Dovienya Cuenn

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Dovienya Cuenn
High Seat of House Cuenn

Name... Dovienya Cuenn
Alias... Rose
Age... 43
Gender... Female
Race... Roegadyn
Clan... Seawolf (Non-traditional)
Orientation... Bisexual
Marital... Married
Deity... Non-observant
Nationality... Ul'dahn
Occupation... Master of Whispers
Alignment... Lawful Evil

Dovienya se'Tovya high seat of house Cuenn always appears well dressed and groomed in public. Trained and educated in the ways of the court since a young girl, she is very particular with her mannerisms and speech when dealing with other people. She always tries to maintain a pleasant half smile, suppressing her own emotions. Any emotion displayed is usually done so with calculated purpose. Those skilled in reading body language would note that despite keeping a pleasant--even friendly smile, her eyes almost never have any warmth to them at all.

Scars & Markings: No scars visible nor any other significant markings apparent.

Voice: Dovienya typically has a smooth refined tone of speech, taking care with her pronunciation and vocabulary. Though she can be equally as cutting when angered.

Clothing: Typically ornate flowing gowns or sharp business attire, following latest Ishgardian fashions.

Machiavellian Strategist

  • Polite Conversation
  • Books
  • Ishgardian Fashion


  • Disloyalty
  • Rudeness
  • Naivete


  • ???


  • Favorite Book: On the Burdens of Leadership: Morality and Consequence
  • Favorite Drink: Red Wine, lots of it
  • Favorite Color: Black

Color Key
In A Relationship: Dovienya is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Dovienya is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Dovienya is sexually attracted to this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Dovienya considers this person as close as family.
Friend: Dovienya considers this person her friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Dovienya thinks of this person as an asset or useful in some regard.

Good Standing: This person has left a positive impression on Dovienya.
Neutral: Dovienya has no strong feelings good or bad about this character.
Poor Standing: This character has left a poor impression on Dovienya.

Dislike: This character has done something to draw Dovienya’s ire.
Hate: Dovienya actively works against this character. Would attempt to sabotage their plans.
Threat: Dovienya considers this person a threat and would actively be seeking to kill them..

Family Member: This character shares blood with Dovienya
Business: This character has had previous professional relations with Dovienya.
Deceased: This character is dead.


Almain Daigian ( )( NPC ) - The Jackal
”Dovienya's former master. He took her in and trained her, if reluctantly at first, and taught her to become the woman she is today. His death was extraordinarily hard on her.”
Talmara Cuenn ()( NPC ) - Mother
Lady Talmara, mother of Dovienya was born from a wealthy family in Central Thanalan. She was a strict woman who helped direct the household. She believed in a distinct social order where the wealthy and prosperous inherited responsibility over the less fortunate. She was given responsibility over her daughter's upbringing, enforcing an extensive education in mathematics, philosophy, literature, and political sciences.
Caldazar Cuenn ()( NPC ) - Father
Lord Caldazar Cuenn, patriarch of House Cuenn. Born in Ala Mhigo but left for Ul’dah early in his life when his father caught wind of the approaching threat from the empire. While not as successful a businessman as his father, Caldazar still was deft in his dealings with the Ul’dahn syndicate, giving his family a quiet and privileged life. While his wife was responsible for the upbringing of his daughters, Caldazar raised his sons to follow in his footsteps. They were educated in the arts of mercantilism as well as force of arms.
Kadron Cuenn ( )( NPC ) - Older Brother
Dovienya’s older bother. Dovienya idolize the boy as he grew up. He was everything she wanted to be, smart, strong, talented with a blade. Her fondest memories of home involve him reading her stories of adventure, teaching her how to swing a sword and ride a chocobo. He died during the calamity, trying to pull people from a burning building while Dovienya was away from home.
Tuatha Covale ( )( NPC ) - Younger Sister
Dovienya’s younger and only sister. Only about 3 years apart, Dovienya remembers mostly being annoyed by her sister's constant shadowing. She supposed, later in life, that Tuatha likely looked up to her as she did to Kadron. She married early in life, at seventeen. Died in childbirth soon after.
Gai’don Cuenn ()( NPC ) - Younger Brother
"Dovienya’s younger brother. About 5 years younger, Dovienya remembers playing with the young boy in her early teenage years. She remembers the boy being a bit of a cry baby, usually running to her or Kadron's rooms when father was cross with him. One of the few surviving siblings, Dovienya has a distant but amiable relationship with the man.
Tomanelle Cuenn ()( NPC ) - Younger Brother
Dovienya’s youngest sibling at a full ten years difference, she has the least experience with the boy, having been only six years old when she left home. He is one of the few surviving of the Cuenn siblings, and is currently running his own household, has a bad limp after a brief stint in the Sultana’s royal guard.


Anagna Kenesa ( ) - The Shadow
”Master Anaguma Kenesa, shadow of the Rose. Dovienya sees him as a troubled soul lashing out at an uncaring world that took something dear to him. She initially encountered him as a bag carrier while wandering through Gridania and was impressed by his ability to move about unseen. She had dubbed him her shadow and the nickname stuck ever since. While he can occasionally be exasperating, she holds deep respect for the man, so much the she considers his voice to be one of the few that she would seek to reprimand her when she stays too far from the path. She understands the pain and madness that plagued him and wishes to see him over come such things. If there is a man she would trust enough to be her right hand, it would be her shadow.”
Ahzra'li Lhomi () - The Watchman
"There is not much that Dovienya is willing to divulge about master Ahzra'li Lhomi. He is a very private man, and she wishes to keep his confidence. Ahzra'li has always been a bit of an anomaly to Dovienya, the man can hide his emotions better than anyone she had ever encountered before. Truthfully, the man intimidates her, but the tenderness and love he has shown her far outweighs the initial apprehension she felt toward the man. Dovienya and Ahzra'li are now bound to one another, their fates tied together for good or ill.”

Cemi Jinfeh ( ) - The Chemist
"Cemi is a young xaela girl who has been placed in Dovienya's charge in official business. While her initial impressions were positive, she has yet to see the woman in action. She admits that the girl can fight, having tested the girl herself, but there is more to life at the Raven's Nest than mere strength of arms. Dovienya looks forward to testing the girl's wits and reaction in the days to come.”

Ketsuchi Kotetsu ( ) - The Demon
”At first, Dovienya didn't think much of the young man. She considered him a braggart and uncouth. But the more she spoke with the man, the more she found him to be something of an anomaly. He is, at times, incredibly infuriating, but others, resolute and level headed. They had come to an understanding in recent times, how long this one lasts, she has a hard time determining.”

Killian Malicious () - The Stalwart
”Killian is a strange man, that much is certain. Strange, but oddly endearing. The man seems loyal and is very courteous to Dovienya, something she can appreciate. The prospects of working with the man in the future seem hopeful.”

Laurent Leaubane ( ) - The Knight
”An Ishgardian knight that Dovienya has called upon him to take care of certain tasks. She considers him fairly reliable as well as pleasantly sophisticated.”

Lolo Irta ( ) - The Herald
”Dovienya cannot help but find Miss Lolo to be endearing. The young woman never fails to amuse her. She is also quite willing to accept work, which makes her considerably useful. Despite their recent tensions, Dovienya has managed to convince Lolo that she isn't as awful as the first impressions may have indicated. From there, a bit of a friendship--mostly physical, has developed.”.

L'ysion Tia () - The Magister
”Dovienya did not have much to say regarding Marcus' recruit. His proclivities with aether made Dovienya nervous, though she would never admit to such things. However, upon speaking with the man, she found him to be well spoken, respectful, and even a little charming. She is beginning to reassess her initial judgments of the man.”

Marcus Feral () - The Captain
”Marcus and Dovienya have a very complex relationship, built on trust and mutual understanding. She loves him, of course, and wishes to see him happy, but deep down she wonders if he is truly happy with how his life has turned out. What turned into a mutually beneficial arrangement has blossomed into genuine affection and care for one another. He is the one person that she trusts completely, with no doubts.”
Rhel Belhi ( ) - The Child
”Miss Rhel is something of an oddity to Dovienya. She considers the girl far too immature to be in the business she is in. She often hides her face behind a mask, but Dovienya can sense only fear. She uses that mask to hide herself from the world.”

Sail Renacer () - The Deserter
A former member of The Raven’s Nest, deserted after a run-in with a voidsent during a mission. Dovienya is actively looking for information on his whereabouts to deal with him. It appears he has been seen associated with a known threat to the Nest, she does not like this development one bit.
Sephirah Eruafnor ( ) - The Mage Hunter
”Dovienya admits that Sephirah is effective, if not entirely reliable. She met the young man from a prior organisation they were both a part of, and maintained a steady, if rocky professional relationship with the boy. Though he is often violent to others, he is generally respectful to Dovienya. She senses caution from him, whenever they speak.”

Serick Burwani ( ) - The Hired Gun
”A truly exasperating young man, one of the few that can seem to draw Dovienya's ire easily. However, somewhere deep inside she has a measure of respect for the boy's drive and stubbornness against confrontation. Has had to pull his tail out of peril in the past, and is feels oddly protective of the boy. Has worked for S&S's more covert operations in the past, but has recently gone into hiding. Dovienya is sure she could call him out of retirement, if she needs someone eliminated.”

Siobhan Milner ( ) - The Professional
”A very recent meeting, miss Milner was able to see through the facade of the Raven's Nest's front and see it for what it truly was. Undeterred, she approached Dovienya as a potential client. Dovienya's initially disliked the woman, finding her all too similar to herself. However, the more they spoke the more she feels a common kinship with the woman. She herself is a mature woman surrounded by the abrasiveness of youth. Though Dovienya may not trust the woman, she believes her to be similarly motivated and does not feel the need to keep her guard up at all times. For now, she's content with their arrangements, she is quite fun to play with, after all.”

Tsuki Amaranth ( ) - The Apprentice
"Dovienya is not sure what to think of the young woman. To say they have a rocky relationship is putting it lightly, the woman clearly does not trust Dovienya yet seems to hold her in seemingly high regard. At times the girl wishes Dovienya dead, others she is reverent, to the point of deification. The girl represents a weakness and a source of chaos in her life. But despite it all, Dovienya loves her."

Vevekera Lelekera ( ) - The Enigma
”Master Vevekera is an anomaly, Dovienya can sense some..thing else within him that he keeps hidden. His selfless act to help Dovienya has earned him her eternal gratitude. Dovienya shares a similar 'ailment' with the Lalafell, and is sympathetic to his condition. She respects his wisdom and considers him a good source of counsel.”

Y'ashe Bajhiri ( ) - The White Raven
”Dovienya has a hard time judging her opinion on Miss Bajhiri. On one hand, she believes the girl a well of great potential. On the other, the girl seems far too concerned with developing her own relationships than running the Nest. Dovienya has had to manipulate Miss Bajhiri in the past, and she doubts that it will be the last time. But Dovienya has made it a personal vow to see that Y'ashe live up to the potential that Dovienya sees in her. Even if she must break the girl and rebuild her to do so. Recently, Dovienya and Y'ashe seem to have a bit of a falling out, their personalities simply clashing too often to maintain a friendly conversation.”

Y'sabel Chexu () - The Romantic
”Dovienya has only met Y'sabel in passing and as such has no real opinion on the woman. Was seen reading a romance novel, to her amusement.”

Y'shenn Baelat () - The Merchant
”Tsu amuses Dovienya. The man seems like a dependable sort and arrogant a man as she's ever seen. She respects the man for being able to stand up to her, not that she'd ever admit such things.”

Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "The Lady Cuenn? Oh sure, I know of them. They have a small manor house up in the pillars. Kind folks, from what I hear. Give a lot to charities and the like. They send some of their servants to come shopping every week." -Ishgardian shop keep

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!


◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "There was a painter so smitten by Dov's beauty that he painted a gorgeous picture of her crossed only with ropes. Upon learning of his intent to display the painting, the painter promptly disappeared, never to be heard from again. The painting was burned, so they say, although rumours abound of it still existing inside one of her holdings."
    "You didn't hear this from me... you understand, but I hear she has an arrangement with the prison warden of Ishgard. She visits the place every so often, carrying a red rose. I... well, the prisoners and guards have stories about those 'Marked by the rose'. I dare not say more." -Ishgardian Guard"


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Dove? She's doing quite well, thank you for asking. If you were hoping for a meeting, I'm afraid to say she is quite busy lately, spending my money. If you are attending next week's charity ball, you will surely see her there." Marcus Feral
    “Aye, I know the one. Everyone was callin' her Dovienya. 'cept one, he kept callin' her Rose. Anyhow, she's supposed t'be some noble lady, yeah? Lemme tell yeh, the woman's madder than bollocks. Yeh can see it right in her eyes. Yeh don't know if she's gonna bed yeh or tear yeh limb from limb for the sport o' it. Right scary, yeah? She wants me already. Yeh might be next, love.” Veke Illska, Quicksand, to anyone who will listen.
    "Add rumor here." Name

Songs used set a mood, lyrics may not reflect the views of my character. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"When one cannot be both, it is much safer to be feared than loved."