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:<span style="color: #8f8377; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[X'linwh Tia]]''' – Tahla'li tries to spend as little time around Lin as possible. They might have once enjoyed a sort of friendship for a time, but subsequent events have ruined it. And though Tahla'li knows there's no chance of it ever improving again this way, there is at least little chance of it ever getting worse again either.  </span></span>
:<span style="color: #8f8377; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[X'linwh Tia]]''' – Tahla'li tries to spend as little time around Lin as possible. They might have once enjoyed a sort of friendship for a time, but subsequent events have ruined it. And though Tahla'li knows there's no chance of it ever improving again this way, there is at least little chance of it ever getting worse again either.  </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Onuma Ahntifi]]''' – Though their first meeting was rather rocky (the words poacher and spy were bandied), Tahla'li has seemed to warm to her. At least slightly. Perhaps in the furture their relationship might warm even more, but the two see very little of each other</span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Onuma Ahntifi]]''' – Though their first meeting was rather rocky (the words poacher and spy were bandied), Tahla'li has seemed to warm to her. At least slightly. Perhaps in the furture their relationship might warm even more, but the two see very little of each other</span></span>
:<span style="color: #8f8377; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Lotan'to Jiub]]''' – Tahla'li doesn't quite know what to think of this moonkeeper. The few words shared between them have left Tahla'li with a mostly positive impression, but he known more of his mate than Lotan'to himself, and that's saying something. </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Lotan'to Jiub]]''' – Tahla'li doesn't quite know what to think of this moonkeeper. The few words shared between them have left Tahla'li with a mostly positive impression, but he known more of his mate than Lotan'to himself, and that's saying something. </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="color:#000000; font-size:medium; text-align:-webkit-center; ">♥</span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Rah'na Lihzeh]]''' – Tahla'li cares very deeply for this younger moonkeeper and would do anything for him. Despite the doubts Rah'na harbors of his own abilities, Tahla'li believes in him fully and does what he can to help him improve. He does try to let Rah'na explore and learn on his own, however—how can he ever trust himself if his friends don't seem to trust him? </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="color:#000000; font-size:medium; text-align:-webkit-center; ">♥</span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Rah'na Lihzeh]]''' – Tahla'li cares very deeply for this younger moonkeeper and would do anything for him. Despite the doubts Rah'na harbors of his own abilities, Tahla'li believes in him fully and does what he can to help him improve. He does try to let Rah'na explore and learn on his own, however—how can he ever trust himself if his friends don't seem to trust him? </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="color:#000000; font-size:medium; text-align:-webkit-center; ">♥</span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Kodaro Ba'rococo]]''' – In truth, Tahla'li feels almost beholden to Kodaro. The seeker, more so than nearly anyone else, never doubted in Tahla'li's abilities or in his ability to improve. Moreover, never once has he balked a request for aid, even when Tahla'li himself knew he did not deserve it. But perhaps 'beholden' is not quite the right word... but Tahla'li certainly feels something for him. </span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="color:#000000; font-size:medium; text-align:-webkit-center; ">♥</span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Kodaro Ba'rococo]]''' – In truth, Tahla'li feels almost beholden to Kodaro. The seeker, more so than nearly anyone else, never doubted in Tahla'li's abilities or in his ability to improve. Moreover, never once has he balked a request for aid, even when Tahla'li himself knew he did not deserve it. But perhaps 'beholden' is not quite the right word... but Tahla'li certainly feels something for him. </span></span>
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:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Surilian Blu]]''' – Tahla'li has convinced himself that some dangerous entity is sharing Surilian's body unbeknownst to her, and like Resh'ir, he believe that she is a danger to others until it is dealt with. Unlike Resh'ir, he's also afraid that she might become a danger to herself. It is among his sorest wishes to fix whatever might be wrong. So much so, he has been studying how to exorcise voidsent from living hosts.</span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Surilian Blu]]''' – Tahla'li has convinced himself that some dangerous entity is sharing Surilian's body unbeknownst to her, and like Resh'ir, he believe that she is a danger to others until it is dealt with. Unlike Resh'ir, he's also afraid that she might become a danger to herself. It is among his sorest wishes to fix whatever might be wrong. So much so, he has been studying how to exorcise voidsent from living hosts.</span></span>
:<span style="color: #8f8377; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Pipituu Kipichuu]]''' – Tahla'li has only met this lalafell once, and as such he lacks any strong impression of him.</span></span>
:<span style="color: #8f8377; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Mijisaa Qisaa]]''' – Like Pipituu, Tahla'li has only met Mijisaa once. He's heard more of hr, however, from his friends. Were they to meet again, it's likely he'll like her as well</span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[Oliwat Kokiwat]]''' – It's hard not to be left with an impression of this little lalafell, curious man that he is. Nor is it difficult to see that he cares for Tahla'li's companions, though so many of them have just met. That he's also trained in the black magic of thaumaturgy doesn't hurt either.</span></span>
:<span style="color: #33ff22; font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;">● </span><span style="font-size: medium; text-align: -webkit-center;"><span style="font-size:small;">'''[[U'dahsh'a Nuhn]]''' – Surprised to hear that this miqo'te is both keeper and seeker, Tahla'li would like to learn more of him. As it goes, he respects him and his abilities.</span></span>

Revision as of 00:49, 23 January 2014

Ul'dah-transparent.png Tahla’li Tayuun
Ffxiv 01212014 043558.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Ul'dah
Age 20
Sexuality Homosexual
Occupation Novitiate Thaumaturge
Patron Diety Nald, god of Life
Namesday 9th Sun of the Sixth Astral Moon
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?



Having traveled with his adoptive "tribe" to the city-state Ul'dah, Tahla'li Tayuun's life has taken a turn towards the dangerous, exciting, and unexpected, in no particular order. In a general sense, he's happy for the change. No longer living in the shadow of Gridania and among all the memories that the Black Shroud holds, he has begun to come into his own in many ways. Whether his growth will continue on a positive trend, only time will tell.


Though no richer by any means, Tahla'li's wardrobe has changed significantly from his time alone in the Shroud. Gone are most of his simple leathers. Instead, he wears cottons and linens. On his left ear, he wears the small bomb earring he once received from Kodaro. He has never been seen without it since. Despite having more clothes to choose from, he is most often seen in a fairly revealing black outfit that would not make him look out of place among the city's dancers. He wears it, however, not because it is revealing, but because it allows more of his skin to breathe—both the desert air and his own fire magick conspire together to overheat him otherwise.

Also of note is the length of his tail. It is much longer than average, even among fellow moonkeepers.


Though still boisterous, brash, and bratty in equal measure, his attitude has taken a markedly more pensive bent. He is more often quiet among his friends and adoptive "family" than not. Still, he has quite the temper at times, but when it flare up too hot he tends to isolate himself from others.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~


Following an arrow would to his left shoulder that's left an obvious scar, Tahla'li's days of archery are over. Instead, he has taken up his long latent abilities in magick. Specifically, the black magick of Thaumaturgy. Like many Thaumaturges, he specializes in fire, though with no staff of his own yet, he focuses his aether with his bare hands. This had lead to burns he's had to physick away on more than one occasion.

~Elaboration will come after more RP~



Red Meat
His Bow
The Moon
Feeling Useful


Bossy Females
The Sun




Favourite Food/Drink: Antelope/sweet mead
Favourite Place: Wrapped up in a fur blanket
Favorite Weather: Clear nights
Favorite Season: Late autumn
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Scents: Pastries, cocoa, evergreens


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Rhesh'ir Zhwan – Tahla'li has assumed a heavy burden of guilt for himself following Resh'ir's capture and incarceration by the Immortal Flames. In his mind, had he never wanted to go to Ul'dah to train his magick, Resh'ir would never have been made to face execution. As he told the man himself, he would gladly have given up all his magick if it would have spared him his capture. How he can make up for it is a constant thought on Tahla'li's mind.
Y'lyfriel Sikah – Tahla'li would never think of Y'lyfriel as a sister. His sisters hated him, after all, and the feeling was mutual. Nor could he even think of her as a female brother, and for the very same reasons. He does consider her family though of some sort or another, and much closer family than he's ever had before.
X'linwh Tia – Tahla'li tries to spend as little time around Lin as possible. They might have once enjoyed a sort of friendship for a time, but subsequent events have ruined it. And though Tahla'li knows there's no chance of it ever improving again this way, there is at least little chance of it ever getting worse again either.
Onuma Ahntifi – Though their first meeting was rather rocky (the words poacher and spy were bandied), Tahla'li has seemed to warm to her. At least slightly. Perhaps in the furture their relationship might warm even more, but the two see very little of each other
Lotan'to Jiub – Tahla'li doesn't quite know what to think of this moonkeeper. The few words shared between them have left Tahla'li with a mostly positive impression, but he known more of his mate than Lotan'to himself, and that's saying something.
Rah'na Lihzeh – Tahla'li cares very deeply for this younger moonkeeper and would do anything for him. Despite the doubts Rah'na harbors of his own abilities, Tahla'li believes in him fully and does what he can to help him improve. He does try to let Rah'na explore and learn on his own, however—how can he ever trust himself if his friends don't seem to trust him?
Kodaro Ba'rococo – In truth, Tahla'li feels almost beholden to Kodaro. The seeker, more so than nearly anyone else, never doubted in Tahla'li's abilities or in his ability to improve. Moreover, never once has he balked a request for aid, even when Tahla'li himself knew he did not deserve it. But perhaps 'beholden' is not quite the right word... but Tahla'li certainly feels something for him.
Dawson Colwell – How was it ever possible that Tahla'li would consider a Gridanian his friend? And a close friend at that? Whatever the case, that is what's come to be. Tahla'li feels he can trust Dawson with thoughts he might not with others, and he would certainly like to think that the conjurer feels the same.
Surilian Blu – Tahla'li has convinced himself that some dangerous entity is sharing Surilian's body unbeknownst to her, and like Resh'ir, he believe that she is a danger to others until it is dealt with. Unlike Resh'ir, he's also afraid that she might become a danger to herself. It is among his sorest wishes to fix whatever might be wrong. So much so, he has been studying how to exorcise voidsent from living hosts.
Pipituu Kipichuu – Tahla'li has only met this lalafell once, and as such he lacks any strong impression of him.
Mijisaa Qisaa – Like Pipituu, Tahla'li has only met Mijisaa once. He's heard more of hr, however, from his friends. Were they to meet again, it's likely he'll like her as well
Oliwat Kokiwat – It's hard not to be left with an impression of this little lalafell, curious man that he is. Nor is it difficult to see that he cares for Tahla'li's companions, though so many of them have just met. That he's also trained in the black magic of thaumaturgy doesn't hurt either.
U'dahsh'a Nuhn – Surprised to hear that this miqo'te is both keeper and seeker, Tahla'li would like to learn more of him. As it goes, he respects him and his abilities.

Enemies & Rivals

None yet

Easily Overheard Rumours
"He is a little poacher! Has no respect for the lives he takes! And the leather and furs he tries to sell are amateurish." - Gridanian Merchant
"Boastful, annoying little brat." - Tavern Patron
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"Little guy? Red hair? Carries a bow? Yeh, I know o’him. S’got a thing for another miqo’te what comes around here. Thing is, th’other miqo’te’s another guy." - Regular at Buscarron's Druthers
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"He’s an embarrassment. After the third failed engagement, his mother had to look- outside- the tribe for a girl that would take him, but he ruined that too." - Member of the Molkoh Tribe
Player Character Rumours
"Like a boy trapped in a man's body, but still miqo'te. Still a Moonkeeper, through and through." - Y’lyfriel Sikah
"... He is bound to learn hard facts of life. But it will not be from me." - Resh'ir Zhwan
"He's a ball of fire, ready to burn up at a moment's notice. He's got a hard life ahead of him." - Dawson Colwell
"Tahla'li was the cutest grouch! But now hes just the cutest. Did you know when you pounce on him, his pretty eyes dilate funny and he makes the cutest GAH sounds!" - Surilian Blu


Originally from the Molkoh tribe, Tahla’li left less than one year ago with the intention to never return. His exact motivations for doing so seem to have something to do with being his mother’s third son and his refusal to allow himself to be married off.


Theme Song: TBD

Alignment: Chaotic Good