Siobhan Milner

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Siobhan Ciaran Milner
Siobhan Milner.jpg
"All things end, my dear. Even ghosts die."

Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 39
Occupation Lieutenant, 81st Company, Maelstrom Foreign Levy. Former Director, Milner Commodities and Acquisitions, Co. Ltd.
Orientation Bisexual
Alignment Lawful Neutral/Lawful Evil
Affiliation 81st Free Company, Foreign Levy. Milner Commodities and Acquisitions, Co. Ltd.


Siobhan Milner (Pronunciation: Show-vahn Mill-ner), is a staid woman with a decorous front she presents – something she’s learned after decades of operating in an Ul’dahn Merchant family. She’s tall for a Hyur, and typically dressed in finely designed (if a bit conservative) clothes. Rarely is she seen in any form of discernible armor, or armed in any fashion. She wears her golden hair up, aside from a few bangs hanging to one side of her forehead, and is often seen with a monocle over her right eye and a stack of paperwork. Recently she has found herself working with the 81st Company, Foreign Levy, aiding in the handling of their logistics and negotiation of business contracts as a Company Quartermaster. Many people note the first thing about the woman is the dour expression that constantly adorns her face. Others may comment on how well she dresses and the poise with which she carries herself. Siobhan Milner is a woman of constant calculation. Raised in a family of wealthy merchants, Siobhan was taught from a young age how to handle herself in business, in court, and with a sense of dignity and refinement. As a woman in a merchant house, she was planned to be married off - a move that would have cut her ambitious business plans before they had a chance to grow. In a reckless, and even violent motion, Siobhan left her fiancè and carved off on her own with the help of only a few very trusted business associates.


Above average in height for a Hyuran woman, and certainly larger in personality. She has a way of motivating a room that she walks into. Her clothing, even when she's traveling on harsh roads, are always impeccably matched and pressed and likely of an expensive design. When she attends meetings, she shows up in flawless dresses or suits to make a statement of her success. She's attractive, and looks rather young. She wears makeup that tends to push the boundaries of societies outside Ul'dah, often wearing rouge on her cheeks and colorful pigments of eye shadows.


Poised. Tactical. Tireless. Her associates would describe her as a pleasant, fair, and yet incredibly demanding woman. Her enemies would describe her as ruthlessly thorough - many of their businesses crashing underneath her foot. Underneath her pleasantries is the heart of a woman who would kill to ensure that her legacy continued.


GIL. Ever the business woman, Siobhan is easily motivated by money.

REFUGEES. Noting a failure on the part of other Monetarists, Siobhan has taken to charitable ventures.

TRADE. Business and trade are at the core of this woman's values and interests.

ORDER. A life in business has placed Siobhan on a path of order over chaos.


DISLIKE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

FAMILY. Constantly hurt by her own family, she despises the damage that family can bring.

TRUST. "Trust is naught but weakness disguised as kindness."

UL'DAHNI POLITICS. Forced out of her home by the forces of politics, Monetarists and Royalists both disgust her.


CONNECTED. There are few places she doesn't know someone, or few specialties she doesn't have covered.

WISE. Age and experience have bred uncommon wisdom.

LOVING. Despite her issues with trust, she is extremely loving with those she lets in.


FEAR. A life on the run breeds a sense of anxiety.

TORMENT. Fighting for everything you own often shatters ones mental state.

AVARICE. A life fueled by the spinning of coin rarely ever stops.


Face Claim: Cora Crawley (Elizabeth McGovern) [1].

Voice Claim: Elizabeth McGovern [2].

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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