Kale Aideron

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Kale Aideron
"The Sunworn Sentinel"
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age Early 30s
Height/Weight 6 fulms 3 ilm / 220 ponze
Occupation Flame Bloodsworn
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Elemental Bias Earth

Flame Sergeant Kale Aideron is an Ul'dahn sipahi (or cavalryman) of the Immortal Flames Bloodsworn. A native of Pearl Lane, Kale is a six year veteran of the Grand Company and a mercenary troop for a decade prior, and has done little else but deal with conflict throughout his entire life. An oft-times intense individual with strong convictions, Kale is very outspoken about how he thinks things should be, but is otherwise a mostly affable and outgoing man who enjoys facing Eorzea's challenges in the company of others. He is the Flame levemete to the Sword & Rose Order, bringing his own sense of stability and security to the Goblet-based free company.



"I just do my job. Nothin' more, nothin' less"

Proud and upstanding, Kale is a hardened soldier who values forthrightness, diligence, and tradition. Though happy to joke, flirt, and laugh when appropriate, Kale is veritably no-nonsense in situations he perceives to require a suitable sense of gravitas. With high standards of himself, others, and society, Kale seeks to espouse the best of Ul'dahn law and order, unwavering in fulfilling the duties of his station. His belligerence towards those he sees as hostile to the Sultanate's way of life is rooted in nothing more than powerful convictions and a stubborn loyalty to his worldview. Nonetheless, his professional attitude means that he will almost always put aside his personal disagreements when either lives or laws are in danger.


"Strength 'as nothin' to do with 'ow we look like -to- others, but 'ow we look -at- others."
Body: Broad shouldered and large chested, Kale might just be saved from being too much of a stereotypical Highlander by virtue of not being all that tall. In fact, compared to other Highlander men, Kale may even be considered short. Far from lean but equally distant from being gratuitously muscular, Kale's occupation as a soldier means that he is always burning excess fat and bulk, even despite his Highlander genetics combined with continuous physical conditioning and a large appetite. Many wounds and scars are visible when Kale wears clothing that reveals areas of his torso or other appendages. They are all faded, indicating that conjury or other forms of healing came too late to prevent permanent marking.
Face: A very defined bone structure characterizes Kale's facial features. A large nose sticks out between a low brow that gives Kale an almost intense resting expression. Kale's somewhat narrow eyes betrays their striking bronze hue, set above a pair of prominent cheekbones and slightly gaunt cheeks. In turn, these features sit above a distinct jaw and somewhat rounded, jutting chin. His calloused and rough skin is worn from a mixture of age, sun, and battle. The corners of his eyes are creased, and his forehead is a touch wrinkled. A single scar is set across his left cheek, a couple of ilms or so in length.
Hair: Kale never has his hair longer than an ilm, almost always shaven. He frequently carves traditional Highlander clan patterns into his buzzed hair by making cleaner shaves along his scalp, considering this one of his few hobbies. His thin stubble appears to be shaven daily, and meticulously.
Fashion: As a Grand Company soldier, Kale wears a Flame uniform appropriate to the current duty and in accordance with his rank. This varies from the standard grey combat dress to the elaborate armour of a Flame elite. As an off-duty Ul'dahn, he can be seen wearing various kurtas and matching turbans, blending in with the citizenry of Ul'dah. His plain sense of dress means he may not be able to be identified from the crowd of commonfolk, which is more than ideal in his mind.


"Please, tell us more 'bout 'ow much more bloody special you are than the rest of us...I insist"
Voice: Slightly deep and only faintly hoarse, Kale may talk very quickly for some. This is quite noticeable with Kale's habit of arbitrarily amalgamating or crudely conjugating words and dropping entire letters in pronunciation of certain syllables. His accent puts his origins as someone from Pearl Lane, or alternatively as someone who has spent their time as a rank-and-file soldier for many summers.
Demeanor: Aggressively gregarious, Kale is extremely friendly presuming whoever he is engaging with meets his specific set of standards. A staunch traditionalist, Kale is intolerant of nonconformists and those who do not fit in with his world view, with a no-nonsense attitude towards those who believe themselves in possession of greater merit than others. This is generally true of adventurers, who, in Kale's mind, are the most prone to quirky or self-aggrandizing behaviours. He perceives these types of adventurers as self-indulgent, and a waste to a society of which he believes values more pragmatic pursuits. However, Kale does occasionally give certain persons the benefit of the doubt, constructively scrutinizing them in the open as he decides whether or not the individual in question is worth his time. If not, Kale is prone to being outspoken about those with "offensive" lifestyles.
Quirks: Kale is expressive with his body language, prone to placing his hands on his hips when feeling confident about a social situation, or crossing his arms when reserved or pensive (often, this may be reversed). Gesticulation is a frequent habit, flailing or sweeping his arms should he feel excited about a particular topic. In contrast, Kale is relatively still should he be unimpressed by someone or something. He often rubs the back of his neck when nervous or embarrassed. He is racist towards Miqo'te, believing them to be an uncivilized and backwards race (especially when it comes to gender relations) akin to a beast tribe, with no place in the civilized walls of the city-states. However, Kale's pride in being professional and discretionary means he may keep this opinion to himself when he finds himself working alongside a Miqo'te individual.
Intelligence: Kale can not be considered formally educated, and instead relies on personal wisdom and a reserve of knowledge accumulated over the years. This knowledge mostly pertains to political and military affairs, with trivia about the various places he has visited during his lifetime. He believes himself astute about the motivations of others, which he has applied to tactical decision-making when serving in a leadership capacity. Situational awareness and strategic thinking he considers a forte of his, particularly the ability to think and remain cool under pressure. Kale has only pedestrian knowledge about the supernatural realm, accumulated primarily when dealing with enemies who rely on arcane arts. Somewhat uncharacteristic of Kale is his tendency to occasionally use advanced vocabulary, which betrays his plebian accent. It may be possible that this habit was learned during Kale's time as a senior sergeant in the Immortal Flames, as well as through frequent interactions with commissioned officers and other educated persons.


"Fuckin' kill the enemy, or don't. Lives depend on it"
Style: An extremely offensive combatant, Kale finds himself compelled to be at the epicenter of any altercation with the enemy. As he does not hold a specific code of honour or set of principles in warfare (beyond basic humanity and common sense), Kale does not shy away from using more brutal methods in seeking to defeat the enemy. This might include the breaking of limbs or the infliction of grievous facial injury, most assuredly so when there is a need to demoralize other enemies nearby. Not particularly fast or slow, Kale alters his speed of combat as and when required, focusing on the most efficient (but not necessarily the cleanest) ways of extinguishing the enemy. Kale puts emphasis on dismemberment or disembowelment when there is a need for expedience.
Specialization: Toe-to-toe engagement with all types of swords and shields, either against single or multiple foes. Frontline fighting alongside other melee combatants in a general military formation. Kale can combine his gladiator discipline with pugilist training. Alternatively, Kale can fight unarmed entirely with a relatively slow and powerful form, emphasizing impact and damage over speed and dexterity. Skilled in fighting on chocoboback. Competent in the use of axes, lances, crossbows, and firearms.
Strengths: Kale has been in the fighting business as his primary occupation for the entirety of his adult life and the majority of his adolescence. As an extensively trained disciple of war then, Kale has experience with a wide variety of opponents, although these are mostly military or paramilitary in nature. Overpowering the enemy via head-on combat with skilled swordsmanship, strength, and endurance comes naturally to him, especially weapon-on-weapon engagements. Kale has the most experience with human opponents, as well as the beast races (Amalj'aa and Qiqirn most notably).
Weaknesses: Kale's narcissistic obsession with victory and the submission of his opponent can be exploited by more calculating or restrained foes, particularely those who desensitize themselves to the fight or who are otherwise not so passionate. In addition, the compulsion to be showy and theatrical leaves him vulnerable to clinical opponents who care not for Kale's attempts at intimidation. He can also be overcome by speed and agility, or unorthodox fighters who could throw a battlefield fighter off-guard. Kale's lack of experience with magic makes him exceptionally vulnerable to this discipline, and this is a surefire method to drain his iron fortitude.
Armour: Kale is capable in all armour designs, from plate and chainmail to leather. Years of marching in the field while equipped in heavy armour is one of the primary factors in conditioning his physique and shaping his defined musculature. As a result, Kale can move in heavier material at only a slightly slower pace than if he were wearing lighter fabrics.



"What 'bout it?"
  • As a cavalryman, Kale is very frequently seen with his chocobo, Eskandar. He is known to ramble to Eskandar, and otherwise treat the bird as having human-like qualities.
  • Lone wolves are a particular dislike of Kale's, who values teamwork and group effort instead.
  • Kale has an aversion to thaumaturgy and its practitioners.
  • Kale's favourite non-alcoholic drink is mint lassi, and he is a particular fan of dodo omelette.
  • Kale does not really have any hobbies or interests, completely dedicated to city-state service and the disciplines of war. However, he's somewhat skilled at cards, developing this habit during long shifts on watch.
  • Kale likes to smoke from an off-white long-stemmed pipe from time-to-time.
  • Dalamud red is Kale's favourite colour.


"Who the fuck is this? Oh, it's 'im?! Ploughin' great to meet you, mate!"
Positive traits:
  • Friendly and boisterous: Assuming Kale finds nothing offensive about a particular social situation, he can be counted on to stimulate interaction between a group of friends of acquaintances, and seeks to be inclusive, even with more quiet types.
  • Pathologically honest: Kale's directness means that his opinions and whatever else comes out from his sometimes loud mouth can be taken at face value. This has made him nigh incorruptible.
  • Hard-working and professional: Work first, play later, Kale has worked hard throughout his entire life. Kale can be relied on to put a tremendous amount of effort to any task within his skillset in an efficacious manner. In addition, he values himself as a serious professional, crushing sloppiness and inefficiency in whatever he touches.
  • Consistent and loyal: Kale takes his commitments seriously, and values stability over all else. He is thus rarely inconsistent, and can be entrusted with matters that demand an aversion to deviation. Loyal as well, Kale will silence his outspoken self and obey the orders of those he believes rightfully appointed over him.
  • Protective: Often ignoring his own wellbeing (especially emotional), Kale espouses the value of others and will always ensure that everyone is safe and secure. Indeed, even if he does not like a particular individual on a personal level, he will stand up for them either verbally or physically should Kale believe that the subject in question has done nothing wrong on a societal and/or professional level.
  • Strong leader: With a need to be in control of any situation, Kale makes a very good leader for most practical pursuits, being able to fall back on years of military experience to aid him in this.
Negative traits:
  • Tendency to believe he is always right: Kale feels that his personal belief system is merely an echo of the principles that Ul'dahn society espouses, and since society is seen to him as something that shelters countless thousands, he has a hard time buying into the possibility his worldview may or may not have its flaws.
  • Very demanding and critical: Kale's extremely high standards and stubborn disposition means he often does not hold back in calling out someone or something he finds disagreeable. This can be detrimental in circumstances that value cooperation and compromise. He has high expectations of others, and will freely admonish those who fail to hold up.
  • Intolerant of idiosyncrasies and nonconformity: Valuing the good of society above all else, Kale is impatient with individuals whom he believes do not contribute to the greater whole. He is belligerent to those he feels to espouse these sorts of lifestyles.
  • Controlling with a strong need to be in charge: Despite Kale's strong leadership traits, his obsession with domination can go either way when it is not satisfied. Either Kale will become awkward and quiet, or abrasive and argumentative. He especially does not like being ignored or not listened to when he believes himself to be in the right. When protective to the extreme, Kale can be controlling of people close to him, especially so when he feels that he knows what is best for them. He will become angry and frustrated when someone behaves counter to what Kale believes to be in their best interest.
  • Insensitive: Though Kale can sometimes tackle matters of personal emotions with a grounded and rational approach, he is guilty of valuing his personal principles higher than the feelings of others. This can hurt those who value interpersonal harmony over uncompromising loyalty to principle.
  • Appearance conscious: Kale's strong belief in conforming to tradition means that he is very conscious of his appearance, not just with clothing but with conducting himself in public. He is prone to prudishness despite not coming from an affluent background, and will often seek to impose this sense of appropriateness on others. Kale is also very disapproving of those who wear 'incorrect' fashions. He is known to take strong issue and vocalize his disagreements with adventurers who wear armour and other outfits that either has considerable historical/political significance, or is alien enough in design to stand out from normality.



"I ain't callin' you ploughin' stupid 'cause you're ploughin' stupid. I'm callin' you ploughin' stupid 'cause you're doin' ploughin' stupid shite"
Anzio Zansio - A young Lalafellin lad and Immortal Flame soldier. Anzio had served alongside Kale since the inception of the Flame Yataghans to the latter's untimely departure, leading the unit together through major engagements such as Operation Archon in northern Thanalan. As such, Kale regards Anzio in high esteem, and would gladly lay down his life for his former comrade-in-arms.
Sarcire Sinclair - A Hyuran woman whom Kale has known for a while, encountering her at random times (which the Ul'dahn has rationalized as her being some powerhungry mage in search of...more power). Kale appreciates the assistance Sarcire has given him thus far, and takes particular enjoyment in trying to assert his large ego over her perceived arrogance.
Avila Ashton - Kale's half-sister. The two had discovered they were related during Kale's estrangement with the Immortal Flames. Protective but nonetheless loving, Kale's prioritization of blood over water means he is fiercely intolerant of anyone whom he believes to be trying to get in between himself and his sister.
Ruruni Runi - A Lalafellin lass and weaver. Kale enjoys the simple interactions he shares with the fellow company member, seeing it as a pleasant escape from life's intensities.
Avalt Laguz - A Hyuran mage with a Sylph-like manner of speaking. Kale finds this young man odd, and often treats him with hostility and impatience. Kale bears no illwill or malice to the man, however, seeing him as ultimately harmless.
Ciel Wulfe - An Elezen bard who recruited Kale into the Sword & Rose Order. Initially, the pair's different backgrounds and upbringing caused several miscommunications and misunderstandings, but recently the two have come to see one another as friends and comrades. Although from two completely separate worlds, with the Hyur valuing stability and security and the Elezen valuing a more open-ended life, the pair are beginning to appreciate one another's differences.
Oni De'phor - A Midlander lancer that Kale met within the Order. Kale finds him quite strange with the mysterious duality, and continues to give the man the benefit of the doubt.
Coatleque Crofte - A stoic member of the Sultansworn that Kale has encountered many times within Ul'dahn city walls. Kale perceives her as overly and perhaps needlessly formal, but nonetheless respects her as a fellow disciple of war in service to the Sultanate. This is no doubt in part because he finds her ability to see the world how he does most agreeable.
Bartolomeo Filangieri - An upstanding Hyuran paladin whom Kale does not see often, but is always happy to find himself in Bartolomeo's company whenever the two do encounter one another. Kale does wonder how he could spend more time with this gentleman.
Jancis Milburga - A Lominsan conjurer that Kale has become acquainted with through happenstance. Kale is appreciative of her compassionate and charitable outlook, but finds disagreement in both her willingness to assist just about anyone, and her associations with individuals the Highlander dislikes.
Deirdre Ta'ea - An aloof and quiet Elezen woman, to whom Kale was extremely suspicious and hostile towards at first. Deirdre's entrenchment within Kale's free company has led to the two to pursue a cordial relationship, but Kale is still unsure what to make of the woman.
Otto Vann - A Monetarist playboy, Kale has thus far only made note of Otto for just how eccentric his lifestyle seems to be.


"Live on, in the minds of others, as a paragon of all that you cared 'bout"


"'ey, nothin' you 'ear from others is nothin' I ain't willin' to tell to your face, all right?"
  • "I'm glad that Sergeant Aideron is back with us. I hope that those six moons he spent with the Syndicate, however, do not come with any ill baggage" - Forthright Flame
  • "'bout time 'e got back in with the Sultana's lot. We knew it weren't in 'im to serve that Lalafell's kind...we just knew" - Vexxed Vagrant
  • "I heard his old mercenary band did work for the Garlean Empire to the east, in Othard. You know, burning rebellious villages, taking care of unrest, that sort of thing. And now he's one of Ul'dah's most loyal soldiers..." - Musing Mercenary
  • "He came up here to Revenant's Toll one time, looking for some beastly Hyur. They say he was murdered in the most spectacularly brutal fashion. Nobody really knows what that was about" - Astute Adventurer
  • "So he really wasn't that loyal to Lord Lolorito after all, then...but bringing him back to a Bloodsworn is a strange choice, isn't it?" - Wondering Weaver
  • "'e's not goin' to bang on 'bout Nunhs and Tias 'gain, is 'e?" - Sighing Seeker
Player-Character Rumours
  • "Oh, yeah, I know Kale! Big guy.. wears fancy armor..! I think his roar is worse than his bite, though." - Aya Foxheart
  • "Reliable, at the best of times, and mayhap something of a brilliant idiot at the worst. Glad am I to know him." - Ciel Wulfe
  • "Fought 'im at the Grindstone once. He ain't a pushover. Was fun an' a pain in the arse. Well. Pain everywhere, actually." - Berrod Armstrong
  • "Why he left the Flames? That's Flames business, and although I find what he did repugnant, I won't be besmirching his name to anyone." - Nako'li Chalahko
  • "One of the few monetarists I can bear to speak with for more than ten minutes." - Coatleque Crofte
  • "Forgive me, Sir Aideron is much like a gil coin, no? One side is stern and dark, the other warm and considerate. Were I able to bring him closer to Thaliak and disregard the poisons others have flooded his mind with, his devotion to his land would only grow stronger. Truly, I believe he means well." - Jancis Milburga
  • "Sir Kale? He's... belligerent to say the least. But I think he's at least trying. We had quite the debate and it was very enlightening for both of us...I hope, anyway." - Vaughn Antain
  • "Kale is a nice person, yes? He allows me to sit on his shoulder with no complaints!" - Ruruni Runi
  • "Kale is...Kale is a soldier. For good and ill. His passion for what he believes is one of his strengths but I fear if he is not more willing to see other's points of views it will be his weakness as well."- C'rhisi Tohbei
  • "Sergeant Aideron, er, or should I say former Sergeant Aideron and myself go a ways back. We have had the best of times together... and the worst of times too. At one time, the only complaint I could make of him was that he was a little too willing to hurl me at the enemy as a projectile! These suns though..." - Anzio Zansio
  • Add your rumours here!


● Kale is a textbook ESTJ
● Kale suffers from Tall Poppy Syndrome
● Kale's initial inspiration is Vernon Roche from The Witcher 2
● Kale has a Fate-14 character sheet here, as introduced by Verad Bellveil