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<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #13d6d9;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.15em;"><center>'''VITAL INFORMATION'''</center></div></span></h3>
<div style="padding:10px 35px; background: #13d6d9;font-size:14px;color:#ffffff;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.15em;"><center>'''VITAL INFORMATION'''</center></div></span></h3>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#687076;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#34ACAF;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ALIASES:'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;"> Chip, Pup, Kitten, <s>Azrael</s>, <s>O'kihp</s></font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#687076;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#34ACAF;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''ALIASES:'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;"> Chip, Pup, Kitten, Fishes, <s>Azrael</s>, <s>O'kihp</s></font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#687076;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#34ACAF;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''BIRTH NAME:'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;"> O'kihp Tia</font>
<font style="padding:0px 5px; font-size:12px;color:#687076;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">■</font> <font style="font-size:12px;color:#34ACAF;font-family:Georgia;letter-spacing:0.2em;text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px silver">'''BIRTH NAME:'''</font>  <font style="font-family:Georgia;"> O'kihp Tia</font>

Revision as of 06:14, 3 June 2018

"Wandering Fishercat"


"Family is always worth fightin' for."

» ————————— 🌙 ————————— «


ALIASES: Chip, Pup, Kitten, Fishes, Azrael, O'kihp

BIRTH NAME: O'kihp Tia

RACE & CLAN: Miqo'te - Seeker of the Sun


AGE & NAMEDAY: 19 | 17th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon

ORIENTATION & STATUS: ???/Demisexual/Asexual | Single


TRIBE: Formerly Mole Tribe (extinct)

CURRENT RESIDENCE: somewhere in La Noscea

OCCUPATION: Fishercat/Traveling Merchant

SKIN COLOR: Fair; severely blemished with scars

EYE COLOR & FUR COLOR: Bright Silver | Gloom Purple

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5.42 fulms | 115 ponze



First contact is often a gamble. What may seem to be a calm and somewhat reserved fishercat can easily turn into a grouchy hermit without preamble. His personality is imbalanced due to both his upbringing and the harsh side-effects of being permanently separated from what was forged by his tainted aether. He bore an unsettling hollowness that he gradually grew accustomed to under the care of some old friends, but since then, Chip has never been quite the same. He is unstable and oft anti-social, but underneath it all is a lonely boy with a broken heart. Glimpses of the previous identity of the boy can sometimes be seen, whether it be the sparkle in his eye when he fishes, or the warmth of a smile that teases uncertain lips. Although he will still accept companionship with others, Chip is far more reserved than he was before the change. Social contact is tolerated, but most are treated with an open and instinctive caution that goes beyond a natural distrust for strangers.

If you're lucky to earn the youth's fragile trust and friendship, his loyalty is profound and he might just offer you one of his latest catches for free.

But beware, the unsettling aura that follows the youth was put there for a reason. He is more than a victim.

He is worse.


Chip appearance.png

From afar, his crown of deep purple tresses may be the first thing you spot. These striking merlot strands frame a narrow and elongated visage that is gradually shedding its youthful qualities. Shaded beneath unruly bangs, orbs of illuminated starlight gaze upon his surroundings with a cautious and oft inquisitive air, and tend to reflect his emotions with startling intensity.

A scrawny build foretells a legacy of prolonged starvation and neglect. He is shorter than most his age, and it is unlikely that he will become any taller. Hidden behind a regularly clothed backside is a heavily blemished canvas that describes more of his past than Chip would ever care to admit. Smaller and less formidable scars mar his arms, while his neck, wrists, and ankles share similar callused remnants of flesh once rubbed raw. A lashing tail of violet fluff completes the wild look of a roaming animal.

Because he travels often, his attire is usually quite dirty and worn. Aside from a standard dhalmelskin vest and leather culottes, various pouches and a dark brown satchel layer his outfit with items of a wandering merchant. A cream-colored scarf once adorned his neck to hide the calluses encircling his throat, but this was lost, and his neck is now displayed openly against a ragged shirt collar. On occasion, a homemade basket hangs on his back and displays an assortment of freshly-caught fish, but a fishing pole is always present on his person.... unless said object is broken or missing.

Voice: Some could say his voice is likened to that of sandpaper. Aside from it being deepened by one who has reached maturity, his tenor is distinctly gravelly and hoarse, as if it had been misused for quite a long time. He speaks somewhat softly and easily, though when provoked, his voice often drops into an irritated growl that is laced with warning. It would be wise never to piss him off.


His pale skin is a ragged canvas of untold stories. While a good portion of such marks are the thin and ropy lines of knife cuts, he also bares remnants of burns, stab wounds, and whip lashings across his back.

  • There are thick scars across his heels where his Achilles Tendons were severed multiple times in order to prevent escape.
  • Ragged claw marks streak across his back, administered by himself in order to hide a hurtful message carved there by a dagger.
  • Thick calluses encircle his wrists, ankles, and throat--painful reminders of skin once rubbed bloody and raw by metal shackles.
  • Various patches of his skin, especially on his shoulders and upper chest, are raised and rough to the touch. These are burns caused by a certain hunter's napalm thrower.
  • A stab wound on his shoulder, just a few ilms above his heart.
  • Nicked left ear.
  • Narrow cut along the inside of his wrist.

Fishing. Gotta earn a living somehow!
Solitude. Provides a suitable environment for deep thinking.
Animals. The wildlife of La Noscea sure seem better than people...
Stargazing. An old habit that he's never quite lost.
Woodcarving. It's become somewhat of a hobby, to the point of using it to create a homemade Starlight gift for a certain someone.
Music. It chases the nightmares away.
Violent Deaths. It brings up unwanted memories.
Abuse. No one deserves it. No one.
Soul-searching. Despite Lady Amara's insistence, Chip dislikes it fondly and rarely engages in pondering about his past mistakes.
Touching His Scars. Despite the near absence of flesh on his backside, he can still feel whenever someone touches them and the sensation is extremely uncomfortable and nearly unbearable. It's a great way to piss him off.
Strangers. He doesn't know you... and you'd better not know him.
Gossip. Especially if it's about those he cares about.
Healing Magics. He'd rather heal by natural means.

Nightmares. He is still quite prone to them, but Lady Amara has helped him enough that they no longer cause him to have insomnia.
Mood Swings. Perhaps a trait derived from his once tainted aether, Chip is known to rapidly switch from being grumpy to downright cheerful.
Slight La Noscean Accent. He didn't grow up around sailors or pirates, but Chip has developed this particular form of speech. Curiously, it often disappears all together whenever he is angry or upset.
Uneducated. This kid never went to school and was only taught a little of how to read when he was younger. He's only able to read simple words and has to sound out each word slowly first. Since he became a merchant, Chip can perform basic calculations in his head and any math he knows is self-taught.
Obstinate Loyalty. It can make him dangerously susceptible to avenging those he cares about.
Pulling His Tail. Most Miqo'te get angry if you grab this sensitive appendage, but in Chip's case, he'll either go completely stiff or turn a curious shade of crimson. The simple act alone means more to him than he can probably ever explain.
Milk! Whenever Chip happens upon any sort of place that serves drinks, the only drink he ever orders is milk. Perhaps it's just a standard Miqo'te stereotype, or perhaps it's an old habit faithfully followed to this day...

Last updated: 4/17/2018
Full Coeurl-sized Sack Icon.png Music box.png Hawk feather.PNG Iron dagger - Copy.PNG Frypan.png Aether-crystal.png Red-scarf.PNG
  • Leather bag - contains a small gil pouch that barely has enough for an airship ticket to the nearest city-state, a tin flask normally filled with fresh river water, and a spool of thread used to repair his fishing pole if necessary.
  • Wooden music box - Chip's first Starlight gift, presented to him from Skycat. It was thought to have been lost in the same flames that had destroyed his camp, but was eventually returned to the boy. The box is pale and seamless, with the name "Chip" carved upon the lid. The "i" is dotted in the shape of a fish. Since the day it was returned, Chip takes it with him wherever he goes. Music Box Song
  • Hawk feather - Stolen Given to him from Sorrel as a gift of friendship. He keeps the feather safely tucked inside his music box so he won't lose it, but sometimes it is also worn in his hair.
  • Dagger - A simple iron-bladed dagger that he keeps tucked in a sheath against his waist. Once completely averse to violence and the handling of deadly weapons, Chip now sees them necessary for self-defense. This particular knife was stolen from a foolish Hyur that thought he could get away with cursing a certain someone's name.
  • Frying Pan - Once upon a time, the boy was taken in by a kindly fisherman and his wife. They taught him the basics of fishing and how to prepare meals out of his catches. Years later, he returned to their cabin... where there were only keepsakes left to plunder.
  • Glowing Crystal - Kept carefully concealed in a small velvet pouch, this Starlight gift is as detrimental as it is beautiful. Infused with the aether of a powerful herbalist residing humbly in La Noscea, it contains more power than its tiny size lets on.
  • Handmade Red Scarf - She remembered the day they first met. A time when innocent blood had been spilt, and the monster locked up for his crimes. She braved the danger anyway, and forged an undying friendship. The scarf crafted by her own hands proved this very fact when Nym managed to find Chip many years later. No matter the distance between them, they are friends forever. The precious item is kept safely within his satchel.
  • Makeshift fishing pole - Crafted from driftwood and some twine, it isn't the best fishing pole in the realm, but it'll at least catch the poor youth his meals!


Semi-Impervious. He doesn't seem to be bothered by the elements, but that doesn't mean he feels nothing during a blizzard or a thunderstorm. He just doesn't show it.
Blood Memory. A trait carried over from darker days, whenever he ingests someone's blood, the taste is imprinted into his taste buds and he will always remember the identity of that person by the flavor of their blood.
Keen Sensory. Like most Miqo'te, Chip possesses a heightened sense of smell and sharp hearing, but he also has an uncanny awareness that stems from instinctual paranoia. He can oft detect an approaching threat before it even reaches his campsite, even if they make no sound.
Elemancy. Unbeknownst to him, Chip possesses the ability to absorb the elemental properties of aether that’s contained in crystals. It only occurs whenever he gets angry or has a strong desire to win a fight, and the amount of aether used per second depends greatly on the level of his emotional state. This conversion lasts for as long as there remains aether in the crystal, or his body can handle the sudden influx of alien aether. Oftentimes after the elemental properties fade, Chip will be inflicted with mild to moderate symptoms of aether sickness that fade over time.
  • Wind: Increased speed and evasion. If the presence is strong enough, he can even teleport short distances.
  • Fire: Fierce and unquenchable like wildfire, Chip will briefly lose sight of friend from foe and attack anything in his path. His skin will burn hot as if suffering from a high fever, which is usually a side effect after the aetherical properties fade.
  • Earth: Takes on defensive qualities such as increased stamina and the ability to endure hits that would normally fatally damage his body. Once the sensations pass, he becomes fatigued and mildly sore.

  Color Key
Affection: Chip has a particular feeling of want and desire for this character. It might be friendly, romantic, and/or physical.
Muse: Chip is attracted to this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Chip considers this character family, which is beyond friendship and taken very seriously.
Estranged: Chip's familial ties have been shattered towards this character and although they were once his family, he can no longer consider them as such for it will only cause him great pain.
Friend: Chip considers this character their friend and ally.

Good Standing: This character left a good impression towards Chip.
Neutral Acquaintance: Chip has no specific feelings about this character.
Wary: Chip will not purposely avoid this character, but he doesn't feel completely comfortable around them either.

Dislike: Chip doesn't want to consider this character a friend and will try to avoid them, but will talk if needed.
Hate: Chip considers this character an annoyance and will try to avoid them. Conflict can happen.
Fear: Chip is terrified by this character and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Enemy: Chip considers this character a rival and will try to initiate conflict every time he meets them.

Family Member: Chip is related by blood to this character.
Tribe Member: This character was part of the Mole Tribe in Thanalan, which is now extinct.
? Hidden Feelings/Unknown: Chip isn't fully aware of their relationship with this character yet, in denial, or overlooking it.
Trust: Chip trusts this character above all else and would not hesitate to risk his life for them.
Betrayed: Chip's trust in this character has been completely broken and is irreparable, no matter how tenuous the trust may have been.

Deceased: This character has passed away.


O'anna Xhiji ( ) - Mother

"I was told you died shortly after birthing me. I never grew up with a mother figure in my life, though I have met a few that could possibly suffice. I sometimes wonder what might've happened had you remained alive. Would my father have been less violent and angry? I am... glad you died the way you did, however. I would not want to have had my own mother's blood on my hands, for something tells me you were far kinder than your mate."

O'ctan Nuhn ( ) - Father

"Not a day goes by where I regret killing you. I loathed you with every inch of my existence, and I have no doubt you felt the same way, father. As much as I hate to admit it, what you told me that fateful day was painfully accurate. I am haunted by what I've done. It's something I could never forget, no matter how hard I wish for it. Your hateful eyes are branded into my mind, and the dying screams of the Tribe still ring in my eardrums. The taste of your death, however, still remains upon my tongue..."

Jerold & Tilly ( ) - Paradise

"It was with them that I first found paradise. I was found nearly dead, Jerold told me, but he didn't run. My crimes were not known to the island, an' all he an' Tilly saw was an injured kit chained to an idle boat. Would things have been different if they'd known the demon they harbored? It's a question I still cannot answer, but without them, I prolly would've never made it off that boat. I pay my respects to their cottage some days when I'm passing through, an' I can still hear ol' Jerold's laughter and catch t'smell of Tilly's latest casserole baking in the oven. I am... glad I never saw their bodies."

Nymeia ( ) - Muh

"Gone as soon as you appeared. I'd almost started thinkin' my encounter with you was nothing but a dream, but then I saw the stew and realized you were safely taken back home. Home... a place no longer familiar to me. The caravan is gone and you are one of the only reminders left of that time. I am glad I found you in La Noscea, little one. It was a pleasant surprise... and very much needed. Though it hurt to convince you that I am no longer the Azrael you remember, those two magic words you spoke still warm my heart. Wherever you may be, Nym, always remember that I am only an ocean away. Perhaps you could visit again, but those are only a fool's musings. You are safe where you are now and that is what matters. Stay strong, Nymeia, and don't forget to smile at the shadows. You'll be forever in my heart."

Groot ( ) - Surprise
Baby groot.png

"I never would've guessed a goobbue of all creatures would've popped out of that flower pot. The irony of Sorrel's gift was rather sweet in a way, though I felt it better not to call the creature Maggie. It's barely more than a sprout, but it's now big enough to follow me around for food. I kind of enjoy Groot's company, even though its manners are atrocious. I suppose, if nothing else, it provides a good distraction whenever I'm left alone to my thoughts."

Frostfeather ( ) - Skycat's Wings

"True freedom is never fully realized until you have soared through the skies. I was fortunate enough to experience this on a griffin no less, and it's a joy I will never forget. I saw her again two years later... after I changed, and she still saw me as a friend even then. My brother is lucky to have met such a kind and affectionate creature. There are no words to express my thanks for her assistance in helping me remember joy when I needed it most. I'll never forget her. Never."

Kari ( ) - Braided Huntress

"You're a lot like her. Always smiling. Always putting on a brave face in the presence of a monster. People like that 'ave a breakin' point though. Wot's it gonna take for you to turn on him one day? To truly show fear and make him realize how much ye hate that part of himself? In a way, yer almost lying to him. There's beauty in that coeurl. If ye hate it so badly, why do ye refuse to believe there's a cure? I'm startin' t'wonder how t'hells yer related to t'one wiff yer same eyes."

Lady Amara ( ) - Nosy Witch

"Appearances sure are deceiving, and that especially goes for Lady Amara. She may look old, but thank the Twelve she was around to save me. I owe her my life, but I cannot stand to be around her or her apprentice. Lady Amara is a telepath, she's gotten in my head, and that's about as close as we're ever going to get. I don't need her help in reconciling with my past. Sometimes I wish she'd never even seen it, but then I wouldn't be alive (as she tells me often). She could at least stop trying to talk to me about it. All of this would feel far more worthwhile if she helped me forget about my past instead."

Rose ( ) - Siren
Azrael pet.png

"There lurks a viper in the desert and I've met her. No words could ever express what I endured under her hand, nor the betrayal I felt after being handed over to her in my brother's stead. His memory of me was lost at the time, and it is likely I would have remained with Rose had Nym not insisted I be saved. That woman is wicked and deserves no right to live. Once, I would have done whatever I could to end her twisted and cruel existence, but now I realize it would have done me no good. Rose is where she belongs and so am I. I'm free from her forever and I think that is far more satisfying than revenge."

Madam Mirage ( ) - Mother

"Mother, I had called her once. She portrayed herself falsely, and I should have never let her into my heart. She helped heal so much, but was always there to instantly destroy it. I don't know what the other gypsies saw in her, but I will never call her 'Mother' again. She deserved my hatred and my scorn, no matter the many times she cared for me, bandaged my wounds, combed my mane, fed me... No. She turned against my brother, purged him with a whip, and I can never forgive her for it. By the time I learned of her death, it hit only a cold and icy pit of emptiness. Aye, I did not mourn her death. Rather I found the news quite pleasing, for she'd died under the hand of my brother no less. In the end, she earned it."


Reaper ( ) - Skycat

"“If I ever saw you again, I’d say something stupid, like ‘I missed ye.’ The words probably don’t mean a damn thing t’ye anymore, but I’m still gonna say ‘em. I know it’s better I never see ye again, but it hurts. It hurts wiff a pain ye can’t ever feel again, an’.... sometimes I wanna know who it was that made ye dead inside. Ye were supposed to be dead. An’ now... it feels like I’m mournin’ ye all over again.

I realize now that I don’t wanna blame ye. M’lookin’ fer all t’reasons t’hold against others so I don’t have to look you in yer lifeless eyes an’ ask why? You didn’t choose t’become a monster; ye taught me t’at long ago. It’s not your fault, Skycat. It’s not. I don’t care wot ye or other people say.

Someday, I ‘ope I can still repay ye wiff a fish. Ye deserve that much at least. I wish I could do more, but I ain’t skilled at much ‘sides fishin’. Maybe... if I jus’ learned something, anything useful, would there still be a part o’ye left? You saved me all those moons ago.

Why can’t I save you too, brother?”

Khaz ( ) - Asshole

"I prolly ain't ever gonna know why ye rescued me from that river. Ain't like I care, but it's been buggin' me. We ain't brothers. We ain't even friends. Yer cursed, just as I was, but ye still got a heart. You're still kind, and ye still know how to spare others. Maybe we are kinda alike, but it ain't matter. No way am I goin' back to t'Black Shroud for a real long time."

Mona’a Khursu ( ) - Moron

You an’ I, we’re just two scruffy fishercats tryin’ to make a livin’. Yer so cheerful and loud, it’s no wonder t’fish ain’t ever biting fer ya. Funny thing is, I don’t want ye t’be quiet. There’s somethin’ in that smile o’yers that reminds me of.... myself. At least, t’way I was years ago. It feels like forever ago, but... ye were like Chip was. A scrawny grinnin’ runt that didn’t worry ‘bout anything except wot fish were bitin’. I don’t like thinkin’ about the past, but it ain’t so dark when you’re around. Ye remind me of the time when I could still feel t’warmth of the sun on m’back an’ the grass on m’toes.

Don’t stop smilin’, moron. I kinda like it when ye do.”

Rhysa Verkoh ( ) - Polite Pryer

"It was kinda embarrassing, the way ye met me. I was justa dumb kid diggin’ inna sand, desperate t’get a pole an’ fish again. Ye didn’t ‘ave t’help... but ye did anyway. I guess I kinda owe ye for that. Ye even stayed long enough fer me t’catch somethin’ an’.... I dunno. I’d say thanks, but... I left before I could think o’the right words. I ain’t gonna judge ye for likin’ salmon, so long as ye keep yer curiosity far away from me. I like ye thinkin’ I’m just some innocent fishercat.

I wanna keep it that way.”

Erryn ( ) - Annoying

"I don't really know how to describe her. She's just some average musician that happened to play to the wrong sort of crowd. That's how we met. Nothing fancy. Just went and took her outta there before the Yellowjackets could snatch her. Nah, I wasn't playing hero. I was just in her way, she'd agree. Still, she's resorted to calling me 'Kitten' now and... somehow I ain't feel like correcting her. I mean, Chip's just a nickname too. Anyway, we parted paths nicely and she says she'll stick around Limsa for awhile. That's when I knew it was my cue to head for the wilds and not look back."

??? ( ) - Rookie

"This dumbass shows up asking me what I'm trying to catch inna river. Fish, o'course! I knew from the moment he appeared that he's hopelessly new to the art of fishing. Hopelessly lost too, judging from t'scribbled map he showed me. And to top it off, he casts his fishing pole worse than a drunken Seawolf. Where the hell did this moron come from?"

Sorrel ( ) - Waste of Time

“I warned you. You thought you knew me, but there are some secrets even an empath like you cannot unearth. Yet you persisted… and suffered the consequences. Now you know what goes on in my nightmares. You’ve seen the insanity that lurks in my mind and a piece of my past never shared with anyone else. I thought maybe I could confide in you, but even I was foolish. Of course you wouldn’t be able to accept it. How could you? You’re so innocent and untainted, much like the boy I was once. The horror in your eyes will never leave me, nor will that single question you whispered over and over again. I see now that I am no longer wanted in your world, but you are not the first. So go on learning what you can under Lady Amara’s tutelage while I slowly vanish from your memory. Goodbye, Sorrel.”

Hojo'to Zuginoch ( ) - Bad Man
Ghost - HojoIcon.png

"I was foolish to think that the past could never catch up to me. That my sins only haunted my dreams. That the blood I had spilt had been long since covered by the shifting sands. Foolish was I, and I nearly paid the price with my life. A bounty hunter had caught wind of my trail when I was out running an errand for the gypsies, and that was how I met Hojo. To this day, I often wonder why he had spared me. I honestly deserve death after all that I had done. Since then, I've left Thanalan and all its horrors behind. Surely he did not follow me...?"



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"What's a Chip?" - random merchant
"Have you seen him fish? He's amazing! I wonder how long he's been doing it." - awed resident
"Sumtin' ain't right 'bout t'at hair color o'his." - suspicious sailor
"The fish he's selling always look freshly caught. Most of them I've never even seen before. I hear he only fishes in La Noscea and hardly goes anywhere else." - Hawkers' Alley shopper
"Isn't that the brat I saw at the airship landing in Ul'dah? Huh, he's gotten taller." - surprised Elezen
"Wait, didn't Chip used to smile a lot before? Who the hell is this stranger?" - Lominsan resident
"I 'ear he used t'ride a turtle! Crazy, right?" - gossiping traveler

◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“When it's all quiet some nights, I hear this weird melody playing in the distance. It sounds almost like a music box, and it doesn't stop until dawn.” - curious traveler
“Saw 'im wiffa dagger once. Was usin' it t'cut some cloth. T'at look in 'is eyes was far creepier than t'sharpened blade.” - gossiping dockworker
“It's always smelling like grilled trout by the riverbeds. Someone must really like cooking 'em.” - fisherman
“Seen 'im rippin' wanted posters off the walls some days. He don't look happy 'bout 'em. One of these days I'm gonna 'ave t'confront 'im 'bout it.” - patrolling Yellowjacket
“No, I'm telling you, that boy used to have creepy demon eyes. His hair's the same purple color, just cleaner. He probably just learned to suppress the monster. It's gotta still be there... somewhere inside of him. Waiting.” - nervous Lalafell
“Traveling alone now, is he? Knew the gypsies would've kicked him out sooner or later.” - smug merchant
"Saw 'im visitin' t'markets often wit'a raven-haired maiden. Too bad 'e never took his eyes off 'er. Gwahaha!" - taproom patron (presumably drunk)

◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Aye, I heard o' him. Folk 'round here take care to avoid his sort. He ain't right in his head, see. Rumor is he murdered his entire Tribe or sumtin'." - taproom owner
"I saw 'im in t'distance once. He was starin' at the stars and mutterin' sumtim' 'bout t'sky. Kid must be lonely if he's talkin' to himself like t'at." - La Noscean local
"I accidentally stumbled across him while I was observing a natural hotspring. He was bathing under a waterfall, and I swear I'll never forget the sight of his bare back. It was so badly marred with scars that I daresay there wasn't a inch of flesh left. Twelve preserve..." - horrified explorer
"Used t'be a ghost wiff 'im. Pure white fur an' never made a sound when he moved. Wonder who scared off who?" - curious observer
"I seen 'im! I seen 'im with The Reaper! Ye don't think dey be conspiring together, d'ye?" - frightened bandit


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
“Yeah, I know Chip. Hate to admit it but I’ve a soft spot for the pup. So, do yourself a favor—tell him a story for a fish... then get lost. Don’t even look at him the wrong way ‘lest you contend with me.” – Xeiz Feine
"Chip is a sweetie! And he loves sweets! I don't know why anybody wouldn't like him." - Rihxo Matoi
"From what I am able to deduce about the odd boy, he seems to have a good heart. Though... I feel something strange about his aetheric presence... I shall be keeping an eye on him." - Arata Matsuoka
“That’s the little brother. A thing of nightmares right there. He’s like a skinny purple kitten... with sharp teeth and yes, he does bite. But it doesn’t matter what he’s become or the name he answers to, he’s still my Pup. I’ll always stand by him.” - Skycat
"If you stare too long into the eyes of a beast, the beast stares back out of you. Time will see whether boy or beast lives on. And whether the hunt must resume." - Hojo'to Zuginoch
"He doesn't say much and he always seems grumpy. Still, he did give me soup when I was hungry, so I think he's nice deep down. I wonder why he rarely shows it." - Sorrel Ketra

"You’re talking about Pup—but don’t call him that ‘lest I tear your heart out. No, we aren’t close. Not anymore. He’s nothing to do with me. ...Now about that heart of yours." - Reaper
"He was once... a daeamr. A beast I thought I'd tamed. But his heart is still as wild as before, as if nothing has changed. He treats me like a stranger now and maybe I deserve it, but, deep down I know I'm not his enemy. He just... doesn't know how to love." - Sorrel Ketra
"You mean that bitchass with the purple tail? Yeah, I seen’im. Was the shittiest day, too. Stormin’ and... yeah, fuck that day. But he’s... alright, I guess. Think I owe’im a pole." - Khaz
"quote" -player name

Chip history.png
"Shine... always."

» ————————— 🌙 ————————— «

Fishing hole.jpg
Character Themes:

Artist: Crown the Empire
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: I’m all that I have. I am the aftermath.

This is Where I Belong
Artist: Bryan Adams
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: Cuz everything I want - is everything that's here. And when when we're all together - there's nothing to fear. And wherever I wander - the one thing I've learned, It's to here - I will always....always return.

Artist: Clannad
Context: Starlight Theme

Same Old War (Acoustic)
Artist: Our Last Night
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: I'll never close my eyes. I've come too far to go back now. Turn into a face in the crowd. Been on this road for so long.

Younger Dreams
Artist: Our Last Night
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: Take me back to younger dreams, when times were easy and we believed. Take me back to revive my memory. I'm digging deep, but I am scared that I have lost my younger dreams.

What I've Done (symphonic edition)
Artist: Linkin Park
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: So let mercy come, and wash away, what I’ve done. I'll face myself, to cross out what I’ve become. Erase myself. And let go of what I’ve done.

Artist: Adrian von Ziegler
Context: Character Theme
Notes: Definitely the kind of music that would be playing while Chip's traveling. The melody is sweet and gentle, but caries with it a hint of sadness deep within.

Point of No Return
Artist: Starset
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: There's a memory of how we used to be, that I can see through the flames. I am hypnotized as I fantasize, forgetting lies and pain. But I can't go back. The ashes call my name.

Artist: Tokyo Ghoul
Context: Character Theme
Notable Lyrics: You’re so close but I hope that you stop searching. Don't want you to see the thing that I’ve become. So please stop looking; I don’t want to hurt you.

Wanderer's Lullaby
Artist: Adriana Figueroa
Context: Character Theme
Notes: Totally Chip's lullaby. So much sads.
Relationship Themes:

Die For You
Artist: Starset
Context: Chip & Skycat
Notable Lyrics: Even if the sky does fall, even if they take it all, there's no pain that I won't go through, even if I have to die for you. And when all the fires burn, when everything is overturning, there's no thing that I won't go through, even if I have to die for you.

Tears Don't Fall
Artist: Bullet For My Valentine
Context: Chip & Sorrel
Notable Lyrics: Your tears don't fall, they crash around me. Her conscience calls, the guilty to come home. The moments die, I hear no screaming. The visions left inside me are slowly fading. Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame?

You'll Be In My Heart
Artist: Phil Collins
Context: Chip & Nym
Notable Lyrics: For one so small, you seem so strong. My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry.

You're Not Alone
Artist: Erutan
Context: Chip & Skycat
Notable Lyrics: Look into my eyes. All eternity you will find. In this fragile heart, know that you will always belong. Shout into the night. Show the darkness that you will fight. Hopeless you may feel, but inside I know you are strong.

RP Hooks


Want to RP with Chip, but not sure how to start? Check the list below for some helpful pointers! Chances are, if you're out wandering the wilds of La Noscea, you're sure to run into a purple-haired cat somewhere!


Fish Merchant. Are you looking to buy some fish? Perhaps he could be of some assistance.
Bane of the Mole Tribe. There were no survivors, but many a rumor floats around that the one who massacred the Tribe remains alive. Confront him about it at your own peril.
Ex-gypsy. During some of his time in Thanalan, Chip lived under the name "Azrael" and was housed by a traveling gypsy caravan. Perhaps you saw one of their performances, or noticed them from afar? Those were of happier times...
Purple-haired Boy. Some residents of La Noscea still remember the scruffy boy that roamed about Middle La Noscea. Could this be the same boy?
Groot! Chip has a baby goobbue that follows him everywhere. Why not say hi? The little rascal is always getting into mischief, so if you happen to spot it, Chip can't be far behind!
Fishing. Of course he fishes! Is your character interested in learning how to fish, or needing some tips from an expert? Perhaps they could bump into each other. He might even agree to dish out some advice.
Customized. Got an idea of how they might meet? Please feel free to toss me a PM about it. I'm always interested in character interactions, and if it's a new and unique approach, even better!

Shards of the Past (Chip/O'kihp)

Darker Side of the Moon (Azrael)

New Moon Rising (Chip/Azrael)

Present Day



Moments of OOC Fun




CONTACT INFORMATION: I'm currently unable to RP in-game, but I do RP often on Skype! You can also reach me here: RPC Profile

OTHER CHARACTERS: Asher, Sorrel Ketra


Length. Whenever I'm not RPing in-game and through a means that has a very generous character limit, I tend to para-RP. I by no means expect you to match my length. It's just a personal habit of mine.
Response Time**. This honestly varies with me. Sometimes I'll respond within the hour or within the day, but other times it can take me a few days before I have a chance to sit down and write. I certainly won't keep you waiting for more than a week, and I'll usually let you know if it'll be awhile before I can whip up a reply.
Combat. I prefer the "dice-roll" style, but I am always welcome to trying out different methods to satisfy whomever I am RPing with.
Flexibility. I'm always open to OOC discussion during RP. Don't be afraid to ask!
Character Injury. Please discuss with me about temporary/serious injuries that are delivered to my character by yours before carrying it out. I like surprises, but not that kind.
Plots. Plots are like snowballs and I love both. Got an idea for a plot to involve our characters? Please share! I try to be open for anything.


I will RP:

Mature Themes: I love dark and gory scenes--as long as they are logical and plot-driven.

Romance**: I don't mind flirting and stuff, but it ultimately depends on the character. Please talk to me if you're interested in RPing a romance with Chip, but please don't expect an instant "couple in a day" thing. Relationships take time to build, so please respect this.

Multi-themed. I love any kind of RP. Humor, romance, drama, angst. You name it! RP to me is all about writing a story, so I am fine with pursuing any type.

I Will NOT RP:

ERP/Rape: Please don't even ask.

Permanent Character Death: Because seriously, where's the fun in that?

Breaking Lore: I like Lore. I eat it for breakfast. Please don't kill it :(

■ Layout adapted from the profile of D'lyhhia Lhuil
■ Music tab taken from the profile of Glioca Sargonnai
■ Color Key taken from the profile of Seiko Mamushi
■ Pictures under relationships idea taken from the profile of Rihxo Matoi
■ Certain color key icons taken from the profile of Xeiz Feine
■ Gallery code taken from Glioca Character Template v2
■ RP Hooks/OOC tables taken from the profile of Kanako Moonweaver