Nananomi Nomi

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Sharlayan.jpg Nananomi Nomi
"What the hell do you want?"
~The Thieving Star~
Gender Surprisingly male
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Sharlayan
Age Late twenties
Height A pathetic 90cm or 2' 9"
Weight "Light as a feather, honest!"
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Occupation Morally ambiguous adventurer
Server Balmung


By Lalafell standards and certainly not by Balmung standards, Nomi is considered short at a pathetic ninety centimeters or so when stood absolutely straight. Like his sister and his deadbeat father, his eyes are a brilliant gold and are protected by the same glossy layer all Dunesfolk are blessed with. While on the subject of Dunesfolk, several years spent in Thanalan have resulted in him sporting quite the tan though he still pales in comparison (geddit?) to people who've lived there for the entirety of their lives. Another gift his father passed down to him via genetics was golden hair that matched his eyes pretty darn well, but he sometimes dyes it brown on nothing more than a whim.

For those whose players made the wrong choice and created anything other than a Lalafell, as well as those of his own race that are a little bit on the dim side, it might prove fairly difficult to discern that Nomi is in fact male without some form of clarification. The lack of facial hair, the androgynous features, the eyeshadow that is never not in perfect condition and the subtle colouring of the lips to bring them out just a little bit more do everything in their power to cause confusion and make him look damn fine at the same time. Though, several years of adventuring have considerably dulled his desire to keep himself looking his best all of the time and it's not too uncommon to see him with dirt on his face and make-up that hasn't been given the usual tending to. Yet somehow, he's found a way to pull that look off too.

Apart from the freckles scattered across his nose and below his eyes, as well as the perpetually darkened nose, there's an absence of anything else noteworthy and scars are no exception to that, which is a bit strange when they're kind of bundled in with the whole adventurer thing. With that said, the rest of his body has a fair few and the nastiest of the bunch is the one on his upper left arm that serves as a wonderful reminder of the time that he was pinned to a wall with a particularly sharp lance. The rest are pretty lame and in fact, are incredibly generic and best described as utterly nondescript.

He's not quite sure when it happened, but a strange set of black markings popped up on the underside of his left wrist at some point. Either he got himself a drunken tattoo in some foreign language that probably translates into spaghetti or something equally as not-good-for-tattoos, or there's an actual purpose behind it. Who can say? He definitely can.

Recent and rather unfortunate events have taken quite the heavy toll on him and it shows in various forms, such as the bloodied bandages covering from his wrists up to his elbows, the dark rings around his eyes that seem to have formed through lack of sleep, paler skin than usual and a slightly worrying loss of weight too, though the last is probably incredibly difficult to notice for a whole bunch of reasons. Overall, it's obvious that he's not taking care of himself at the moment and for whatever reason, nothing is being done to fix that either.


To be written, eventually. Maybe.


He was born somewhere.


He adventured a lot.


He's adventuring even more, now with like six more places to go to.

Recent RP Events

Family Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance
$ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


  • The Mother ( ) - An unsurprisingly eccentric Sharlayan who spent most of her life at the colony within the Dravanian hinterlands and instead of following the majority during the mass exodus, chose to leave her countrymen behind for good and dragged her children with her to start a new life in Eorzea. These days, she can be found running a bookstore in Ul'dah with her husband and rumour has it that she's a fierce negotiator as well an even fiercer hunter of anything that might have been stolen from her homeland... But who'd believe such rumours about a lovely, somewhat oldish lady?
  • The actual Father ( ) - Nomi's really not too sure what to think of his father since he remembers nothing of the man and his mother hasn't given the most pleasant descriptions or stories of him, either. Years and years without contact hasn't exactly helped his image and while Nomi is old enough to want to form his own opinions, he still thinks that his old man's quite the asshole for disappearing like that. Nevertheless, there has to be a reason behind his return to old Sharlayan, right? Who knows, really.
  • The Stepdad ( ) - Originally a rather succesful adventurer, both age and constant injury eventually convinced him to settle down and inherit his family's bookstore, something he'll gladly admit was one of his better decisions as it's much easier work and pays a hell of a lot more. Sometimes, he might just admit that the real reason for loving his new occupation is due to meeting his wife and the two children who'd eventually come to accept his as part of the family too. One can only wonder how he gets any work done when he spends many an evening drinking with friends of his who survived their adventuring days, though.
  • Nonomi Nomi ( ) - Dreaded older sister, possible demon from the pits of hell.
  • Papayo Payo ( ) - Cousin who's never around.

Nearest and dearest

  • Kokomi ( ) - Yuyuki's much older sister and the future head of a rather dysfunctional family. Once Nomi's best friend during much simpler times, they only grew closer as time passed and they faced innumerable hardships together. The two used to raise many a brow by introducing themselves as siblings and so many more with how they'd behave when together. However, her constant disappearances and grievous injuries convinced him to be honest about his feelings and the pair eventually agreed to drop their unconvincing act in favour of becoming a proper couple. They're as inseperable as they come these days and it's incredibly unlikely to see her without him following along just a few steps behind, when they actually bother to step outside.
  • Yuyuki ( ) - Kokomi's adorable little sister and very much a spoilt princess at the best of times. She used to strike fear into a much younger Nomi, albeit times have changed and he's grown fairly resistant to her continued abuse. Even though the two rarely get on, there's no denying that she's an important part of his life and someone he harbors a great deal of love for. Were it not for Nomi's endless pestering, the reason for the moons of friction between the pair wouldn't have become clear and now that it has, the two might just be able to reconcile at long last.
  • Konini ( ) - The cousin of an old friend, this Plainsfolk doctor is someone he considers himself indebted to and deeply admires whenever he's not busy tormenting the poor girl in the same way an older brother might. He's also pretty adamant that she should live under the same roof as him and be treated just like another member of the family. Unfortunately for Nomi, his inability to stay out of trouble means he ends up in her care rather often and while he does enjoy having the chance to spend time with someone so dear to him, even if he's usually injured during it, it's resulted in previously ignored feelings for her being given plenty of time to strengthen. The kind of feelings he knows he shouldn't have and unsurprisingly, he doesn't know what to do about them.

Currently being worked on and updated!


The few he considers family.
Peace and quiet.
Swimming, bathing, showering and just about anything else you can do with water.
Places with sand, beaches especially.
Immersing himself within books.


Anyone or anything that poses a threat to his family and/or his attempts to settle down.
Feeling useless, regardless of whether or not it's actually the case.
People who are unintentionally stupid. Stop being dumb, damn it.
The cold. Definitely the cold.
The list goes on, really...


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): So many. Atleast ten, even. Maybe more.
Favorite Food: Whatever Kokomi cooks for him.
Favorite Drink: Orange juice
Favorite Color: Purple



Appearance Tropes

Relationship Tropes

Personality Tropes

Common Rumors (easily overheard)

  • "Little blonde guy? He doesn't leave the house much these days." - A resident of Mist's third ward.
  • "Oh, him? He sure likes visiting our dear doctor or having her visit him... No one gets injured that often, either." - A worker at the Moraby Drydocks.
  • "It's been forever since I've seen little Nomi, his mother tells me that he moved away from Ul'dah years ago." - An Ul'dahn bookworm.
  • "That little bastard's done a lot of freelancing for us, he has! Keeps refusing any offers to officially enlist though." - A sergeant of the Maelstrom.
  • "Him and his sister used to come here all the time for jobs, I hope the two of them ain't died... Been a few years since I've seen either of them." - A frequent patron of the Drowning Wench.

Moderate Rumors (not obvious)

Rare Rumors (discuss OOCly first)

PC Rumors

NOTE: You can add your own rumors!

  • "We're friends. I think. He's a pretty decent guy and I wouldn't let anyone hurt him." - Lydix Notki
  • bright smile "Nomi? Ah, yes, I do know him. I've only spoken with him a few times, but I already consider him a friend. Just astonishingly charming.'re not asking because he stole something from you, are you?" - Lucky Mewrilah
  • "I once saw Nomi battle a dragon single handedly, you know. Had a spear twice his length and jumped twice as high as the spires of Limsa Lominsa themselves. With the power of a comet, and the fierce glare of resolution, he pierced right through it's chromatic scales. The heavens parted afterwards, and a light shined down upon him. I think after that, he chugged a bottle of orange juice and proclaimed, 'He won't be dragon me down any more....' Truly an inspiration." - Xehn'a Hmyr
  • "He is very agreeable, truly. Ah-- charming, one might say, and trustworthy. When he talks, I just want to be quiet and listen." - Flora Valerian
  • "Don't be so naive. All of the praise he gets, yet none of it right. All of the redeeming qualities, conveniently forgotten and left behind. Why? Probably the same reason you would try to forget that horrible thing that happened to you when you were a child, or anything slightly disgusting. Life is disgusting, so are we. He is no different, and that is why I appreciate him in a better way than you could ever do." - Hooded Mist resident
  • "Mr. Nomi is... ah, where do I begin? He certainly has a mischievous side, but he also has a bunch of other sides. Like, ah, one of those pies where each slice is secretly a different pie, but you like them all so it ends up being something really special? Either way, I'm truly, really, very glad to have met him." - D'ranmaia Shenn
  • "I feel so comfortable sharing pretty much anything with Nomi. Even dark secrets I'd never share. He'll understand. And no, I will not tell you where he's hiding even if I knew. No matter what." - Arblis Ellhis
  • "He's but a harmless child with good intentions, but know that good intentions pave the way to the hells. You would do well not to forget that." - Nonotome Tototome.
  • "We share many things, him and me. Though, that's him and me. Not you and him, nor me and you, no. In other words; Not telling." - A recipient of consequence


If you happen to have a picture of Nomi you'd like to share, feel free to post them here!


If you have any screenshots of Nomi that you like, please add them here!

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