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*'''Losing Himself ''' Avenged Sevenfold -  Welcome to the Family lyrics: http://youtu.be/AGzIcLfRMcY
*'''Losing Himself ''' Avenged Sevenfold -  Welcome to the Family lyrics: http://youtu.be/AGzIcLfRMcY
*'''Odds Stacked Against Him''' The Only Way I Know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HHtsyXTYB8
*'''Odds Stacked Against Him''' The Only Way I Know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HHtsyXTYB8
*'''Homesick'''Blake Shelton - Home (Official Video): http://youtu.be/kkoT1nZOexY
== Rumors ==
== Rumors ==

Revision as of 20:27, 18 October 2014

 S'imba Tia
S'imba Tia 05 23 2014 18 55 56.png
Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Unaffiliated
Place of Birth Southern Thanalan
Guardian Rhaglar
Nameday Date 12th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon (Age:18 )
Marital Status Single
Occupation Slave, fights in the Coliseum.

Part time job male model for the Piquant Pumpkin.


Basic Info

S'imba is a young Miqo'te who's owned by a member of the Syndicate. He is forced to fight in the coliseum where he makes his owner a small fortune in gill each fight. Due to his young age and bitterness of becoming a slave he can be slightly aggressive. But he is a kind soul at heart and is willing to stand up for his friends and those unable to defend themselves. He's a little reckless and finds himself in trouble often. He won't back down from a challenge and is always up for a spar with basically anyone. He spends a lot of time at the quicksand at the behest of his owner to "Promote himself by being seen by the masses." He dreams of gaining his freedom and becoming an adventurer so he can have stories to tell.


Height:Tall for a Miqo'te though still spends a lot of time looking up.

Weight Athletic build


Hair:  Hay

Eyes:  Redish

Particular Traits:  Is branded with a mark on the side of his face and a number on his left shoulder blade.

Clothing Style: He's only allowed to wear pants both for fighting and to publicitize himself, especially for the ladies. He also wears this because Gus Pumpkinweed hired him to model so that when the women see him they "get twitterpated by t'release o'hormone oxytocin" which he says will create an increase in demand for his products.






  • Color: Unknown
  • Food: Unknown
  • Drinks: Unknown
  • Scent: Unknown.
  • Place: Unknown.
  • Festival: Unknown.




His intentions are good though he feels he has been forced to kill many innocent people he gets faced with in the ring. He fights for the freedom of others as well as himself, however due to the manipulations of his master he finds himself becoming increasingly more aggressive outside of the ring. His fear of losing himself and killing someone outside of an official fight terrifies him because he feels it would represent finally losing himself and becoming just another of his masters mindless toys.



  • He's a bit of a spaz.
  • He can't help but get into some sort of trouble...much to the dismay of his friends.
  • He's color blind to the colors red and green both colors look yellow.
  • He lacks the taste buds to taste sweet flavors.


  • Reckless He tends to run into battle without thinking about the odds or the consequences. This has led him to several sticky situations. Especially if one of his friends are in trouble he'll drop whatever he's doing to help them even if it is essentially suicide.
  • Aggressive He has a hot streak in him. Faced with massive frustration in trying to gain his freedom doesn't help. His owner forces him to take drugs that increase this in him as well. He has no problem asserting his dominance over others.
  • Addiction In order to control his slaves his owner forces drugs on them until they are dependent upon their usage. They also tend to cause or precipitate existing flaws. Such as aggression, paranoia, and the feeling of being invincible. Add to the fact that it increases strength and stamina makes it the drug of choice to force upon him. Without it S'imba is forced through massive withdrawal that causes severe and unbearable that try as he might forces him to return to his owner.


Nothing is known yet.


  • Resourceful Despite regularly getting in over his head. S'imba can quickly adapt and change tactics. He uses the making it up as you go method for most of his plans.
  • Determination S'imba has a never give up attitude. If one of his friends is threatened he will give everything he has to help them. Even if he's hopelessly outnumbered with little chance of victory he will still refuse to back up or back down. It's how he was taught to fight in the ring so it's really the only way he knows.



Abilities and Skills


  • Like all Miqo'te he has naturally heightened reflexes and cat like instincts. This serves him well in the ring as it gives it has ensured he has survived matches against opponents that should have killed him.
  • Due to his owner using drugs that gives him enhanced abilities such as improved speed, strength, and agility. It also gives him a strange resilience to poisons and his ability to metabolize them. This also gives him the ability to metabolize alcohol at a rapid rate giving the impression that he can really hold his drink. Though these abilities come with a huge drawback the drugs are highly addictive and cause him to go through intolerable withdrawals that cause complete cramping of his body and cloud his mind so he can't even think straight. This effectively ensures he doesn't run away again and keeps him in Thanalan.


  • Various forms of martial arts augmented with fist weapons.


  • He doesn't really understand magic other than do whatever you can to dodge it.


Family and Relationships


All what is written here bears absolutely no OOC feelings, and may be subject to change as the story develops. If your name doesn't appear in this list, I have probably forgotten, or my character just doesn't remember you. Please do not use these information to affect you ICly or mess with my character's feelings. Use of OOC information will be flagged as god-moding and I will not react to it ICly if I feel this is what you're doing.



  • Vash Ashford Adopted Brother Another of S'imba's friends that was the result of a bar fight. When he found out S'imba was a slave fighting in pit fights he took interest in S'imba and vowed to see him free of his chains. It wasn't until later that he told S'imba that he too used to be a slave who broke free of his own chains several years prior. Because of this S'imba is able to look up to him as an older brother who understands what S'imba is going through. If it wasn't for his persistent worry over S'imba he would more than likely lose himself for good. Vash has even gone so far as to convince S'imba to let him be taken back into bondage after S'imba told him how lonely and hopeless he felt whenever he had to be alone when he was chained and caged. Though S'imba still isn't comfortable with the idea of Vash doing this for him the very thought of it gives him hope that he won't be alone in all this much longer, although S'imba has procrastinated this because the thought of seeing Vash in chains after escaping once combined with how hopeless he feels about it even being possible to escape causes him to feel like he is asking to much of the man.


  • Nanarou Garnin Despite their rocky start in which S'imba was informed he was a "Mangy Cat" she always seemed to be around when he got into trouble. Eventually when S'imba was crushed by his emotions and was in the process of killing another Miqo'te she showed up just in time and snapped him out of it. After comforting him she started over by inviting him to join her free company "Order of the Compass" Which she told him was the very representation of being free. Since that was his dream he jumped on board and now she keeps an eye on him making sure he controls his temper and keeping him out of trouble, even though she has that annoying tendency to show up whenever he was ready to get into some kind of trouble. Recently however he ran into some other members of his company in the quicksand where they were talking about their leader Sven and the evil he actually represented. See tried to warn S'imba to leave and eventually ended up abducting him to protect him. Though after she took him to the house and Sven showed up to punish him for his betrayal she ran away. He has not seen her since but despite her actions S'imba still trusts her.
  • Charlotte Tiln S'imba met Charlotte after she rescued him from her brother Siegfried. While initially he didn't trust her when he found out who her family was after she helped him deal with the crushing feelings he was having about being torn away from his home, she quickly become someone he relies on for emotional support. Though he soon found out about how much she was dealing with herself he did everything he could to allow her to get rested from her troubles. He does harbor feelings for her but knows she doesn't reciprocate them.
  • Arvic Ryne Shared a drink with Arvic in the Quicksand one night while they were talking Nanarou jumped in between them both, which was coincidentally when he met her as well. Despite Nanarou belittling S'imba; Arvic became his friend. Arvic is one of the individuals who encourages S'imba to continue fighting for his freedom, and helped him by finding out what the ingredients were for the drugs that control S'imba.
  • S'vett Tia S'imba met S'vett when S'imba was in the process of trying to kill Siegfried. At the behest of Mylene Wharf S'vett tried to stop S'imba while he was attacking Siegfried, despite being thrown off when he tried to tackle S'imba he jumped back into the fray pulling back on S'imba's collar until Nanarou showed up and snapped S'imba out of it. A few days later S'vett approached S'imba in the bar where they became friends after S'vett decided to help S'imba learn about where he comes from. Despite S'vett saying he's not a great warrior for his fear of big monsters, S'imba believes that he's got the "right stuff" and intends to fix that by putting him face to face with a Morbol though he doesn't know how S'vett feels about that.
  • Mylene Wharf S'imba first met Mylene while he was recovering from being tortured by Siegfried Tiln. She helped patch him up and comfort him as well as helped him out on several other occasions. The two have become close friends despite the trials that seem to plague their friendship. She's another individual who is like a big sister to S'imba constantly worrying about his well being leading to S'imba to -try- and hide when he is in trouble out of concern of worrying her though she usually gets the truth out of him which leads to a prompt scolding for lying to her. In a recent trip to Coerthas in which S'imba had planned to kill a dragon he ran into Mylene, K'hoshi, and Raikimi who were on vacation. After S'imba's lie fell apart as to why he was their Mylene and K'hoshi followed him to the Stone Vigil not willing to let S'imba face a dragon alone. They found the dragon and despite all odds they managed to defeat the beast thanks to Mylene shooting one of the dragon's eyes out, K'hoshi's uncanny ability to keep the dragon's attention on himself, and a aetherically charged S'imba from Sven Volkorus experimenting on him. Though Mylene and K'hoshi were badly injured as they were returning to town a group of Elezen approached the group and arrested S'imba leaving the pair in the snow. After several days in the gaol S'imba managed to escape their custody however he has no idea what happened to the two and is desperately trying to contact her to find out her condition and to let her know that he is safe as he knows if she survived she would be worried sick.
  • Aerostein Epitaph When S'imba was cursed Aerostein risked his own life to heal him. He is also another of Gus Pumpkinweed's model who S'imba sees as a rival. The man knows exactly how to get on S'imba's nerves and gets highly annoyed when he refers to him as a child. However he has healed S'imba on several other occasions led S'imba to tell him his history when Aero inquired about his past.
  • Aaron Glacier While he had originally met Aaron through the pumpkin it wasn't until he found out that he had nearly killed another of S'imba's friends due to him being in possession of a cursed sword that had possessed him. One of S'imba's friends who was hunting a bounty on the man challenged him to a fight. The bounty hunter made S'imba promise to finish Aaron if he failed. As S'imba watched them fight it took everything he had not to jump in and do the job himself. His mindset reverting to his pit fighting instincts he took all his drug he had pushing him into a state of a crazed animal. His ability to even feel pain was wicompletely blocked and his body was pushed to it's absolute limits. He rushed in right as Aaron was about to finish his friend. S'imba jumped in between the pair. Both blinded to everything except the seething loathing towards they clashed. The drugs allowed S'imba to fight on an even level as the incredibly powerful voidsent enhanced Hyur. With Aaron distracted it gave the other three mages a chance to stop them both. Despite them being incredibly skilled mages it took the combined efforts of Dev, Aerostein, and Dresden to over come the fighting pairs respective enhancements and put them to sleep. After this and they were returned to their proper state of mind they became much more civil with each other. After several other misadventures including a journey into a cave of pirates with crazy Fab S'imba has come to see Aaron as a friend though S'imba has taken to tormenting the man...going so far as to sick Towering Falcon on him.



  • Jacob Pestis Known only by the name Jacob this man is S'imba's owner. He's a mysterious individual of which little is actually known about other than he's a member of the syndicate of Ul'dah and that he is also head of an extensive criminal organization. No one knows where he comes from or how he gained his seemingly bottomless pile of wealth but one thing is certain and that is he is not only evil to the core but he's also a genius everything seems to be calculated out and is two steps ahead of everyone else. Anytime it seems like S'imba or his friends have him outsmarted it turns out to be just another of his manipulations designed to break S'imba's spirit. What's worse is even with all of this and despite his apparent goals there is something even more sinister behind his ambition still.
  • Siegfried Tiln Siegfried was one of S'imba's friends and someone he looked up to. However after Siegfried received a tip that S'imba had information on his goals he drugged S'imba which after he woke up found himself tied up. Siegfried then proceeded to torture him for this information which he had no idea what he was talking about, after hours of pain at Siegfried's brutal torture he found himself ready to give up all hope when Charlotte Tiln jumped out and attacked Siegfried saving S'imba. Later he approached S'imba after which S'imba's anger taking control of him proceeded to beat him him with the intent of killing him. After injuring several bystanders attempting to stop him S'imba was finally snapped out of his rage by Nanarou Garnin.
  • Sven Volkorus The first time S'imba encountered this black mage he appeared to be a friendly, charming, and adventurous individual. However as S'imba looked into his eyes he could feel nothing but sheer terror of the man, despite this S'imba put it in the back of his mind even after witnessing his obsession with power as S'imba and Arvic stood beside him while Nanarou dueled another black mage. After S'imba joined the Order of the Compass he called for his help out of desperation when one of S'imba's friends was under the control of his owner by some form of mind control. Sven told him he was more than willing to help to free her from the power that controlled her provided he receive "payment" for the task. S'imba agreed desperate to help his friend during the process when he was breaking the curse S'imba witnessed the pleasure he took in the pain and suffering of others and couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Sven truly was. Afterwards he met with S'imba to discuss the payment which though seemingly insignificant S'imba would come to regret. A short time later S'imba met several other members of the Order where they told him about who Sven truly was and their conspiracy against him, in a panic S'imba revealed his debt to the others which resulted in Nanarou and Arvic (who was out of he loop of what was going on) kidnapping him. They took him back to the Orders headquarters where Nanarou was in the process of explaining what was going on when Sven arrived on scene. S'imba had no idea why but Sven was furious with him for betraying him. Nanarou left the room while Arvic stayed behind despite Nanarou's protests, he could only watch as Sven gathered aether into his hands before grabbing S'imba by the chest and torturing him as he burned a set of runes into it which would cause him to relive the experience anytime he did anything contrary to Sven's will. It was finally at this point that S'imba realized what his payment was and found himself a slave to a second master. Eventually S'imba found himself free of his hold and with any luck Sven will have forgotten who he is.


  • Order of the Compass
  • Lynxfang pride Council Chief of the Warrior

Music Themes

Note: Vocal Songs are attributed themes in which the lyrics seem to relate or partially relate to the character. They don't mean to resemble the character's voice. The instrumental themes are meant to give an idea of the atmosphere around the character. Songs with character names (example: "Tidus's Theme") are NOT meant to indicate that the character is like the theme owner. I just find the instruments and melody fitting, not the character the song was originally addressed to.


Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be both true or false.

  • "Is villing to do anything to protect people he cares for, even vhen can go no further. Can respect that." - Alexei Volkov
  • "A good kid, but I truly wonder why he still lives under someone else's rule. Mayhap, he can break free one day." - Aerostein Epitaph
  • "S'imba? ....I-Is he in trouble again?! ....O' Warden, If only I could keep my eyes on him all the time.." - Mylene Wharf
  • "He hangs around all the time, and sure loves his ale. And can take the Qiqirn Firewater like no one else! He never seems quite all there, though, you know?" - Aya Foxheart
  • "I swear this Cat is injured every time I see him. How is he not a walking bruise at this point?" - Coatleque Crofte
  • "We both been through some hard lives with violence, maybe that's the reason we're still friends even after that battle in Gridania. I think sometimes however im more brotherly to him than Vash." - Aaron Glacier
  • "I think he just really hates shirts. Maybe he's allergic to cotton." - Natalie Mcbeef
  • "Pretty sure he's done some beastmen a few favors by... 'licking' their aetherytes. I don't even know." - Oscare Iono


Name and Lifestyle

Name Etimology

Simba is the Swahili word for Lion.


Current Residence

Before Dalamud's Fall

Birth and childhood (0-10)

S'imba was born in the Sagoli Desert, as an infant he was strong and full of life bringing great pride to his parents. One day however a Nomadic Tia entered his tribes territory and challenged the Nuhn to combat. The aggressive Tia killed the Nuhn in combat and took complete control of the Tribe, his first order of business was to kill all the previous Nuhn's young that had been recently born in order to make the females fertile and receptive to him. S'imba's mother unable to let her child be killed ran from the tribe, as she ran for her life because she knew that her life was now forfeit. She came upon a Hyur from La Nosca who was an adventurer and was seeing the world one last time before he retired with his wife and son. Not having any other choice because she begged the adventurer to take her son and raise him as his own. The Hyur was reluctant at first but upon thinking of his own son and moved by the woman's pleas took S'imba. After telling the Hyur his son's name she ran away hoping to draw any attention away from the Hyur who was now in possession of her son.

The Hyur then took S'imba back to his newly built home in La Nosca away from any civilization as he did not want his family to be faced with the troubles the rest of the world brought. He raised S'imba as his own child along with his other son happy to enjoy his retirement to a much more simple life.

Teen Years

As he grew S'imba never had any idea of him being adopted. In fact all he believed that though he was born looking a little different from his brother, he thought he was a Hyur just like the rest of his family. Due to his heritage and natural abilities that being a Miqo'te brought he was a natural at hunting and the other skills needed to live away from any type of city, he begin to outshine his brother and unfortunately due to his fathers heritage as a great warrior seemed to give slightly more affection towards S'imba than his real son. Slowly his brothers Jealousy began to grow.

After Dalamud's Fall

A Realm Reborn (Present,)

When S'imba turned sixteen his bother had finally had enough he left the house one night intent on running away to find the lands his father had spoken about and had sometimes visited to buy supplies for their home. As he had never left home before he just wandered until he found a small town. It was a pirate town full of cutthroats and other lowlives. While he was here he discovered that S'imba was not a Hyur he was a separate race and based on the drunkenness of the sailors was a member of a savage race. While he was there he learned of money and what it could get you in life. One evening he saw some slavers dealing Miqo'te and overheard how much they were worth on the market. He walked over curious as the maliciousness grew even more in his heart, and made a deal with them that night and formed the plot in his mind.

The next day he returned home on his way he was faced by a wild coural and was nearly killed by it had S'imba not found him just in time to rescue him. As they walked back to their house they talked and S'imba asked him where he had gone. His brother told him part of the truth and that he had visited some of the places their father talked about, though he expressed his worry about what their father was going to do to him when they returned to him. They both couldn't help but feel their great love for each other at that moment. When they got home and his brother was asked where he had gone to S'imba jumped in and said that he had gotten lost and that he had saved him from a courel. At this moment his brother nearly changed his mind about his plans until his father praised S'imba for his skill and bravery and condemned his true son for his recklessness and cowardess. He went to his room and completed his plan.

A few weeks later he went and found S'imba and told him that their father was finally letting them go to town and that they were to take one of their chocobo's to sell. With great excitement S'imba chased after him and they were on their way to town. When they finally arrived there was so much to take in the smells the life everything. They stopped to eat for lunch as his brother thought it was fit that they should share one last meal together. After a delicious meal in the tropical sun and much laughter they went down to the docks where they were supposed to meet the buyers of the chocobo. When they arrived the buyers smiled and said a "fine beast may we examine him further?" his brother motioned to S'imba and he walked the chocobo over to them. When he held out the reins of the bird he was surprised when a few of the men grabbed him and started examining him ripping off his shirt and stripping him down to his small clothes they examined him carefully looking for any defects they could find. S'imba struggled as best he could as the stronger men placed him in chains and the leader laughs out "A fine specimen, never seen one like him." he said as he threw a large sack of gil to his brother. Catching the bag he met S'imba's eyes as they drug him onto the ship and said to him "I'm sorry brother..." he said before turning around and heading away.

After they had secured their cargo S'imba felt rocking of the ship and was crushed by the feelings of what had just happened and cried the entire time he was on the ship. Finally the light to the hatch was opened and he was drug out into the hot desert sun. After a long day of travel he was brought to a camp and was re-examined and appraised afterwards they branded a number into his back and wrote up several pages of paperwork to document him. Next he was rushed off to the markets where potential buyers gave him the same rough examination over and over for what felt like days. Finally someone bought him for a hefty amount and he was soon off with them. For about a month S'imba worked for this guy before he tried to run away. He escaped his master ans found a group of adventurers to join up with who were willing to take him to Gridania. When the man who owned the slave market and had sold S'imba found out about it and having to make good on his guarantee spared no expense in having him tracked down and brought back to him.

Runaway S'imba looked to the other adventurers he had just crossed high bridge. The first one was a Highlander and a sultansworn. He wasn't a part of the group he had joined because he had over heard the talk of the rest of the group and sworn to see S'imba free. The next member was a Midlander Black Mage she was well versed in magic and had explored the deeper depths of the void. Next was the Keeper White mage though she was new to healing she was rather adapt at the healing magics. Finally the Roe monk he had taken to teaching S'imba to fight so he could defend himself if needed. Despite S'imba saying he never wanted to kill anyone. "Never forget that." The monk would say. "The time may come when you have no choice but to defend yourself and take a life. That thought will be what will keep you who you are." S'imba would nod not knowing what the monk fully meant. Shortly after they crossed the bridge and were on the final stretch to the shroud they came upon a Roe in a suit standing in the middle of the road with a dark smile on his face. The Sultansworn nodded to him but as he tried to pass the Roe blocked his path staring at S'imba. "Why do you block our path?" The paladin would ask. "What is it you want?" The Roe simply pointed at S'imba, the paladin would then draw his sword the Roe would reach forth and snap the Highlander's neck. Immediately the monk would jump forth striking the Roe with everything he had. The Roe would not even flinch however and without ever losing his smile punched him in the stomach then brought an elbow down on his neck. Next he went for the Keeper all he would do to her is throw her against a nearby rock where she would lay dead. Finally all that was left between S'imba and the Roe was the black mage despite her unloading her fire on him he just keep walking and placing his hands on her head crushed the life out of her. At last turning his head on S'imba who had been watching in horror tried to run away but the Roe was faster. He caught S'imba he fought back with everything he had but was just as ineffective as everyone else's. Grabbing hold of S'imba he lashed his hands together in front with rope and peaveing plenty of tail on it so he could pull him along. "Come" he would finally saysay giving a firm tug on the rope dragging S'imba forward and onto his stomach started dragging him along. Quickly scrambling to his feet he followed along tears in his eyes feeling guilt over the loss over his new friends as the Roe drug him back to Ul'dah at a rapid pace never giving S'imba a chance to rest.

Thrown into the ring and marked forever After being drug back to Ul'dah S'imba was brought before a man whose face was hidden by the shadows. "Hello S'imba." He would say. "You've been a very bad boy, as the Eorzea's premier supplier of slaves you've placed a black mark on my business. You've caused my number one customer think that I sold him a defective animal. As such I had to refund his money which means you belong to me and I will see you properly broken. Take him to proccessing." With that S'imba was drug down into a dungeon where they chained his arms above his head. He was then approached by a sadistic looking Elezen. "Ah this one is a fiery one seems he's headed to the pits then." He said before addressing S'imba directly. "Disgusting animal you are here because of your disobedience and lack of understanding of your station. As such you will no longer be considered a person you no longer have the rights and privileges afforded to a person. You can never be set free and must always be owned." He said grabbing a brand from a the forge which he then pressed against the side of his face. "This marks you for what you truly are a beast that must be subjugated to mankind." He then measured S'imba's neck and set to work forging a collar muttering incantations while he worked. After it was completed he placed it around his neck and riveted on so that S'imba would never be able to remove it. "If you ever try and remove this it will kill you. Now take him to his room. With that he was taken into a lonely room which had several empty cages. L"Make yourself at home." Said one of the men who were dragging him." As the other went and opened a cage, which they threw him into and quickly chained him to it as well. "Get your rest you'll need it." S'imba felt completely alone and hopeless and several days later he was taken out and thrown into a ring in front of an enormous crowd. On the other side a gladiator came at him with a sword raised. Using his simple training he was quick enough to dodge the gladiator grab his sword and tear it from his hands and thrust it through his heart. The crowd roared both cheering and booing him. He was quickly hauled off again and brought before his new master. "Your going to make me quite a bit of money." He said with an evil smile. "Turn him into a killer!!" With that he was taken back to his cage where they administered drugs and forced him to gain a addiction to them. During this time he would also be taken out and brutally trained for days. They would push him until he collapsed then beat him until he continued. Until he was ready for his next fight.

The drugs he was given both control him and enhance his abilities, his past now a memory and knowing only the ring, the pressures of his situation are starting to get to him. Despite this he has made friends who all want to help him out of his situation.

Order of the Compass

One night at the quicksand S'imba was hanging out in his spot on the floor when a female Lalafell approached him and started to harass him about being a "cat-boy" who was only out looking to breed. When S'imba asked why she hated Miqo'te she responded with "There are too many of ye." After a few minutes of this she ran off to speak to a Sultansworn. At this point S'imba went over to the bar where he met Arvic. While they were sharing stories the Lalafell returned to terrorize S'imba some more and she mounted herself on the stool between the pair. While she continued to rip S'imba a new one her mentor showed up and sat at the other side of him where they both properly introduced themselves as black mages, the Hyur was named Sven Voulkas and the Lalafell was Nanarou Garnin. After Arvic and S'imba spoke with them for a while until they all needed to leave for one reason or another.

S'imba ran in Nanarou several times after that usually while he was in the middle of some scene scene or another which she never failed to take a detour of whatever she may be doing at the time to go tell him what she thought of him. Eventually he ran into her arguing with another black mage which ended up with him following them out of the city so they could duel. S'imba watched the duel alongside Arvic and Sven as the pair showed off their great display of power which led to Nanarou summoning meteor. While S'imba looked on in awe at the fight he couldn't help but notice that there was something off about Sven and what appeared to be bloodlust in his eye.

Sometime later the night that Siegfried returned to see S'imba after he had tortured him. S'imba noticed Nanarou in the bar already filled with absolute hatred of the man in front of him seeing her and knowing that he was about to receive more of her abuse pushed him over the edge he didn't notice her leave but during his absence he completely lost it and started beating the hell out of Siegfried. During the fight when he had just about killed him she returned and yelled out to him as her voice was the only one in the crowd he recognized she was the one that was finally able to snap him out of it. She led him out of the bar before the rest of the patrons noticed he was gone and she took him to a secluded area where she told him they needed a fresh start. She told him that she had been watching over him intervening whenever he was about to get into trouble and had regretted leaving when she had seen how agitated he had been around Siegfried. It was at this point she invited him to join the order of the compass so she could keep an eye on him and help him keep his temper under control. He couldn't resist especially about how much of her recruitment speech involved that their company stood for freedom so he naturally joined right up.

Immediately after joining he was introduced to Shark a monk who would come to keep a close eye on S'imba. At this point S'imba didn't know any of the other members of the order and he didn't really want to get in their way. So he kinda just kept his head down he'd see Arvic and Nana on several occasions with Arvic getting him out of some trouble with some Brass Blades after they had arrested him and were beating him. Afterwards after Arvic released S'imba from the chains the blades had placed on him he called for a healer. Shark came and had brought Sorcha, a talented and highly skilled white mage, with him. After Sorcha healed S'imba he thanked her little did she know the headache and worry he would cause her in the order. The next day a friend of S'imba came to see him having heard of the previous days events. S'imba quickly realized she had been possessed and not knowing any other mages contacted Sven. This would be one of the biggest mistakes S'imba would ever make. Sven told S'imba he would help him and they could discuss payment afterwards desperate S'imba agreed to his terms. The pair ended up taking the girl to the Sultan tree where Sven proceeded to invoke his black magic releasing her from the magic that controlled her. Immediately afterwards they were attacked by a legion of blades in which Sven wasted no time in dropping a meteor on. The entire time S'imba couldn't help but notice there seemed to be a madness that existed inside him. Afterwards Sven told S'imba what he expected in payment which in reality was S'imba pledging his servitude to the man...

The true colors of Sven Voulkus Some time later S'imba was at the bar in the quicksand he found a seat in the crowded bar when the three strangers next to him recognized him as a member of the order. The were Xaxareaux Garnin (Nanarou's younger brother), Zedd Magee, and Gunnjborn Darkblade. They welcomed him as the newest recruit and bought a round for him. As they spoke the conversation turned dark they wanted to get S'imba in on a project. Suddenly S'imba heard Nanarou speaking in his mind to leave at once that the people he was talking to would only bring him trouble. Despite the warning S'imba continued to listen. They spoke about how Sven was actually a unstable psychotic madman who wanted to burn the world to nothing so that it could be reborn properly. They were conspiring to kill the man, S'imba was sucked into this whole scheme after he told them that he owed Sven and as Nanarou spoke to his mind and the group talked about how dangerous Sven really was he began to panic. Nanarou who had actually been spying on them cast a sleep spell on S'imba to shut him up. The trio thinking he had passed out from hyperventilation decided to take him somewhere quieter when Zedd said "Are we kidnapping him?" to which Gunn responded "Yep" as they hauled S'imba out of the bar and into the ally behind the quicksand. To be continued....

Memory Lost

Waking up in a free company bed after Shark and Arvic had taken the amulet. He had no idea where he was or for that matter who he was. He stood up to try and find some answers and heard a voice calling to him. It was Pup, S'imba had no idea who he was. This of course made the blind lalafell angry with S'imba at first but that was soon replaced by tears as his buddy now had no idea who he was. About this time Shark arrived and explained everything to Pup who began venting on Shark for the whole incident. This was until S'imba had made his way to the door when Pup yelled at him."Where do you think your going?" Shocked S'imba replied. "I just wanted to go have a look around." Pup devastated not knowing how to respond to such an innocent request suddenly had his anger subside and said "Alright I'll show you around." Luckily Pup had bumped around enough that he knew the area pretty good and was able to show S'imba around fairly easy. Unfortunately for S'imba, Pup had some unexpected business come up that needed to be taken care of. With no other choice he left him at the quicksand so Momodi could keep an eye on him until Pup got back. S'imba was there for several hours he met new friends as well as old friends most of which were more than happy to help him. As far as the situation went it was a fairly good day if one didn't count the amnesia. That was until he found out he was supposed to fight a Roe known as the Butcher of Mor Dohna. He decided there was some sort of mistake and that he would talk to Pup about it later. Finally later in the evening Pup returned for him and took him back to the house. When they had arrived S'imba recounted the days events. Pup smiled the entire time that was until S'imba came to what he heard about having to fight the Roe. Despite Pup telling him he was a slave and that he was seen as little more than an animal S'imba hadn't really grasped the concept. "I'm not going to fight him, they can't make me it's my choice." S'imba would say to Pup. "S'imba from what I understand what you've told me you don't." Pup would be forced to reply to him. "But I'm a person they should listen to me if I explain it to them they'll understand that I don't want to do it." He'd tell Pup. "S'imba I don't think they will." Pup would reply to S'imba he didn't know how to tell someone that they didn't even own themselves. "You see these people don't really see you as a person to them your just some kind of animal." As S'imba's heart fell into his stomach as what Pup was saying started to sink in. "But I'm not how could someone ever do think that about me?" S'imba would say his voice breaking as his eyes started to well up in tears. "Because their monsters they don't care about anyone. They only care about money." Pup would reply standing up on the couch and walking over and setting a hand on his shoulder as S'imba cried. "I'm going to die." S'imba said before Pup gave a reassuring squeeze. "Your a good fighter and despite you forgetting your body will remember. Shark says that although you may be small you fight like a cornered zaz. Your going to be fine." He would say before heading downstairs to bed. With that S'imba gave a reassured smile but would lie down on the couch and silently cry into the night until he finally fell asleep.

Other Notes

Wanted for Interesting Roleplay

  • People interested in his masters crime syndicate.