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'''-Right now-'''  
'''-Right now-'''  
Gen has found himself in a small household, slowly filling up with friends as well as strangers. Surprisingly to himself, people started coming to him with important matters like guidance and leadership, a role he's still not completely comfortable with. But he's getting there.. maybe. He constantly tries to bring more people into the fold, wanting to build a name for himself, and a future for his children, surrounded by friends and family.
Gen has found himself in a small household, slowly filling up with friends as well as strangers. Surprisingly to himself, people started coming to him with important matters like guidance and leadership, a role he's still not completely comfortable with. But he's getting there.. maybe. He constantly tries to bring more people into the fold, wanting to build a name for himself, and a future for his children, surrounded by friends and family. Sometimes the stress of leadership, and parenthood gets to him, which has lead to Gen increasing his training sessions, trying to take his mind off of everything, as well as preparing to defend  those close to him. He can often be spotted running around the Goblet in excessive workout sessions.

Revision as of 08:17, 7 June 2015

 Gen Quickpaw
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Age 26
Marital Status In a Threelationship
Occupation Treasure hunter/"Archeologist"/Dusk Dancer
Height/Weight 5'9" / 174 lbs
Orientation Straight
  • W'celim Tia (Father)
  • W'Rana Melos (Mother)
    • Shio Quickpaw (son)
    • Tarra Swiftpaw (daughter)

Gen Quickpaw Gen appears to be a fun-loving thrillseeking adventurer, just as home in a bar brawl as he is while exploring forgotten ruins and crypts. Armed with quick wit and charm, he's always ready to jump into conversation or trouble.

Basic Info


Flick, Tikka, Shio, Tarra. L'nessa
Following the winds.
Martial arts.
Goofing off on the beach.


People who take themselves too seriously
Possession, demonic or otherwise


Alignment: Chaotic Good
Weakness: Easily distracted by beautiful ladies. Can't really hold his drinks.
Favorite Food: Bulgogi
Favorite Drink: The next one.
Favorite Color: Sky-blue

Appearance & Personality

Standing at 5'9 Gen is not an imposing figure, he moves silently and swiftly to whatever corner he can make himself comfortable in, hanging about with a casual smile and a soft drink in his hand. Probably observing the people around him until he can scout out someone he finds worthy of his time. He's easily distracted by new and old friends alike, often forsaking his obligations to hang around with them, his carefree spirit often ignoring whatever consequences that may bring. Yet when called upon he will take it upon himself to fix it.. sooner or later (probably later)


Martial Artist Gen has been trained since he was 4 in his familys style of fighting. Something he had an almost terrifying aptitude for. He excels at fighting hand to hand or with a staff. Using chi strikes and unerring precission to go for debilitating or even killing blows right away. It is his main goal in life to become better, and spread his knowledge to his children one day. And he still trains every day to accomplish that.

Thief having run away from home when he was 15, Gen found his way to Ul'dah, and realized that sometimes you needed to lay low and be sneaky to eat. incorporating much of his natural quickness and acrobatics into the thievery. He earned the name Quickpaw as a pickpocket, as well as a decent knowledge on how to pick, or break locks.

Archeologist Seeking to attain a level of balance in his life, Gen took up another family trade as an archeologist. While he's not near an expert at it, he does have a decent grasp on Eorzean history, and knows when and where most of his finds come from. And he's capable of translating some ancient languages at least half way decently.

Amateur Carpenter and Goldsmith Gen put much effort into learning carpentry when he bought a house, and while he can't hit a nail with a hammer to save himself, he has learned to drive home nails with palms strikes instead. Much to Flicks chagrin who had to heal him while he perfected the trick. He also picked up on being a decent goldsmith from studying old trinkets and jewelry, which made him seek out a trainer, fiddling with small things like that gives him some peace of mind when he's angry or hurt.



Once upon a time, there was a strong and beautiful female miqo'te warrior, who held little regard for the men in her tribe, she said that no male would be able to claim her as theirs, unless they first bested her. Many a nunh tried, they came at her with tooth and claw, and swords, and lances, and whatever they could get a hand on, yet none could defeat her. Then one day, a Tia appeared before her. She barely glanced at the man as he approached her. He had a board in hand and a box at his side. He sat down in front of her, giving her a friendly smile, challenging her to a game of chess. She was intrigued by the male, as he spoke to her during their match, asking her about her thoughts, dreams and hopes. She proved to be more of a challenge than he had expected. And after a fierce match, they decided to call it a draw, then retreated to her chambers.

The tribe was furious at this, a lowly Tia and one of their finest hunters and warriors, and promptly decided to have them exiled. Something the couple accepted happily. The two left the tribe, living as wanderers. They took up the trade of dungeon explorers and historians. After some time, Gen, their son was born.

Gen was a happy child, despite his upbringing being quite strict, from morning to noon, his mother would train his martial skills, teaching him the way of the fist that her father had taught her. Then after that, his father would be his school teacher, he had a keen mind and his sense for martial arts developed quickly throughout his youth.

Teenage years.

When Gen was 15, he had a bit of a falling out with his mother. He left home, determined to make a name for himself in Ul'dah. But soon after arriving in the city, the boy vanished. No news reached his parents, until he one day, 4 years later, A scarred and battered Gen showed up at their doorstep. Begging his mother to resume his training.

Adult years:

As he'd returned home, Gen slowly became enamored with the thought of raiding old crypts and dungeons to uncover goodies and riches, and possibly return to helping his parents with their investigations of old ruins. But preferably at greater distances so his mother wouldn't beat him up for the occasional theft he made out of the tombs he explored. This has been Gens life for the past few years, only with a short pause where he joined the Flames, shortly before the battle of cartenau, he was not an active participant, but a scout for the Flames during these days. After that he drifted between archeological jobs and merc-work. Until he found himself employed by a free company. Something that in the end didn't pan out to well, and him and his closest friends soon broke off, due to creative differences with the managment at the old house. Leaving to at first, just buy another house, before realizing he couldn't abandon his friends.. and he needed their help to pay the rent, he now partially runs a free company. Dedicated to gather at first his old friends, but also mercs and crafters and adventurers from across the world.

The usually solitary cat found himself enjoying the compoany of others much more than he ever had, and even established a serious relationship for the first time in his life. Leading to him now being a father of two.. separate mothers though, due to him still being a troublemaker and a scoundrel. But still fiercly loving of his mate Flick, and his undefined Tikka.

-Right now- Gen has found himself in a small household, slowly filling up with friends as well as strangers. Surprisingly to himself, people started coming to him with important matters like guidance and leadership, a role he's still not completely comfortable with. But he's getting there.. maybe. He constantly tries to bring more people into the fold, wanting to build a name for himself, and a future for his children, surrounded by friends and family. Sometimes the stress of leadership, and parenthood gets to him, which has lead to Gen increasing his training sessions, trying to take his mind off of everything, as well as preparing to defend those close to him. He can often be spotted running around the Goblet in excessive workout sessions.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"Don't bother talking to him when there's a pretty lady entering the room, he won't hear you."-Various friends
Often shows up dusty and tired at the Quicksand.
Rarely angered.
Gave a man a concussion for badmouthing his girlfriend.
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
He used to sleep around a lot.. something has changed.
Rumored father of two, by two different women
Some say his mom taught him how to fight.
"I saw him in an alley, surrounded by unconcious.. or -dead- men, a black haired Miqo'te girl pulled him away from them!"
◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"His name's short for 'General'. He's actually secretly an undercover warlord, and head of a soon-to-be-marauding faction of renegades that plan to rampage across all of Eorzea and claim it for the homeland. Lock up your wives and daughters!" -Tikka Swift
"He spends his days sitting in the house or at the Quicksand, brooding at his table.Damn house cat." -Yorric Lesh
"Gen did it." - Arianne Soren
"Gen definitely did it." -Tikka Swift
"Gen?, not sure who that is but I don't think he did it" -Some guy who was definately not Gen in disguise.
"The man really can't hold his liquor, and doesn't really weigh his odds before placing a wager. He does mix a good drink though. ...I think. I can't quite remember. Um, what was the question? Oh, Gen? Yes, I'm reasonably certain that he did, in fact, do it." -Sumari Polaali
"I like to think Gen is my new drinking buddy!" - Mimiko Miyuki
"Gen is a great guy. He's always been there for me, lookin' out for me ta' make sure I'm well. I couldn't ask for a better friend than him." - Misha Jinhri
"Gen seems really nice. Surprisingly nice, actually, I was not expecting to find someone that would help me. Not with the mess I've gotten myself into." - L'nessa Kasah


Romantic Interest     Platonic love      Good Standing     Poor Standing
Star Flicker :

So.. Gen and Flick have broken up, and that left him in a downward spiral, outwards he's even more happy and outgoing than usual. But, that is his way of coping, because as soon as he's alone. He starts punching something. Or run endlessly around the Goblet. He desperatly wants to see her but knows that he'd just bring her pain by doing so, but their son needs them to at least be able to function together so Gen is determined to make the effort.

Arianne Soren :

Gen senses a kindred spirit in Ari, both of them having a practical approach to morals, while still staying on the side of "good" Even if Gen is more in the grey zone than she seems to be. They share interests such as alcohol and women. Gen pretty much considers Ari his closest friend, and knows he can go to her about anything, even if it's just to tell him he's an idiot.

Tikka Swift

One night stand turned friend, turned partner in crime, turned lover, turned mother of his child, turned girlfriend. It's been a rocky road, but it seems Gen and Tikka finally are in a stable relationship. Gen would do anything for the girl, even punch a shark.

Misha Jinhri

Once a brief aquaintance, and not much more, Misha slowly entered his life as she offered to listen to his troubles, and by being there for him when Tikka disappeared. A favor he wanted to return when she entered a rough patch in her life, the two of them growing close though hardships and some lighter moments as well. He cares deeply for her. Counting her among his closest friends, and is probably a bit overprotective around her, not wanting her to get hurt again.

Oksana Vankraft

Gen met Oksana, or "V" through the Free company. They didn't have much interaction until recently when V was attacked by a man, carrying an cursed ancient dagger Gen had unearthed. This resulted in V being cursed herself, and later possessed, something Gen felt an awful amount of guilt for. The possession also shook Gens own memories, remembering his past, and making him sympathize even more with the woman, and their friendship just seem to keep growing. And even as she has departed to whereabouts unknown, he often finds himself looking up to the skies with a smile. Certain that she's doing well out in the world.

Mia Sasano

"Sis" Gen found himself discussing his martial arts, and Mias magical skills outside the company house. Since then they've both been seen talking to one another on several occasions about just about anything, life, philosophy, their pasts and what the future might hold. Through hardships and trials, Their closeness has just grown and he now considers her a sister.

Pyha'to Polaali Gen met Pye the day Tikka was kidnapped, and was initially suspicious of the young lancer. But when Gen learned Pye was Tikkas older brother, Gen instead felt awkward, due to his ongoing relationship with her. Things have mellowed out somewhat and the raid at L'kharjas volcano did even more for their budding friendship, as fighting together against overwhelming odds tend to do.

L'nessa Kasah

Gen ended up at the Sunny Seaside Bar, still moping about Flick pretty much, when he started chatting up the bartender, L'nessa, and.. well, they got along just fine, gen almost worried he was interfering for her other customers as they chatted away. Events happened. And a few days later L'nessa showed up with an injured arm on Gens doorstep. And he offered her a place to lay low on his.. couch. Yes. Couch. .. totally couch. Okay so she moved on from the couch, and now resides in the bed, and she passed the TikkaTest. He does feel slightly confused, but it seems like things might work out.


"Read that map again Flick."