Kurt Steel

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Revision as of 08:46, 5 May 2015 by Ramuhnuh (talk | contribs) (Affiliations and Known Associates)
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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Kurt Steel
"Well then...I have a lot to fix."
The Unlucky One
Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Limsan
Age 21
Height 5 fulm 10 ilm
Weight 160 ponze
Profession Adventurer
Patron Deity Nymeia
Server Balmung

Basic Information

  • Nicknames: Still no nickname.
  • Age: 21, he's sure of it!
    • Nameday: 20th of the 3rd Umbral Moon, he's also sure of it!
  • Gender: Male, finally
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Marital Status: Single until proven otherwise.
  • Alignment: Tries to be a decent Hyuran being.
  • Height: 5 fulms 10 ilms
  • Weight: 160 ponze.
  • Body: Toned, magically toned.
  • Hair: Back to Black
  • Eyes: One green one brown, the magic brew didn't completely return him.
  • Skin: Kinda tan.
  • Clothing: You mean armor?



Pre-Limsa Lominsa

Limsa Lominsa Arc

Freelance Adventurer Arc

YTC Adventurer Arc

Kat Arc

Post-Kat Arc(Ongoing)


He has it in his head to do the right thing regardless of how hard it may be. People need help and he is there precisely to help them which makes him overtax himself and be in a nearly constant state of fatigue most of the time. On a whole, he a passive yes man, rationalizing that all it's just another learning experience for him and maybe even let loose a bit of steam. This also leads him to do menial tasks for others and general promotes laziness in other people, what with the "Hey, I can help and you can adjust the price!" sign on his head going about the various menial or dangerous tasks dumped on his lap. Granted he's been trying to change that little facet of his life.

Of course there are still things he won't do and thing's he'll instantly jump on, like a plate of very spicy marmot. On subject of food, he's a gluttonous carnivore with a tongue for spices. Added points if it'll make him sweat. Gluttonous just like his outlook on his (as of now nonexistent) bruises and scars. Considering each of them a medal of a badge that meant he took a hit meant for someone prettier than him, male or female. It is an honor for him to defend those relying on him.

In a social setting, he usually keeps to herself unless something catches his eye. To which he'll approach it and learn more. He's not afraid to initiate a conversation, and can usually carry it too. He address people in a polite tone with a 'sir' or 'miss, an anomaly given his background. Of course, he's a bit more open about himself when among his friends, possibly to Adeya's chagrin whenever she hears something stupid or embarrassing Kurt or Kat may have done. He's also liable to poke fun at people or say inappropriate things given an opening.

Affiliations and Known Associates



Nako'li Chalahko -

Adeya Evenar -


Steel Wolf -

Xefjord Kiromeda -

Fina Archer -

Trenton Cador -

Surge Dravorgas -

Khaja Lahti -

Gentle Sun -

Avis Inkwood -

Namine Yukine -

Edda Vincents -

Chou -

Oskwell -

Jack Walker -

Flynt Reddard -

Ludivine Goultard -

Tallera Weaver -

Armellant -


Maelstrom - Reserve Lieutenant.

Adventurers' Guild - Registered Member.

Yatagahn Trading Consortium - Reclaimer.



  • Steaks.
  • Seafood.
  • The sea.
  • Random adventures.
  • Long aimless walks.
  • Spicy food.


  • People who kidnap little children.
  • The really sweet food.
  • Insects.

Areas of Expertise

  • Martial: Has knowledge in the sophisticated art from of the Axe. Entry-level blundering in the realm of Thaumaturgy.
  • Crafting: Cooking, decent enough to make her hometown favorites.
  • Other: Has a mastery of in the field of Bad Decision Making.


  • Persistent.
  • Loyal.
  • Makes it a point to look out for the others.
  • Tries his best to help others.
  • Unwittingly funny at times.
  • Quick learner.
  • Stubborn.


  • Easily taken advantage of.
  • Sometimes helpless.
  • Fusses over what others think of him.
  • Easily makes bad decisions.
  • Leaps before he looks.
  • Indecisive at times.
  • Stubborn.

The Opinions of Others

(Put whatever your character has to say about mine. Copy ":REPLACEWITHOPINIONTHANKYOU". Feel free to make it refer to Kurt or Kat.)

"He seems nice and reminds me of my father. Or rather... he just really looks like father. They don't act the same at all. Mr. Steel probably bathes regularly, for one." -Chou
“Sometimes I just can’t believe him. I mean, did you know he once let a toad eat his spellbook? A toad!” - Adeya Evenar
"He's alright." - Oskwell
"Get a load of this wannabe, ah?" - Flynn Fister: Pistonfist
"It would appear that I've not acquired her name, but I do hope her ventures for a wyvern are not for naught..." - A polite, blond hyuran man.
"heh, I enjoy this one's company. He's eager, but not th'completely daft sort'a eager. He's strong as a bull, too. Smart kid. He'll go far, I think." - Steel Wolf
"Not sure why I took him on to be honest. Just something about him I saw in myself a long time ago I guess..That eagerness to learn and create. Though I worry for him sometimes, that's why I gotta keep an eye on him before he does something foolish that will cause more pain in attempts to heal what he's already carrying..." - Cliodhna Eoghan

RP Fishing Grounds

From Most often to sometimes there.

  • The Quicksand
  • The Drowning Wench
  • The Bismarck
  • YTC HQ
  • Anywhere in Eorzea