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Having been born and raised in Gridania, Ciel has a deeply ingrained appreciation for the Twelveswood and Her many wild inhabitants. Her parents frequently encouraged her to pursue the path of a Conjurer due to a knack for hearing the occasional whisper from the wood, but she never felt it would be her true calling.
Having been born and raised in Gridania, Ciel has a deeply ingrained appreciation for the Twelveswood and Her many wild inhabitants. Her parents frequently encouraged her to pursue the path of a Conjurer due to a knack for hearing the occasional whisper from the wood, but she never felt it would be her true calling.
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Ciel has seen much in her time, yet some of those memories are hazy, like viewing events through frosted glass. There are reasons for this, as yet unknown to her, and she intends to find out what these reasons are and recall these events with clarity, for better or worse. She would perhaps be better off not remembering the Battle of Carteneau and what became of some of her comrades there. Despite this, Ciel is not one given to angst where others can see it, but she plays her harp as much for her own succor as that of others.
Ciel has seen much in her time, yet some of those memories are hazy, like viewing events through frosted glass. There are reasons for this, as yet unknown to her, and she intends to find out what these reasons are and recall these events with clarity, for better or worse. She would perhaps be better off not remembering the Battle of Carteneau and what became of some of her comrades there. Despite this, Ciel is not one given to angst where others can see it, but she plays her harp as much for her own succor as that of others.

Revision as of 17:17, 19 September 2014

"Conjurers are not the only ones capable of granting succor. Who remains behind once that healer realizes nothing more can be done, and the deathly ill or wounded are left to their fate? No, a part of my task is to sing those ailing souls to their rest and grant them peace enough to let go of their worldly fetters. 'Tis the least I can do when others turn away." ~ Ciel Wulfe

Gridania-transparent.png Ciel Wulfe
Ciel HRPC Profile2.jpg
Gender Female
Race Elezen
Clan Wildwood
Citizenship Gridania
Age Mid-late 20's
Height 6'1"
Weight Never ask a lady this question.
Eye Color Emerald
Alignment Good
Patron Deity Oschon, the Wanderer


Having been born and raised in Gridania, Ciel has a deeply ingrained appreciation for the Twelveswood and Her many wild inhabitants. Her parents frequently encouraged her to pursue the path of a Conjurer due to a knack for hearing the occasional whisper from the wood, but she never felt it would be her true calling.

Early on, she discovered a love for the bow and often stole into the Quiver's Hold to watch the archers practice. She would also sometimes "borrow" a bow to practice, only to snap herself with the string time and again. Spindly arms aren't great for shooting effectively, but time and persistence saw her growing in strength and skill, and the accidental self-flagilations became less of a problem.

Likewise, despite her parents discouraging her from talking to adventurers from abroad, Ciel often found herself enthralled with their stories when they passed through Gridania. Tales of courage, romance, monster-slaying -- and so many of those were embellished for the sake of entertainment value , but she didn't care. It set a spark of interest within her for a taste of the outside world.

Her own adventures, when she became old enough, led her all over Eorzea with a variety of people. Some became dear to her, as siblings she never had. She had always been fed on the belief that outsiders weren't worth the time, that the people of the other nations were selfish and insular when, in truth and with time, she looked back on her own kind and saw these same flaws. Seeing the world with her own eyes meant learning many more truths, and she came to settle in Ul'dah with her comrades. She still longed for the Twelveswood, but not for the city of her birth.

Ciel eventually followed the same calling as her comrades, but rather than returning to Gridania to join the Twin Adders, she consigned herself to the Immortal Flames. This not only paid well for a while, but it kept her busy. Some of the missions she was sent on, however, became more and more troubling and she soon found herself at Carteneau. Even arriving there was a grim matter, but regret never truly set in until she got into the thick of the fray and watched her companions fall - often messily - one by one.

The coming of Bahamut, and then becoming engulfed in a brilliant white light... these were the last things she experienced before finding herself suddenly in one of the cities again. She felt like she had been asleep for a long time, and had awoken with a mind rattled by hazy nightmares.

(For more history, see the story post The Long Road Home)


Ciel has seen much in her time, yet some of those memories are hazy, like viewing events through frosted glass. There are reasons for this, as yet unknown to her, and she intends to find out what these reasons are and recall these events with clarity, for better or worse. She would perhaps be better off not remembering the Battle of Carteneau and what became of some of her comrades there. Despite this, Ciel is not one given to angst where others can see it, but she plays her harp as much for her own succor as that of others.

Most people will meet a gentle-tempered Elezen, one lacking the haughty, self-important nature witnessed in many of her brethren. It may be that her experiences have humbled her, or she hears and understands more of the voices inhabiting the Shroud than she would let on. There is enough wrath among the Elementals without one Elezen feeding it further.

Her search for answers leaves her drifting from place to place, while her loneliness keeps her moving between clusters of people. Those who don't seem to possess the answers she seeks will likely see her move on sooner than those who may be on a certain path.

Those who truly get to know her will learn what makes her tick, and may be treated to humor laced with sarcasm and graced with a smirk. They will also have a friend for life.

She's possessed of a strong sense of justice and won't tolerate those who pick on refugees, the poor, and the weak. Those who do will find the woman's temper.

Italic - Outer Self (Shell Personality)

Bold - Core Self (True Personality)











Other Notes


  • Walking through the Twelveswood.
  • Stories, spoken and written.
  • Understanding, and being understood.
  • Sweets, especially pastries and cakes.
  • Stargazing.
  • Cultivating plants and new trees.
  • Meeting new people, but especially other Elezen. Wildwood and Duskwight, alike.


  • ...Those stupid reindeer suits. You can't get her to wear one even if your life depends on it.
  • Being alone for long periods of time.
  • People who can't lean a little closer to the soap.
  • Bullies.
  • Having to take a life, even out of necessity.



  • Father: Josseloux Sauveterre - A talented lancer and instructor with the Wood Wailers. While he had retired from active duty ten summers prior to the Calamity, he felt obligated to aid in the defense of Gridania against Imperial incursion. He lost his life in battle.
  • Mother: Pienne Sauveterre - The one from whom Ciel inherited her gentleness. As a Conjurer, she was the first to encourage Ciel to enroll with Stillglade Fane. Distraught over the loss of Josseloux, and believing her daughter lost at Carteneau, Pienne fled deep into the Twelveswood and took her own life.

The Wulfegard

Wulfegard was the name of the Flames unit she was assigned to prior to and during the Battle of Carteneau. Aside from herself, all other members of the unit were presumed to have been wiped out during the battle and/or Bahamut's attack. Characters marked as Presumed Deceased can be taken up by anyone willing to play them. This list is under construction.

  • Morithan Wulfegard (PC) - Commander of the unit and the the one responsible for giving it its name. A Hyur Highlander of advanced age, an honorable "knight" if there ever was one. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
  • Chavi Banzai (Presumed Deceased) - A Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te, U'Chavi Tia, known to the Pugilist's guild as Chavi Banzai, the Screaming Fist. Quick to laugh, and even quicker with his fists as well as his feet. He became known for flying off the top rope of fighting rings, running up walls, and doing backflips.

Everyone Else

Disclaimer: The notes below are purely in character and are not influenced at all by OOC, or how well I know anyone outside of RP. If you're not listed here, it's nothing personal. Either I've forgotten for some reason or your character hasn't made enough of an impression yet for Ciel to form an opinion.

  • Aerostein Epitaph - Although she hasn't known Aero for very long, his willingness to be of help with a not-too-small predicament leaves a good impression and has her wanting to learn more about him. She considers him a good friend and is grateful for his assistance with setting one of her ghosts to rest.
  • Bexy Amalaryssia - Another acquaintance Ciel first met at the Coffer & Coffin. The Miqo'te leaves Ciel with the impression that she isn't sure where she belongs, a feeling to which she can relate.
  • Corbeaux Baptiste - A Duskwight who, at first glance, was nearly mistaken for Jandelaine Hainaut. She spent some time talking to Corbeaux at the Drowning Wench, discussing everything from the lingering divide between Wildwood and Duskwight, to the self-perception of heroes and villains. He is interesting company, but his vague description of himself as one who facilitates the trade of information leaves her cautious. She knows better than to pry too deeply into the business of anyone from Limsa Lominsa.
  • Dresden Voltaire - A mage from "the North". Ciel ventured into Stone Vigil with him, Seth, and Evaleigh in search of treasure, and she has spoken with him several times both before and after. Although Ciel has come to know Dresden as a friend, her search for the recently stolen Conjurer's Orb has left her with some strong suspicions of his involvement. She hasn't seen or heard from him recently, and prays for his well-being.
  • Jandelaine Hainaut - A Duskwight warrior who is gradually regaining fragments of memory once lost. His is a welcome and comforting presence the likes of which Ciel hasn't allowed herself since losing Thierremont. His recent lack of presence has her worried that he has either been lost to his recovered memories, or something else has happened to him, and this is not only a cause for concern but one of personal conflict and guilt as well.
  • Jonathan Grayve - A Duskwight and former knight with a knack for invention. She met him at the Gladiator's Guild after receiving a missive which referred him to the Order, and quickly found him to be a good fit for the group. She can relate to and appreciate his concern for others, but she isn't sure yet if she can truly accept his affection.
  • Kale Aideron - Kale is living proof that Ciel will help anyone regardless of how little she can actually stand them. They have often clashed, ever since their first meeting where he mistook her for a courtesan, and despite resolving some of their differences his initial mistaken perception seems to linger.
  • Konner Kinkaid - Leader of the Order of the Sword & Rose, and a friend. He is a quiet person but a strong leader, even if he would deny it. Humbled and made wiser for his life experiences, Ciel believes him to be good company and their conversations sometimes border on philosophical.
  • Mylene Wharf - Ciel met Mylene by accident at the Coffer & Coffin, after the young Hyur tripped on Yvelont's sword. She seems like a sweet girl, in spite of what appears to be a nearly debilitating shyness. Mylene needs people around her who are willing to be patient, and Ciel is nothing if not patient.
  • Oni De'phor and Raiden - A young Hyur displaced and seeking for some way to help others. Oni has fit right in with the Order, and Raiden seldom fails to keep things lively. She doesn't mind giving Raiden grief for his questionable behavior.
  • Sethaner Somerville - If Ciel determined her friends by appearance alone, Sethaner would be high on her list. Fortunately, she doesn't operate that way, but there is no insult intended by the fact she wishes he would wear a shirt once in a while. He's very easy on the eyes, even if his ears are too short.
  • Warren Castille - He's a toughie with a heart of gold, the very image of a valiant knight. He is always willing to encourage her musical inclination, something for which she is grateful. She is, however, concerned for the man where he always looks so exhausted.
  • Yvelont Navarre - She met this gentleman following a brief, rained-out performance in Gridania one day and instantly found him familiar, but she could not place why. Bits and pieces of scattered memory clarified that familiarity amidst recurring dreams of Carteneau. As a Conjurer, his was the last life she tried to save. Although he has become a trusted friend and someone she would like to know better, anything else would remain unrequited.
  • Zart'ir Arashi - The charming Captain of the Raven Claw has an unusual name for an Elezen, but his reasons for such are perfectly understandable. Her brief encounters with him have always been pleasant, making him someone she would like to know better, and he has offered to bring her aboard ship one evening when he sails out of port.

Other Connections

You may know, or know of, Ciel if one of the following is true:

  • She was one of two performers at the First Annual Royal Ball. If you were there, you might have seen or heard her sing.
  • She frequents the taverns in the three main cities, sometimes simply to relax and watch people, other times to sing for the small audiences they offer. Most often, she can be found at the Quicksand.
  • She has also become a regular at Coffer & Coffin tavern nights.
  • You lived in Gridania or were associated with Stillglade Fane up to two years prior to the Calamity. She may have had some old friends there. Feel free to send me a /tell in game if you're one of them.


Common Rumors

  • "Elezen lass? Eyes like emeralds, hair as white as mountain rime? Aye, I've seen 'er. They say she's got a heavenly voice, but I've yet to hear it for m'self."
  • "Aw, she's a sweetheart. Might be in her best interest, anyroad, if she did more to secure that shirt o' hers, lest she draw attention she's not wanting, if you know what I mean." -Wymond

Moderate Rumors

  • "I've... I've heard she rides a coeurl. How does anyone tame such a beast to be ridden like a chocobo??"
  • "She was singing at the Quicksand one evening and I offered her a cactus flower as a tip for one of her songs. I don't know what it was, but she seemed... not ungrateful, but kind of sad for it. You'd think I put a dead sparrow in her hat or something, for as reluctant as she was to take it." -- random Tia botanist
  • "W-w-what do you mean she's taken? And by a Duskwight no less! How can that be? I've been working so hard on this sonnet to impress her, she should have been mine!" -- an entitled Wildwood going about it all wrong.

Rare Rumors

  • "Used to be a Conjurer, that one. She left out of Gridania about a year or two before the Calamity, then disappeared for five..."
  • "I heard this beautiful voice one night while I was on patrol in the Wood. Couldn't find the source at first, but there she was sitting beside the waterfall, bearing her soul to the night. I'm afraid I startled her... could've been an Ixal for all she knew. She dashed for cover when she heard me coming." -- A young Wood Wailer
  • "That one is an angel of death. She arrived amidst a rain storm, not long after grandpere fell ill. Mayhap it was a mistake inviting her inside to dry off and rest the night. She asked to play her harp for grandpere, as payment for the hospitality. ...He passed on by sunrise, albeit peacefully. The lass left before anyone else awoke, and with nary a sound..." -- Nervous refugee
  • "Strange coincidence, but she reminded me of someone else who enlisted with the flames some seven summers ago. Same first name, but different family name... couldn't possibly be the same person." -- Immortal Flames recordkeeper
  • "She's in the Quicksand often enough. It looked like a fight was brewing - yet again - a couple suns ago, and she shouted twice to try and get people to take it outside. Imagine my surprise later when some of the patrons who had been sitting right by her came up to the counter with cracked wine glasses! No other table saw this happen with theirs..." -- Momodi

PC Rumors

((Feel free to add!))

  • The songstress? I don't know what she's looking for, but I hope she finds it. -A grim guardian
  • "A bard, aye, she is that. If that woman is just a poet, though, then I'm the bloody emperor of all Eorzea. That woman is in possession of a keen philosopher's mind and callouses on her fingers from strings far more taut than a harp. I imagine many a man who disregarded her as a songstress has wound up with a look of surprise being the last expression he ever wore." - Corbeaux Baptiste
  • "Miss Ciel? Yeah, I know her. She's so pretty and graceful. Also to note she has a great taste in style. I'm dieing to hear her sing too, she's really talented I hear." - Aerostein Epitaph
  • "Have you not heard her songs of virtue? Her voice brings light to the darkest dungeon. I should know, I've seen her crescendo physically tear monsters apart." - Dresden Voltaire
  • "Truly.. Miss Ciel.. I.. don't think I've met anyone like her! She sits by her harp so.. elegant, her voice gentle, her singing soothing, and never fazed by so many surrounding her! I was.. very much startled when I once saw her... pet, though. ..Eh? 'What pet?!' N-No! It's nothing!" - Mylene Wharf
  • "Ciel? She's awesome, that's all I'm gonna say. She's skilled with a bow from what I hear, and she's hell'uve attractive. She's also a pretty promising songstress." Oscare Iono

IC Quotes

Llaine Tetheros - "You're very concerned about the bat getting in between your breasts, aren't you?"

Ciel - "If I wanted anything crawling in between them, Miss, I would date more often."

On the subject of love: "'Tis a potent drogue, to be sure. Once had, one wonders how they ever did without it. And then the withdrawal pains once 'tis gone... which leave one wondering why they ever thought it was a good idea to begin with."


  • She does not discuss Thierremont. (see The Long Road Home, linked in the Writings section)
  • Her hair used to be much longer, but she cut it back to her shoulders right before leaving Gridania after Thierremont's death. Some cultures hold that the cutting of one's hair symbolizes grief, but also a rite of passage or letting go of something in one's past.
  • She named her coeurl mount Mille Feuille. Not only is it the name of her favorite Gridanian dessert, but it also means "Thousand Leaves" or "Many Layers". She thought of the name after she noticed the way the ridges on the couerl's neck and limbs looks like overlapping layers, or leaves.
  • She is a mezzo-soprano.
  • Ciel is a very pious person and can often be found in places known to be sacred to the Twelve. She will sometimes collect small tokens as offerings for when she goes to these places, leaving them at whatever might pass for an altar, for each has their place in the grand scheme of things and should be paid their due respects. Among her favorite things to collect are nuts, seeds, and fresh plant cuttings - anything she can cultivate and offer to Nophica, the Matron - and she will happily accept these things in lieu of gil or other tokens of wealth when she sings in public.
  • Yep, Ciel's current last name is not lore-centric. Her family name is actually Sauveterre, which translates similarly to "safe haven". She took the last name Wulfe as her way of honoring the first Company she went with to Carteneau, the Wulfegard. To the best of her knowledge, all other members of the Company died that day.
  • Ciel still carries the bow she earned when she actively served among the Immortal Flames, and of course she's given it an appropriate name: Star-crossed Serenade.


This section contains any stories related to this character, and anything written ICly.

  • The Long Road Home - Only a few months after returning to Gridania from her five year absence, Ciel must deal with some pieces of her past.
  • Tea with Menphina - A visit to the Sanctum of the Twelve results in a quiet heart to heart with goddess of love.