Tahla'ra Molkot

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 Tahla'ra Molkot
Tahla'ra wiki.PNG
"Let your heart ache for other people, but never let it bleed. Eventually, you'll run dry."

Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa/Gridania
Age 24
Occupation Lancer/Dragoon/Miner
Orientation Unknown
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Affiliation Maelstrom, The 81st Foreign Levy.


Tahla’ra Molkot (Pronunciation: Ta-luh-rah), Tahla'ra's origins lie deep within the hooded boughs of the Black Shroud, like many Keepers before him. Unlike most keepers, though, he tends to prefer the vibrancy and life of the inner city, spending most of his time amongst the shops, homes and transportation systems of Gridania and Limsa Lominsa, and is a frequent barfly around many of the establishments in the latter city. He is confirmed to have spent several years in the mountains of Coerthas, though refuses to make substantial comment on his activities during this period. Finding a home amongst the sailors of Limsa Lominsa- where strength and skill is respected above all else, he volunteered for service with the Maelstrom, and ascended to the rank of Chief Storm Sergeant by the time of his twenty-fourth name day. Oddly, he left the Maelstrom under mysterious circumstances to pursue adventurer's work, though his current posting - the 81st Foreign Levy- has still left him tied to the organization in some respects.


Tahla’ra stands unusually tall for a Miqo’te Keeper, being at equal height with many Midlander Hyur-folk. His body is supremely athletic and thoroughly muscled, but also scarred and pitted from a life of battle. Several prominent marks run along his back, stretching from shoulder to hip, indicative of an attack from a large animal of some sort. His hair is neatly shorn, though he laments the bangs that refuse to cooperate with the rest. His eyes are a deep, glacial blue, and his hair is naturally streaked with white despite his insistence upon dying it blue on occassion. Oddly, for a Miqo'te, he bears no tattoos or other tribal markings.


Swift. Refined. Precise. Tahla’ra’s preference for the spear and lance is not simply a choice of weapon, it is a symbol of his personality; unyielding, flashy and bold, but also inflexible and prideful. He tends to keep his true thoughts to himself, disguising his reserved nature with polite, friendly and affable chatter, though he has no qualms with revealing his sharp academic mind with intelligent conversation and debate on a diverse array of subjects.








Fine food & restaurants


Academia & Artistry

Quality Craftsmanship






Corruption & Incompetent Leadership

Spoiled or Wasted Food

Pointless Clutter & Messiness


Being Stereotyped

Prying Questions


Inquisitiveness - His curiosity is without bounds, encouraging him to actively seek out new information. He is willing to spend the time it takes to perform adequate research regarding a topic that interests him, and present his findings accordingly when required.

Panache - His social graces and skills are refined and erudite, he is often charming and affable to almost everyone he meets. He moves and fights with a sense of style and fluidity all his own.

Focus - His discipline and work ethic are formidable indeed. His personal exercise routine has been described as nothing short of brutal, and he has maintained it since well before his Maelstrom days.

Physical Conditioning - Tahla'ra's self-imposed exercise regimen has left him in good physical condition. He is strong, healthy and enduring like any other athlete thanks to his hours of hard work and discipline. He has been known to arm-wrestle veteran Roegadyn marauders and put up a good challenge, sometimes even proving victorious on his best days.

Agility - Tahla’s ability to move is that of an athletic, healthy Moon Keeper male, though his Dragoon abilities enhance this with high vertical leaps.


Obsession His single-minded dedication to his goals can easily spiral into all-consuming mania if allowed to go unchecked. It is not unknown to find him pursuing an objective to the point of physical and mental trauma if not curtailed by an outside force, and sometimes not even then.

Insularity His reserved nature often makes it difficult for him to interact beyond shallow, surface-level banter with other people. Moving beyond his ‘shield’ is difficult, even with those who consider themselves close to him. He frequently disguises his insecurity with the appearance of refined manners, often reaching unpleasant-snob levels of posh.

Life of an Outsider His strange diurnal lifestyle, sunkissed skin, preference for loud, bustling cities and untraditional mode of speech and bearing has not endeared him to many of the Miqo’te that live a more traditionalist lifestyle in the Black Shroud. More than one has refused to associate with him, labeling him an "unclean, clanless misfit."

Magical Ineptitude Whether by lack of aptitude or lack of interest, Tahla’ra has no advanced magical skill whatsoever, and has not shown any inclination towards improving himself in this area. All available evidence suggests that he just doesn't have the aptitude for magic.

Abysmal Cooking Skills Every attempt Tahla'ra has ever made to create something edible using a recipe more complex than a sandwich's has resulted in someone- usually himself- sustaining disfiguring injury. Tahla'ra has literally boiled the skin off of his own arms making soup. Just don't do it.

Lethal Green Thumb Your plants will die if you ask him to take care of them, mostly out of sheer horror at the prospect.

Pompous, Arrogant Arse For all his attempts to be the perfect gentleman, Tahla'ra can sometimes take it too far. His skill and good fortune are genuine, but so is the arrogance, preachiness and general sense of superiority common to men his age. He means well, but he can be a right arrogant dick sometimes. Possibly a defense mechanism.

Inferiority Superiority Complex/Showoff Due to being the only non-magical member of his family, Tahla'ra has always felt as though he must continually prove himself to be their equal, leading him to desire approval, attention and respect from just about everyone he meets as a substitute for the people whose accolades he truly seeks. He tends to try and earn this by putting his talents on display in an attempt to appear confident and in control, a person to be admired. Ironically, this often drives people away instead.


This is a list of the items that CHARACTER currently is keeping on THEIR person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 04/17/2017

  • Titanium Lance - Ishgardian Style: A simple, yet effective lance. Polished white at the tip, with a strong staff and a black leather grip in the middle of the haft.

  • Plate & mail with face mask - Painted black to inhibit rust: A simple suit of armor purchased soon after Tahla'ra's discharge from the Maelstrom.

  • Soul of the Dragoon: a soul crystal containing the skills, memories and stories of past Dragoons. This one is shaped like an egg, and pulses with life and heat whenever touched.

  • Sketchbook/Travel journal & Quill with ink: Tahla'ra can frequently be seen drawing in its pages.


English Voice Claim: Ewan McGregor: Ewan McGregor.

Japanese Voice Claim: Shin-ichiro Miki: [1].

Soundtrack Playlist: Playlist

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
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