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Liana Blu
 "Dance with me. Dance to the tune of my soul."
Keeper of the Moon
Limsa Lominsa
Oschon, the Wanderer
25th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon
((IN LOVING MEMORY - Thank you all for accepting my Liana and giving her a amazing life))
♫ Look into our eyes.
See the truth inside our core.
One soul sings while the other wishes greatly for...
A way to sail the darken seas of this agony.
Pain, Roses, blues with golds and greens.
Perplexing box of fate.
Wish to break this gilded cage.
Haunting melody, weaving its way surrounding me.
Suddenly can't see the light, is the sun setting?
Anyone there? Anyone hear me?
The golden one is our mind.
Sweet and shy but is that so?
Wisdom leaks in golden lights
Dark ideas slowly unfold.
Tainted waters, shades of truth.
The heart always seems blue.
Oh soul of blue? Are you as rampant as a tsunami?
Storming currents, Never to be tamed.
When no one looks shes as soft as dew.
Let their emotions run as much as the rain. ♫
~ Sung by Liana Blu
♦ General
Liana gave her all for her sister. This much is certain. Though the woman's coldness could be due to hostility of jealousy, Liana found her life would be nothing for her sister. Twins at birth, Liana was always the braver, more rambunctious of the twins. Was almost as if the girl feared nothing.
One day she dared the timid Suri to lunge head first over the local falls of the area. For good measure she even went first to prove to her sister it was safe. Sadly Suri followed suit and missed, terrible. Hitting rocky shards below, Liana felt she would lose her sister forever. Healers worked hard to bring the young child back but her wounds were to great. Along with this her beloved sister lost a eye, many injured organs, as well as bones. Full of remorse Liana begged the healers to take whatever they wished from her. She was a perfect match after all. Hesitant but with enough persuasion Liana gave her life for her sister allowing them to take what they needed, but twisted turn of events unfolded as they worked with the sisters. Suri was saved. Liana was lost. As Suri gained conscience she realized something. Nothing ever looked the same again and a shaky realization happened. Liana's soul fused with her sister, creating a bond they both were not prepared for.
Time was not kind to Liana. And events that unfolded in Eorzea left her angry, cold, and unforgiving. She was close to having her sister fully agree with her idea of vanishing far into a desert or mountain when things changed. Surilian, though she had many crushes and love interests, had fully fallen head over heels for a hot tempered Hyur named, Artorias. Though Liana didn't understand what Suri saw in the man, it was clear nothing in Liana's power could stop her sister. Liana for the first time in her days wished to be free and wanted her own body. Her plans of taking her sister with her into the wilds away from anyone changed. And now in her mind, she only wished freedom.
Thankfully that day came and Liana and Surilian, with the help of a powerful mage and dollmaker, Gospel Gestalt, was able to be free. It was a shock to Surilan though a blessing to Liana.
♦ Behaviour
Mainly Liana is a flirt. She has a cocky attitude no matter the situation. She can also act egotistical though it is just an act. She never really believes anything that is coming out of her mouth. She might be shocked if someone actually accepts her flirting or pushy advances. Be it male or female she has a tendency to taunt them or try to cause either discomfort or displeasure. Regardless of this she can be warm hearted, though doesn't like the feeling. She can be different though with others she cares about and considers a friend. She loves pranks and jokes most of all. She has softened over time but still is guarded with her own thoughts. She might not open up right away and prefers that other open up to her instead. Liana does have loyalty though it can waver if she is insulted so caution is still needed.
Known jobs she works for:
- ● Singer
- ● Dancer
- ● Blacksmith(wandering trade)
- ● Armorsmith(wandering trade)
- ● Assassin
- ● Murderer
- ● Thief
- ● Smuggler
- ● Bandit
♦ Appearance
♦ Combat
Liana prides her self on her aim. Whether its throwing a knife, random object or a arrow, marksmanship is her greatest asset. Liana may also fight dirty. She does her best to figure out their weakness and have no issues exploiting it. Along with this Liana loves large weapons so her eye is now scoped on lancing. To round herself she has also starting to learn hand to hand combat.
Liana and Surilian have found they can both switch quickly during battles. Liana has found herself constantly summoned through a mirror. Suri will switch places with her and beg for protection. Liana loves to snipe down her foes but finds Suri's constant dependency annoying. She has found that with enough will, she can force her sister out and switch places. The tag team dance has now become a norm. With Liana's sniping and Surilian's panicked multiple target attacks and fast reflexes, Liana has rather enjoyed the beautiful harmony they are creating.
Weapon specialization:
- ■Bow
- ■Hand to Hand
- ■Hidden hook chain in her left wrist.
- ■Darts(prefers poison, paralyze, or rope dart(to drag her target back to her) )
- ■Arming traps and explosives
- ■Lance
- ■Loves advanced technology
- ■Daggers
♦ Echo Power
Echo Power: Thrumming Perception
Description: This skill is dependent on the surroundings and nature on which it happens. This echo comes in two parts as follows one part for Liana and one for Surilian:
When Liana calls Thrumming Perception, she hones in on her target with amazing accuracy. Like the name, her hearing is blocked and the only sound is a drum beat. Depending on her mood the beat will be fast or slow. She times her shot on this drum. With her increase power, she has been able to now use this twice in a day. But no more then that. She strives to push her limits but that is as far as she got so far.
- ■ Watching people beg for mercy
- ■ Money
- ■ Cosplay
- ■ Fashion
- ■ Her sister
- ■ Fear
- ■ Anything that sparkles
- ■ Theft and Tormenting others
- ■ Phurbles
- ■ Sheep(large fear includes lost sheep, ewe,)
- ■ Having Feelings of any kind
- ■ Cold Rain
- ■ Stupidity
- ■ Liars
- ■ People
- ■ Hunting
- ■ Killing anything
- ■ Stalking anyone that looks interesting.
- ■ Thievery
- ■ crafting with her hands
- ■ Cosplaying
- ■ Singing
- ■ Dancer
- ■ Favourite Food/Drink: Anything sweet
- ■ Favourite Place: In a shadowy corner plotting.
- ■ Favorite Weather: Clear warm nights
- ■ Favorite Season: Summer
- ■ Favorite Color: Reds and Blacks
- ■ Favorite Scents: Mint
- ■ Favorite Pet: none
♦ Related Images
- Most images made by me ~Suri~*
*Icons best seen in IE or Firefox(Google Chrome doesn't like them)*
💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire ❤ In love with 💑 In a relationship ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
- ● Surilian Blu – Her sister has grown in leaps and bounds. The girl has blossomed into a woman in front of her eyes. Liana is both happy and sad. The frightened girl she sheltered from the world is no more. And though Liana was only older then Suri by a minute, she always felt it was by a few years. She had held her, sheltered her, and fought for her. No army was big enough to stop her from protecting her sister. Liana never felt fear till after separation. Though it was truly something Liana wanted, part of her felt it was time to let her sister live. "She has a family now. What am I to do now? Where is my place? Why am I still here?"
- ● 💘? Gospel Gestalt – One word most definetly comes to mind when Liana thinks of this hyur. "Perplexion!!!" She can not make heads or tails her thoughts. Should she stay? Should she run? What she knows for sure is she has never felt so close to a person as she does in this man's presence. She could even call him her best friend. But at times while he speaks, her heart nearly blocks out her hearing. Its infuriating! She knows he has stated he cares for her. But he always poured his heart out in claiming he loves Victorica more then life itself it seems. The confusion is dizzying as she fights her thoughts. "Nay! He sees me as a friend! Mayhaps a sister even. I refuse to complicate things and mayhaps make something there that isn't even there. I pray this annoying heart turns to dust soon and I feel nothing. Part of me misses when I felt like stone. Yet....part of me enjoys this annoying warmth. I shall take these thoughts to my grave. There!"
- ● Artorias Mason – This man still leaves a bad taste in her mouth, though she tries. He has his good points though. He loves her sister. And Surilian is happy, if not glowing! His manner is pretty crude though mayhaps that is why they butt heads. "Guess if I ever woke up as a man..I'd be Artorias? That man and I seem to act alike at times. Though my temper is far more contained."
- ● Sylvaintel Simler – The most happiest Elezen ever! That is the only thing that comes to Liana's mind. This man isn't a jerk, isn't stuck up, nor does he look down on others(though he does have to look down..since hes so damn tall). Liana worships his food though the man is still a mystery to her. She has seen him from time to time in armor. He claimes he must hunt his ingredients but...with his hands? "I suppose ...its better to punch the aldgoat before cooking. I guess it makes it tender? No idea."
- ● 💘 C'kayah Tia - She cared for this Miqo'te though time and events had pulled them apart. They were once close and yet now it is only glimpse. Though Liana finds herself wandering further away, mayhaps its her own fault of alienating herself from everyone. Either way, She speaks warmly of this male.
- ● 💔 Reve'tan Molkoh (Deceased) – He was a wonderful childhood friend that grew up with her. He knew them both when she had her own body...he even knew their secrets. Oh how she loved him but he always so so interested in Suri. Not her....She screamed on that day when Suri and her was to be sentenced. Screamed as the arrows entered his body. Screamed as she held him there listening to his last breaths. Oh how she loved him. Oh how he never noticed her. Oh how she wished to be different.
- ● Rurutani Sasatani - She couldn't find her beloved toy anywhere. Mayhaps it was better to stop looking. He was well, she was sure. Or so she hoped. Time had passed and she was certain this toy had found better things. Or he was dead.... "Best not think about it..."
- ● Rhagana Doomslayer – She had not seen this Roe in a while but she did care for her. Perhaps not like the Roe would have expected though. Liana has had alot of time to think and realized her teasing to this woman was unfair. Yet part of her didn't fully feel that badly. Either way..she hopes she is fairing well.
- ● U'dahsh'a Nunh - He was a very very fun toy. She was starting to almost.../enjoy/ their clashing but she understood her sister's heart and decision. She was sure she would find a new toy but had to admit...a pirate like him was rather alluring. "Farewell...may the wind keep your sails at full tilt and never stall."
- ● Mijisaa Qisaa - Liana no matter what still likes this lalafell. Hmm hopefully she'll get a job from her soon.
- ● Pipituu Kipichuu - His antics were amusing. She felt his lip quirk as he spoke next to his wife. What a unlikely employer. Though Liana doesn't know to much on him ..nor his wife.
- ● Onmji Kamji - One look at his cute face and Liana lifted her boot to kick him as far as the sun. She so hoped she'd ding a star but he grinned innocently and offered to tell her every merchant that was shaddy. His quick wit and down to earth nature made her pause and before she knew it, she was helping him. For the first time ever she was laughing and shaking his hand in truce. Fair enough. He is saved for now.
- ● Setoh Viqqoh – One meeting! One meeting was enough to make her boil. There was something about him she hated. That arrogance! The nerve of him to even touch her, let alone cast a sleep spell on her. Takes more then a sleep spell to silence her. Kayah might have told her to give him a chance but she was still left simmering.
- ● Y'lyfriel Sikah – Liana never spoke with this woman. And as time passed she no longer cared to even pay her any mind.
- ● Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Liana still doesn't trust him...His sudden kindness to her sister, sickening. But she had to admire someone that can toss life to the wind. Can't say anything to bad about that.
- ● Tahla'li Tayuun – Liana thinks nothing of this Mi'qote. He seems kind to Suri regardless of his reservations and that is enough for her. he promised to help Suri in some problem. She has no idea what he wants to help with but whatever makes him happy.
- ● Onuma Ahntifi – Liana lost interest in this woman after some time. Suri though mentioned her fondly from time to time though Liana just shrugged. She never needed a mother but ..the woman wasn't all that bad.
- ● Lotan'to Jiub – Suri adopted this man as their father and it never sat well in Liana's stomach. But she changed her mind when he stepped up for her sister. It made Liana briefly appear just to look at this man, deemed father worthy. With approval she accepts this.
- ● Oliwat Kokiwat – Liana just met this lalafell. She stifled the urge to kick him far, only because Suri protested the thought. She seemed satisfied by only insulting his height in the end.
- ● Kodaro Ba'rococo – Hasn't spent time with this man so her small admiration has vanished. How boring...
- ● Rah'na Lihzeh - She has no interest in this male. Truely there isn't much to say.
Enemies & Rivals
- ● Dennthota Ahtahrmwyn - Liana found this woman amusing. Oh aye...she might have bested her and her sister but ONLY with help. If it wasn't for that Pug...Liana would have stomped a boot into the Roe's face happily. One day Liana will take all this Roe has ...and this roe will take orders from her. One day this woman will realize she picked the wrong miqo'te.
- ● X'linwh Tia (Deceased) – A dragon? Suri's loud wailing made Liana's head hurt but she could feel the echos of pain in her own heart. She ...wailed the same...when Reve'tan passed in her arms...Regardless of how she hated this man...still was a odd shame.
- ● Dawson Colwell - Liana doesn't trust him. Vacation or not..once its over she is sure he'll change his thinking and send them both off to the moon with his damn wind. Oh she never forgot. The back of her head still aches from time to time.
♦ Player Character Rumours
- ■ "Liana is as dangerous as she is beautiful, as much as I love her smile, I know there is something sinister behind it." ~ U'dahsh'a Nunh
- ■ "Liana is as dangerous as she is beautiful, as much as I love her smile, I love the sinister something lurking behind it even more." ~ C'kayah Tia
- ■ "Liana is a beautiful, passionate, and dangerous woman, and I happily accept who she is completely." ~ Rurutani Sasatani
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Added Note:
Theme song: Again by Yui