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::* <b>Blacktalon Vanguard</b> - { <i>Former Member</i> } Mercenary Free Company run by [[Kolhi'to Embhre]]. Left due to a lack of work and no personal feeling of being able to connect.
::* <b>Blacktalon Vanguard</b> - { <i>Former Member</i> } Mercenary Free Company run by [[Kolhi'to Embhre]]. Left due to a lack of work and no personal feeling of being able to connect.
::* <b>Free Wing Society</b> - { <i>Former Member</i> } Staffing Company run by [[Lilithium Altair]]. Worked as a jack of all trades. Left due to conflicting interests with the Free Company Leader.
::* <b>Free Wing Society</b> - { <i>Former Member</i> } Staffing Company run by [[Lilithium Altair]]. Worked as a jack of all trades. Left due to conflicting interests with the Free Company Leader.
::* <b>Tomial Order</b> - { <i>Current Member</i> } An Adventuring Company that aids the efforts in Mor Dhona run by [[Sabathius Kath'lani]] and [[Sukina Cassady]]. Was hired due to recommendation from [[Tenha'a Rendha]].
::* <b>Tomial Order</b> - { <i>Current Member</i> } An Adventuring Company that aids the efforts in Mor Dhona run by [[Sabathius Kath'Lani]] and [[Sukina Cassady]]. Was hired due to recommendation from [[Tenha'a Rendha]].

Revision as of 04:06, 11 September 2014

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Gridania-transparent.png T'shina Vashka
"I was always told to dream and one day, they will come true. I am finding that they are harder to come by."
Clan Leader of the Aurora
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Gridania
Age 20
Date of Birth 13th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Family T'vashka Nunh (Father), T'reehl Tia (Brother), T'rahz Vashka (Half-Sister)
Free Company Tomial Order
Character Blog http://www.tshinavashka.tumblr.com
Server Balmung
This character article or section of a character article is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?
T'shina Vashka {pronounced Tuh-shee-nah Vah-shh-kah} born of the Condor Tribe, sired of T'vashka Nunh and daughter to T'morah Grosta. The Clan Leader of the Aurora.

Physical Appearance


Height: ** fulms and ** ilms || Weight: Average || Age: Twenty Years

Hair Color: Black with white Highlights || Eye Color: Royal Blue || Skin Tone: Pale

By appearance, T'shina is easy to look over. Nothing about her screams that she is remarkable but quite average in a lot of things. Her appearance often not as well kept as most Miqo'te that can be found in the city. The young woman is a little shorter than average, often causing for her to be teased for her height and has caused a bit of a complex. Her stature can often be that of bent or slouched when she doesn't think eyes are on her but when she is conversing with someone she will straighten up and become more prominent in her stature. Her own dominance coming into play. Her skin is often pale but the longer she has been in the exposure of the desert sun the darker it has gotten to adjust to the climate. Along her cheekbones she has freckles that come out more the more she is exposed to the sun and along her shoulders, collarbone and hipbones there are a noticeable amount of the little peppered dots that give her skin a little more character. Along her cheeks there are a pair of stripes that nearly blend with her skin tone, natural from her heritage on her mother's side, the stripes also being found along her hips, two over the hip bones and barely noticed with the blending of tone. Her ears and tail are often quite expressive, particularly her ears as they are often in motion. Her tail can often be seen in a relaxed state unless annoyed or if she is seeking her own comforts.

Her face can be seen as round in appearance making her seem quite youthful and making her pouts seem even that more childish when she huffs and puffs. Her lips plush and full with a natural dark tone to them that accentuate each expression a little more because of their prominence in her features. Behind these full lips would be a set of fangs known to Miqo'te but due to her Seeker heritage they are not as pronounced as that of her moon walking cousins. Her eyes are large and almond shaped, with large irises and the signature slitted pupil that is the trademark of the Seeker clan. These eyes often hidden behind her bangs slightly but ever watching the things around her and doing her best to catch the little details so that she doesn't miss a thing. Along her nose there is a noticeable scar but mostly covering it is a henna tattoo that she has kept in place to mark herself as a hunter of the Condor tribe. Her eyebrows are thin and often furrowed due to her need to analyze everything around her, though often they are hidden behind her thick bangs. Her hair is cut short in the back to keep of her neck so she doesn't get too hot and long in the front and gathered up in hair clips so that it is easier to manage. Keeping the length makes her feel more effeminate. The color a deep coal and scattered through out being the natural white hairs that often is tipped.

With clothing, the girl doesn't often wear anything that could be considered nice. The nicest thing she owns would be the hempen tunic that she was mistaken for a dress but she wears anyway. Most of her clothing is worn out and some of it looks as if it has been patched up before. The color often prominent in her palette of colors being a dark red as it is her favorite. Her boots are well taken care of as she believes that a good pair of boots is all you need when you are traveling. Often she carries a knife but she always carries her shortbow with her, not feeling comfortable without a weapon of sorts. If she is ever without a weapon it is best to be assumed that she is paranoid and looking for one in nearby items.


  • Across her nose.
  • Along her left side there is a cut.
  • Her left shoulder has a puncture scar.


When first meeting her she can be seen as cold and stand offish. This is something that she has developed since she was young to protect herself emotionally after being emotionally abused in her youth. This often results in her coming off as closed off with how she stands and the way she looks at others. By watching them, studying them, and trying to predict their next action by her observations. All of this stemming from her distrust for others and how hard it is for her to do so.

Becoming on friendly terms however is not difficult and she will open up and speak quite willfully. She enjoys conversation and can usually talk about any given thing whether it turn into a debate or just continuous agreement. Her morals and all that she is often laid out before other easily when you do get her talking. However, just because she will talk does not mean she will give out all her secrets or the secrets of her friends. She is quite careful about important information and feels that most information about herself cannot be used against her. When you do get her to talk about more personal things she is starting to gain a small amount of trust for you and has then started to call you a friend but do keep in mind, that does not mean she trusts you. Not at all.

Trust is something that she doesn't give very willingly and only a few people have it. These people able to be counted on one hand though she does want to be able to rely on others and others on her. This is causing a distress in the girl as she does want to trust others but her own paranoia gets the better of her and she can easily find reasons to not trust someone. There are stages to knowing when you have gained any form of trust though.

The first step you will notice, should you be paying attention, is a thing she has about people touching her. Often if you are a stranger or someone that she has not had any interaction with, she does not like being touched. When you have become acquainted enough then things will become more just a shoulder bump, hip bump, shaking hands or a tentative hug. More trust will gain her touching you with her tail and maybe, just maybe, her letting you touch her ears. Though the ears are a thing that bothers her because she doesn't understand the fascination with them. When she has completely given her trust she actually will be a very touchy person. She likes to feel the contact of being around others and knowing that someone is there to watch out for her just as she is there to watch out for them.

On top of gaining her trust and allowing her to open up that stand offish shell seems to melt right off. She does her best to seem mature and level headed and in most cases she is. She's very passionate about many things and stubborn in her beliefs and feelings. But she will get excited fairly easily and not be afraid to show her little panics and insecurities (which there are many of). These small behaviors have gotten her called cute (which she will profusely deny that this exists). But overall she seems to be a more empathetic person once she has opened up.

Hobbies and Professions


Since she left her home, she took up Freelance work as well as Mercenary work. Learning from the best when it comes to rules and making sure you didn't get the short end of a deal. When it comes to work she will do just about anything, including the killing of others. However, she's never been caught and the worst she had done was kill an offender in some dark trades. She has her rules of not harming the innocent or children. To her women are not an exception because she is one herself. She's not above selling information for what she needs and has been known to trade in favors should she have to.

Treasure Hunter

Something she actually enjoys doing. Looking for rare things or something that could be really old and turn a profit. Or even going to "liberate" something that belongs elsewhere. These are the jobs that get her out in the world and she enjoys them more than any other job she's picked up.


When she was back with the Condor Tribe, she was deemed a hunter due to her skills with the bow. This is something that she has not lost touch with nor will she ever. She knows the way of tracking prey and when her prey has been killed she also knows the different ways to kill, clean, and use the different parts of the body as she was taught to use all that she can to respect the death of the animal.


Tracking is something that comes naturally to her. She can read tracks and judge by the distance how fast someone or something was moving. She can catch the scent of most things and find the lingering traces to follow what she needs. She knows how to look for invisible tracks by checking the grass to see if it has been bent and should there be anything breaking. This is a natural skill for her from just her playing in the forest as a child.


It was customary for every member of her tribe to take up a useful skill and the one that she took to quite well was leatherworking. She likes the feel of the leather and turning something that once protected another animal into something that can protect or cloth others. She often makes her own clothing with this skill and it is known that just because she is good with leather does not mean she is good with fabric.

Family and Friends


  • T'morah Grosta - { Mother; Familial ) The closest to her in her family. Her mother and her caregiver. Shina is Morah's only living daughter having had several still births before hand, many believing she'd never be able to properly conceive but the Seers of the clan gave her hope. When Shina was born, Morah was declared sterile and was no longer used for breeding purposes but due to the "defective" nature of her daughter she was treated poorly. On top of her own mistreatment, the two remained always there for one another and it was hardest for Shina to leave her mother behind when she had left the tribe, knowing she'd be lonely but her mother always remained supportive and strong and forever will Shina believe that Morah is the strongest of the tribe having such a strong and kind heart.
  • T'rahz Vashka - { Half-Sister; Friendly } Older sister. Though most were her sister, T'vashka was her sire as well. They held a somewhat close relationship when Shina was a child, often being protected by the older sister when things got rough. However, when Shina was starting to come into everything after her illness was taken from her, T'rahz was taken by a Nunh of the Couerl clan and she hadn't seen her until she got older. They crossed paths briefly to find that T'rahz had been released and was looking to see all of Eorzea before settling down.
  • T'reehl Tia - { Brother; Familial } Her closest companion growing up and one of the few people she trusts fully. They went through much of the same treatment as children and thus had bonded quickly. Often the two found the world around them fascinating, going on late night Moogle hunts when the other heard trumpets or chasing down imaginary creatures when the others their age wouldn't play with them. Together they were able to keep each other's spirits up and it was together that they left their tribe to find their happiness. They traveled much together until recently when their paths seem to have split in different directions.
  • T'vashka Nunh - { Father; Friendly } A man to be admired and with wisdom beyond his years. He turned much of the tribe around during his time as Nunh and has been contested only a few times. Often he took time to spend with T'shina and teach her things that others would not. Many believed he took pity on her but he knew there were greatness in her future. It was because of this that he was the one who had made the deal with Cyril Locke to get the surgery that Shina needed. It was he who pushed her to find more for herself, knowing that she would never truly feel comfortable within the tribe nor be happy. However, he wanted to hear her stories of her travels and know what she is doing so he asks that she does visit. The one thing he has always told her was to follow her dreams and "Do what makes you happy."


  • Adokenai Kodomo - { Friend; Friendly } A young Lalafel boy that she's grown quite fond of. One of the few people that didn't take too long for her to allow to touch her considering their second meeting he fell asleep in her arms. She tries to teach Ado all the things in the world that she can when she can so that he'll be alright. Happy to take him out and about in the world and even gave him a wooden sword to play with. Boys will be boys after all.
  • Aeirra Embrhe - { Acquaintance; Friendly } Dash. A person that she finds amusing and easy to get along with. However, she's flighty and so they haven't been able to make a connection. But the little Dragoon has made an impression on her.
  • A'kari Nenah - { Acquaintance; Friendly } A girl she met through Toff. She claims herself to be eleven and three quarters. She's quite happy look after the young girl but due to the girl's love of freedom she has left her alone to do her own until she should need her.
  • Althena Locke (Silverstar) - { Friend; Familial } The two met when she was seven. Her father being the one who had actually gotten T'shina the surgery she needed. During her recovery, Althena was a big part of her life as she would tell her stories and help her with her rehabilitation. As she got older, Althena has been there to make sure she is never without. T'shina has been known to visit her weekly just to check up on her.
  • An'zero Tia - { Friend; Friendly } At first she was uncomfortable around Zero with his quick compliments and light flirting but she has grown accustomed to him. She has brought him into her tribe since he agrees with many of her views in clan life and customs. She has been working on his stubborn and dominant attitude toward her and is prone to hitting him but it is because she cares.
  • Aya Foxheart - { Friend; Friendly } A waitress at the Quicksand. T'shina finds her to be quite friendly and often feels the want to keep an eye out for her. So, Shina finds this person to be quite pleasant to be around. There are times when she goes to the Quicksand just to be able to watch her work and observe how well she does with people. But lately she's been growing the want to get to know her a little better than the waitress at her favorite tavern.
  • Cain Lear - { Friend; Friendly } The first Roegydn that she decided to call friend. They don't get to talk often but they get along quite well.
  • Chika Ito - { Friend; Friendly } A woman that T'shina connected with very well and quickly. The concern and care that the woman takes in the things she does and the friendly manner she does it in drew her in. It was the stern way she holds herself and the genuine way that she is that has kept Shina there.
  • Cyril Locke - { Employer; Friend; Familial } Often referred to as Mister Locke, he is the one that she goes to often for work that is mostly exploratory. When it comes to items she's not sure what they are, she takes them to her. This is her go to guy.
  • Cy'xanne Nunh { Acquaintance; Friendly } A Miqo'te she met who carries her same ideas and can gather others but not sure on the execution. She finds herself wanting to become immersed in the ideas and take him along with her but when she realized he wanted to start a clan of his own her faith diminished. She remains weary of the friendly Nunh for now with warning to see where he would go with his ideas.
  • Dante Abigor - { Acquaintance; Neutral } They met when he asked if she was open to work and after a sit down they have established a working relationship. However, she is still unsure of him.
  • Gunnolf Hellfire (Pup) - { Acquaintance; Friendly } A blind Lalafel ex pirate who ran into her quite literally. Though she sees a lot of wisdom in him and finds him enjoyable to be around.
  • H'allibi Bamu - { Acquaintance; Neutral } She met her at random and found her to be rather enthusiastic, however with the offer of work and hearing something of an arena, her interest was peaked enough to garner interest.
  • Jeanne Bealieu - { Acquaintance; Neutral } An Elezen emissary that T'shina met at the Quicksand all because she looked as bored as the other.
  • Jijiko Ririko - { Friend; Familial; Annoyed } The brother of Althena, he had helped during T'shina's recovery as well. The Lalafel was very good for her confidence in her youth. However as of late he's been grinding her nerves when it comes to the respect of nature and life where his views completely contradict her own.
  • Kagewoe Erasus - { Acquaintance; Neutral } She had done only one job with this person and found he will make a profit on what it is they are doing. He seems to be quite laid back to her but she has yet to figure him out.
  • Kal Numara - { Friend; Friendly } She knows that she likes a good drink and a good time. Which, Shina finds so strange with her carefree attitude but that might be the pirate mentality. Shina finds comfort in her outward approach to life and the way that anything can be a good laugh.
  • Kaohastraal Aeseroix - { Friend; Friendly } She isn't sure why she connected so easily with the outgoing Roegydn but she did and often finds his stories entertaining. However, with him taking residence in the Mists as of late she hasn't seen him since she is not comfortable being in the area. He is full of surprises and keeps her on her toes, quite literally! She does like to sit and listen to his stories and she will stand by that he tells some of the best.
  • Kolhi'to Embhre - { Former Employer; Neutral } A Keeper Miqo'te that she respects but has not forged any lasting relationship with.
  • Lambert Arkwright - { Acquaintance; Weary } A person that she is uncomfortable with due to the random large amount of gil he had given her. Since their meeting and him finding out she was a mercenary. After some time she found out he was down on his luck and taking the gil that she had put away she returned to him so that he could try and get back on his feet.
  • Leon Maxwell - { Friend; Neutral } A Midlander teenager that she finds amusing to make turn red since it is so easy. She respects him since he can hold his own and enjoys his company. However, she hasn't seen much of him as of late and wonders if he is alright.
  • Liandri Mei - { Acquaintance; Dislike } She has met this woman a few times and after knowledge of how she has hurt her close friend and seeing how she treats him, she has come to an agreement that she is not someone she will like.
  • Lilithium Altair - { Acquaintance; Neutral } A woman that she wants to be friends with but there always seems to be something that gets in the way. However, she has given up when the promise that Lilithium made that could have saved their friendship was broken. She does not trust the woman and probably never will at this point.
  • Maeryn Albright - { Acquaintance; Friendly } A Midlander that seems to have big dreams and thus she finds her to be interesting.
  • Matthias Silverstar - { Employer; Friendly } The husband of Althena, she has gotten work from him a couple of times. She finds his antics amusing. Often she can get work from him and will do as he says without a second thought unless she figures he's kidding with her.
  • Mouse Wytchwood - { Acquaintance; Neutral } A young girl who has a lot of secrets about her that Shina can guess just by observing. She has not seen much of Mouse at all and does not worry much on it.
  • Ninifae Nira - { Acquaintance; Neutral } Uncertain of. She is an employer of sorts and she finds the Lalafels intentions to be good however.
  • Nymira Valeroyant - {Acquaintance; Neutral } A friend of Chika's that she saw briefly and was introduced to. She is assured she is a kind and warm individual but she got to see the woman unleash a fiery temper on another.
  • Rock Shattermountain - { Friend; Friendly } A friendly highlander/Roegydn that she finds to just be enjoyable to listen to. His sense of being kind to everyone sticks with her so she enjoys his out there personality. She is prone to running into him and has found that she is comfortable enough to tease him.
  • Sarial Hawke - { Friend; Friendly } Someone that Shina had met through Lilithium and the first woman to ever flirt with her intentionally. She was surprised by this but does enjoy speaking with Sarial. It was through her she found out about a former friend's lie causing distrust.
  • Saya Kainda - { Acquaintance; Neutral } Her impression of Saya is an interesting one. She finds the quiet girl to be interesting due to how new the world seems to be to her. So, she wants to show her the changes of the world. However, she hasn't seen her since Shina had taken leave of the Vanguard.
  • Tahlin'a Wolhen - { Acquaintance; Neutral } An enthusiastic Miqo'te that she thought would do well with mercenary work. She finds him to be pleasant to be around. However, since she left the Vanguard she hasn't seen him.
  • Tenha'a Rendha - { Mate; Close Friend; Trusted } A man she has known for a long time and forged a long lasting friendship with. They had worked together many times which in turn had solidified their trust together. After some time those things developed into more and Shina had fallen for the storyteller. Often she finds herself doubting that he cares for her since he has shown no outward affection towards her and will talk herself into the idea that he's there only because of his loyalty despite knowing that it isn't true.
  • Toff Vaughnn - { Friend; Friendly } He can be a grumpy Miqo'te but he gets excited and she finds that she can easily get excited along with him. They have a same respect for nature and she respects him for it. She finds it easy to tease him and is comfortable around him.
  • Togy Brandmakt - { Acquaintance; Unsure } A crazy Highlander that she's not even sure what to think of.
  • U'zhan Tia - { Close Friend; Friendly } A person she met at random and they agreed on a lot of the same ideas and forged a quick friendship. She thinks often of her friend and worries often if he is alright. He is a member of her tribe and trusts him with more than she believes she should since his late absence.
  • Y'akari Tia - { Acquaintance; Neutral } The two started talking at one point and were quite happy to show their pride for their heritage.
  • Zuka Eclairon - { Acquaintance; Friendly } A treasure hunter that she finds to be quite friendly and enjoyable to talk to. Is part of her treasure hunting team.


Free Companies

  • Blacktalon Vanguard - { Former Member } Mercenary Free Company run by Kolhi'to Embhre. Left due to a lack of work and no personal feeling of being able to connect.
  • Free Wing Society - { Former Member } Staffing Company run by Lilithium Altair. Worked as a jack of all trades. Left due to conflicting interests with the Free Company Leader.
  • Tomial Order - { Current Member } An Adventuring Company that aids the efforts in Mor Dhona run by Sabathius Kath'Lani and Sukina Cassady. Was hired due to recommendation from Tenha'a Rendha.


  • The Aurora - { IC } The communication Linkpearl for her clan. She personally gives them out to people she finds trusted enough.
  • Friends OOC - { OOC } Linkshell between friends.
  • Sun and Moon OOC - { OOC } Linkshell dedicated to those interested in Mix Clan RP.
  • Friends of Momodi - { OOC/ IC? } Ul'dah RPers.
  • Circle of Malice - { IC } Linkpearl to keep contact with Sitting Ox.

Other Information


  • Fruit (oranges are the favorite)
  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Rain
  • Rivers


  • Arrogance
  • Womanizers
  • Those who don't deserve what they have
  • Smell of alcohol
  • The Ocean
  • Leviathan (reason for dislike of the ocean)


  • Marksmanship
  • Singing
  • Dancing


  • Determination
  • Empathy
  • Stubborn
  • Protective
  • Humble


  • Empathy
  • Stubborn
  • Low Self Esteem
  • Over Analytic

Medical Conditions

  • Had a previous brain tumor that had affected her coordination and eye sight as a child. Has since been removed successfully.
  • Has a heightened sense of smell due to the distorted eyesight as a child, body making up for the downfall. It is now something that makes it difficult for her to be in certain situations. (Cannot be around a Malboro. Period.)
  • Is prone to frequent headaches, particularly when under stress or under heightened negative emotions.

Personal Items

  • Shortbow - The bow that she is often seen carrying.
  • Longbow - Can be found carrying this bow however it is often with her things with her couerl.
  • Short Stories - And old book that she has among her possessions. And old worn out children's book.

Rumors/ Thoughts

((Anything your character thinks and would like to put out there? Place here!))

  • "She is one of the most welcome sights I ever see at the Quick Sand." -Aya Foxheart
  • "Such a sweetling! A bit firey with a certain shyness around that is mixed with caution, I wouldn't trade her for anyone in the world." -Lilithium Altair

The Aurora

The Aurora is a tribe based off of mixed traditions in the evolving world of Eorzea and the need to move with the times as well as preserving old traditions that give the Miqo'te their culture. Keeping to the traditional value of having a tribe to build community and give safety to the members of the tribe and to give a sense of comfort. Mixing both Seeker and Keeper traditions of having ceremonies, gathering and having a sense of order to further create a growing atmosphere for the future of Miqo'te and their life connected with the city but remembering and continuing to celebrate their roots as more tribal beings. In the Aurora there are no Matriarchs or Nunhs. There is no superiority of females as there are in Keepers and there are no exclusive breeding rights as there are in Seekers. Everyone is equal and all have a right to choose.

The Clan

  • T'shina Vashka - [Leader]
  • An'zero Tia - [Clan Member]
  • Tenha'a Rendha - [Clan Member]
  • U'zhan Tia - [Clan Member]


These are the current ranks. Subject to change.

  • Leader - No proper title has been given just yet, just leader. The one who looks after the others and mediates. The one who gives the direction that clan should go in.
  • Council - Highly believed that when many are involved, no one person should lead. When numbers grow those of the Council will be appointed to help dictate how to take care of the others.
  • Mentor - Any who find themselves deemed a Mentor were at one time or another a rank before and seen good enough at what they do that they teach others how to be better at it. There is usually only one Mentor in a specific skill at a time, never more.
  • Protector - Those who are mostly trained in martial skills are considered the Protectors of the clan and will come to the aid of any who are in trouble (which is the obligation of any member of the Aurora but more so those who are given this title).
  • Provider - There are many who fall into this category. They are those who bring something to the clan to further keep them healthy. In most cases it is often those who gather food (for those who are unable to care for themselves or should we just grow large as a whole), hunt, and/or make weaponry or clothing. Though this is for all to participate in, they are those who are responsible for it.
  • Healer - There are not many gifted with this art but those who are well taken care of due to how hard it is to find someone who is gifted with the talent of healing and caring for others.
  • Clan Member - Those who are a member are those who haven't found their role within the clan but have passed their Rite of Passage.
  • Initiate - Those who have been brought into the fold and testing the waters.


There are many traditions that will come to shape the Aurora as things go on. Many traditions going with most Miqo'te practices (such as ceremonies for the coming of age, finding your place in the clan, birthing, life mates, etc.) These traditions being adjusted to fit more to the new standards of living in the city but keeping to that of the Tribal ways of Seeker and Keeper Society.

Changes In Life Ceremonies
  • Coming of Age/ Initiation Rite - At the age of sixteen and/or when a new member of the tribe joins, they will go through their initiation. The first part is fairly quiet as the Leader and/or Council member will give the Initiate a choice between a spear or a bow and give them a single knife. This is their weapon that will help them. They are given a day's worth of supplies and are sent into the depths of the Shroud/ Thanalan/ La Noscea to learn to survive. They are left there for three days and must fend for themselves without going to the towns. On the third day they meet with the Leader and/or Council member to be received back to the clan. A celebration is then scheduled for their return and there is a feast. The Initiate is then named a member of the clan and painted with black by the Leader. A prayer will be said to Azyema and Menphina as they are the sister goddesses of the Miqo'te.
  • Rite of Passage - For each rank it is different in execution but generally the same. When one of the clan decides their path for the clan then they will go through a trial for that particular path. Once they have completed their trial they will make their vows before the clan and the Leader or Council member who is in charge of their path will paint their face with the respected color of their path. A feast is then held in their honor.
    • Protector - They will go through a trial of combat to find where their skills lie. They are painted in red.
    • Providor - They will go through a trial that involves identifying what is edible and the respects of nature. They are painted in green.
    • Healer - They will go through a trial of medical which involves learning their knowledge in healing in both magical and/or physical means. They are painted in blue.
  • Rite of Ascension - There are two types of this ritual but they end in the same manner. The first part is fairly priviate as they come before the Council and Leader to give their vows. A mentor is often tested and the council must be tested by other mentors in their field. Once they have passed their test they are presented before the clan already dressed in their colors and make their vows to the clan as well. A feast and celebration are often accompanied by the ceremony.
  • Lifebinding Ritual - It all starts with attraction but courtship in marriage is handled differently. As most know, the world has changed and many date and take time in choosing their life mate. However, traditions should be upheld when a mate is finally chosen in the more permanent manner. It usually starts with the male or should it be two women or two men, one will step forward to the other. They will present a gift but it is usually not jewelry but a token of affection that shows their own skill that they are able to care for the other. Traditionally, a woman will accept the gift and should she agree to the marriage she will make a gift in return, often to depict that she can take care of the home. Often it is a piece of embroidery. However, this gift can be whatever is suited. When a gift is returned then it shows an acceptance and they will announce to the Council of their decision. In old traditions they would be presented by the leaders of the clan and that would be done. However, the Aurora have adapted the tradition to constitute more city like traditions of a marriage ceremony where the pair will dress nicely and say their vows before the clan and friends. This is one of the few celebrations that will include those outside of the clan. After the ceremony their will be a celebration with singing, dancing, drink and food. After the celebration it is expected that the couple to disappear for a few days.
  • Coming of Life - When a life is to come to the clan it is a cause for celebration in itself. New life is something to always celebrate no matter the circumstances. Those who are healers and are versed in the care of children will often meet with the mother and/or father regularly to make sure that both are mentally sound and that the mother is remaining healthy. Raising a child is something done by the clan but primarily by the mother and so all must be prepared. There is a day of quiet on the day of the birth to give the mother a chance to relax and often keep stresses from her so that she can bond with her newborn. Once the child is two weeks old they are presented to the clan and there is a more humble celebration. The chlid is marked with a black dot at their forehead to signify that they are accepted among the clan.
  • Time of Mourning - When a death comes to the clan it is a tragic thing but even in death there is a reason to celebrate the life that the person had once lived. The body is often dressed in something nice that represents who they were and laid upon a pyre as prayers and time is taken to say good bye to the mortal form. The immediate family or those chosen will set fire to the pyre and there will be a time of silence until the flames die down. Soon after the clan with gather together and give a time of rememberance and sing, drink, and eat to the one who has fallen and share tales of their memories.

Change of the Seasons