Teld're Eska'aldren

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 Teld're Eska'aldren
"What do you know of ambition?"
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Mixed Heritage
Citizenship N/A
Age Appears Eighteen
Sexuality Demisexual
Occupation Undisclosed
Height/Weight 5 fulms 6 ilms / 170 ponze
Diety Nymeia

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Basic Info

A young miqo'te with a fondness for battle, shrouded in truths and untruths. Commonly referred to as an enigma. Less commonly referred to as the sun, the sky, a storm, a siren, or a lunatic. Either way, all of these things have been heard.

"I'm no more free than when I was in chains. Once a slave to man, now a slave to a dream."
"I refuse to be simply what I started as. The world should know this ambition."
"Revolutions are violent changes spawned from conflict. I want to be nothing less."
"To be stagnant is a pity. To lie to yourself to remain comfortable is pitiful."
"People will believe in me what is most comfortable to them. As long as they stay out of my way; let them."


Melee Weapons
Good Conversation
Pushing Limits
Spiced Food
Rain & Storms


Stagnancy [In Many Forms]
Badly Made Gear
People Who Don't Listen
Being Restrained
Being Commanded or Forced


Natural Aetherical Understanding
Experience with Melee Weapons
Psychological Understanding/Manipulation
The Ability to Take a Beating
Hand-To-Hand Combat
Theoretical Apologism

Appearance & Personality

Often with at least one weapon on his person, Teld're stands at a mid-height for most miqo'te males. His frame is well proportioned and well developed from years upon years of training and fighting. He often wears undershirts that cover his chest, as upon it he is marked with a large cross scar. The youth always wears some sort of gorget around his neck as well as bracers at his wrists and ankles. For what reason, he does not reveal. Other than that, his way of dress is often simple and meant for easy movement and transition between casual strolling and immediate combat response.
This young miqo'te youth sports an indifferent expression, his aether-blue eyes half lidded and lips curved just slightly downwards. He generally seems unapproachable, though when he speaks he does so with a level sense of patience. When in conversation, he holds little tone of judgement. This can be taken as a more aloof and uncaring approach towards socializing, though by frequent inability to find words at the tip of his tongue it may very well be that he is unaccustomed in the first place.
When conversing takes a turn towards subjects he is passionate about, he is quick to become heated. On the opposing side, if he is uncertain about what is being spoken, the blonde is very quick to express his hesitation. Choosing very strong words in his speech, Teld're may come off as stand-offish. This may or may not be the entire truth. He is likely to be more understanding towards female individuals and more judgmental towards males-- especially if they are tribal miqo'te.
It may be surprising just how naive the young swordsman is. He seems very quick to trust and speak openly- and even if he is in a sour disposition, he will express himself honestly.

Known Biography

Teld're appeared in Ul'dah in the month of the Fifth Astral Moon (Azeyma). Sightings of him in Thanalan began during the Fourth Umbral Moon (Rhalgr), in particular when he visited the Shrine of Rhalgr in Little Ala Mhigo. After this, he quickly took part in the Gladiator's Guild under the name Eska'aldren, though after an incident during a training session the youth was less likely to be seen at all. Various accounts state that he was either mute or reluctant to speak during his first month. Taking into account frequent trips as the sun set and then his disheveled return, guards report him being a person of interest in regards to illicit dealings.
This was quickly turned over with the discovery of his helping hand towards the communities of Little Ala Mhigo and Camp Drybone. In particular, he seemed to be a devout believer of the twelve and was often seen around holy sites and places of worship. After this realization, the Ul'dahn authorities treated the young miqo'te with mild tolerance. Said indifference of those around him did not dissuade the young swordsman from seeking to become not only a member of the Immortal Flames Free Brigade, but a paladin as well. Despite his documented affiliation, Teld're does not expose any sense of authority around him. So far, there is none wiser about his true alignment and with vague responses to his occupation, the young paladin does not betray his motives.
More often recently, the half-breed miqo'te has been seen socializing at a much more comfortable rate. Turning his attention towards incidents that may require his assistance, Teld're offers an oddly forceful hand. Doing jobs for the Flames does not explain the comforts he readily supplies to others, leading to questioning of any work he does aside from lawful tasks. He can be sighted at any location at any given time, though continues to linger in Ul'dah every so often to deal with documentation. Apparently, he is easily drawn to bodies of water. Opposing his positive preferences, he often is overheard voicing that he vehemently dislikes Coerthas.


  • Teld’re had auburn hair and green eyes as a child. Aether burn and sickness placed enough stress on his body to lose these pigments.
  • His eyes are usually half lidded. This is due to his keeper attributes rendering his eyes just slightly sensitive during the day. It makes him appear disinterested or stoic.
  • Teld’re is naturally left handed. However, he’s ambidextrous He acts right handed so his opponents attack that hand first.
  • During his first weeks in Ul’dah, he would stare at the water well in the Quicksand while sorting out his schedule so he could pick up on how to speak. Initially, he was mistaken for mute.
  • He initially had many scars littering his body, but using his way of healing, he cut off scarred tissue and recreated unmarked flesh. Now he refuses to keep scars unless they’re from someone important.
  • Teld’re can’t stomach fruits. They make him very sick. He insists he won’t eat them because he dislikes the taste. Sometimes he will suffer the side effects if a pastry laden with fruit is tasty enough. Persimmons don’t make him sick.
  • Despite being very vocal about his affinity towards pancakes, Spiced Rum Cake is actually his favorite food.


Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Th'kid is always askin' 'bout blacksmiths. Thinkin' he's obsessed."
"I remember when he first showed up in Ul'dah. Didn't make a sound and looked like a stray cat."
"I seen him setting out nymeia lilies on random graves. Can't be a bad guy, right?"
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"The Gladiator's Guild didn't take too kindly to how he fought in spars..."
"He speaks like a soldier but moves like a criminal. I don't trust him."
"Kids his age shouldn't have eyes like that. They shouldn't look at people like that..."
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"That miqo'te seems to know a lot about Ala Mhigo. He goes into some sort of trance when you mention it. Seems too young to know shit, though."
"He gets this look while on the field. Completely blank like he was made to slaughter. It ain't right."
"The way he talks has a way of pulling you in. I don't know whether to be comfortable or concerned..."
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"The moment you believe you truly understand him, he reveals something new. At first, I thought him to simply be a troubled youth, then I saw in him a wise man, a swordsman, a siren. So much lies beneath the surface of that ethereal gaze... you would have as much luck unearthing the whole of it as you would capturing a storm." -- Tiergan Vashir
"There stands a true product of this world. Neither blinded by the illusions of the foolish nor ignorant to the perils abound, he is ready for the hell that comes for us all." -- Berrod Armstrong
"A stubborn boy, but one with his wits about him. You would be tasked heavily, if attempting to deceive him." Syrana Nuveri


Sexual Desire Romantic Interest Platonic Love
Good Standing Neutral Poor Standing
Ascil 'The Shield' Eska'aldren: Someone from the past who Teld're will never be completely clear in explaining. Mourned for at a constant, the youth mentions him being his beloved mentor. The miqo'te's story on The Shield constantly changes between he being caring and gentle to sadistic and abusive. However, no matter what is said, it is obvious that the young swordsman will likely never heal from his absence. Before and after battle, Teld're can be heard murmuring prayer to him.
Tiergan Vashir: Teld're's relationship with the elder hunter is filled with passion and violence. It is true that the moment he saw him, he felt a joy he could not understand. From then on, he's called upon him for conversation and small tasks. Now referring to him as 'My Hunter' or 'My Stars', it is obvious that the youth holds boundless affection for him. Teld're offers the elder swordsman a good deal of loyalty and finds himself quick to react to any negative circumstance he may be in. Though the younger is flighty, he answers to Tiergan.
Zaius Rhal'seer: After testing his fighting ability and the characteristics he brought with it, Teld're views Zaius as a good source of relief for his more violent outbursts. Despite them both being on relatively good terms, the half-blood is not hesitant to strike him; nor does he hold any grudge for rough handling. Teld're is very comfortably intimate and affectionate with him- though a more carnal want may be caught in his eyes.
J'umago Nunh: Teld're approached the elder kinsman out of interest- and interest helped to continue future encounters. Though he does not entirely agree with some of what the man believes, he finds himself charmed by the nunh's general patience. The youth respects him immensely and their relationship may seem one of a father/son sort. However, anyone wise enough might be able to see through that.
J'azhar Tia: One of the first people Teld're met during his first weeks in Ul'dah. Immediately learning that the Tia was a prostitute, he continued to seek him out for good conversation. Their road has been rocky more recently due to the swordsman's forceful protection. Though Teld're cares for J'azhar, he chooses to stay at a certain distance.
Aiouxdaux Beaumont: Meeting this elezen by chance at the Quicksand, Teld're chanced following him to Limsa Lominsa to see water. Since then, he has interacted with him on various different occasions for just as different reasons. With talks ranging from the past to future ambitions, he finds himself very comfortable with the elder male- enough to jokingly state that they are 'practically lovers' despite his detachment from the idea as a whole. Teld're values and trusts Aiouxdaux more than even he realizes.
L'Vanelle Denja: This woman feels as though she came from a dream to Teld're. He holds quite a bit of affection for her despite being warded off by her elder brother and finds himself warming up to her with every passing day. Referring to her as 'princess' and sending her gifts often, one would believe Teld're is courting her.
Little Shark: After chasing the young black mage through a forest to tease him, the two shared a very rocky relationship. However, upon Shark's demand for the blonde to be his 'friend forever', Teld're accepted. The paladin holds a distinct fondness for the younger male and watches over him. Not quite as protective of him as he is with J'azhar, Shark is allowed much more freedom.
Ethri'a Valnyr: Running into each other twice before actually meeting, Teld're determined that Nymeia had some plan for their threads in fate. Seeking him out, the young swordsman initially held an awed attention towards the elder only for their relationship to violently shift towards Teld're becoming a dominant personality. They have a strained relationship.
Zanin Briggs: This gentle and polite midlander is difficult to dislike. Finding him to be easy conversation and a generally helpful individual, Teld're sees him with a certain amount of respect and will do what he can to supply him with necessary materials to keep his free clinic running.
Avenio Naemig: A highlander who Teld're met during a particularly strange incident. He views the elder male with a good deal of consideration, though obviously treats him with quite a bit of arrogance. Anyone who asks of their relationship will be met with a curt explanation of Avenio being something of a servant to the younger swordsman.
Faolan Woodlock: A strange hyur who Teld're seeks out actively due to his ties to less than normal events. Little is known of this man and even less can be discerned for the young miqo'te's plans for him.
Mikh'a Elakha: Talented with the ways of aether, Teld're was very impressed by this seeker. Meeting on the whim of the swordsman's interest, he discovered that Mikh'a held beliefs he was firmly against. Despite, the magic weaver exhibiting other characteristics that went against initial thoughts of stagnancy. Therefore, the half-blood sought to teach what came naturally to him.
Raymel Yhisa: Knowing this young woman with the acquaintance of Mikh'a, Teld're held his tongue despite their sour first meeting. Since then, he's found her to be good company and seeks to go on walks with her as often as possible. It is often that she is on his mind. He holds affection for her but lately questions her aspirations.
Gendulf Savage: Teld're's blacksmith. He does not like to talk about him- talk -to- him or even admit his existence. However, he holds the highlander in high esteem and will not tolerate anything negative being said about him-- unless it is entirely true.
Berrod Armstrong: Not much is known about the elder highlander save for that he punches hard, leads a company and provides good conversation. Teld're does not see him often, though when he does, he is quick to greet and linger to talk.
Niko'lai Lynxion: Teld're started off on the wrong foot by dislocating this kinsmen's arm. Since then, the young paladin has been doing what he can to be helpful despite the other male's prying personality. Though Teld're dislikes him, he does not see any other reason to feel any negativity towards him- thus treats him well.
Lian'dr Garani: After the keeper miqo'te's persistence in forming a romantic relationship with Teld're, he was found to be all too dislike-able despite the swordsman's continued chancing. Once the youth determined that the elder was practically interested in him only for mating, he decided not to bother with him.
N'xydros Tia: Initially the two got along well. However, after various arguments and declarations of love from the Tia's side, the swordsman determined that his life would be much better without added stress. It was cut off completely when Teld're went on an errand to Mor Dhona with the other male refusing to leave. After suffering while protecting him as a paladin would do for a civilian, Teld're left him to die just outside of Saint Coinach's Find.
Ta'kheo Nunh: Teld're does not appreciate this man in any way, shape or form. Actively feeling aggression [and not the fun kind] towards this false-nunh, he does not hold back in making his dislike known even if it is in the most eloquent delivery that he can afford.

Collection of Songs

Wolves of Ala Mhigo

Sung by the White Wolves of Ala Mhigo, a mercenary group which was lost just before the fall of The Fist of Rhalgr.
Come, with a hammer, large as an axe. He raises it high to say:
What bones were made for, do you ask- to grind beneath it's way.
Come, with a sword, great with it's swing. He calls upon the storm.
With mighty arms you hear him sing- as his enemies are torn.
Come, with a shield, that mighty ward- or perhaps the lack thereof.
His roar will sound for just one lord- and not the gods above.
Then come he, with crown of gold- Ala Mhigan wolves he led.
Upon his mount, to war he rides- til all who oppose were dead.
We are the sons of Rhalgr, proud- We stand a sturdy form.
Even when we're drunk on stout- We'll be riding in a storm.

Lament of the Storms

Obviously a change from the Wolves of Ala Mhigo, distorting the romanticized account into a lamentation.
Come, with a hammer, large as an axe. He raised it high to say:
What bones were made for, do you ask- to grind beneath it's way...


I paced along the sky tall halls- I paced along the town.
I saw the kingdom's heavy falls- I saw the walls torn down.


Come, with a sword, great with it's swing. He called upon the storm.
With mighty arms you hear him sing- as his enemies are torn.


I stopped at the sea to listen in- I stopped to see them come.
I watched and stood without a din. I watched them beat their drum.


Come, with a shield, that mighty ward. But he was most beloved.
His roar would sound for just one lord- and not the gods above.


I stood long after the battle passed. I stood before the waves.
I waited til no steel did clash. I waited for their graves.


Then come he, without his will- to create, destroy or sentry.
Await his time even still- he burdened with these memories.



Voice Claim: Ed Sheeran
Music of Importance: Hozier - Sedated
Music of Importance: Hozier - Take Me to Church
Music of Importance: Hurts - Illuminated
Music of Importance: Hurts - Somebody to Die For
Music of Importance: Bastille - Dreams
Music of Importance: Bastille - Poet
Template by Bancroft Gairn