Cailin Teowulf

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Cailin Rhaksal
Pure White

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Name Cailin Rhaksal
Alias... "Kitten," "Tiny Wife"
Age... 19
Gender... Female
Race... Miqo'te
Clan... Keeper of the Moon
Orientation... Bisexual
Marital... Married
Deity... Menphina, the Lover
Nationality... Gridania
Occupation... Researcher/Baker/Babysitter/Healer
Place of Birth... Gridania
A little baby catte
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Cailin is a small, twig like thing that looks like she would break at the touch of a finger tip. Despite that fact that she likes to bake, it seems as though she never gains any weight. Her dark hair contrasts her pale skin - living up to the Keeper stereotype of never getting any sun. Occasionally the small girl will go to have her hair dyed to match her mix-matched eyes, but most of the time it's just a simple, deep blue. You will normally see her running around in some sort of dress, but she knows how to dress for any occasion.

Height: 5 Fulms even
Weight: 110 pnz
Complexion: Fair, light skinned and smooth complexion.
Hair: Naturally deep blue.
Eyes: Blue (right) Green (left)
Particular Traits: She's usually blushing for seemingly no reason. She is slightly near sighted, using glasses to fix the problem. Her ears seem large for her age, giving her more of the kitten appearance.
Voice: Small and quiet, sometimes brittle.
Clothing style: She usually dresses modestly though she is not afraid to show off a little bit of skin. But only a little. Skirts and dresses are favorites.

    Sweets, or baking in general
    Sunny Days
    The Shroud
    Learning, especially new magics, even if she doesn't practice them
    Literature and just general reading


    Loud Noises
    Being alone
    Being in crowds
    Destruction of any kind


    Color: Celeste Green
    Food: Pastry Dish
    Drink: [Undecided, probably something fruity]
    Place: The Black Shroud


    Chocobo care


    To one day marry. (Accomplished!!)
    To one day have a (large) family of her own.
    To become a Chocobo Breeder.


    Menphina the Lover (Most specifically)


    Loving and Caring
    Soft and gentle


    She's shy and that can get in the way
    Probably a little too trusting


    She's a decent cook.
    She can use her aether without the need of a tool (ie, a staff, wand, etc.)
    She uses the world and aether around her to help her out, using the earth, water, and wind around her to battle.
    She easily gets along with animals and critters, seeming to understand them and even quell them when agitated.


    Actually very smart, though her shyness gets in the way of showing it. She people watches often, and learned everything she knows about magic from Kailee.
    High level of reading/writing.
    Decent Knowledge of aether, most specifically conjury.
    Weapons proficiency in staffs.
    Crafting Skills in Culinarian.

Pets and Companions
Caramel Delight

    Nickname: "CD" "Seedy"
    A bunny she found one day. Poor thing was bleeding from the leg after an attack from a nearby wolf. Cailin, not able to restrain herself, took the bunny home where she nursed it back to health with the help of her other woodland creatures. Just like her other woodland creatures she let the animal free to come and go. Though it never went.


    Another little critter that Cailin nursed and has since never left. Cailin originally found the egg in Ul'dah, alone and no where near a nest or farm to be raised. So she took it, kept it warm, studied up on how to raise a chocobo, and now the creature is up and bustling about as a full grown chocobo that protects Cailin as if it were wholly related.


Before Dalamud's Fall
Birth and Early Childhood (0-9)

Cailin was born an only child to a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te, Lena, and a man still unknown to her. Not even a name, or a personality, or a reason to be present today. Despite this Cailin grew up in a rather normal childhood. Taking on her mother's looks Cailin did well meeting other children. Rather, she attracted the other kids easily with her big eyes and soft personality. However she was a very shy child, developing a stutter at a young age that only seemed to worsen every time she became scared or agitated. It was because of this that Cailin rather liked staying at home and learning to bake cookies with her mother. She lived a very simple life, spending a majority of her free time not cooking out in the forest among the trees and making better friends with the wild life than the other children. She was perfectly happy, until the lesser moon feel from the sky.

After Dalamud's Fall

The young girl couldn't understand what she saw. She could only stand and watch as the animals and wild life fled around her. The red moon fell and opened up to expose a horrifying monster. It wasn't until her mother found her and carried her away that she took cover. When they were finally able to emerge everything the young girl knew and loved had been destroyed. Cailin and her mother had to start over along side their great City-State of Gridania. Still just a child herself, Cailin could do little to help with the reconstruction of the city. If she could she would retrieve items or made small deliveries for guild masters and workers, just trying to be as helpful as she could. She found a large interest in the work the botanist guild did, planting and shaping the land back to it's original state, if not even more beautiful than before. She mostly stayed by her mother's side, who found work in making meals for the workers and adventurers willing to help. It was this work that eventually led Lena into opening her own pastry stall once the City had returned to functionality.

Teen Years (12-14)

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So small and wanting to stay by her mother's side, Cailin helped with the stall as much as she could. Her kind and shy composure quickly earned her the front of the shop position. It was Lena's hope that this would help her with her shyness and stutter. Though the girl did find some comfort working with customers, the stutter never truly went away. Regardless, her mother kept her there and had her help with deliveries even to the other nations. Along side working for her mother Cailin visited the Botanist guild quite often, learning about the different kinds of plants she was surrounded by daily. She learned how to properly harvest them, and even plant some crops. She thought to start a little garden for herself and her mother one day, maybe even learn about some foreign plants to Gridania that would help with their cooking.

A Realm Reborn
The Forge

Cailin worked for her mother in the pastry stall without complaint. The little shop did well enough for itself that Lena was able to find a small house for her and her daughter, and Cailin leaned a lot about baking and cooking in general. With help from the botanists, Cailin also created that small garden for mother and herself. Tending to it and the shop helped Cailin become comfortable again, things slowly returning to normal for her.

Deliveries for the pastry stall were usually no bother, though they had gotten her into trouble once or twice. One trip in particular she will remember forever, one that set in motion a chain of events that would lead her to be the successful white mage and happy girlfriend she is now. On this trip set to send her to Bentbranch Meadows, she came across a rogue morbol that decided to attack her. Having no defensive skill magical or otherwise, she was easily overtaken. She would have quickly become plant fodder had a purple haired Miqo'te not come to her rescue. Nel Turuphant made quick work of the morbol, saving the girl though unfortunately lost her goods to the forest floor. Feeling bad for the girl she offered to teach her something in the way of martial defense. It was then that Cailin learned that Nel was the Director of the Celestial Forge, a free company dedicated to forging and supplying adventurers with the means to protect themselves, as well as a research facility in the ways of magitek and other technologies. All of this in an effort to help better Eorzea protect itself from another disaster like that of five years prior.

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Feeling that she had no place in a free company Cailin was unsure about accepting any kind of training. After sitting down with her mother, however, Nel convinced Lena to let her train Cailin so long as it helped her protect herself and better her chances out there in the wild. Until then, she would not send Cailin out for anything unless it was to send her to Limsa for her training. This began the kitten's training with the polearm, taking after the lancers in Gridania. While in La Noscea she would meet a few more members of the Forge, including Isilme Turuphant, Dante Redstone, and Paradyme Capellago. Isilme always seemed so interested in her magitek devices, and not much interaction was to be had with any of the other members besides Paradyme, who was also under Nel's training for the sword and shield.

While under Nel's teachings and finding herself doing a bit of side work for the Forge, she met a young person named Robin Alexandria. Robin was a kind Midlander with a soft face, a bit distant, though Cailin would learn why after having them spend a night at her house. The two grew close fast and became an item after not too long. Unfortunately, though they worked for the same free company, the two hardly saw each other outside of work. Never the less the kitten continued her training with Nel. Though having a rod in her hands seemed fitting, the way she flung it around felt unnatural and the poor girl never could get into the swing of things. It wasn't until after going on a mission with the Forge to acquire pieces of magitek for a project they were working on that Cailin decided the polearm was just not for her. She thought, instead, that healing was more suitable to her. Luckily for her on that same mission she met Kailee Ivicus, Head Master of the University of Aether.

Going to School

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She was easily accepted into the school and there began her training as a white mage. It was there that she learned she was able to use aether of her own will, not needing staff or wand, but rather using it to better direct and control the aether she was using. It was also during this time that she found an egg, prepped to be a meal for a peiste. Saving it she returned to Kailee and discovered she had stumbled upon a chocobo egg. The kitten decided to keep it, raising it from a hatchling until it grew into a magnificent black feathered chocobo. All the while she stayed under Kailee's teachings, seeing a couple other students come and go, though she somehow became Kailee's first official graduate. Her final test was one of using her ability in a live trial; keeping another alive. She was given a charge, of sorts, a warrior preparing to go through the Gladiator training grounds, Halatali, once again. It was her job to keep him alive. Meeting the warrior the Silver Bazaar, she found she had met him once before. His name was Ithki Rhaksal, a male Miqo'te and an acquaintance of Kailee's. He had stopped by the school once, scaring the kitten half to death with his loud demeanor. Onto Halatali, where Cailin found that healing a warrior through combat was no easy task. With nothing to shield him from blows to his body she worked hard, calling on the aether on the land a bit more than she was used to in order to keep the man up and running. By the end of the man's "training session" she was successful in keeping him happy and healthy, no more than maybe a scratch on him and only out of breath herself. Very pleased with her performance Ithki offered to celebrate with the girl over in Costa Del Sol. She humbly accepted and had her first alcoholic drink. She drank enough to let herself get dizzy, at which point Ithki took her to his place for the night. There she slept, innocently unaware of any feelings that might be stirring in either of the Miqo'te.

After graduating the girl stayed with Kailee, taking on research jobs for her. She started gathering knowledge surrounding the rumors of the Relic Weapons. Focusing specifically on Thyrus, the White Mage weapon of fable, she was able to recreate a Thyrus Atma. Though her studies fell short, especially after going through a break up with Robin. Never seeing them and never able to spend time with them, especially now that she was working for her teacher, she knew that nothing would come of their relationship. Though it was her call, it was hard. She never meant to hurt the Midlander and feared that they would never forgive her. Though they promise things would be fine, it seems she still doesn't have much contact with them. Though that is just as much her fault as it were theirs.

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After that she associated mainly with those of the University, meeting Kassandra and a new professor named Jigumundo. Things became especially hard once Fayne, Kailee's lover, fell to the temperament of Leviathan. Along side her studies she worked to help Kailee find a way to cure the now lost woman of her mental confines. Along the way she met another member of the Celestial Forge that she had not met before. During this time she agreed to help Miya Sha, a Miqo'te woman she had met a few suns back in the Black Shroud. The woman was apparently promised by Fayne to be introduced to Kailee, before obvious complications came about. She needed help repairing her spear, and as a result, ended up doing research on the Relic Weapons for Kailee as well. Cailin also kept in contact with Ithki, who agreed to help her while she tried to continue her studies, and even still took her on dates. They eventually came to be a couple, bringing the two of them happiness that Cailin hadn't felt before, even in the midst of all the sadness and chaos happening in the realm. Among that chaos was the news of the Saltana becoming extremely ill and the monetarists practically going mad with power. With Brass Blades everywhere, Cailin no longer felt safe and took herself and Midnight, her loyal chocobo, back to the Lavender Beds to live with her mother. Fortunately for her this also brought her closer to Ithki, living none to far from her. She visited him often, spending nights with him and before she could even unpack her things at her mothers she found herself moving in with her lover, where she settled in easily and happily.

Recent History

True Love

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With things quieting down a bit in Ul'dah, and Fayne finally returned to normal, the University of Aether turned it's focus of research towards airships and crafts. Not knowing much in the way of any craft, Cailin has taken on the job of providing everyone at the University with daily meals and gathering what supplies she can for the crafters of the University. This wasn't before Ithki suggested they take a short vacation, some time to get away from their work and the craziness going on with the Dragonsong War. Just a little time to themselves. While preparing to leave for Fallgourd Float, however, things became rather intimate. After a year of dating Ithki, Cailin finally became a woman. Ever since that night the two of them only grew closer and closer, their love shining brighter than most had ever seen. Even though she was still so young Cailin was sure she would be with Ithki forever. Her dreams were made true when Ithki Finally popped the question, and they were married on the 20th Sun of the First Umbral Moon. Cailin was seventeen years old. They lived happily together, fulfilling their promises to each other with big plans for their future as one family. They were inseparable, almost impossible to see one without the other close behind.

The Fall and Rise

Things were perfect. Cailin couldn't have asked for a better life. At least, that is what the two of them thought. For two cycles the two thought they would live happily ever after. Though towards the end of these two cycles, they realized that they were not getting what they wanted out of life. And unfortunately for the both of them, what they each individually wanted was not what the other did. Before things became too strenuous for either of them, the two decided to split up. This hurt Cailin a great deal. She loved Ithki with all of her heart. She still does, if truth be told. But the two of them just couldn't support each other anymore. And so they split. Cailin was heart broken, but knew it was for the better. She kept her home, Ithki returning to his original to do what it was he wanted to do.

Cailin dove herself into work for the Blade and Tonic - the new free company after UoA joined with a sister free company. She still worked for Kailee; bringing her requested ingredients, assisting with experiments, etc. Though when Kailee did not need help or just otherwise had nothing for Cailin to do, Cailin took over babysitting for the free company. At first this was just for Dante and Fayne after their little miracle, Ruby, happened. Fayne provided a separate room in the FC just for babysitting. The accommodations were greatly appreciated and Cailin enjoys very much working with the baby. Children were one of the many things Cailin wished for while with Ithki. But things happen, and ultimately Cailin never had children with Ithki. Taking care of Ruby was a very good past time, however. One afternoon in the Twelve's Wood, Cailin was having herself a calming stroll through the forest with her chocobo, Midnight, when she heard the panicked squawking of another chocobo. She saw a very large chocobo rush past her before a very large man fell off it. The chocobo stopped and panicked over it's clearly injured rider. Cailin rushed to help. She was met with a badly injured highlander man with a poisoned arrow in his shoulder. Unable to help him much right then and there, she healed him enough with her basic white magic to get him back on his chocobo and lead them back to her home, where she could properly remove the arrow, the poison, and make a solvent for his wounds. From then on Cailin and this man, Fennel Teowulf as he came to be known, began bonding. Cailin found herself making excuses to hang out with the man as much as she could. And Fennel was happy to oblige. It wasn't long before Fennel found himself with feelings for the little kitten and asked her to start dating him. Eventually Fennel moved in with her, just being an adventurer for the Twin Adders and not having much of a home himself. The two grew closer together by the day. Fennel was helping Cailin with refurbishments to her home, until it became a home for both of them. Before she knew it, her tiny little cottage would become a home for not the two of them, but for four of them.

*Some of Cailin's background may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of Cailin's past, the openings are there to fill.
Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Cailin has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Cailin, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions! If you think there is a mistake, please message me!
Last Update... 8/13/17
  • An asterisks denotes that Cailin doesn't know the individual's true name.
Relationship Status Legend
💘 Crush 💗 Sexual Desire In love with 💑 In a relationship Wants that person dead


Ithki Rhaksal ( ) ( Ex-Husband )
Cailin's wonderful and loving and handsome ex-husband. She holds the man up on the highest pedestal she can reach (and after learning how to levitate things, that can be pretty high!) Their first meeting was offsetting, at least for quiet little Cailin, but after keeping him alive through her final trial at school and going on a number of dates with him she found herself quickly falling for the man. She could feel his love and want to protect her, and she only hopes she can live up to his standard and never lose him. Unfortunately for her, that is exactly what happened. Though it was a mutual understanding, the two of them just drifted apart. She isn't sure what happened, or why, but the two of them just stopped seeing eye to eye. Though she still cares deeply for Ithki and would do anything to help and protect him, they are no longer married.
Kailee Ivicus ( Magic teacher and Employer )
Her teacher and mentor while she was going to school, and current employer at The Blade and Tonic. Cailin likes her well enough, though has been growing more and more concerned. Kailee always seems to have something going on, and always seems to have some ailment that Cailin just cannot figure out how to cure. She stresses the poor girl out, but Cailin sticks with her all the same.
Nel Turuphant ( Former Combat Teacher )
Cailin's original combatants teacher while the kitten was working for the Forge. Nel was the original one to find and care for Cailin before she left her mother's home for schooling.
A ruffian who was gentle enough around Cailin not to make her too nervious. She liked to make lewd jokes sometimes though. Their personalities didn't clash a very well, so they didn't interact much. All Cailin knew really was that Isilme and Nel were together.
Cailin met Miya very late in her time at The Celestial Forge. Cailin learned very quickly that the woman was suffering with an internal struggle, and wished to help her, though found there wasn't much she could do.
Fennel Taowulf ( 💑 ) ( Boyfriend ) - Fen
Cailin met Fennel by chance in the Twelves Wood, saving his life from angry hunters. Ever since then, the two have grown ever closer together by the day as live together. Fen is also the father of Cailin's soon to be children.


Dante Redstone ( Blade and Tonic Leader )
Cailin doesn't interact much with the "Blade" portion of The Blade and Tonic. She's known Dante for some time now, and feels like she's known him for years before they actually met, but she can't quite place why. Regardless, he's a very kind and generous man, and the husband to Fayne. He's always very kind to her when they are together, but the only thing keeping him low on her list of people to like is the uneasy feeling he gives her. (Also, probably the fact that they don't see each other).
Ah, the ex-lover to Kailee. This would be the only reason Cailin would have a bad mark against Fayne, but besides that she has no qualms with Fayne. She's a nice woman, it not a little too... abrasive at times. A strong fighter and a loyal friend. She just needs guidance sometimes.
An old crush of Cailin's while she was working for the Forge. He left before she did, and they have since not spoken much.
Hrodrich left Aether Labs before it was even Aether Labs. She didn't talk to much before that, so all she really knew was that he was some sort of body guard for the labs. Though he was very rough and almost seemed mean, but Cailin would vouch otherwise for him.
He came to the Aether Labs while it was still a school as a teacher. Though Cailin had already graduated by that point, and there were no students at the time. So Cailin was never able to see his teach methods. There always seemed something off about him, same as Kailee, but she could never place what was wrong. He otherwise seemed like a nice man.
Kassandra Dawn ( Former Alchemist Teacher ) - Kass
Kass was... harsh but understanding. She was willing to teach Cailin how to make medicines and potions. But one day she disappeared, and was never heard from again.
Robin Alexandria ( Ex-lover )
Cailin's ex-lover of a couple months. Unfortunate for Robin, Cailin didn't feel like the two of them gave enough attention to consider being together anymore. Cailin feared she hurt Robin's feelings too much, and even though Robin claimed everything was fine, Cailin just wasn't sure. They don't see each other anymore.



Lena Puisin ( Mother ) - Mama
Cailin's mother and only (known) living relative. She raised Cailin ever since the girl can remember. She is a hard working woman with a personality almost opposite of Cailin's. She is outgoing and extremely friendly. Protective of Cailin perhaps, but when you have but one child it can only be expected of you. That being said she loves Ithki and trusts her daughter with him, and now awaits grandchildren.
Valic Sunblood ( Cousin )
Valic is a long lost member of Lena's tribe. Lena's brother left the tribe to persue a love of his own, and eventually had Valic. It was only to soon have to leave him behind to keep his duties to his Grand Company and keep the poor boy a secret. Though Lena, of the same mind as her brother, was somehow aware. She noticed the boy's name and invited Cailin to meet him in hopes of expanding the girl's horizons both in knowledge and social ability. [It should be noticed Valic and Cailin have not met ICly yet, and all this information is pulled from Valic's page and a little bit of headcannoning before any actual RP takes place.]

These are rumors, both from NPCs and PCs, that one might overhear in regards to Cailin. Feel free to utilize these in your RP hooks, or add your own!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    "That girl and her mother make the most delicious bread in all of the Shroud!" -- Gridanian Resident
    "She seems nice enough but... I've seen her just... stare at plants all day. And she seemed angry about it." -- Botanist Guild Patron
    "The girl knows more names of plants than she does people. Who doesn't know who Raubahn is?" -- Ul'dahn trader.

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    "I saw her try to push someone over one time. She ended up on the ground herself, poor girl!" -- Gridanian trader as he laughed.

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    "Lass likes to read a lot. Including those weird erotic novels. Doesn't she write them too? About her friends? She ain't as innocent as ye think!" -- Quicksand Patron
    "She has to start every morning with a full length orchestra of woodland creatures in exchange for their youth giving powers. She has to! How else can one girl be so cute and innocent?!" -- Gridanian Resident


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "I can neither confirm nor deny the woodland creatures. But I can confirm that she cooks 1,000 cupcakes a year as an offering to the cute as fuck goddess." --Ithki Rhaksal with a wide grin on his face.
    "I'm pretty sure those cute wee cheeks o'her's can hold no less than a dozen cupcakes when she puffs them out. The lass is a chipmunk I tell ye!" --Fayne Firestar
    "Add rumor here." --Name


A collection of screenshots of Cailin that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Fayne, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s), or drawn by me. Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.

Miscellanious Information

Her current residence is her and Ithki's home in the goblet. (Ward and plot to come).
Her birthday is the 3rd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Ithki and Cailin were married on the 18th of February, 2016, the month of Menphina.
Cailin did not officially lose her virginity (something very important to her) until the age of 16, after having been with Ithki for some time. Before then she had been intimate with others, including both Nel and Robin, though she was too afraid to do anything quite that extreme.
Cailin did have an encounter with Dante during an event her mother was catering for. This story is left out intentionally, and may come to light in a later rp.

Stories and Dabbles

Starlight Fluff
The player or mun of Cailin has low self-confidence combined with a desperate need to RP. Unfortunately these things don't mix, and so I don't get the RP I seek all of time. This is also paired with the fact that I RP when I'm bored, or have any kind of spare time (even if it's just five minutes). Please never feel like you are a bother to me! Do not be afraid to come to me looking for RP! I accept walks ups and tells in game, and I RP over Discord as well. Aside from that, I am also an artist! I do take commissions on occasion, just ask! I promise I wont bite, and I try to work with you every step of the way. Again, please do not be afraid to tell me something. But that is a discussion for another time. I am in my twenties, working five days a week and have little time to actually RP or do a lot of stuff in game. I try my hardest to always be attentive and I reply to everyone's messages as soon as possible! I do try to be in game when I can, and I am constantly on Discord (please ask for my tag)! I try to be very understanding and open-minded, and I hate conflict. I am always trying to improve myself, so if you see anything wrong or weird, please tell me and I will fix it.

Things to Keep in Mind

Communication is very important Communication is something very important to me. Weather it's just a fun little slice of life RP or a heavy hitting drama, please be sure to talk with me and I will talk with you about what's going on. I want to make sure everyone is okay with what is happening OOCly, and that no stress will come of anything. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.
OOC does not equal IC I have had enough drama in my life to know I don't want to confuse anything IC with OOC. Feelings, strain, conflict, anything that happens ICly with my characters does not equate to how I feel about you as a real person. This is why communication is so important.
I might be busy! As much as I try to stay on Discord as often as possible, I might actually be busy if I don't respond to you right away! I work often, five days a week 9AM-6PM. If I am AFK in game, I might be cooking dinner, or doing some much needed chores. I might also be asleep, as much as I wish I didn't need it. Please have patience with me, I will get back to you as soon as I am able!
I do more than just RP If it wasn't obvious I do also do actual content. There might be times I am running dungeons or have plans to farm a thing for the sake of getting a new thing. I'm not afraid to have you along, but a lot of time my party is full (I have premades all over the place), so please ask and I can probably set something up with you if you ever want to do anything!
I want your friendship. Touching a bit back on OOC vs IC, I would rather be on good terms with you, than have to force our characters to like each other for the sake of liking each other. If you can't RP, I'm always down for headcanons and discussing new content/ideas.
Parts of my character's histories are intentionally left blank Some of my character's backgrounds may intentionally be left undeveloped or even not there to leave room for growth. Should new ideas arise or anyone wish to be a part of my character's past, the openings are there to fill.
I don't get offended or super uncomfortable easily. I know I myself can get a little weird and uneasy to be around sometimes. So I'm going to show you a list of do's and dont's so you have a better understanding of what you're getting yourself into, and what not to ask of me (because I don't like some stuff, just like you).
I Will Not
Seriously injure someone without first talking about it. Going back to the communication thing, I need someone to talk to me first before making any kind of life altering decision is made. If you want me to stab, maim, any kind of NSFW, even possibly kill your character, or if you want to do anything of the sort to mine, please ask me first and we can discuss what will or wont happen as a result.
Take constant abuse. Having an antagonist is fine, but if it ever comes to a point where a supposed friend is doing nothing but hurting my characters or themselves on a constant basis just to have drama, I'm sorry but I'm out.
RP Smut. I'm sorry to those of you that I have RPed this with before, but I've run into far too many issues with it now that I just wont do it anymore, for personal reasons that I'd rather not get into right now.

I Will
RP darker themes' These aren't the most comfortable subjects, and I know it, and not everyone has to do them. But I will RP torture, rape, fights, drama. However please be patient with me. Sometimes it can be too much for me as a mun, and I need a second. It is not that I don't enjoy the RP, I just become too emotionally attached to my characters.
RP Relationships This is actually something I thrive off right now. IC relationships give me something to RP at all times, or even have discussions and cute draw ideas! Even though I wont RP smut, there is no reason not to imply it. Things will just have to fade to black, so please be patient with me. This is not restricted to romantic relationships by the way! Platonic, and business relationships are also very welcome! So long as everything is understood as to what is IC and what is OOC, everything will be fine. Communicate with me.
Do Ingame, Discord, Tumblr RP! Where I most prefer to RP in Discord, a lot of contacts are going to come from in game, and I understand that! Please do feel free to walk-up or send me tells if you see me in game. Otherwise, please ask for my Discord or tumblr information, or let me know if there is some other platform you would rather me try!
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but tell you more about the mun!
■ Final Fantasy Tumblr: Faybexiv
■ Artist Twitter: Fayne Firestar
■ If you want to see more of my art: Art Tag on Tumblr
Time Zone/Server
■ Balmung

Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. If it weren't for you my wiki would not look how it does.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to proper credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

"How could you not fall in love with the glow of the moon and stars, the warmth of the sun, the ancient life within the trees, and the sweet melodies of the winds?"