Seda'li Tayuun
Keeper of the Moon
Menphina, The Lover
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Seda'li knows little to nothing about the origin or whereabouts of his tribe. His mother was separated from them and traveled to Ul'dah before the birth of her third son. Though Seda'li acknowledges that his siblings and possibly his father could be alive and well, he has no genuine desire to seek them out. His father, Qata'to, had no real ties to a tribe of his own when he and Seda Tayuun met in Ul'dah and the teenager was the product of a very short-lived romance.
Seda'li lost his mother when he was fourteen, a common and unfortunate tale of an Ul'dahn family lacking the financial stability to create a safe environment as the nobility were privileged to possess.
Seda'li may have time yet to grow, but at nineteen cycles he only stands at 5'4. Even with his small stature, Seda'li carries himself with a hefty amount of confidence and sarcasm. He was taught to care for himself before his mother's death, so he was by no means a starving, lanky urchin. Her strict training allowed the Keeper of the Moon to develop a lean, well-toned physique that he enjoys showing off with his general lack of shirts. I could be, in fact, that he simply dislikes the itch of material against his skin coupled with the desert heat of his homeland, though. The trademark ashen skin tone of his race has given way to a more tawny complexion from years of being baked beneath the Thanalan sun.
Seda'li likes to keep his distance from the unknown, the particularly dangerous, or romance in spite of his incredibly promiscuous nature. He has a terrible habit of turning a blind eye to some feelings while embracing and unhealthily clinging to others at whim. This imbalance of emotions can make him an unstable ally and a real threat to his enemies. When Seda'li does choose to close the gap between him and someone else there is nothing that could keep him from putting his all into protecting them. He often projects a very unappealing demeanor with strangers to test limitations. While he believes the logic in pushing people is sound, Seda'li's absurd way of getting to know individuals has gotten him in trouble more times than he can recall.
The Keeper of the Moon only excels in the use of daggers in combat, but he has trained in archery under the tutelage of an expert Ishgardian bowman by the name Ventarel Windemere and his recently found cousin, Tahla'li Tayuun. During his early teenage years, before his mother's death, Seda'li also became interested in the use of thaumaturgy while running errands between the goldsmiths guild and their clients at the Arrzaneth Ossuary. He stole a staff meant for another, as well as an expensive set of zircon jewelry to enhance his preferred Umbral magick and practiced what little he knew about thaumaturgy. His skill is passable, but without seeking any real lessons his power is lacking.
- ■ Swimming
- ■ Kukuru beans
- ■ Sketching with charcoal
- ■ Thunderstorms
- ■ Epic hot tub splash fights
- ■ Sex
- ■ Blue orchids
- ■ ...Sex
- ■ Prostitution
- ■ Spinach
- ■ Snow
- ■ Most of Coerthas
- ■ Submitting to another's authority
- ■ Spear Fishing
- ■ Drawing
- ■ Archery
- ■ Collecting things that don't belong to him
- ■ Collecting bedwarmers
- ■ Creating art with an array of colored feathers
- ■ Favourite Food/Drink: Fried eft tails stuffed with buttery snipper meat / Aldgoat milk
- ■ Favourite Place: The Burning Wall, Eastern Thanalan
- ■ Favorite Weather: Thunderstorms
- ■ Favorite Season: Early Fall
- ■ Favorite Color: Green
- ■ Favorite Scents: Certain lovers, Ul'dahn savory spices, palm leaves, anything made with kukuru beans
- ♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Sexual Desire ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
Friends & Acquaintances
- ● ♥ Rahn'a Lihzeh – Seda'li was surprised how quickly he warmed up to this little Keeper when he began hanging around their company house out of curiosity and sheer boredom. He scared the kit at first with his brash behavior and flirtations, but the pair are now very close and he would do anything to keep him out of harm's way. Rahn'a is one of the first people Seda'li will go to for comfort or to share his secrets, so long as he doesn't feel they'll be a burden to the sensitive boy.
- ● ♥Tahla'li Tayuun – Tahla'li and Seda'li are aware of their relation, but neither of them know how closely bonded they are biologically. The knowledge hasn't stopped them from being intimate on multiple occasions and Seda'li has come to trust him as as an ally and a very good friend. Seda'li has even asked Tahla'li to take him on as a student in using a bow properly. The two of them have much in common, including sharing the pain that the men they are in love with are incapable return their feelings.
- ● ♥Kodaro Ba'rococo – Kodaro harbored nothing but contempt for Seda'li when they first met, especially when he began flirting shamelessly with Rahn'a the very first night he showed up in the company house. As Seda'li began to back off and show a much different side of himself to the Seeker, Kodaro gave him a second chance per Rahn'a's request. The two of them worked out their issues without throwing any punches, surprisingly, and they are now good friends. Both of them strive to look after Rahn'a like their younger sibling.
- ● ♥O'vitah Nunh – Seda'li enjoyed the affection and attention he received from O'vitah when they first met and it didn't take long for them to develop a physically intimate relationship. Unfortunately for Seda'li, he never grew up knowing what Miqo'te tribal life involved and he misinterpreted O'vitah's attention for love. After falling in love with the Nunh, Seda'li woefully accepted his folly and wanted to keep it a secret so the two of them could continue their physical relationship. After seeing him with another male, Seda'li came to a breaking point and admitted his feelings to O'vitah while under the influence of alcohol. It ended as badly as he expected and the teenager regrets ever opening his mouth. He still cares deeply for the man, though he knows the Nunh will never feel the same way about him.
- ● ♥Jeandelaine Foriseaux – This Wildwood Elezen was a fierce member of the Maelstrom who lost is life during a military invasion at Halfstone. The warrior took Seda'li in after he was injured due to his own stupidity and nursed him back to health against the wishes of his distrusting peers. The two of them developed a short-lived romantic relationship when Seda'li was only seventeen years old. Shortly after the Miqote's 18th nameday, Jeandelaine was listed as being among those missing in action during combat. Seda'li never knew if Jean was tempered or fell at the hands of his enemies on the field and he chooses not to think about it. It was his first real romance that left him deeply scarred emotionally.
- ● Dawson Colwell – Seda'li hasn't interacted with this Hyur much since he began living at the company house. They don't have a hostile relationship toward each other, but he assumes that Dawson is wary of him by default because of his poor standing with Rhesh'ir. He wouldn't mind getting to know the talented conjurer better eventually when time will allow the two of them to sit down and chat.
- ● Onuma Ahntifi – With Onuma, Seda'li knows he has a long uphill battle to gain her trust after the way he acted when they first met. The two of them rarely speak but when they do interact he is far more polite toward her and the other women in the free company as a whole because of his mother's strict rules on how to treat women of authority. Onuma's skill with a blade impresses him and he looks up to her as a leader, even if he won't admit it outright.
- ● S'aerdha Tia – Seda'li has no idea what to make of this man and he's not sure he really wants to get into any details. S'aerdha is entertaining to watch from the sidelines when he's interacting with others, but Seda'li does his best not to attract any attention when the lovely and mysterious mage is nearby.
- ● Rinha'li Dhavha – Rinha'li is another Keeper Seda'li knows little to nothing about. The two of them might have shared a full sentence once and he's wary of him because he spends so much time with the enigma that is S'aerdha.
- ● Y'lyfriel Sikah – Seda'li quietly watches over this mother-to-be from a distance and occasionally offers her ointments to help with pain and swelling during her pregnancy. He has no love her her mate, Rhesh'ir, but he respectfully steers clear of causing her any undue stress by arguing with him.
- ● U'dahsh'a Nunh – Seda'li knows nothing about this apparent half-breed, but wouldn't be against hearing his story if they did ever have the chance to speak.
- ● Sighard Albrecht – Seda'li has never had a direct conversation with this Hyur, but he has seen him skilfully fight with the company. He respects his loyalty, yet he was slightly put off and maybe even frightened by his strange reaction to the recent attack on the company house by Rayner's men.
- ● ♥Oriel Durand - Seda'li has literally never spoken a single word to this man, but he thoroughly enjoys watching him haul bags of dirt and rocks into the company house. He finds Oriel incredibly attractive and one day when the Miqo'te isn't making sweet love to his rock collection he'll approach him to talk.
- ● Solelle Frilaix - Solelle is one of the few women in the company house who doesn't make him feel uncomfortable in some way. She plays into his flirtations and the two of them enjoy throwing pet names at each other in jest. While she is very beautiful, Seda'li can't find himself seriously pursuing her. With time he could consider her a good friend, however.
- ● Ralamano Nulumano - Ralamano was another member of the company Seda'li managed to piss off shortly after his arrival. He felt genuinely guilty for getting pineapple juice all over the Lalafell's precious library and to show his remorse he bought the man at least fifty new books. He didn't seem to mind Seda'li as much after that and the Miqo'te now considers him a friend.
- ● Lahn Flaval - Seda'li knows how hard Lahn tries to fight for the company and he feels bad about the serious injuries she's sustained. He's also a little jealous of the blossoming relationship between her and Rhysaufort, but he wishes them both the best.
- ● Rhysaufort Celestaux - Seda'li has never seen someone spook quite as easily as this young Elezen man. Every time something startles him Seda'li can't help but find amusement in it because of the sheer size of the Duskwight. Since falling for Lahn, however, he's noticed Rhysaufort has become less prone to running at the slightest provocation.
Enemies & Rivals
- ● Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Seda'li and Rhesh'ir are not hostile toward each other in the traditional sense, but he can tell the man doesn't trust him and he feels much the same way. Seda'li plans on being close to Tahla'li whether he likes it or not, even if that means having to follow Rhesh'ir's orders very, very reluctantly.
- ● Lynn'wo Sparrow - He already disliked him because of the way he treated Rahn'a. After he was with O'vitah not long after Seda'li admitted his feelings for the man, that hostility rose considerably.
- ● E'liah Tia - Technically, E'liah didn't do anything to purposely invoke his wrath, but he still dislikes the bard.
- ● Sidor Gandlir - The now dead Highlander who beat and murdered Seda'li's mother, leaving her corpse in the street to rot. Seda'li took great pleasure in killing him.
- ● Thundering River - The Roegadyn black market tradesman Seda'li used to work for before he joined the company. He no longer has any contact with the man, but he's waiting for the day he inevitably comes looking for his runaway courier.
Easily Overheard Rumours
- ■ "Seda'li's a good boy, always eager to come in to make a bit of coin running errands for the guild. I'm sure he'll turn out all right, unlike most of the boys there in Pearl Lane. Now, did I misplace that necklace...?" - Ul'dahn Goldsmith
- ■ "Ah, his mother was a sweet one. Shame she did what so many others have to do here to put food in their young ones' mouths..." - Elderly Ul'dahn citizen
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
- ■ "Hmm, haven't seen that boy with that thaumaturge staff before. Looks a bit expensive for a Pearl Lane street rat. Wonder where he picked it up from?" - Gossiping merchant
- ■ "I've seen him very little since his mother passed. Last I saw, some shady looking Roegadyn was talking it out with him behind the tavern and gave him somethin', though I'm too piss poor drunk to remember what it was or what was said." - Local Drunkard
Rarely Overheard Rumours
- ■ "We all know who left Sidor's head in that alley, but we ain't telling the authorities shite. Not after what that son of a bitch did to that boy's mother." - Pearl Lane prostitute
- ■ "He always denied anything was going on with that filthy Miqo'te, but what we heard from Jean's room at night told a far different story." - Maelstrom officer
Alignment: Chaotic Good