Fen'rin Taveck

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More Pesky Word Things Here

Laughter and Acting
Aggression for aggression's sake
Feeling worthless
Black Mages
Entertaining Others
Caring for others
Getting into trouble
Favourite Food/Drink:Hazelnut Soup, Aldgoat Steak
Favourite Place: Anywhere with friends
Favorite Weather: Storms
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Color: Blue / Green
Favorite Scents: Snow, Oceans and Oranges


"You know, I always thought that the adventurer's life might be a little lonely, but it seems I was wrong!"


Romantic / Platonic Attachments:

Dawson Colwell - ROMANTIC INTEREST -

Y'lyfriel Sikah - PLATONIC LOVE - Fen sees Lyf as both a mother figure, and a sister at the same time. The woman commands a presence about her, likely from being a mother, that Fen can't help but listen to as if she were a parent. However, at times, the pair of them show their youth together, playing pranks on unsuspecting members of the public, or just laughing about the most inconsequential things. Fen respects Lyf a great deal and considers her and extremely close friend.

Onuma Ahntifi - PLATONIC LOVE - Onuma, to Fen, is quite possibly one of his most loved friends. He considers her family and will do practically anything for her. Having bonded as friends after the tragic loss of her lover, Fen and Onuma are nigh on inseparable at the best of times these days. He respects her advice and her tenacity on the battlefield and would not trade their friendship for anything.

Rhesh'ir Zhwan - PLATONIC LOVE - Ah, Rhesh'ir, one of the 'dad cats' that reside within the 81st. Rhesh'ir is Fen's captain, and often a person he finds himself confiding in of various things. He respects Rhesh'ir a great deal, and considers him a father figure within the company, as well as a good friend. Fen enjoys his time with Rhesh'ir, even if much of it is spent with Fen being red faced from something Rhesh'ir has said or done. In short, Fen quite frankly loves Rhesh'ir and hopes he will never change.

Other Relations:

Rah'na Lihzeh - POSITIVE - Fen quite likes this Miqo'te. He's a nice sort, somewhat soft and a bit timid, but he means well, and has tried his best to help Fen with various problems over the time he's known him, even if some are a little unorthodox methods.

Kodaro Ba'rococo - NEUTRAL - Not quite sure what to make of Kodaro as of yet, Fen tries to treat the man with respect, but also some uncertainty. While he is not put off by the man, he does at times scare him.

Kikira Kira - POSITIVE - Fen likes Kiki a lot, she's a positive influence on many of the 81st and a pleasure to talk with. She also seems to have not a mean-hearted bone in her body, except of course when dealing with a certain Professor.

Seda'li Tayuun - NEUTRAL - Fen hasn't had much interaction directly with Seda'li, but he knows that he is Rah'na's mate, and that makes him at least ok in Fen's book as he doubts Rah'na would keep any particularly cruel company.

Lynn'wo Vahnal - NEUTRAL - Lynn is a person Fen isn't quite sure how to handle. On one hand, he seems a free spirit and a somewhat happy go lucky individual, but on the other, Fen has been the target of his jokes several times. He tries his best to keep his cool when he becomes the target of one of Lynn's jokes, but at times, he wonders if it's because Lynn dislikes him that he is often the victim.

Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn - NEUTRAL - Fyril seems often to be a particularly strong willed, and strong armed, man. Fen has seen him in battle a few times, and respects his capacity for battle, though he has not had overall many interactions with him.

Shoshopu Shopu - POSITIVE - Shopu, like Kikira, seems to be a constant source of happiness and joy around the estate, even when faced with difficult challenges, she seems to continue to be cheery. Fen likes and respects her for that.

Trisselle Rondelet - NEUTRAL - Trisselle both terrifies and inspires Fen. His first interaction with her was absolutely awful, due mostly to Fen's incompetence and misunderstanding of her wording. However, recently she has come to be of extreme aid to himself and he sees the woman as an ally as well he should. He hopes in time, he may make up for his mistakes and count her a friend.

Leo Arkwright - POSITIVE - Fen likes Leo. The blonde haired warrior seems to be a positive force within the company and an able combatant. Fen hasn't had a whole lot of time with the man, but what he has had has left a positive impression in his mind.

Vesna Novaar - POSITIVE - Fen has only had a few interactions with Vesna, but he finds it hard to dislike the woman. Onuma seems to think highly of her and so he is quite happy to feel perfectly comfortable around her.

Lahn Flaval - POSITIVE - Lahn was one of Fen's first friends when he began adventuring, and soon after began teaching her to dance, in turn, she taught him some arcanima. Though Fen hasn't really seen Lahn in a good while, he still holds a positive view of the woman.

Ralamano Nulumano - POSITIVE - Fen regards Ralamano with a combination of respect and a little bit of fear. The man may be small in stature, but he is a particularly skilled arcanist and a brilliant tactician. While Fen hasn't had a whole lot of personal contact with him, he feels that Ralamano has proven himself time and time again to be a positive force.