Keaira Twinning

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Keaira Twinning
Twinning Airship.jpg
"We're given the path, in the world we deserve."

Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 26
Occupation Fusilier and Lieutenant
Orientation Demisexual
Alignment Lawful/Neutral-Good
Affiliation Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company


KEAIRA TWINNING has served as a scrivener, a scholar, a collector, and researcher, and mercenary, since leaving behind her life as an Ossuary thaumaturgist, and an Immortal Flames soldier. She remains a soldier at heart, and much of her personal life is guided by philosophies she established after her discharge from the Immortal Flames. She keeps personal feelings and admissions to herself, save for those few that she trusts enough with them. Often, she believes herself undeserving of her own desires and wants, and will 'protect' those she cares for from even hearing them.


Keaira's style of dress is focused more on utility than flair; function over aesthetic. Though she certainly looks after herself, the varied nature of her work's demands will find her in everything from robes to leather. After the recent loss of her right eye, she will not be seen in public without an eyepatch. Her hair is mostly worn short and kept away from her face, but recently, she's begin experimenting with different styles; a preference for aesthetic that has come around with her own sense of self-value. Well versed in thaumaturgy, she carries small, fulm-length focus somewhere on her person at all times. After her discharge from the Immortal Flames, she began taking up more practical methods of combat, and has collected a wide arsenal of firearms that she keeps in immaculate repair. The most recent development in her study and focus has brought her to astromancy, and she can often be found experimenting with her starglobe.


Haunted. Hopeful. Committed. Twinning was born with synesthesia, and though it often affects her perspectives and emotions, she rarely speaks of it, for risk of being treated poorly. She has also suffered from severe flashbacks since her service in the Immortal Flames, a problem that she is constantly seeking remedies for. This aside, Keaira is an optimistic person, and those she places a significant amount of trust in are likely privy to her excessively romantic heart. She has hard-earned philosophies tied to her own beliefs, many of them stemming from her longstanding faith in the Twelve, and a keen regard for the pursuit of beautiful things. Her enemies will find a relentless and cunning opponent. Business interests will find her shrewd and pragmatic. Friends and comrades will find someone that cares immensely for their well-being.



Fine liquor.


Old things.

Beautiful things.

Performance and music.




Selfish action.

The smell of cooking meat.

Crowded rooms and banquets.


Optimism in dire circumstance.

Her reverence for family.

Mastery and command of her own innate aether.

Martial prowess, physical skill, and dexterity.

Studious and direct demeanor.


Quick temper, especially when her friends' lives are at risk.

Little value for her own wants and pursuits.

Tunneling determination, that can occasionally leave her blind.

Inability to be personal or open, outside of privacy.


This is a list of the items that Keaira currently is keeping on her person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 11/19/2015

  • Firearm: Though she owns several, there are two that Keaira is particularly fond of. One or the other travels with her, most places.

  • Focus: Keaira rarely utilizes her thaumaturgy in combat, any longer. Still, her focus remains with her, usually kept in a discreet place on her person.

  • Starglobe: Though it's usually kept in her chocobo's saddlebags, this magick conduit--and its accompanying divining deck--are never far, anymore. She practices her astromancy and ponders its implications quite often.

  • Turret: A modified weapon originating from the Haillenarte manufactury. Keaira's 'Little Pup' is only used when she's alone, or on very specific maneuvers; the risk of friendly-fire is too great, otherwise.

  • Necklace: Twinning has had very few gifts given to her, in all of her years. This silver necklace--featuring small, ornamented wings--came from Upa, and she rarely takes it off.

  • Ether: Part of mastering her own aether is ensuring its a ready utility, no matter how she needs to use it. A vial or two of ether ensures this.

  • Rations: Keaira is a soldier at heart, and doesn't travel without the basic sundries to keep herself alive. Dried fruits and meats are usually kept carefully wrapped and safe, somewhere in her belongings.


  • Barker: This sleek, black chocobo was commissioned to her when she was first recruited into the Immortal Flames, and he has remained her steadfast companion ever since. She dotes immensely upon the bird, and there are few training exercises or maneuvers that he doesn't accompany her on. He eats well, lives well, and has managed to be one of those few beings alive that's heard Keaira singing. When her final mission with the Flames turned into a nightmare, it's Barker who carried her broken body back to Ul'dah, where she was healed.


Face Claim: To be determined :)

Body Claim: Anna Torv [1]

Voice Claim: Anna Torv [2]

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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