Reinard Ackerman

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Reinard Ackerman

Reinard during the 3rd year of the 7th Astral Era

"So you want to hear another story, eh? About a man and the fate of Eorzea hanging in the balance... If not, too bad. I'm telling you anyway!"

A Storyteller
Name: Reinard Ackerman
Nicknames: "Fox", "Pacisor", "Doctor", "Specs", "Strategist"
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Nameday: 16th of the 6th Astral
Race &Clan: Hyur Midlander
Orientation: Heterosexual
Marital: Divorced
Deity: Thaliak the Scholar
Nationality: Garlean/Ul'dahnian
Occupation: Sky Pirate & Other Hobbies
Alignment: True Neutral
The further right you go, the more spoilers there are.

Warning! The text bellow contains spoilers.

A younger Reinard Ackerman


orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent iaculis diam metus, sit amet consectetur sem lacinia non. Morbi fermentum ex ut tortor maximus, maximus semper lectus pretium. Etiam ultricies in lacus sed eleifend. Nunc lacinia magna nec erat molestie mattis vitae vitae tortor. Etiam sed lacus gravida, pretium felis et, rhoncus ante. Aenean vitae augue a ligula suscipit finibus sed in lorem. Aenean feugiat posuere commodo. Nullam quis massa at enim facilisis rhoncus id sit amet ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin condimentum, sem eget pulvinar varius, ligula ligula gravida velit, eget commodo nisl enim sit amet arcu. Donec imperdiet odio arcu, commodo dapibus metus porta sit amet. Vestibulum viverra gravida nibh at venenatis. Suspendisse ac aliquet nisi. Sed nibh urna, vehicula ac ultricies et, tempus sed diam. Proin condimentum metus turpis.

Nullam in nunc in neque consectetur pulvinar in et erat. Morbi vel eros varius, congue est venenatis, interdum turpis. Donec ultricies rhoncus auctor. Integer quis velit non diam efficitur ultrices. Phasellus at orci vel eros sagittis placerat. Vestibulum porttitor consequat mi non rutrum. Cras commodo, purus non sollicitudin imperdiet, ligula magna accumsan libero, id pellentesque purus massa nec mi. Vivamus mattis sem diam, sed tempor mi mollis a. Morbi bibendum tortor et tellus facilisis, eu pharetra mi efficitur. Aliquam a lacus nec orci tristique laoreet at a velit. Nulla eu elit at arcu rutrum congue eu sit amet ante. Aenean aliquam nec lectus a fermentum. Sed magna neque, condimentum ac tincidunt in, lacinia vestibulum lorem. Nulla nec risus consectetur, rhoncus eros et, venenatis purus. Sed porttitor odio at felis fermentum ornare. Nunc nibh purus, mollis et neque ut, porttitor varius erat.

Sed id felis sit amet nulla faucibus sollicitudin. Morbi blandit, lacus vitae finibus ullamcorper, ipsum turpis gravida nibh, bibendum commodo justo diam ac mi. Pellentesque lorem nisl, tristique vitae lobortis ac, rutrum non orci. Donec sed leo quis neque dictum accumsan efficitur ac nunc. Sed iaculis tincidunt urna. Fusce dapibus leo ante, vel aliquam odio ultricies vel. Sed auctor ipsum sit amet quam ullamcorper venenatis. Nulla eu felis ut turpis faucibus rutrum. Vivamus ornare lacus risus. Nam a tellus nec massa aliquet sagittis sed vel felis. Mauris et aliquam nisl, vitae laoreet velit. Cras vehicula nibh a augue pharetra efficitur. Suspendisse tempor maximus nisl non pretium.

Pellentesque fermentum ornare nisl, vel sodales elit vulputate posuere. Phasellus lacinia arcu vitae sollicitudin aliquam. Praesent luctus elementum ex, eget posuere est rhoncus viverra. Suspendisse diam enim, ultrices ut vestibulum at, lacinia quis elit. Sed non tincidunt purus. Nunc efficitur accumsan venenatis. Quisque dignissim aliquam elit vel sollicitudin. Morbi finibus aliquet quam.

Praesent vel diam ut ex sagittis tempus in eget velit. Morbi vehicula enim vel libero pretium mattis. Suspendisse viverra odio at pharetra malesuada. Proin dictum ultricies mollis. Duis tellus augue, dapibus convallis lacus id, consectetur ultrices erat. Nam tristique felis velit, at aliquet lectus auctor sed. Aenean laoreet, quam ac vehicula facilisis, ante tellus efficitur enim, vel dignissim augue dolor ut nulla. Morbi tristique lorem at dolor suscipit egestas. Nunc venenatis tellus id consequat dignissim. Nulla augue mi, maximus eu lacinia et, volutpat luctus nulla. Nam sit amet diam ante. Cras in nunc sed ipsum malesuada imperdiet nec sit amet ante.

Stories aren't necessarily in chronological order and some of the facts may be exaggerated.
A Story
Story story story!
A Story
Story story story!
A Story
Story story story!
Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!


◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    An Ul'dahn citizen once said... "Reinard Ackerman? The doctor? Yeah I know of him. Had a Free-clinic here in Ul'dah a long while. Then he traded up for a Free Company or another. Hah, Free-clinic to Free Company, doubt his services are actually free, though!"
    An Ul'dahn citizen once said... "Every time I see that man he's wandering around the city in the company of some pretty broad. I guess women dig doctors. Specially ones with pretty faces..."

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    A Wood Wailer in Quarrymill once mentioned... "One time we had a problem with a large, vicious Coeurl. Then shows up here with a gun and two women and they hunt the beast down. I thought he was a hunter at first. It was only after I dropped his name in a visit to Ul'dah that I hear he's supposed to be a doctor. What kind of doctor goes around hunting dangerous animals!?"
    An angry Ul'dahn said once... "He's a scumbag is what he is! On Starlight he courted an innocent girl in the middle of a ball. Took her away for a 'romantic walk under the moonlight' and you know what else comes after that! Later I hear she woke up and found she got robbed of her precious jewelry! Kid was devastated."
    A member of the Brass Blades once remarked that... "He's not just a doctor, he's got connections--powerful people watching over his shoulder. Long ago we suspected he was covering for a thief in his so called 'Free-clinic'. One moment he was in our sights, the next we're told to back off."

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    A smuggler once let slip in a tavern that... "Don't know who this Paciscor arsehole is but he showed up here one time with a bunch of merchandise one day and sold it at a low price. Now get this; A lot of the stuff he sold just happened to be same stuff that was reported stolen when a caravan got raided up there in the northern woods."
    An Underworld agent admitted that... "Where does he (Paciscor) hangs his coat? No idea meself! See he takes off in a different direction every time. Must have safehouses all over the place. Plus he's usually got that mask or goggles on, hard to recognize a man behind that."
    A bystander Moraby Drydock Worker once witnessed that... "All I know is he shows up aboard an airship, four others aboard. They unload a bunch of boxes with the help of a few folks and then scamper faster than you can say 'Smugglers'. Don't know exactly what it was that was in them boxes, but I think I saw me some Garlean symbols on one of them!"


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own, true or untrue, just keep it IC!

    Roswyn Valhuri happened to comment: "The way he pushes his glasses up his nose is just....absolutely endearing. It makes me hesitant to wonder how dark he might actually be inside..."
    Risty Lowlight shared the following: "The doctor? He has a knack for irritating me, but I find his logical truth to be refreshing in this world of lies and deceit. I wouldn't trade the friendship with him for anything... Of course he won't know that.."
    Eaubront Shopont had this to day: "He's a reasonable and agreeable man. Intelligent, skilled, level-headed... He's also fun to drink with. I trust his judgement."
    Khyra Luriihn could only irritably exclaim: "THIS GUY."


What? You want to hear what he looks like? I thought you were looking for a story... Bah, whatever. It's your money anyway!

File:Optionalpic.jpg Personality Text.

Motivations: Motivations Text.
Disposition: Disposition Text.
Outlook: Outlook Text.

Positive Personality Traits

Positive traits text.

Negative Personality Traits

Negative traits text.


  • Like.
  • Like.
  • Like.


  • Dislike.
  • Dislike.
  • Dislike."


  • When wearing glasses, pushes those up along the nosebridge on certain situations.
  • Enjoys explaining--To gruesome detail at times--Any number of subjects that he happens to understand.
  • Has a thing for Miqo'te, seemingly fated to them somehow. He can't explain it.


  • Fear.
  • Fear.
  • Fear.


  • Talent
  • Talent
  • Talent
  • Talent
  • Talent


  • Favorite Food: Text.
  • Favorite Drink: Text.
  • Favorite Color: Text.
  • Favorite Flower: Text.

  Color Key
In A Relationship: Reinard is romantically involved with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Reinard is romantically interested in this character.
Sexual Attraction Reinard is physically interested in this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Reinard considers this person family.
Friend: Reinard considers this person his friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Reinard considers this person mostly friendly, or as an ally.

Good Standing: Reinard has no specific feelings about this character, however, they left a good impression.
Neutral: Reinard has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: Reinard has no specific feelings about this character, however, they left a bad impression.

Dislike: Reinard doesn't consider this person a friend, and will talk if needed, but try to avoid them.
Hate: Reinard considers this person an annoyance, and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Reinard is terrified by this character, and will try to avoid them at all costs.
Rivalry: Reinard considers this person a rival, and will try to oppose them at every change he gets.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Reinard.
$ Business: This character is either Reinard's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: For whatever reason, the relationship between this character and Reinard is a mystery.

Direct Family or Extended

Julius Paciscor () ( NPC ) - Father
Placeholder Paciscor () ( NPC ) - Mother
Lucrezia Bidan () - The Nurturing Maid
This maid-servant to the Paciscor family was probably more of a mother to young "Reinar" than his own mother was. Now notice that we're talking about a lovely young girl just around seven years older than her ward, so it may not surprise you when I say that the growing lad may have had a crush on the woman when he started discovering women.
Elkhe Juib () - Other half of the Coin
Elkhe and Reinard met when he was still Reinar Paciscor. Back then he was no criminal either, but a young dreamer just out from under his father's thumb, hoping to see the world and learn of it. Of course his first stop was the Academy where he would meet an equally brilliant Miqo'te, with whom he would develop a rivalry and then something more. You could say this was the start of his "Miqo'te curse". The relationship carried on for a couple of years and then fell apart, and they would only meet again many years later back in Eorzea, only to realize they still had something or another for each other. Whatever that was, its safe to say only they can answer properly.
Auralia Rhotana/Roswyn Valhuri ($) - Crime Princess
This little bundle of trouble wrapped up in a pretty red bow crossed paths with Reinard more than once. Not the way you and I may cross on the street, but she literally entered his life as two different people on two separate occasions. First time involved a rather troublesome case that included a megalomaniac man. The second time... Eh it was a bit more tame and you could even call it romantic. They developed feelings for each other and had a fiery relationship, even if short lived. Turns out criminals aren't all that interested in getting tied up, and in this case Roswyn was the most professional of the two, a true workaholic. They went their separate ways, obviously, but they kept in touch sometimes conducting business together.
Eratika Bajhiri () - Ex-wife and Disguise Mistress
You put a ring to it and you think that is it, only to realize the universe has a sense of humor and you are the joke! Reinard met this lovely young Miqo'te (The third one he ran into up to that point. See the pattern?) as no more than business partners. She was a specialist that he often hired for his scores. Dexterous, very good with disguises and fake IDs. What started as a few raids led to something deeper and more meaningful and the two wind up in a rocket powered airship straight up in the relationship scale, bonding just a few moons after they started dating. They burned up like a flare; Intense! But short lived. Nobody really knows what happened at this point, really. The two went off to Dravania when Reinard became a wanted man, but only he came back, and without his airship to boot. He told a few close friends they had a fight and split paths, but who knows what's he keeping out of the history books.

Acquaintances, Allies and Enemies

Alexander Richards () - Unstoppable Force
Alexander and Reinard's fight was the start of a small adventure. Small, but tied to a much larger drama which I will tell you about some other time. Suffice to say they stand as the opposites to each other and that came out very clearly when they fought. Brawl versus Brain. Strength versus Speed. They fought a few other times since then, but in a more friendly capacity, without actually trying to kill one another. Seems that's all they do when they meet, which isn't very often I'll tell you that.
Averill Rooks () - The Berserker
Ayahia Bladesong () - The Bardic Thief
One of the few Miqo'te that Reinard did not develop a relationship with. I know, right!? I was surprised too... Anyway these two met as co-workers in the Order of the Blood Rose. Not a lot of interaction at first, but when they did, they hit it off as fast friends. Loyal even. Ayahia was one of the few that came forth and willingly helped Reinard when he was a criminal sought out by half of the Alliance, lending her skills and talents for his use. As with every women, Reinard was seen trading charms towards the girl, only to be answered with friendly jabs. Take of that what you will.
Aysa Farland () - Title
Benedict Walker () - Title
Corbi Slader () - Title
Eddard Holt () - The Soldier
Eaubront Shopont () - Title
I'yato Khai () - Title
Iasmin Rey () - Little Sister
Kassandra Dawn () - Title
Khairi Relanah () - Amorous Courtesan
Khairi Relanah is known as a rather renowned courtesan. You know that, I know that. Reinard knows that... But he also knew her as something else. As a friend to many adventurers of all walks of life, Khairi wasn't a stranger to criminal types like Reinard, and when the two crossed paths she was hardly surprised to hear he was a Sky Pirate. She did have very specific ideals with regards to Sky Pirates and their way, and whatever Reinard told her seemed to please her enough that she chose to 'patron' him in a sense, offering shelter and a subtle modicum of support - So long it didn't get her in trouble, of course!
Khoba Lhyr () - Dirtcat
Khoba Lhyr must be one of the most wild and explosive Miqo'te I've ever heard of, and it is a true wonder that Reinard Ackerman, whom I knew to be so serious, focused and rational, could have ever had any form of relationship with the self-entitled Dirtcat. Yet the two became fast friends at their third meeting - The first two meetings were mired with tension about a boring story that I will tell you some other time. Over time both Reinard and Khoba have shown time and again to be ready to jump into the fire for each other, with Khoba accompanying the pirate in several of his raids and scores when a 'Earth-attuned mage' was needed to cause trouble for someone else. Khoba's main talent, really.
Khortani Himaa () - Title
Khyra Luriihn () - The Raven's Rose
Kurumimi Kurumi () - The White Eyed Devil
Larileina Duremert () - The Dragoon Lady
Reinard and Larileina had a rather amusing roller-coaster of a relationship. They started off as co-workers which barely acknowledged one another, but as the elezen came to notice him, she took a fancying to the idea that - and this is the best part - that Reinard was gay. This of course meant Larileina would lounge half-naked around the man with little concern, while Reinard casually played it off while never confirming or denying her claims, at least until she caught him with a lady friend. Moons later, Larileina was working as a bounty hunter for the Alliance and the two nearly came to blows as Reinard's criminal activities came under her scrutiny. She always knew he worked outside the law at times but was never able to prove it, and as luck would have it when he DID get a wanted poster with his mug in it, she had taken an official position in the Ishgardian new government, so she just shrugged and didn't care to bring him in!
Llinos Silvernail () - Title
Madison Brookstone () - Pathfinder's Lady
These two didn't have the best of relations and that's actually something of a surprise, seeing as we're talking about Reinard and a pretty lady here. See, the thing is when Reinard and Madison crossed paths, she was very stern and intolerant towards unlawful activities... And he was a Pirate! Yes I'm sure you remember this part but I just wanted to make sure. Oh he didn't tell her, of course. He never announces himself as a Sky Pirate, contrary to most others. But the clever woman always suspected something was fishy about him, and often opposed him if she even suspected he was up to no good. But, to be fair, they did maintain a~... Diplomatic relationship aside from the occasional argument.
Melfice Vainchelon () - Title
Nataru Hirano () - Title
Nathaniel Salem () - Dirge
Nathaniel and Reinard actually don't know each other. Well, Reinard doesn't know Nathaniel, to be more precise. He knows "Dirge", the name which Nathaniel goes by while in Reinard's presence, and Nathaniel, though fully aware of Reinard's actual name, knows the Pirate as "Strategist". They have worked together in cases which few people care to even acknowledge, for if they did their nights would be plagued with nightmares unlike any other. But they did so under their respective Code Names which left little room for actual involvement.
Ophelia Blanche () - Title
Rhion Dhavha () - Title
Risty Lowlight () - Dragon Woman
S'kye S'yoponi () - Title
Tera Stone () - Title
Tsukiko Yukimura () - Ice Queen
Vanir Callad () - Metal Knight
Few people are aware of the true relationship between Reinard and Vanir... And I'm not one of them. Sorry, you'll have to ask about this one to the one of them.
Valirelia Hirano () - Title
Yvenalise Tachibana () - Ashen Haired Huntress
Zethie Aldis () - Title
Personal RP Limits
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About Me as an RPer
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RP Hooks
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Links Out
■ Informative: Link
■ Informative: Link
■ Informative: Link
■ Informative: Link

Thanks goes to all my friends, supporters and fellow roleplayers for making this character such a treat to RP. Also thanks goes to the people who made this wiki and who built and modified this beautiful template, their names found bellow.

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Background and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu.
■ OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D'lyhhia Lhuil.
■ Altered by Faye Covington.
■ Shamelessly raided by me (Reinard Ackerman). Really the people above most of the work. I just took and replaced the content or modified a bit.

Artists are credited in mouseover of the respective image. If you would like to get in touch with a certain artist, please let me know and I can try to provide contact information.

Please remember to properly credit when using this wiki. Thank you.

Knowledge is as deadly as the sharpest blade.