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<center><div style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;font-size: 14px;letter-spacing:0.2em;padding-left:10px;background-color:#423c33;color:white;padding-bottom:0.1em;padding-top:0.1em;border-radius:0px;">Appearance</div></center>
<center><div style="font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;font-size: 14px;letter-spacing:0.2em;padding-left:10px;background-color:#423c33;color:white;padding-bottom:0.1em;padding-top:0.1em;border-radius:0px;">Appearance</div></center>
<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:14px;font-family:Georgia;">Kale is a Highlander of slightly lesser proportions, although clearly has the presence and physique of a veteran combatant. Many wounds and scars are visible when Kale wears clothing that reveals areas of his torso or other appendages. They are all faded, indicating that conjury or other forms of healing came too late to prevent permanent marking. He is meticulous about his appearance in his belief of maintaining proper military bearing, always shaven, and hair kept short. The man's face has a very defined bone structure. A large nose sticks out between a low brow that gives Kale an almost intense resting expression. Kale's somewhat narrow eyes betrays their copper hue, set above a pair of prominent cheekbones and slightly gaunt cheeks. In turn, these features sit above a distinct jaw and somewhat rounded, jutting chin. His calloused and rough skin is worn from a mixture of age, sun, and battle. The corners of his eyes are creased, and his forehead is a touch wrinkled. A single scar is set across his left cheek, a couple of ilms or so in length.
<div align=justify><div style="padding: 7px 4px;font-size:14px;font-family:Georgia;">Standing at 6 fulms, Raniall is every bit built like an infantry shield man would look. An oddity in Ul'dah due to his red hair, Raniall tends to not draw to much attention to it due to his often covering it. Piercing blue eyes seem to carry most of him. While often light and happy, there is obvious weight behind them, and even a hint of loss. A strong jaw form his face, which is slightly covered by the small amount of red stubble around his chin. His physique is slightly bulky and muscular, built for lowering a shield and trudging forward through sand, snow, muck, or just across hard ground. Sun-tanned skin from living in Ul'dah and training under the Thanalan sun, Raniall's hands are clearly calloused from years of warfare and training. Hours upon hours holding a sword and shield, learning to take constant blows to protect himself.

Revision as of 01:48, 29 March 2018

Ul'dah-transparent.pngRaniall Lightstone
'For Her Grace, and the glory of Ul'dah'


Flame Lieutenant Raniall Lightstone is an Immortal Flames Officer and native born son of Ul'dah. A veteran of multiple campaigns, Raniall has spent much of his time in the Flames moving from one conflict zone to another. Despite an hard life of combat, Raniall is known as a man who values honor, loyalty, and respect above all things and constantly strives to show these qualities not only to others and his peers, but to his enemies as well. His outstanding qualities even had him up for consideration as a Sultansworn but he felt his traits and knowledge where better suited to helping the Flames rather than guarding the Sultana. Since then he has earned his commission and earned the growing respect of his subordinates with his friendly nature and attention to his troops. Raniall lives by the shield. He lives to protect, willing to give himself to save them without a moments notice.

Vital Information

Epithet... Raniall the Stalwart.

Nicknames... The Anvil.

Race (Clan)... Hyur (Midlander).

Gender... Male.

Age... 25.

Height/Weight... 6 fulms/ 210 ponze.

Marital Status... Single.

Other Statistics

Nationality... Ul'dahn.

Current Residence... The Goblet.

Occupation... Immortal Flame Lieutenant.

Patron Deity... Bryegot.

Elemental Bias... Earth.

Alignment... Lawful Good.

Personality Type... ISFJ.


Raniall was born to a mercenary captain father who commanded prior to the formation of the Immortal Flames and a mother who was maidservant to a successful Ul'dah merchant, as well as an older sister. Born to parents who both understood the value of an education, Raniall and his sister were both taught a number of things growing up, including math and language. Both of their parents took every effort to teach their children as much as possible, hoping both of them would take their lessons and forge a better path in life than their sires. Raniall in turn grew-up idolizing the Sultansworn, seeing them as protectors of people and the peace. He grew up believing he would one day join their ranks and protect the people of Ul'dah.

At the age of 19, with the Garleans starting to push at the gates, Raniall took up arms and with his fathers name secured himself within a mercenary company for a short time before they were reshuffled into the re-created Immortal Flames. It was here that Raniall first found a calling. Putting on an official uniform, Raniall felt a part of something. It wasn't the white armor of the Sultansworn, but it was part of something important and it in turn would shape his early adult life. Following many battles, Raniall slowly rose through the ranks first becoming a Sergeant. It was during this time he was up for consideration into the Sultansworn. Word of Raniall's out-going nature, loyalty, and honor had reached the ears of those who tapped others for such a coveted place, yet when approached Raniall hesistated. He found himself in a better position to protect Ul'dah where he was, rather than from the Promenade, and already was well-liked and respected among many of those who knew him in the Flames. It was this in mind that led him to decline the request to join the Sultansworn and commit himself fully to the Flames.

Shortly after the return of the Flame General following his unlawful incarceration, a number of the more vocal monetarists left the service rather then risk possible reprisal. This, coupled with his demonstrated loyalty to the Flames to turn down the Sultansworn and his earned respect by subordinates and seniors alike, earned Raniall his officers commission. On top of this, he was deemed of the proper disposition and skills to helm a new initiative attempting to incorporate dogs into battlefield and peacekeeping situations. Captain Hammer and Raniall would quickly become a pair both on the battlefield and patrolling the streets of Ul'dah. Hammer was quicker and harder to follow than a chocobo during combat, but his lovable nature out of combat has made him a standout with the people. Moving from one combat zone to another, the two continue to lead their soldiers ever forward. For her Grace, and for the glory of Ul'dah.

Service Record

Though only having served for six years, Raniall has seen a number of engagements as tensions with the Garleans and other nations have slowly ramped up.

Below is a select list of Eorzea's most notable engagements in which Raniall has fought.

Battle of Carteneau: Still a private at the time, Raniall was wounded early in the fighting and removed from the fray before the emergence of Bahamut.
Operation Archon: Flame Sergeant Raniall Lightstone and a squadron of soldiers helped push into Raubhan's push outside of the Castrum, helping to open the way for the Scions.
Battle of Ishgard: Sergeant Lightstone led a contingent of men when Ishgard first called for aid to help against the Dravanian Horde. Braving the snows and far colder temperatures, Raniall and his soldiers would serve with distinction, helping to cull as many of the land-based dragons as possible.
¦ Ishgard Campaign: The freshly commissioned Lieutenant was sent with a contingent of men to help foster relations between the Grand Company and the previously reclusive nation. Operating on the borders of the city, Raniall and his soldiers were instrumental in providing much needed support to worn-weary Ishgardian knights during dragon attacks.
¦ Ala Mhigo Liberation: Having seen combat in Ishgard, Raniall and his squads were pulled to help protect and secure Ala Mhigan interests. Directing skimishes with the Garleans in The Fringes and The Peaks, Raniall and his soliders earned distinction and the honor of being part of the forces to retake the city that stormed across the Lochs and into Ala Mhigo itself.

Raniall is a man who believes in the good-nature of all people until proven wrong, and will even go so far as to put himself on the line to prove it. He values kindness, loyalty, and honor above all things and tries to extend that to friend and foe alike. His open nature draws to him those who need comfort and a friend, and his presence has proved a boost to morale to the men and women under his command. Raniall is fiecely protective, willing to throw his body in harms away if it means protecting his soliders or those close to him. While his ability to lead has been questioned due to his often emotional nature, and unwillingness to push his soliders into situations he himself would not go, this has made him extremely popular with the lower ranks who see him as someone who not only protects them from external threats, but from those inside the Flames who would use the lower enlisted to further their politics.

If Raniall has one weakness, it's women in a social context. His honorable nature makes it hard for him to flirt out-right, generally stumbling over himself to try and make an impression. He is a consummate gentleman, all the way to his detriment, and a complete romantic.

Well-meaning and protective leader.
Extremely honest.
Reliable and professional.
An officer and a Gentleman.
Humble to a fault.
Tendency to overload. Can't say "no".
Can be resistant to great change.


Family. Raniall respects the family unit. Many who come into his life he eventually sees as some extension of his family.
Animals. Raniall has a deep love and respect for animals. From Captain Hammer to his chocobo Horus, Raniall finds animal loyalty reflects the people they are with.
Whiskey. Everyone has their vices. While he doesn't often drink to excess, even Raniall needs to unwind on occassion.


Dishonor. To dishonor ones self is to dishonor their very way of life.
Cruelty. No one needs to be cruel. Its a conscious choice, and one that is unnecessary in any situation.
Duplicity. Nothing tells Raniall more about a person then when they talk one way, but act another.


Lack of aether sensitivity. Raniall has a hard time drawing forth aether. Try as he might, it does not come natural. Teleportation makes him easily sick.
Patriotic. Born and bred in Ul'dah, Raniall believes in his city and it's people, despite it's myriad of faults.
Introverted. Despite his out-going nature, Raniall is a very reserved person and tends to retreat from social situations to recharge after awhile.
Smith. Raniall makes a casual hobby out of smithing. He first learned from his father to maintain his arms and armor, but found he was well-suited to it and enjoys spending time in front of the forge hammering and shaping metal.
Standing at 6 fulms, Raniall is every bit built like an infantry shield man would look. An oddity in Ul'dah due to his red hair, Raniall tends to not draw to much attention to it due to his often covering it. Piercing blue eyes seem to carry most of him. While often light and happy, there is obvious weight behind them, and even a hint of loss. A strong jaw form his face, which is slightly covered by the small amount of red stubble around his chin. His physique is slightly bulky and muscular, built for lowering a shield and trudging forward through sand, snow, muck, or just across hard ground. Sun-tanned skin from living in Ul'dah and training under the Thanalan sun, Raniall's hands are clearly calloused from years of warfare and training. Hours upon hours holding a sword and shield, learning to take constant blows to protect himself.
"Wark!" Eskandar, Kale's beloved battle chocobo
"Oh, yeah, I know Kale! Big guy.. wears fancy armor..! I think his roar is worse than his bite, though." Aya Foxheart
"Reliable, at the best of times, and mayhap something of a brilliant idiot at the worst. Glad am I to know him." Ciel Wulfe
"Fought 'im at the Grindstone once. He ain't a pushover. Was fun an' a pain in the arse. Well. Pain everywhere, actually." Berrod Armstrong
"Why he left the Flames? That's Flames business, and although I find what he did repugnant, I won't be besmirching his name to anyone." Nako'li Chalahko
"One of the few monetarists I can bear to speak with for more than ten minutes." Coatleque Crofte
"Forgive me, Sir Aideron is much like a gil coin, no? One side is stern and dark, the other warm and considerate. Were I able to bring him closer to Thaliak and disregard the poisons others have flooded his mind with, his devotion to his land would only grow stronger. Truly, I believe he means well." Jancis Milburga
""Sir Kale? He's... belligerent to say the least. But I think he's at least trying. We had quite the debate and it was very enlightening for both of us...I hope, anyway." Vaughn Antain
"Kale is a nice person, yes? He allows me to sit on his shoulder with no complaints!" Ruruni Runi
"Kale is...Kale is a soldier. For good and ill. His passion for what he believes is one of his strengths but I fear if he is not more willing to see other's points of views it will be his weakness as well." C'rhisi Tohbei
"Sergeant Aideron, er, or should I say former Sergeant Aideron and myself go a ways back. We have had the best of times together... and the worst of times too. At one time, the only complaint I could make of him was that he was a little too willing to hurl me at the enemy as a projectile! These suns though..." Anzio Zansio
"Had a drink with Kale once. Worked with him once on a job that helped him get back with the Flames. I'd consider him one of the 'good' ones." Jaques Guillaume
"Ser Aideron? He was quite the...jewel of a find and I believe he found me. Our relationship is...well, certainly, that is none of your business." Emmette Stringers
"Y'd think a Bloodsworn would 'ave better things t'do with his time than 'elping me with swordplay trainin'. ...Riiiiight." Griselda Ironfang
"Even a loner like me just seems... Inspired to follow him into a fight. Which is saying a lot." Jana Ridah
"I had devoted my entire life based around combating the Dravanian Horde and their forces that plagued Coerthas, and trust when I say I am no stranger to fighting a strong opponent. In the recent spar we had I found that while Captain Aideron might not have the features of a dragon, he most certainly possesses the strength of one." Armont De'bayle
"He aided in the liberation of Gyr Abania. Gifted many with a name for all they did to destroy the shackles the empire brought those lands." Jancis Milburga
"Insert your rumour here!" Player Name
"Insert your rumour here too!" Player Name

This entire template was lifted from Mae Rosenthal's wonderful wiki page! In turn, she listed the following acknowledgements;

■ Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
■ Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
■ Backround and headers Atreus del Alumet.
■ Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
■ Expanded bits and relationship color keys by Lucaell Tareth'eian.
■ Music and OOC notes by Glioca Sargonnai.
■ Mashing everything together like a mad scientist D’lyhhia Lhuil.

Please remember to credit everyone when using this wiki. Thank you.

Lower your shield, Plant your feet, Move forward.