Adelaide Levenson

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PRONUNCIATION: Ahd-ul-ayd Le-vin-sin.

NICKNAMES: Ade, Knight, Doll-Eyes.

RACE & CLAN: Hyur, Midlander in appearance.

GENDER: Female.

AGE: Thirty-three (33).

NAMEDAY: 25th Sun of the Second Umbral Moon.

HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 5 Fulms 10 Ilms, 130Ponz. Slim, but toned.



BIRTHPLACE: Garlemald. Among nobility.


GENERAL HEATH: Healthy, physically and mostly mentally.

OCCUPATION: Magitek specialist for Arcadeus. General nuisance.


ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil.


SERVER: Balmung (NA Legacy).

Adelaide Levenson, known to few as Ade, was born on the 25th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon. Adelaide was raised under a noble roof in Garlemald, and though she never had much of a chance to use it when she was young, she always had an interest in magic. Only being half-Garlean, however, allowed her to have some limited magical capabilities. She would train incredibly hard with a shocking amount of discipline in order to use magic to the best of her ability. While she never made it higher than a Legionarius, her skills with magic were certainly noticed, and she left home to join the ranks of the Magitek Knights.


Eyes Hair Skin Body Type Voice
Glowing magitek blue. Golden platinum blonde. Immaculate. Deep mocha. Face Claim. Slim, lightly toned. Body Claim. Voice Inspiration.
Laterality Scars Tattoos & Piercings Style
Right when writing. Left otherwise. Plenty. None. Formal, dark clothing. Looks like she has money.

Adelaide is a decently attractive Hyur, though this isn't unexpected. She doesn't look a day over 22, and she generally attributes this to the implants that are in her body. The most obvious thing that would stick out to anyone are her eyes; eerily glowing a distinct Magitek blue. Her eyes were once a simple chocolate brown, but since she was inducted into the Magitek Knights, they were replaced. Under her left eye is a small beauty mark. She has a more oblong jaw, and thick, pink lips. She suffers from a very bad case of resting bitch face, typically looking as though she is glaring. Whenever she expects to see anyone, she always puts on makeup, typically looking something like this.

Adelaide is a thinner woman; not particularly curvaceous, though she does have a thin waist for being as tall as she is. However, there are crystal fragments embedded in her body to help amplify her magic; some of these fragments are a bit closer to the skin than intended, and thus, some of it seems strangely lumpy. This is really only noticeable on her calves and inner thighs, however, and thus most will not notice. Even so, she usually tries to cover the areas up more than other parts of her body.

Her tone is always filled with venom, unlike her militaristic demeanor. She seems to carry herself with confidence and formality, and her voice shows that: Harsh enough to where you know she's serious, but still gentle enough not to be unsettling, though that in itself might be just as unsettling. When angered, which is admittedly often, the harshness that is ever-present truly shines through; some would say she's the kind of woman that when she's truly kind you can't get enough, but when angered she's simply terrifying.

Adelaide's favorite scent is roses, and she often smells of them, due to both spending time with the botanists in Gridania and simply owning a rose perfume. Occasionally, though, she will go for the more soothing scent of lavender.


Bitchy. Manipulative. Venomous. Adelaide is not unlike a viper - venomous and cunning, she is highly judgmental of others and often bases her subsequent feelings off of first appearances. She isn't lacking in confidence, but it's definitely misplaced. A narcissist through and through, Adelaide thinks highly of herself, and puts practically everyone below her. Manipulative, bitchy, and prone to sudden bouts of emotion, Adelaide does not make it easy to like her - precisely what she wants, as she tends to see others as pawns to be used rather than people to make allies and friends of.

On the off chance someone manages to get past her rough exterior, Adelaide doesn't change much. The rare compliment might be thrown their way, but otherwise, she tends to avoid getting close to anyone. Be it for the fact she sees others as unworthy of her presence or for some other reason isn't exactly clear, but those selected few who do manage to break through her shell will find an oddly protective and eccentric companion. Adelaide truly trusts few and lets even fewer in, and she finds it highly unlikely someone will meet her standards, and if they do, she will never admit to it. I-It's not like she enjoys your company or anything...!


Flowers. Roses are her personal favorite, as they fit her like a glove, but any will do.

The smell of rain. It's just soothing.

Tattoos. She'd never get one, but she does find them fascinating.


People who value emotions over logic. Emotions get in the way of things. She simply doesn't let them.

Nobility. Quite bigoted, considering she came from a noble family, but she can't stand them very well. Perhaps it was one too many frilly dresses.

Things not going to plan. It's her way or the highway.


Powerful Arcanist. She was taught the ways of Arcanism back in Garlemald, and in Eorzea now has a chance to really put her Summoning to work.

Cunning. Knowing how not to let emotions get in the way is perfect for getting others to do what you want through them.

Knowledgeable with Magitek. Comes with the job. Adelaide is up to speed on the latest advancements back home, at least up until a few months ago.


Narcissistic. Adelaide believes she is the best. She knows she's great and isn't afraid to flaunt it. Everyone else is below her, in her eyes.

Cynical. Everyone for themself! Nobody can be trusted out there.

Emotionally distant. She doesn't show emotion very well, nor does she know how to express it very well. She doesn't really want to.

Obsessive. She fixates on one task until it's complete. There is no stopping something once it's started.


This is a list of the items that Adelaide currently is keeping on her. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 5/21/2016.

  • Coinpurses: Three, to be exact, holding a fair amount of gil in each.

  • Linkpearls: The few people worthy of receiving her linkpearls are the ones she needs to keep in contact with.

  • Roses: Two roses, tucked away in her robes. She finds them soothing.

  • Rations: You have to eat, don't you?

  • Canteen: Water, definitely. She's tolerant to alcohol. Very tolerant.

  • Magitek Repair Tools: Just in case.



Adelaide Levenson was born into Garlean nobility, but she was not born of a loving union. A father figure was absent in her life due to this, and her mother was often out of the house, among other nobles. From a young age, Adelaide longed for acceptance from her Pureblood mother, though she knew this would be incredibly unlikely. The Ala Mhigan that 'stained' her blood was seen as incredibly unfavorable in her mother's eyes, and it leaves her feeling as though she has a foot in two worlds to this day.

The Noble

For eighteen cycles, Adelaide lived among nobility, though her mixed blood caused her to grow incredibly insecure. Disowning the girl would cause quite a bit of talk, though, and so to keep up appearances, Adelaide was kept around the family's large home for her early life, most often out in the gardens. She was bright, though, and had an affinity for magic despite her low aether levels. Nevertheless, Adelaide tried to keep up with her studies, as she dreamed of becoming a powerful mage someday.

Adelaide's insecurity of her blood was still present during her teen years, and perhaps showed most then. The deep mocha of her skin was certainly not a Garlean trait, and as a result of her insecurity about it, she became obsessed with anything and everything superficial. Adelaide wished only for the finest clothes and to look as beautiful as she could - something that is carried to a lesser extent as an adult - and it worked in her favor. Even with her mixed blood, many came after her as a teenager, and this resulted in quite the inflated ego - another trait that has remained - and led to her being incredibly narcissistic due to being coupled with a noble upbringing. Even during all of this, though, she managed to find time to continue her studies into magic, and now weaponry. At age 18, she got a sudden reality check after a particularly rude awakening from a friend, and left her noble life to become a soldier as a result, hoping that this would have her mother accept her.

The Knight

Adelaide served as an extremely loyal and intelligent soldier during her time, though due to her mixed blood never made it past the rank of Legionarius. However, at age 21, there was word of an experimental battalion known as the Magitek Knights recruiting again. Four cycles prior, there was an error among the programming - or so she heard - of one particular Knight, and they had been working rigorously to keep the newer generations of Knights in check. Adelaide volunteered to join the Knights, in hopes this was one final step in acceptance.

She never got it.

To this day, she knows not the extent of every modification made to her body, but that mattered little to the naive 21-year-old who had made the impulse decision to join. As a result, her eyes were taken and replaced with magitek. There was a chip implanted in her brain to ensure that she was compliant and able to receive orders at any time. Crystals were implanted into her body to make up for her lack of aether due to Garlean blood. As her first test as a Knight, she was sent into trial by combat; in this trial, a life was taken - that of a longtime friend - and she cannot help but feel guilt about it, even now.

The Nuisance

As a Knight, Adelaide was often sent to other bases as a magitek engineer as well as fighting alongside other Knights on the battlefield. On one such journey, she was sent to a base, and upon her arrival, found it destroyed. The familiar figure of a Knight she'd only heard in whispers was seen, alongside a Lalafell and a Miqo'te. Soon after, Adelaide blacked out.

She knows not what broke the chains, but when she awoke, she felt free for the first time, to some extent. It was then she realized what she needed to do.

Find the other Knight.



Adelaide's demeanor changes during combat - it's almost as though she relishes the pain she inflicts. The spells she uses are those intended to knock an enemy down and keep them down for a long time, the majority affecting the body's functions. She plays dirty, and seems to love it, taunting her opponents while they are down while inflicting further pain. She tries to avoid combat for this reason, but inevitably, it will happen.


Intelligent. Adelaide was brought up as a soldier, and an extremely specialized one at that. Sent out on many different varieties of missions against various opponents, Adelaide is well-versed in combat, and could likely make a rather intelligent tactician if she had to. Not only is she combat-smart, though, but she is also book-smart. She is best with Arcanima and Summoning, though is adept with Thaumaturgy as well.

Magitek Enhancements. Her eyes are the most notable magitek feature about her, capable of scans and whatnot, but there are other enhancements throughout her body that allow for further dexterity, stamina, and overall health. They are part of why she has aged so gracefully.

Crystal Fragments. Throughout Adelaide's body are many crystal fragments embedded inside her. These can be drawn from to empower attacks being used from aetheric reserves she might not otherwise have, or however else she chooses. These crystals can be 'recharged' by visiting a place with high aetheric concentration, but it still takes a fair amount of time.

Weaponry and Armor

Grimoire Wing. Her primary weapon. It is never seen not at her side. An impressive work of magitek, Adelaide constructed it herself. It is a small and portable 'database' of all the the geometries and whatnot that she may require at a given time. It is, essentially, a collection of her magical knowledge, available at the flip of a switch.

Shortsword. A good soldier never leaves the base without at least two weapons. Adelaide is capable with a simple sword, but she isn't particularly impressive with it. Average at best, she uses it only if necessary if an opponent gets too close to be effective.

Reinforced Robes. Adelaide has all robes and coats she wears custom made to be reinforced with leathers so that she is not completely helpless if someone gets too close. She will, naturally, attempt to keep her distance, but if necessary, these will ensure she can take a few hits.


Color Key
In A Relationship: Adelaide is involved in some form of committed relationship with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Adelaide is romantically attracted to this character.
Sexual Attraction Adelaide is physically attracted to this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Adelaide considers this person family.
Friend: Adelaide considers this person to be a friend.
Friendly Acquaintance: Adelaide considers this person to be mostly friendly, or as a casual ally.

🔒 Trusted: Adelaide trusts this character with her life, and would willingly lay her own down for them.
🔒 Distrusted: Adelaide's trust in this character has been shaken, though her loyalty to them remains unaffected.
🔒 Betrayed:Adelaide's trust in this character has been completely broken, and is irreparable.

Good Standing: This character left a good impression.
Neutral: Adelaide has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: This character left a bad impression.

Dislike: Adelaide doesn't consider this person a friend and will only interact if needed.
Wary: Adelaide has became leery of this character. Conflict can happen.
Hate: Adelaide considers this person an annoyance and will try to avoid them, otherwise conflict is almost certain.
Fear: Adelaide is terrified by this character and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Adelaide considers this person a rival and will try to initiate conflict every time she gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Adelaide.
Business: This character is either Adelaide's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
🔃 Unsure: Adelaide is unsure how she feels about this character because of certain actions the character makes.
Katrina Levenson ( 🔒 ) - Mother
Ansgar Bearsblood ( 🔒 ) - Father

Valen Stalhart ( 🔒 ) - The Fellow Knight

"I am happy to have met you here in Eorzea."

Adelaide first heard about 'Stalhart' many cycles ago, as the infamous escaped Magitek Knight who had somehow earned his freedom. It wasn't until many cycles later that the two truly met. She originally had planned to simply keep in contact with him in case she needed some kind of help, but as of now, Valen is the one who knows the most about her. She'd only admit to him that she does like having him around.
Rhaya Matoi ( 🔒 ) - The Naive Hope

"...I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe. Why?"

Adelaide met Rhaya with the intention of messing with Rihxo and her friends, but it turned out that Rhaya just had the misfortune of running into her over and over again. The two ended up becoming an odd sort of friends, though Adelaide can't help but feel protective over the young Miqo'te. She sees her as a naive, hopeless romantic little girl. Perhaps there is more to their bond?
Xeiz Feine ( 🔃 ) - Five-Second Valentione
The two met when Adelaide decided to make the mistake of being snarky to the feline attempting to relax in Limsa. This was also, very unfortunately, during the Valentione festival, where the two were later mistaken for a bickering couple. Later, Rihxo and Feine discovered Adelaide at the Overlook, where his fire drake Zansza left the backs of Adelaide's legs covered in burn scars. He later admitted that he needed to apologize for it, leaving Adelaide unsure on how to feel about him.
Ali Gani ( 🔃 ) - Magitek Engineer
A staring contest escalated into some sort of odd conversation. Adelaide was simply being herself, and somehow managed to intimidate the Lalafell into standing down when he was preparing to pull a gun on her. FINISH THIS
Cassandra Solidor ( 🔃 ) - Starry-Haired Flirt
Write this in later!
Nanagi Nagi ( ) - Little Mage
Nanagi and Adelaide got off on the wrong foot. Nanagi's stubborn attitude focusing on first impressions and Adelaide's bitchy demeanor caused them to immediately butt heads. Adelaide stole her circlet in an effort to teach her a lesson that she cares too much, but it only made the problem worse, not to mention having things get worse between them. Adelaide has made a conscious effort to be kinder to Nanagi in recent time, but it seems Nanagi's original impressions of her are still sticking. She doubts they'll change any time soon.
Kanako Moonweaver ( ) - The Redheaded Whore

"You're hardly better than those Miqo'te girls who work the corner, but at least you've got fight in you."

Perhaps it was inevitable that these two would clash. Their first meeting wasn’t all that great and their second meeting was anything but pleasant. Their personalities are all too similar for them to ever get along. Adelaide sees it as a battle of wits and “who can say the worst thing about the other person” contest. Adelaide likes to think she wins, but that's just her in all cases.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the PC category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
“Her eyes are so striking! It's almost like they can see right through you...”
– Gridanian Local
“She comes around at least three times a week, usually among those roses over there. Says it reminds her of home.”
– Botanist's Guild Recruit
“That book at her side, the one that folds out like a wing? I heard she made it herself!”
– Serpent Recruit
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“She's oddly familiar with Magitek, though I'm not surprised. I mean, have you seen those eyes of hers? Of course she'd know a thing or two.”
– Grumpy Ul'dahn Merchant
“She's always frowning. I don't think it's just her face, either. She'd be prettier if she smiled.”
– Canopy Regular
“She's quite the... oooh, I can't just go saying that to people! Why, I was nothing but kind to her, but it was like I just wasn't worth her time. Hmph.”
– Flustered Elezen Female in Gridania
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
“She's always watching over this young, purple-haired Miqo'te. What did her name start with again? R?”
– Guards in the Cities
“I saw her in combat once. It was like she was someone completely different - she seemed to love the pain...”
– Serpent Soldier
“She knows something - something she shouldn't. The way she carries herself... you can just tell.”
– Serpent Lieutenant


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

"She thinks I'm inept? I'm not inept! Okay, maybe with certain things. Still... she's so weird." - Rihxo Matoi

"Doll-Eyes and Rihxo have more in common than either of them realize, or would probably like to admit. She’s hurting inside... why can’t anyone else see it?" - Feine

"She's been a great help to me. I'd go as far to even consider her a friend. However, I know there's still something she's not telling me." - Valen Stalhart

"I hate her, what else is there t'fuckin say?" - Kanako Moonweaver

"Lies and slander go here." - Culprit’s Character Name Here.

"Lies and slander go here." - Culprit's Character Name Here.

Songs to set the mood and reflect Adelaide! The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Artist: The Ready Set
Context: Her romantic outlook.
Artist: Adele
Context: Her romantic outlook.
Spider Dance
Artist: Adriana Figueroa
Context: "Struggling is futile, so get tangled up in me. 'cause to survive, I think you're gonna have to pay a little fee."
Artist: Toby Fox
Context: Combat theme
Death by Glamour
Artist: Toby Fox
Context: Adelaide
Artist: Bravely Default OST
Context: Adelaide
Strained Time
Artist: Bravely Default OST
Context: Adelaide
Silence of the Forest
Artist: Bravely Default OST
Context: Adelaide
Artist: CrusherP and Myst (SONiKA remix)
Context: ...finally free.
Me, Myself, and I
Artist: G Eazy and Babe Rexha
Context: General outlook.
Artist: Meghan Trainor
Context: Adelaide
Artist: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 OST
Context: Adelaide
Wicked Battle
Artist: Bravely Default OST
Context: Combat theme
Shatter Me
Artist: Lindsey Stirling (ft. Lzzy Hale)
Context: "If I break the glass, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a dive."
Artist: Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo
Context: Adelaide
Wherever I Go
Artist: OneRepublic
Context: Adelaide and Rhaya
Me Too
Artist: Meghan Trainor
Context: Adelaide


A collection of screenshots of Kanako that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Kanako, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


Hi! I usually go by Silent or Novi online. Or you can just call me Rihxo or Adi, I really don't care. I take too many screenshots and I skip on leveling to RP. Yeah, I admit it. Sometimes I cosplay, and sometimes I do decent art, I guess. I'm on the East Coast so I'm in the EST time zone, and usually online in the evenings on weekdays and pretty much all day on weekends. I'm open to forum RP, as well, though I might be slow with replies. (I check that less often.) Do you like to RP? Then I want to RP with you! If you see me in-game, walk up! Adelaide doesn't bite... hard. Any comments on my wiki are welcomed, as well. In-game, I am Adelaide Levenson if you want to whisper me or add me to your friends list so we can RP sometime later. Thanks for reading this whole wiki! It took me a while to put together. Danke, mein Freund! (Thank you, my friend!) (Oh, also, I know a little bit of German. Surprise?)


My schedule is very irregular. Things often call me away from the game very suddenly. I can't really help this. You can find me on the RPC or Skype, but I will be most consistent with RP in-game. I sincerely apologize for this.
I type slow sometimes. I have a tendency to have slower replies due to the fact I type kind of slowly. This is most notable with paragraph RP. If I go more than 10 minutes in-game without mentioning that I was AFK, your post likely got eaten. I will let you know if this happens.
Walk-up Friendly. I am anxious about walking up, but I absolutely love to be walked up to! If you spy me targeting you, I'm probably just too scared to walk up. If you want to walk up to me, feel free to! You can send a /tell if you think I'm AFK, or if it's busy where we're at.
Adelaide is an alt. I am not on Adelaide as much as I am on Rihxo Matoi. If you wish to RP with any of my other characters, please let me know if you see me and I will be happy to switch over if I'm not busy!


I will

Combat RP. One-shot RP. Long-term RP. Dramatic plots. Heavy, feeling-driven plots. Romance. Sexual Tension. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation of mind or body. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Assassination attempts. Rivalries. Deep platonic friendships.

I Will Not

ERP. Allow Lore Breaking. Allow my character to be killed. Injury that will leave my character incapacitated. Allow godmodding. OOCly planned romances, except under special circumstances.


Torture that leaves behind lasting, long-term effects (aka, longer than 3 months). Long-term and/or permanent injury. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Significant tampering of the mind. Anything that is dramatically character-changing, or may have extremely negative implications for my character.


Hydaelyn Role-Players Profile: JudicialHunter.
Tumblr: rihxo-matoi. I don't use it very often.
Other Wiki pages: Rihxo Matoi, Arata Matsuoka, Mamiko Moonweaver


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. Please remember to link back when using this wiki.

Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
Tab banners by Jaliqai Qulaan & Leanne Delphium.
Relationships picture idea by Rihxo Matoi.
Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
Mash-up by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
Appearance Chart by Odette Saoirse.
Edited banners by Rhaya Matoi.
General Information code from Odette Saoirse.
Inspired by Xeiz Feine, Odette Saoirse, and Kanako Moonweaver.
Some small edits by Rihxo Matoi.