Fen'rin Taveck

Name: Fen'rin Taveck (Birth name: Raging Star)
Race: Roegadyn - Sea Wolf
Age: 23
Citizenship: Gridanian
Sexuality: Bisexual (Male Leaning)
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Performer / Adventurer
Job/Class: Astrologian / Dancer
Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden.
Namesday: 18th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (Assumed)
Fen is a happy-go-lucky, simple and at times, rather dim seeming individual. A smile is always on his face, even in the most dire of times, and he is usually the first to make a fool of himself in any situation he finds himself in. Whether that be waving at the enemy or simply making a fool of himself in social situations. Ever the loveable giant, Fen is a compassionate person, who tries his best to make everyone around him happier for his presence. At times, he finds himself in the role of the advisor for people, a role he is not overly sure or comfortable with, and will usually end up describing things in very round about manners using things that the person asking for advice likes (trees, meat, you name it). Still, he tries his best.
In battle, Fen is a mage of some capability. While early in his life his aether has caused him great problems in mustering the 'potency' required for many spells, recent events have unlocked his potential, allowing him access to a much greater pool of energy for spell casting. While this new found power initially terrified Fen, now that he has settled into the school of Astromancy, his skills as a healer have blossomed and he is now quite comfortable with his aetheric skills.
Since his return from travelling with his family, Fen's dress sense seems to have taken a somewhat more confident and relaxed turn. Often shirtless, wearing more dancer-like attrie, Fen is quite comfortable going about his daily business wearing little more than pants. While light armoured, Fen is particularly nimble for his size having been raised as a performer and dancer for the majority of his young life, as a result of this, he prefers clothing in which he can move fluidly.
Abandoned as a babe near the Ishgard border, The Wandering Moogles, a travelling performance group, happened upon the helpless child. Daveck Taveck, leader of the troupe, took in the boy and returned with his brothers to Gridania, where upon they adopted, and raised him as a Gridanian. Fen'rin grew up in a loving environment, raised by his Father and four uncles of varying races. As a result however, he grew up with a very distorted view of racial norms for the land, as well as being somewhat protected and sheltered.
Fen'rin's aptitude for magicks became apparent at a young age, starting to conjure ice and lightning at the age of five. While he had no direct thaumaturgy instruction, his inquisitive nature and tenacity proved to be a valuable asset, allowing him a modicum of control over the elements. He soon began applying them to his and his family's acts on stage.
As the lad grew, his sense of wanderlust grew with it. Adventurers who came to see the shows of the Moogles began to take his interest, and he sought out how to join the guild, however, before he could leave, the Calamity struck. While his family was spared, many of their friends were not. The Moogles spent much time after the calamity entertaining those who remained alive, attempting to bring at least a spark of joy into people's lives. It was only at the age of twenty that Fen'rin finally managed to leave his family troupe, and became an adventurer.
After arriving in Limsa Lominsa, and having been mugged, lost all his money and possessions, Fen eventually found his way to Aleport, where he chanced upon the 81st Foreign Levy. He was bought food, and taken under their wing with the promise of training him in Thaumaturgy, as well as several jokes about his would be best friend Onuma being able to fire lazerbeams from her eyes (he still believes this to be true, even now).
From there on, Fen'rin has been with the 81st, acting as one of the Company's thaumaturgists,however, recent events are swaying his course, and he may yet leave the arte behind, as he seeks to find his purpose anew.
In recent months, Fen'rin has been practising the arte of Astromancy, a form of magick used in Sharlayan. His knowledge has stemmed from Raging Lilly's tome on the subject, taken from her along with her own Star Globe when she was slain by the 81st. The woman, while terrifying, was gifted and filled with knowledge, this knowledge spurs Fen on to become a stronger mender for the Company, his own concerns about their numbers dwindling getting the better of him. The man has been learning at a rapid rate, and now seems to possess knowledge of even some of the most advanced Astromancy skills that exist.
Having returned once more from an extended trip away from the 81st in a manner of both soul searching and personal discovery over his abilities, Fen'rin has once more settled into his role as a mender for the 81st. Self proclaimed individual dealing with the task of reminding people of who they are and what they stand for, Fen is doing his best to keep the company on the right path, regardless of his own emotional situation.
Snount, the man's faithful Sanuwa mount, was slain in a vicious attack on the 81st's estate and as such, Fen has been in a state of grieving for the beast, more than a simple beast of burden, Fen has lost a friend and valued ally in his adventures.
