been nothing more than a pleasure for Armont as she has bonded extremely well with his daughter and his wife. Sensing that the woman has had a rough past and heeding the history that his wife has told him of Shirayuri's, he looks forward to aiding her in her endeavors within the House.
Claire Nyhmidu, House Ward - Jewelcrafter
200px | frameless|left Upon hearing that the House was bringing in another Elezen, Armont only looked to the woman fondly as she was one of the few who wished to join but not with weapon in hand. Armont only approves of the woman as she has conducted herself well within the House, and in return after speaking with Carina, the House has offered her a room to reside in within Gridania. Though they have not had much interaction with each other, his brother Guillemont has fancied the woman greatly.
Kale Aideron, Friend from the Flames - Flame Captain
200px | frameless|left First coming into contact with Kale as the Captain held a large event in Ishgard and had Armont speak on behalf of Ishgard, Armont further learned of the others within the Grand Alliance. Asking that the two bring their men together for organized training and sparring, Kale and Armont were soon placed against each other through Armont's challenge. To his demise, Armont underestimated his opponent in combat and swiftly fell to the Captains brutish tactics. While the defeat was sour for Armont, it opened his eyes that his art would need further work to change from fighting against foes with wings, to other beings like him.
Dante Thalmos, House Knight - Retired Ishgardian Dragoon
200px | frameless|left Knowing the mans past only aided in building respect for him. While Armont was no Official Dragoon of Ishgard, having one within his ranks brought joy to him. Having looked up to his kind since childhood, he looks forward to seeing Dante's full prowess unlocked upon recovering fully from his past injuries. From what he has seen so far from their recent sparring and grindstone match, Dante is a man to be respected in the field of battle as he has bested far more than he has lost to.
Jancis Milburga, Family Friend - Healer
200px | frameless|left Of all their interactions Jancis has remained the same in Armonts eyes. Soft spoken, somewhat confused with words and incredibly kind to all. The two had met some years ago when his brother Denz had first introduced him to her. As of currently, while she is not apart of the House officially, she is seen as a full member by the House as she has aided its members in and out of combat. Armont's daughter Hestia has known her since birth, and sees her as a relative. Hearing his daughter speak so fondly of the woman has left the impression upon Armonts mind that Jancis is now fully apart of his Family, tending to the woman when needed and visiting often to catch up.
Name, Relation - Given Title
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NPC Rumors

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated.

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"The De'bayles? They used to refuse to establish themselves formally within Ishgard... but I suppose after Aegisan's death the family had to act or become far too forgotten." — Ishgardian Noble
"Oh so you're speaking of -that- family! Yes yes they ventured down into the brume a few times to hand out breads! Good hearted, though a bit odd with their tattoos." — Speakings from the Brume
"Armont De'bayle, aye I remember the man. Used to be a Temple Knight a year back or so. One of the most dedicated and respectful Knights we've had in our ranks." — Ishgardian Knight Captain
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Armont? I once saw him two years back coming into town reeking of blood and covered in burn marks. We tried to get him to stay at an inn but he kept rambling on about "How he couldn't stop." Or "He'll die if he just gives up." I don't know, he looked pretty torn up. Had a damned bloodied cloth covering an eye. Somethings not right about that man..." — Barkeep South of Camp Dragonhead
"He's the self proclaimed Dragoon of Ishgard. Saw him help out a few times when the town south of here came under attack by the Dravanian Horde. We're certainly not complaining." — Fortemps Knight, Camp Dragonhead
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"It's odd really... He's only got one eye left, but I once was on his left side and he had no issues looking over at me. Something's not right." — Ishgardian Citizen
PC Rumors

Feel free to add your own rumors to this section.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Some of these are more rare than others!
"Like the Auroch who stands tall and proud, Armont is just as hard headed as he is caring. However, do not expect to see that side of him often. Like the beasts themselves, he only truly shows his love toward his herd, whereas others tend to get the brunt of his horns." - Carina De'bayle.
"What? Why are you asking about my brother? He's a uh... He's a paragon of our faith, a strong fighter, and an honorable man. I hope to uh... I hope I can stand as his equal some day." - Guillemont De'bayle.
"What happens when you put the faith of the Halonic Church, the strength of the Temple Knights, the drive of the Inquisition, and a drop of unorthodox measures together? A mess. Many people would've fallen in that mess, but perseverance, tempering, and the support of others can turn that amalgamation into something truly formidable. That is what my brother is. Don't let the eyepatch fool you, though. He's still a lovable, caring man. Just don't be a heretic." — Denz De'bayle.
"He is quite level-headed and serene. Even in battle; truly he is more than raised to be a leader; it is part of him. Be wary, though. He is quite funny; but it is a very sneaky funny. Also if you are wounded and someone has to carry you, see if he can. He has a generous bedside manner." — Jancis Milburga.
"Rumor" — Rumormonger.

RP Info

Location & Probability
Places where the character is very likely to be seen
Ishgard/Coerthas: High Probablility
Gridania/Black Shroud: High Probability
Limsa Lominsa/La Noscea: Low Probablility
Ul'dah/Thanalan: Extremely Low Probability (occasioanl Grindstone Attendee)
Most of these aren’t public, and would have to be asked after!
Ishgardian Temple Knights: Text
IC Inventory
The following items are things that this individual carries on their person at all times. These are noted for pickpockets, and those watching her closely. This information is meant to be a prompt for insight and is not to be meta-gamed, though feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in RP (pickpocketing, a search, etc) with use of a simple /tell.

Trick Coinpurse.png

Trick Coinpurse: Boop

Denz Armor.png

Knight-Errant Armor: Boop


Claymore: Boop

RP Limits
I like to consider myself a flexible player who is willing to commit to a number of different types of scenes and role-play scenarios, but even I have my limits. If something is on the play list, assume it means yes, as long as it's within the context of the current play or ongoing plot. No's are typically a hard no, and it means don't ask.
I will play .
Ask about .
I won't play .
RP Hooks
While the below is by no means comprehensive, it's a kind of spring board for walk-up RP. Longer plots that are meant to run for more than a few quick RP's, please feel free to send me a tell so we can work out a good reason for our characters to get to know one another. I'm always looking for RP, unless I'm actively spamming PvE content.
■ List item.

OOC Notes
Player Information
Player Note
There is a lot of information on this character wiki, but it is by no means completely comprehensive. There are chunks of backstory that are left intentionally vague so that details can be later added as developed through creative writing or in role-play revelation. Feel free to use Common or Uncommon rumors freely, if you want to use a Rare Rumor as a plot hook or to spark RP, I would ask that you send me a tell first, to make certain it's alright.
Character Lore Adherence
Everything concerning this character that has not been confirmed by in-game lore should be taken with a grain of salt. Anything that has had to be changed because of lore shifting will be noted below.
■ No changes.
Character Concept
Character Tidbits
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.
■ Link Description: Link Title
Tropes & Explanations
A trope is a convention or device that is often found in creative works. In this case, the tropes below describe my character either in part, or as a whole. Their background, personality, appearance, etc, most of them can be described in the tropes below.
Trope Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations. On the whole, tropes are not clichés.

Wiki Information
This wiki is constantly changing as the character’s story changes. It was last modified on Month ##th, 2016.

A blank version of the wiki template can be found here
Layout Information
The following is not entirely comprehensive, but contains general credits. Please leave the link-backs if you use this template!
■ Original template by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Header image inspired by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Music bits from J'karu Rhome.
■ Relationships & OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Various formatting inspired by Odette Saoirse & others.
■ Most, if not all pictures edited by KHMarie. Big thanks to her to make this all possible!