Ander Brookstone

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Gridania-transparent.png Ander Brookstone
“How does one tell the line between a dream and reality?”

Gender Male
Race Elezen
Clan Duskwight
Citizenship Gridania
Age Unknown. Roughly late 20’s
Occupation Twin Adder Corporal
Orientation Unknown
Alignment Varies
Guardian Nophica, the Matron


Ander Brookstone, is a young Serpent Corporal within the Twin Adders, and a knowledgeable battlemage. Though not one for books or too much study in the subject of magicks, the elezen has a keen understanding of his own aether, and how to utilize the elements to create devastating power. He has had the ability to control the elements fire, ice, and lightning ever since he can remember.


The Duskwight is very tall, standing 6 fulm 10 ilms from the ground. His physique is typically elezen, though he is quite muscular. He weighs roughly 220 ponze. Ander has sea green eyes that stand out against crimson red hair, varying from chin to shoulder length. He usually keeps it tied back and out of the way in a bun or loose ponytail when it is long. Freckles dot his cheeks, as well as scars. One quite noticeable scar crosses his face, and another is on his lower right jaw. Various other battle scars appear all over his body from his duties, but the elezen mostly keeps his form covered with his uniform or other clothing. His style ranges anywhere from leathers to robes, plain and ornate alike. However, the man does not concern himself with fashions of the times too much, and mainly just picks what he likes.


Kind. Loyal. Unpredictable.

Ander is a fairly easygoing man, and very approachable. He is likable amongst his men and has a good reputation within the city-state of Gridania. His heritage as a Duskwight has rarely interfered with his life, and if it does, he is quick to turn the other cheek. Ander is an all-around do-gooder, friendly elezen. He does, however, have an odd streak that only few of his men within the Twin Adders have seen and even fewer of his friends and family. It is as if something comes over him all at once, an anger and temper that shoves itself into the limelight. When this ‘evil’ side emerges, there is no telling what kind of destruction will ensue.



Eorzean History.

Good food. (sweets, especially!)





Loud noises.

Family insults.



Blatant Injustice.

Being looked down upon.


Black Magicks. Only just recently learning the name of his skills, Ander is extremely proficient with all spells having to do with the Black.

Animal Whisperer. He is exceptionally drawn to and comfortable with caring and training animals, often seeking them for companionship than other people.

Quarterstaff. When spells fail, Ander is not without other ways of combat.

Loyalty. Ander's devotion to his causes and people is strong, indeed.

Optimist. Despite creeping doubts and angst, Ander maintains a ray of hope in all he does.


Loose Cannon.Being around strong aetheric sources or people can trigger his all-encompassing blackouts, and therefore he loses control.

Innocent. Very naive to the realm and complex circumstances.

Zero Self-Preservation. Has trouble seeing multiple options for what he should do in various predicaments--tends to choose self-sacrificing over inconveniencing others.

Ugly Duckling. Low self-image and self esteem. Doesn’t feel he belongs anywhere, despite knowing he is loved by his family.

Indecisive. Due to his ignorance, Ander struggles with making decisions pertaining to himself.


This is a list of the items that Ander currently is keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 11/08/15.

  • Staff/Focus: Ander has a rather impressive collection of staves and other foci. He always has one on his person, regardless of the event or task. Those that are not in use are kept in his armoire within his flat in Gridania.

  • Treats: Toka, his red panda, is especially fond of little, crunchy tidbits. In order to keep the little guy content and out of trouble, Ander keeps plenty of treats on hand. He also is known to carry greens for his chocobo, Magiere.

  • Ether Potions: To replenish his aether after a hard fight, Ander will take it upon himself to medicate his depleted life energy.

  • Various Amplifiers: Ander is always seen wearing some type of enhanced jewelry or amulet. He does this to strengthen his attacks and ward off enemy magicks.

  • Gil Purse: Though he is not rich by any means, the mage has enough gil to get around Eorzea with little problem.

  • Toka: Ander's red panda friend. He is mischievous and constantly hungry.

  • Magiere: The Adder's chocobo, his treasured steed. Ander loves this chocobo like family.

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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