Thouridos Alces

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"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Gender Male
Race Roegadyn
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 35
Occupation Sailor, Sellsword
Affiliation The Maelstrom


THOURIDOS ALCES (Pronunciation: "THOR-ih-dose ÆL-sez", Meaning: "Torn-in-Two, son of Old Salt") is, by his own reckoning, a self-made Roegadyn. The son of a sailor born under the stars of Thaliak, Thouridos puts more weight behind the choices he has made than the hand he was dealt.


At a towering 7 fulms and 4 ilms, Thouridos can easily be mistaken for a stereotypical axe-wielding Sea Wolf brute. His considerable strength and martial prowess can indeed be attributed to the youth spent on corsair ships pillaging across the Rhotano Sea. When situations allow it, he prefers to dress comfortably in 'traditional' Limsan style, with the loose-fitting and weather-worn garb of a seaman. More often than not, however, he dons heavy armor necessary for adventuring and mercenary work.


Contrary to his appearance, Thouridos is a well-spoken, knowledgeable, and peace-seeking Roegadyn. Thouridos strives to break the common misconceptions of his people as brutes, his clan as brigands, and his family as dangerous. While he harbors no qualms about taking up arms in defense of the weak, he prefers non-violent or inventive solutions to problems whenever possible. He has a fierce drive to improve himself in both body and mind, and often spends his time either training or researching. To relax, he is just as wont to go exploring alone with his chocobo Pfrymaren as to raise flagons in The Drowning Wench.


Self-improvement - Thouridos constantly seeks to strengthen his arm and broaden his mind.

The Open Sea - Nothing relaxes Thouridos more than the smell of salty sea-air.

Investigation - Thouridos enjoys seeking hidden knowledge and solving mysteries.


Stereotypes - Nobody should be content to be summed-up in a word.

Ul'dah - Thouridos is sickened by the oppressive government and meritocratic culture of this nation.

Violence as a First Resort - To Thouridos, combat should only be necessary when reason is found impossible.


Thouridos grew up as a deckhand on his father's buccaneer ship. As he grew older, he found that he could not accept the violent and petty life of a corsair; he desired to learn of the realm around him and the people that inhabited it. After his father's craft was beset by Limsan pirate-hunters, Thouridos narrowly escaped with his life and his father's ax. Upon return to Limsa Lominsa, he was tried and sentenced as a pirate himself. Only by fate (or by Llymlaen's hand) did Admiral Merlwyb hear his pleas of innocence and desire to make amends for his crimes. She offered Thouridos a tour of duty in the Maelstrom navy, which he proudly served thrice over. He has since proven himself a capable sailor and formidable man-at-arms, and his service to the Maelstrom has offered him many chances to quench his thirst for knowledge and discovery.


Upon traveling land-ward, gallivanting with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and sojourning to Mor Dhona, Ishgard, and Idyllshire, Thouridos has met many residents of Eorzea that share his desire to learn and improve. In an effort to gather like-minded souls in the pursuit of knowledge and exploration of the unknown, he has founded the Heralds of Thaliak linkshell. He is currently in the process of recruiting members and officers for his burgeoning organization, as well as searching for an acceptable base of operations.


Romantic Attraction Physical Attraction Platonic Love $ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral 🔃 Unsure 🔒 Trust


Unknown, mother. 🔃
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "...I'd rather talk about aught else."

Thouridos simply doesn't know the identity or fate or his mother. This used to vex him, but he has grown to accept that he may never learn of her.

Alces Guldyrstsyn, father.
CHARACTER's Thoughts: "The Old Salt is a cruel, short-sighted fool. If Llymlaen is just, her waves have like as not obliged his namesake and left his body along a forgotten shore."

Alces, Thouridos' father and namesake, was a degenerate pirate captain. "Old Salt," as the Hyur seamen would call him, was cutthroat, duplicitous, and self-serving. As such, he made a fine buccaneer. Thouridos grew up on his father's ship, first as a deckhand and later as a pirate himself. The glazenut fell far from the tree, and Old Salt didn't approve of his son's gentle heart and scholastic interests. Many of Thouridos' scars were his father's doing; the most prominent of which he received during his escape. When the Hyllstymm was boarded by Maelstrom forces, Thouridos saw his chance to flee. His father brought his ax down on his son, nearly costing Thouridos his eye. Enraged, Thouridos wrested the ax from his father, but couldn't bring himself to kill the pirate. Instead, he jumped aboard the Limsan ship, holding his father's ax as its owner cackled and sailed away. Since that day, Thouridos has sought to rectify his father's wantonness by using his own weapon to protect and save others from harm. He prefers not to talk of his father, and he has never attempted to learn whether the Old Salt still lives.


Character Name, short descriptor. ( SYMBOLS GO HERE )
CHARACTER’s Thoughts: "Quote goes here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim. Ut vel efficitur odio, vitae luctus quam.


These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to CHARACTER. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!

◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
  • "Thouridos used to be a seaman on a pirate vessel. For what I hear, the crew didn't take his leavin' very well. You just watch--Alces looks over his shoulder every time he enters a port town." -- Baderon, the Drowning Wench.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
  • "Truth be told, I don't think anyone knows too much 'a Thouridos' upbringin'. I don't recall aught a time he mentioned his home, his mum, or his youth. His da? Well... I reckon you'd ask him yourself--though I wouldn' hold to hope fer an answer." -- Baderon, the Drowning Wench.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
  • "Oi, no need fer violence! Listen, if Thouridos asks, it weren't me what told ya... his da's apparently one 'a them Serpent Reavers--a blackguard named Alces Guldyrstsyn. If'n there's an onze 'a truth to the rumors, old man Alces went so far as puttin' a bounty on his own son's head." -- Baderon, the Drowning Wench.

◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
  • (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location

  • (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)


A collection of screenshots of CHARACTER that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of CHARACTER, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum viverra augue ut ex eleifend aliquet. Suspendisse eget lectus felis. Nullam varius fringilla metus, in suscipit justo consectetur a. Suspendisse placerat nunc eu vestibulum ornare. In at felis mattis, dapibus tortor ac, tempus justo. Nulla sit amet sem sed sem pretium imperdiet ut ac magna. Vestibulum non tempor ex, eget dictum enim.

  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.
  • Role Name or Type: Description about the role or hook.


Howdy - I'm Emgee, and I'm a writer from the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I works as a Script Writer, Editor, and Voice Actor for a company where I make tutorial or training videos, and I also work as a writing consultant for the Online Writing Center for the university I attended. While new to FFXIV, I played FFXI for several years. During this time, I roleplayed on the Asura server with several linkshells including the Children of Altana, BlessedLS, the Vanguard, and more. I enjoy writing, playing games (of pretty much any type), and story in any medium (history, etymology, books, movies, tabletop RPGs, etc.).


I'm a very laid-back gamer and roleplayer, but I am very particular when it comes to certain subjects. Be ye warned:


Discriminatory or Hateful Speech - I'm all for profanity or talking about disgusting subjects when the situation calls for it. I'm not fine with racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory language. This is petty, hurtful, and (most importantly) easily avoidable. Be warned that I will make a scene and call you out if you call someone a 'retard,' say that something you don't like is 'gay,' or describe your latest PvP victory as 'raping' the other team. These words are unambiguously hurtful, their use is unconscionable, and a staggering amount of fantastic alternatives exist. I'll be respectful in pointing this kind of thing out; please understand that if I do, I am pointing out the behavior--not insulting you.
Obnoxious or Forced Participation - If someone doesn't want to roleplay, they shouldn't have to. That means that if roleplaying in /say in a crowded, public area is offending or bothering other players, I believe it is the roleplayer's job to leave, find a different channel to use, or find another way to avoiding this type of frustration to parties that didn't choose to participate. Similarly, roleplayers shouldn't have to go any further than they are comfortable in any regard. If someone asks not to participate or to change the nature of the participation, thems the breaks--regardless of any previous action or if they were okay with it before.
Munchkin-ism/One-upping/Competitive Roleplaying - Everyone wants to have fun, and roleplayers should consider the interests and stories of their companions when playing their characters, writing their stories, or interacting with their groups. Hogging the spotlight, purposefully disrupting other people's play or stories, and over-the-top plot or character traits (e.g. "I am actually a deity in Hyur form!" or "My character would have known this unknowable information!") don't promote an enjoyable atmosphere for everyone involved. These behaviors provide fun for one person at the cost of the fun of others, which is not acceptable.


Communication - I don't believe there is anything that cannot be resolved by peaceful, amicable, and reasonable conversation. This leads into...
Good Faith/Reconciliation - If someone genuinely wants to improve situation, mend a relationship, or apologize for a mistake, I believe that these good-faith attempts at reconciliation should always be taken seriously--with no exceptions. Everyone does things that they regret; realizing these actions as aberrant and attempting to change are natural and laudable acts.
Respect - I consider each person, player, and character to have the same right to act, speak, and think as I do. If someone asks me to do something or change a behavior in a reasonable and respectful way, I will go out of my way to accommodate them. "Get over it" and "have thicker skin" are not acceptable answers to offense being taken.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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