Vash Ashford

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Revision as of 08:10, 21 November 2014 by Dogberry (talk | contribs) (Added a PC rumor.)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Vash Ashford
"All of us have ways in which we mask and cover our pain."
The Wandering Swordman
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker Of the Sun
Citizenship Ul'Dah
Age 25
Namesday 20th day of the Sixth Ubral Moon
Guardian Halone, the Fury
Marital Status Single


(art by Piyu)



Chaotic Neutral


  • Vsh
  • Vashiepoo
  • K'ryait
  • 1 Challenges
  • 2 People
  • 3 Hunting
  • 4 Women
  • 5 Adventuring
  • 6 Drinking
  • 7 Manipulating People
  • 8 Stories
  • 1 Having his tail pulled
  • 2 Being called in a mean tone "Cat","Boy","Child" ect.
  • 3 Overly hot places
  • 4 Boring People
  • 5 Racist outlooks on Miqo'te
  • 1 Color-Turquoise
  • 2 Food-La Noscean Oranges
  • 3 Anywhere in Coerthias/Limsa
  • 4 Daggers/Short Swords
  • 5 Practice fighting
  • 6 Playing the Piano

► Common Rumors (Easily overheard):
  • "He's always smiling with that smirk of's like the man can't be sad."
  • "He's a fool, he tries to act like he has everything under control when really he doesn't."
  • "I hear he tried to kill the whole lot of those Corvus people. I wonder why?"
► Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear):
  • "Vash? Yea I know em, he's the one that shot his "sister" then tried to kill her boyfriend. He's a loon if you ask me."
  • "I hear him and Deirdre where friends and he tried to kill her, kinda funny when you think of it, him getting the drop on her."
► Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard):
  • "I hear he plays the piano, it's something to hear. It's beautiful."
  • "He got good aim I'll tell ya that, yet he never shoots to kill...I hear he likes to see the faces of his foe as he kills em."
► PC Rumors (Feel free to add your own):
  • "He's a good friend and wants to help me a little too much...I swear if he gets himself put back into chains trying to get me out of mine I'll kill him." - S'imba Tia
  • "Like all sprogs his age, Vash has stupid dreams, not a single idea about how the world actually works, and thinks he knows everything. He's not a bad kid, I'm just afraid he'll do something stupid before he learns enough to actually be somethin'." - Daghbheri Himalspyr



  • K'resh Nunh- Vash's father by blood. Vash knows very little of this nomadic Nunh. He left Vash and his brothers at a young age for unknown reasons and Vash has no clues as to who or were he might be, or even if he's still alive. Vash has heard many stories about him, all Vash knows is his father would, "Fuck anything that moved", which he noticed from having a Keeper of the Moon sister and brother he didn't know about. Vash has no respect for this man and could care less if he’s dead or alive, for him abandoning him at such a young age.


  • K'raha Tia- Vash's oldest brother, Vash and K'raha grew very close it their time in the tribe and how they shared the common goal of leaving their tribe. Although Vash blames himself for K'raha getting captured and sold into slavery. Vash owes K'raha his life for protecting him while they were in chains and helping him escape. Vash hasn't spoken to K'raha since they escaped although Vash knows that if K'raha needed anything he'd come to Vash.
  • K'thaz Tia- Vash's twin brother, who Vash grew up with from a young age. Vash and him we're quite opposites although they got along very well. Growing up K’thaz was the more outgoing friendly one while Vash was more the kind to keep to himself. K’thaz would do as Vash said though getting the both of them in trouble usually being as it was hard to tell the two apart. Vash and his brother did have a falling out when Vash and his older brother left their tribe which resulted in the scar across Vash's eye. Vash though was not mad about the scar as it made it easier to tell to them apart. Although they have not spoken in some time K'thaz recently reached out to Vash even taking Vash's last name to prove he was ready to leave his tribal upbringing behind him. Vash is hesitant of him though do to the fact K'thaz continues to call Vash by his tribal name rather than his normal one.


Vash as a child was quiet and kept to himself. He always seemed to be off doing his own thing. Vash disliked most of the members of his own tribe thinking them as simple people. Vash believed he could be more than just lust after becoming a nuhn. While the thought did cross his mind from time to time, for the most part he could care less about a position that as he put, "Fecks girls and sits on his ass". Vash was very curious, he'd leave his tribe's camp often adventuring, practice fighting, writing poems, and songs. He liked the more artistic side rather than his "Basic Animistic Brute Side" he'd have when he'd spar with his brothers. Vash and his brothers were very close they'd all share their dreams, although K'raha, also, had bigger dreams then their tribe. Vash seemed to envy him as a child and look up to him as someone he wanted to be like. Although Vash was very different on how they wanted to achieve that.

Before the Calamity:

Vash and his oldest brother K'raha did leave the tribe eventually although it did not happen without a fight. Vash and K'raha we're gearing up to leave in the middle of the night when K'thaz woke up. He noticed Vash and K'raha leaving. He followed them, as soon as they were out of sight from the tribe K'thaz attacked Vash challenging him. Vash not wanting to fight his brother refused. Although K'raha, still respecting their traditions much to his disdain of their tribe told Vash the penalty for not fighting, which would be death. Vash agreed to the fight and they fought in the dunes. K'thaz and Vash fought for hours until K'thaz finally got the jump on Vash by grabbing him by the throat pinning him to a rock. K'tahz took Vash's dagger which he was going to Kill Vash with but instead decided he'd make Vash remember where he came from forever he took the dagger, dragging it across Vash's face leaving a long scar then left. Vash shaken from the whole ordeal and bleeding a lot, decided it was best to wait a while and set up camp in the dunes. The next morning Vash woke up to K'raha fighting off a bunch of men when he told Vash to run. Vash didn't know why at the time but he did as he was told. What Vash didn't know was that the men were slavers taking Miqo'te to fight in pit fights for money. Vash ran to Ul’Dah although he didn't know what the city was called at the time. He waited for his brother to show up although that never happened. Vash spent some time as a servant to some and an errand boy to others. He happened upon an Elezen pianist who took a liking to Vash. The Elezen man decided to impart his knowledge to Vash taught him how to play the piano while serving for the man. Vash learned a great many things working for the Elezen man that Vash would take with him for a life time. He told Vash "Your 'tribal' heritage… if it means nothing to you then that name you carry means you are nothing boy. If you want to be something then change your name to something that matters". Vash took the man’s advice seriously, dropping his tribal name and taking on the name Vash Ashford. Vash learned a great many things from the Elezen man who shaped his life, showing him that people were just ends to a means, and can be manipulated easy to do ones bidding without having to get involved just as he was using Vash. He also showed Vash the value in having many masks and being guarded to not get hurt. Vash still kept to some of his values but Vash viewed this man as somewhat of a father figure, as Vash had lost K'raha and his real father was never to be found so he was impressionable still believing that the man was lying to him and wasn't using him.

After the Calamity:

When Vash was about nineteen the calamity had struck. Vash was panicked he didn't know what to do. He cowered in his small apartment from it all, after though Vash left. Looking for the Elezen man who was nowhere to be found. Vash had two reasons now to go every day to the Gate of Nald, one to wait for his brother, the other for the Elezen man. Vash waited and waited but to no avail. Vash decided if they won’t come to him he would come to them Vash sold his apartment taking what money he could to buy some gear and set out. Vash had never left Ul’Dah since he first came to the city. He left never looking back but what he found was not what he was expecting. He set out to the dunes were he had lost his brother. He waited for something to happen for days when the slavers came back attacking Vash, Vash fended them off then, one by one Vash killed them in front of each other. He took the last one asking were their leader was and if they had anyone who looked like Vash. The man complied telling him then Vash killed him as well leaving their bodies to be swallowed by the sand. Vash found his brother in a pit fighting ring fighting to the death. Vash surrendered himself to the men but only as a facade they spent three years in chains before they escaped. Vash had his brother again and that was good enough. Vash and K'raha left each other after a while setting out on different ventures with the promise to keep in touch. Vash got a job at a tea house in Ul’Dah with Miss Ophelia de Winter and worked for her for quite some time. Still Vash grew tired of serving others though and knew there was more he could do.

New Beginnings

Vash had been working for Miss De'winter for quite some time. Although Vash lusted to be an adventurer after meeting Alothia Starkwood and Paradyme Capellago on a little story telling trip out in Eastern Thanalan. Vash hung out around the camp fire with Aly and Para and other friends of whom Aly gathered trading stories. Vash enjoyed it although he was envious of most of the people being adventurers. So when Miss De'winter came and drug Vash by the ear back to the tea shop Vash knew he had found his calling. Vash worked at the tea shop although he was dodging work for the most part and looking into becoming an adventurer. Eventually Vash quit his job at the tea shop pressuring his dream. Aly at first offered Vash a place at Corvus Cinis. Vash accepted her invitation and they had a great many adventures. Vash would not be the man he is today without Aly's help. Vash has also met a great many friends in his line of work some of which who he became very close with. Xenedra Ambreaus was someone who Vash has spent a considerable amount of time with and he’s gotten Vash out of a lot of sticky situations he's come to rely on her as a close friend. Vash also got to meet Endemerrin Rosethorne with the help of Ophelia and received a job as an official adventurer working for Blue Skies Adventuring Company.


  • 1 Rouge
  • 2 Swordsman
  • 3 Archer/Bard
Vash is very skilled with daggers using them since he was young until currently. He is very versatile in combat and always loves a good fight when he can get one. Vash is also very quick using a gunblade or dual daggers unlike most swordsmen who use brute force to chop enemies down, Vash prefers to wear his enemies out through endurance and quick slashes and critical hits such as stabbings in the neck heart back. Vash is not above cheep shots and thinks that honor is what's the difference between alive people and dead ones.
Although Vash is exceptionally skilled with a sword and daggers he sometimes is over confident for his own good. So he sometimes tends to underestimate battles. He also does not use a shield or armor because it slows him down.
  • 1 Carpentry
  • 2 Fishing
  • 3 Hunting
Vash likes to make bows and other things he thinks of it as another art form. He also loves hunting and fishing trying to get back to at least some of his Miqo'te heritage.
Vash is not super skilled in carpenty so his "art" don't always work out as planned. Although Vash loves hunting and Fishing he is not patient enough sometimes thinking its stupid to track a prey or wait for a fish to come.

Friends and Associates and Enemies


  • Ophelia de Winter- Vash's former boss at the tea house, he used to work at.Vash and her had become close and they were engaged to be married. Vash loved this woman with all of his heart thinking of her as the person to complete him. Ophelia and Vash had spent a long time together and he loved every second of it even if he wasn't always around. He liked to tell her the tales of his adventures in their various homes they shared over the time they were together. They had a good understanding of each other and he trusted her completely which is not something he does so easily due to his past. Then she broke his heart, and Vash now sees her as just a acquaintance since they share the same friends. He tries to limit his interactions with her, due to it always ending up in a fight.
  • Xenedra Ambreaus-Vash has been on a lot of adventures with her so far and had fun every minute. He loves her fun personality rivaling close to his personality. Xenedra is someone Vash loves to hang around. Him and Xenedra have been going on adventures more and more and sees this woman as someone who is a lot more then just a good time but a close friend. He thinks of her as one of his closest friends being as she always somehow or another helps him when he is in trouble.
  • Alothia Starkwood-Vash grew close with Alothia with he joined Corvus, he thinks of her as someone he respects deeply and misses her company, The times they interacted the woman always seemed to put a smile on his face one way or another.
  • U'zhan Tia-U'zhan was someone Vash met in the deserts when U'zhan told Vash about the Miqo'te tribes and everything there was to know. U'zhan and Vash seem to get along quite nicely and Vash enjoys his different perspective on things. He wants to show U'zhan that not all "City Cats" are bad ,and hopes they will grow close as friends.
  • Scarlet Willow-Vash absolutely adores this woman. He sees her as his for lack of better words Batman to his Robin. He loves the adventures they have and loves to be arround Scarlet because of her personality and the closeness they share.
  • Deirdre Ta'ea-Deirdre helped Vash in his time of need ,and was one of the only ones to try to help him when he was corrupted. Although people talk bad about Deirdre he doesn't believe it knowing there is some good in her. Although he was crushed when after everything was over she was not at her camp. He set out to find the woman and thank her for her help and maybe go on that hunting trip they talked about.
  • Yssen Van- Vash has interacted with the notorious "Bandit King" from time to time seeing him as a acquaintance. Although Vash would like to get to know the man more.
  • Abaigeal Causland- One of Vash's best friends him and her click quite nicely, Vash sees the woman and loves to hang around her if not just because of all the joy in her one to rival his own...or maybe it's because she melts every time he gives her "ear wuggles" whatever it is he loves to be around her.
  • Jayce Lightfall- Another one of Vash's best friends, he thinks of Jayce as someone that's fun to be around. He likes to poke at Jayce mostly just for fun although that doesn't mean he doesn't like him. He wants to see Jayce lighten up a little and embarrassing him is the best way to do it!
  • S'imba Tia- Although Vash has just met the Seeker, Vash thinks of him as a friend. Due to their similar pasts Vash sees S'imba as someone he wants to help. Vash knows what it's like to be in chains and thinks that it is worth saving anyone in chains no matter the cost. Vash see's S'imba as a younger form of himself as well and enjoys his company but know's that he has to keep looking in order to help the young Seeker.
  • Rakka'sae Kuhn- Vash has met this Miqo'te a number of times thinking of him as fun and would like to get to know him better.
  • Zeraia Reynard- Vash has met Zeriaia a number of times aways having fun with her. He loves the way this woman and him flow and their flirty attitudes always seem to be barrels of fun.


  • Paradyme Capellago- Although Vash and Para where once friends they are not anymore, Vash sees this man as a coward avoiding Vash and running away from him when they interact. Vash hates Para most of all for hurting his close friend Alothia.
  • Souyo Xander- Vash sees this man as a a manipulative arse ,and blames him for a lot of things gone wrong with his life due to the fact that Souyo was so selfish and took a dark crystal and corrupted Vash and K'oriah. Vash knows that this man was someone he cannot trust.



Behind the Scenes (OOC Information)

Vash Game.png

Musical Theme:

Vash's Main Theme:Shark In The Water
Vash's Sad Theme:Chandelier
Vash's Romantic Theme:Don't

Thanks to Xenedra Ambreaus for the template and for being just awesome

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay: I'm always down for anything so feel free to shoot me a Tell!

Commissions: <spoiler>

1288 Chibi thanks vash sorry for the wait.jpg P7GX5Iq.jpg

Vash Smirk Game.png WP2dUaV.jpg

Vash yo.png