U'dahsh'a Nunh

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 U'dahsh'a Nunh
Placeholder person.gif
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of The Sun
Citizenship None
Age 20
Sexuality Heterosexual
Occupation Hunter
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Namesday 20th Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon
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U'dahsh'a was born and raised in the Forgotten Springs camp of his tribe. His father is none other than the legendary U'odh Nunh, one of the members of the Company of Heroes that slew Titan. His mother was a young Keeper from a neighboring tribe that was wiped out from the Calamity. He has no memories of her or the tribe as his father fought to raise him as a Seeker. U'dahsh'a was plagued by his older brothers, and other tribe members for his heritage, increasing the difficulty of his daily life. After earning his Nunh title on the bloodsands near his home, U'odh Nunh agreed with the majority of the females that while he was a fit Nunh and earned his title, his keeper blood kept most of the Females away from him for breeding purposes. As most saw him unfit to bear children with him, the few that did would be allowed to find new hunting grounds and extend the tribe out of the desert.

Dahsh has two Coeurl's that follow him around, Sha'dai, is a fully grown Coeurl that Dahsh had tamed and befriended in his time in Limsa, and Kal'a, Sha'dai's kitten.


U'dahsh'a years spent in Limsa has changed his style of clothing from that of traditional Miqo'te hunting gear to that of a well dressed mariner. There are still traditional pieces about him, most notable is the bone necklace he still wears. The jewelry and clothes however are all very Limsan in apperence.


Loyal, defensive, and level headed would be the best three words to Sum U'dahsh'a up. Throw in strong willed and determined and once he has his mind set on some goal, he aims to achieve it and lets little stop him aside from his own friends.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~


Having been trained as a hunter since his youth, U'dahsh'a is well versed with the spear, ambush tactics, and a determined and fierce stance needed to stare a Sundrake down as it readies to belch fire.

His Echo Power allows him to improve his fighting skills, Leaping great distances and heights.



Cooked Red Meat
His Tridant
Springs and Fountains
A Clear Sky


Rude People
Bad Weather


Spear making


Favourite Food/Drink: Sundrake Steak/Laminsin Rum
Favourite Place: Near a spring or waterfall
Favorite Weather: Clear Skies
Favorite Season: Late Spring
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Scents: Lilac, Vanilla, Lavender


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

 Surilian Blu – From the time Dahsh met her when she was sitting wounded on the barrel, Dahsh has had strong feelings for the girl, at first they were just protective about her, but then through spending time with her they developed into something more without him even realizing it. That lead to a spat between X'linwh. By the time Onuma broke it up Dahsh took some time to realize he cared more for Suri than he thought. He's sense then asked Suri to be considered to be her mate and has kept his attention souly affixed to her, showering her with gifts and attention. As they waited to board the boat to Limsa, Suri agreed to make up her mind in a moon as to if she would accept him as a mate. Needless to say he's ecstatic about it..
 Liana Blu – Dahsh is weary of Liana, knowing that she could get Suri into alot of trouble if she isn't careful. After patching her up when she got ambushed, he learned a decent amount about her and feels a bit sorry for her. Her wild side however stirs something primal within him though.
Y'lyfriel Sikah – During the time Rhesh was locked up, Dahsh noticed how much Lyfriel cared for Rhesh. All the time and effort she put into having him released she is a kind soul and willing to go lengths for the people she cares for.
Onuma Ahntifi – Onuma has a way when speaking to everyone that really makes her seem like the Matron of the group. Dahsh admires her ability to reel everyone in when they misbehave, and even on one occasion reeled him in during a bad spat with X'linwh
Rhesh'ir Zhwan – Dahsh still has yet to make heads or tails of Rhesh. He seems like a good sort for helping out back when his tribe came under attack, but every time he's seen him in a social setting when something serious is brought up he seems to not have a care in the world, almost as if he cares about nothing at all, which keeps Dahsh weary of being sworn to him.
Dawson Colwell - Dahsh has only run into Dawson a few times and they really haven't spent any time together. From what Dahsh has over heard though, he's been with the group from nearly the start and is considered part of the tribe by the other miqo'te from Gridania.
Rah'na Lihzeh – Rah'na is still very much a kit, his stomach retches at the sight and smells of the organs of his kills. He is eager to learn however, and maybe one day he might make a well trained hunter. For now though, best to just keep getting his hands dirty with blood and make him loose his lunch.

Enemies & Rivals

X'linwh Tia – Something about this kit makes Dahsh frustrated with him nearly every time they run into each other. Dahsh does nothing but give suggestions to him to help him learn and not make such stupid mistakes. Lin almost always takes these suggestions as insult and lashes out at him. Dahsh is truely at a loss for how to deal with him.


Easily Overheard Rumours

"That tall black and blonde handsome Nunh that runs around here? -purr- I'd love to mate him." - Female Miqo'te Dancer.
"He's a damn fine hunter, and always brings the best cuts of meat and tanned leather a merchant could ask for, even damn good low prices, but don't tell him that part!" - Ul'dah Merchant

Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours

Rarely Overheard Rumours

"He has no right to be called Nunh, and was rejected from our tribe for being mixed blooded, no one likes tainted blood." - Member of the Drake 'U' Tribe
"Sometin' of dat Miqo'te is familiar... I tink he used ta be a pirate around he'e, and no' the good kind, the kind dat takes yur mom and pop and sells dem to da scalebacks." - Limsian Tavern Patron.

Player Character Rumours

""Most of the time hes so damn sweet but once in a while his tongue stops working. But ...his heart is in the right place" - Surilian Blu
"He's such a darling toy. He is full of surprises though. Starting to grow on me. God...I hope he's not a weed" - Liana Blu


Son of U'odh Nunh from the Forgotten Springs and a young keeper female, U'dahsh'a was forever troubled by his mixed blood. Being born in a traditional Seeker tribe made it all that much more harder. After completing his trial to become a Nunh, he was tasked with finding new hunting grounds for the tribe to expand them. His search led to Limsa. Falling into the wrong crew on the wrong ship, he was a pirate that worked for the Sahagin. By the time he found out what his crew mates were really up to he was a wanted man by the Yellowjackets and the Malestrom. Fleeing from Limsa after a near encounter with the Sahagin Primal, U'dahsh'a made his way back to Thalanian. Arriving back home he found his tribe under attack. He pledged himself to Rhesh'ir and the rest of his friends for aiding his tribe, and then was soon cut off from them shortly after. Not having any where to go U'dahsh'a hopes his new family won't throw him to the Sundrakes as his old tribe did.


Theme Song: TBD

Alignment: Chaotic Good