Nahare Mergrey

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(This page is always being updated! Last update: 1/03/2015)
"If tha shoe fits, ye bettah lace that bitch up an' wear it!" - Nahare
Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Nahare Mergrey
The Duplicitous Dame
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsan
Server Balmung
Place of Birth Limsa Lominsa
Nameday 8th day, Sixth Umbral Moon
Age 26
Marital Status It's Complicated
Occupation Mercenary

Nahare Mergrey (née Rahz)

Nahare (pronounced Na-hah-ray) is a descendant of the Lynx tribe that reside within the Sagolii desert. Her parents, X'Rahz Tia and X'Ahlia Mahsa, grew despondent with tribal life and hoisted their belongings to Limsa for a new start together. Even though they are no longer tribesmen, they still adhered to the naming convention for their daughter. However, Nahare detests Seeker tradition, and conveniently drops the Lynx portion from her name when introducing herself. Only those close to her know where her roots lie. A few nicknames she will respond to are Nah-Nah, Naha, and Oba-san.

Two years after their move to Limsa, Rahz and Ahlia welcomed Nahare into the family. Rowdy from the get go, she never did learn the words "slow down." At the tender age of ten was when her chaotic streak started as she had become notorious for petty thieving, excessive white lie spewing, and in general letting rules go through one ear and out the other. Her parents had high hopes that their little girl was merely going through a "phase" and would settle down as she aged.

Except she didn't. The aforementioned traits expanded and turned into a duplicitous and above-the-law attitude. Full blown lies, dirty fighting, thieving on a much larger scale, kidnapping, sabotage, espionage, and even on one account, murder. Nahare had grown accustomed to using any means necessary to ensure success in her goals, even if it meant hurting others in the process to get to it. A philosophy of hers is, "If it amuses me, or provides me with some type of self gain, then why not?"

Her behavior molded itself into a type of bipolar, sociopathic frame of mind. Mentally unhinged, a loose cannon. She had garnered the attentions of the seedier people that prowled along Limsa's taverns and alleyways, and seeing that the kit was willing to throw caution to the wind for the highest bidder, she found herself as a sought after asset. After a few successful jobs and a heavy coin purse, Nahare enlisted herself as a full time mercenary and such has been her way of life since.

Despite the warped path she has chosen to walk, there is still a sense of love and loyalty to those whom have earned it. Her circle of close friends and allies is small, the one concerning her family even smaller. Nahare doesn't trust easy and won't hesitate to keep someone at arm's length for an extended period of time until she feels like they've proven themselves. All it takes is one person to send everything you cherish into disarray. Then again, once you've managed to breach her defenses, you'd find a woman who protects and cares for those dear to her with every fiber of her being.


Height: 5 fulm and 4 ilms

Weight: 130 ponze

Complexion: Latte, scattered freckles

Hair: Maroon

Eyes: Bright gold

Particular Traits: Three claw shaped scars are visible on the left side of her face; they run from the top of her cheekbone down to the corner of her mouth. The name "Ki" is scarred onto the front of her left shoulder. A large burn scar rests on the outside of her right thigh. She is never seen without her bomb earring, and if someone were to try to take it, she'd quickly lose her temper.

Voice: When speaking normally, her voice takes on a gravelly and husky tone. Although, should you spark her anger, rolled r's and hissed s's become prominent. This is accompanied by a Limsan (Irish) accent.

Clothing Style: Typical Limsan-styled attire for casual wear, though she's been known to 'clean up nice' for formal events. In terms of armor, she can be seen wearing various styles of cloth, leather, and chainmail. She prefers to keep herself light weight, with ease of movement, so as to not hinder her reaction times during fights.

Laterality: Ambidextrous


  • Color: Wine Red
  • Food: Rabbit Pie
  • Drink: Dark Rum, Pineapple juice
  • Scent: Sea air, Jasmine
  • Place: Costa Del Sol


  • To make a name for herself as a famous, or maybe infamous, mercenary
  • Mastering the arts of Pugilism and Machinistry


She wasn't particularly religious in the beginning, but recent times have found her calling upon Llymlaen more than usual.


Chaotic Neutral



  • Can drink like a fish, be it booze or juice
  • Has a short temper
  • Stubborn to a fault


  • Losing family
  • Being injured to the point she can no longer work, no work means no gil
  • Cactuar, she had one shoot needles in her face when she was a kit
  • Extreme heights


  • Has an exceptional sense of smell, she is able to track and hunt people with ease
  • Is known for her dirty and underhanded methods of brawling
  • Shooting people's kneecaps, earning her the nickname "Cap'n Knees."


  • She's able to read, write, and perform basic arithmetic, but by no means is a prodigy. There are times where things can, and will, fly right over her head.


Romance Attraction Friendly Neutral Business Unsure Poor Standing Enemies Deceased


Nazyl Tharazyl - Hunter of the Void; The Onion
The utmost admiration, respect, and sibling love is held for this Lalafell. She has known Nazyl since her days under contract beneath a different Free Company. His warm demeanor, practical way of thinking, and tenacity in never giving up on your dreams has benefited her many a time in the past. He was also present during a very fragile point in her life, serving as a guard and ensuring her needs were being met while she recovered. All of this has lead her to view him akin to a brother and she looks up to him as such. She is rather protective of Nazyl and wouldn't even think twice of charging into battle alongside him.
Flynt Reddard - Sky Master of the Rising Claws; The Hyena
Another man she knows from previous contract days. Her and Flynt often bicker in a rather tense love-hate relationship, emphasis on the hate. They may hiss, spit, mock, and shoot at each other on a near daily basis, but Nahare has seen him display a fleeting kindness where as most others have not.
Vyse Gilder - Sky Master of the Rising Claws; Seiryu
This young man's lust and enthusiasm for life is damn near infectious. Nahare can't help but smile when she's around him and is happy to call him little brother. His innocence often offers her a different perspective on situations through a teenager's eyes, something she lacks when her mind is wracked with bitter realism. They have learned much from each other, and do their best to maintain their bond over stories and their love of fruit juice.
Shirono Usagima - Sworn Wolf of the Rising Claws; Shadow Walker
Nahare used to be unsettled by Shirono as she had the uncanny talent of literally appearing everywhere the Claws went, stepping straight from the shadows. However, over a period of time, she's proven herself to be a formidable healer and combatant of Doman techniques. Eccentric, methodical, and oft times quiet would be words used to describe her. Now a Claws member herself, Nahare looks upon Shirono with a smile on her lips.
Yvain Dulimont - Sworn Gryphon of the Rising Claws; The Noble
A Temple Knight of Ishgard. Nahare was leery of Yvain at first, concerned that he would present forth a holier-than-thou attitude towards the Claws. He proved her wrong, though, showing a benevolent smile and just as benevolent mannerisms. His main proficiency lies with that of a spear, of which she's been able to witness firsthand alongside him in battle. She hopes her growing sense of respect for the Elezen will hold as she learns more about him.
Julius Bennett - Shield Bearer of the Charlemagne Knights; The Beacon of Light
A Hyur with diligent work ethic and a noble mindset, he and Nahare are close friends. He possesses a gentle and diplomatic nature that has proven to be a breath of fresh air amongst the chaos she is used to. Julius was the second person to serve as a guard alongside Nazyl during her period of recovery. She trusts this man with her very life and often seeks him out when she falters putting her troubles into words. He is a stalwart man through and through, holding the frontlines with a zeal that even the most seasoned of veterans would be envious of. Their unspoken affection for each other has been brought to light, leaving a very "star-crossed lovers" feeling between them.
Memith Ganajai - Leader of the Hivemind; Little Spitfire
Such a turbulent relationship. Memith used to be a member of the Claws, during which they called each other sisters. Nahare watched the young woman like a hawk, having deemed Memith as her ward. Unfortunately, tensions arose at one point between the Claws and Hivemind, resulting in Memith's expulsion from the Free Company. It pained Nahare to look at her former crew mate as an enemy. Over a few moons they would butt heads, fighting against each other relentlessly. Both of them were stubborn to a fault and never backed down until forced to. Thankfully, the civil war has ended, and the two are able to call each other sisters once more as they work on repairing the bridge that was broken.
Jenivieve Ravendale - Ward of the Rising Claws; The Enlightened
Wielding a quick wit and dry sense of humor, Nahare likes spending time with this woman. She has a knack for information brokering, with eyes and ears in places you'd least expect. If you want to know something, Jen is your go to gal. It's this talent combined with her skills of Thaumaturgy that make her a rather valuable asset one would be stupid to let go of. It got awkward between them for a little bit, no thanks to Flynt, but they've since been able to move past what happened and are able to coexist peacefully.
Wiegraf Westmoore - Ward of the Rising Claws; Young Blood
The newest member of the Claws and one that is quickly proving himself to be a man of his word. Though he may seem like he's primarily driven by gil, numerous times over has he shown a caring side for those he works alongside with. Nahare respects Wiegraf and hopes to see big accomplishments come of him one day.
Vinzer Reddard - Ward of the Rising Claws; The Blowhard
The Claw's newest engineer and Flynt's younger brother. Nahare nearly had heart failure when she learned a second Reddard existed. One of them was enough. Still, she tested his worth in a spar. Though his boisterous words and attitude may annoy the hells out of her, he did prove himself a rather competent foe, having given her a run for her money and nearly winning. So he was good with his fists and feet, but his fluidity with the wrench has yet to be seen, leaving Nahare curious to see if he can pull his weight.
Osric Melkire - Ward of the Dauntless; Bearer of Bad News
Known to Nahare as "Beardy", Melkire is a long time friend of Ki's through many moons of ups and downs. A man that's straight to the point, he wasted little time in bringing to light a common enemy. Now equipped with a new ally and further knowledge, the trio descend further down the rabbit hole.
Sasazi Sazi - Ward of the Dauntless; The Shy One
Also known as "Little Lady". Sazi is rather bashful, often times stuttering. These two girls have protected each other through some rough times and Nahare most certainly plans on continuing to do so. She's grown rather fond Sazi, lofting a brow the minute someone or something starts to bother her.
Siha Xinkei - Ward of the Dauntless; The Nurturing
A most unexpected friend and ally. Siha is the mothering type, ensuring her family and friends are well fed, with peace of mind, and staying out of trouble. She's a notable healer with knowledge on various magicks, as well. Nahare was afraid Siha would reject her the minute she'd find something amiss, but instead offered a shoulder to cry on and arms to be held in. She's quickly gaining Nahare's trust after showing her that it's okay to open up to people even if there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel or a silver lining to look for.
Delial Grimsong - Kinslayer; The Quick Witted
A woman particularly skilled with wordplay, Nahare quickly took a liking to her when her mate introduced them to each other. Not much is known of Delial, only that she's maintained a strong sense of will after having been made to suffer through her little brother's shenanigans. Nahare is eternally appreciative of the help she offered in ensuring Askier was healed from a particularly dangerous ailment and is happy in knowing she can call upon her in the future should she need to.


Askier Mergrey (✖ ?) - The Loose Cannon; Cerberus
The Twelve hold a twisted sense of humor with this couple. Enemies from the start, they wanted nothing more than to spill each other's blood due to them having been former pawns amidst a heated civil war. What was supposed to be "harmless spying" one day turned into a violent brawl. Instead of panicking, Nahare goaded him further in a fit of maniacal laughter. This sparked a flame of interest as the two realized they potentially shared the same deranged tendencies. The civil war was eventually resolved and they then experienced the joy of having to "play nice". Awkward tension developed into genuine interest and genuine interest further molded itself as passionate affection. As of late, it seems that Askier has gone missing, causing Nahare a good deal of heartache and worry. "Where did ye go, sweet'eart? Are ye safe? Do ye think 'o me often? Please... Come home..."
Nataru Rahz - Treasure Hunter; The Ambitious
The eldest of the Rahz sisters and one of the few that keep Nahare in line. They have a very strained relationship with their parents, and as such, cling to each other so they do not meet the same fate. Where one sister goes, the other is sure to follow, or isn't too far behind. Nahare adores and looks up to Nataru, doing anything within her power to ensure her safety and wellbeing. Nataru is known for her mean left hook, as well as her rib crushing kicks, and earns a living as an ambitious seeker of hidden shinies.
Orenji Kharn - Sky Captain of the Rising Claws; Oi-San
Nahare's non-biological nephew and former employer. At first she didn't believe his absurd claim of their loose familial relation and how he came to know of her, but the young man provided her with evidence too rich in history for her to dismiss. They didn't always see eye to eye, and they're not as close as they used to be, but for a while she did her best to be there for him during times of need. They've since become estranged, however she wishes him and his crew clear skies and safe travels on their endeavors.
Mikh'a Korofi - Current Employer; The Voice of Reason
Askier and Nahare's son, though her stepson. Mikh'a works around the Dauntless as one of their healers and tinkerers of all things technology. He can be skittish in nature and is frail of body, but his sharp mind and big heart certainly gets his point across when it needs to be made. At first she thought he hated her, though after both of them worked through some miscommunication, she was relieved and ecstatic to find out he actually loves her and looks upon her as family. Nahare has made a silent promise to guard Mikh'a's life like she does the rest of her family's, her mind set on attempting to show him that she can be a good mother.
Qubh'li Kharn - Crimson Devil; Master of Honeyed Words
Former mate. Their relationship was... interesting, to say the least. He effectively crawled into her mind and wove a dark web, leaving behind deeply rooted psychological impacts still felt to this day. Qubh'li didn't truly love her, he loved Nahare's aggression and twisted mind. He played her like a marionette doll, effortlessly plucking at her strings as he attempted to shape her into a likeness of his image. Some of his last words to her before his disappearance reverberate through her ears like a broken record. "You're /my/ monster, darling. And we'll burn in the Seven Hells together one day." Despite shattering her heart and mind, she laments his presence, and maintains a soft spot for him in her heart.
Jin'li Epinoch - Puppet Master; The Damned
Insufferable. Little. Shite. She loathes to think of him as her brother-in-law. This man has crossed one line too many, so much so to the point that Nahare no longer bothers with self restraint and will attack as soon as the opportunity presents itself. His death will be her sick pleasure.


Tengri Geneq and Sarangerel Geneq - Current Employer; Dubious Duo
Two Xaela Au Ra that have contracted her mate for a very particular mercenary job. Nahare doesn't trust them as far as she can throw them (which isn't far at all). She's reluctantly agreed to help, if only to get the job done faster so they no longer have to be in their presence.
Mask of the Seven Horrors Hidden in Nald'thal's Mists - Patron of the Dead; The Creeper
An associate of Ki's. Nahare does not like this mysterious Miqo'te. At all. She's only met him once, but it was enough to imprint a sense of dread within her. The less she sees of him, the better, but deep down Nahare can't help but feel that may be wishful thinking.
N'thala Mystholm - Head Elder of the Orochi Clan; The Serpent
A threat to Sayuri no longer, she now hunts this man for a different reason, that being to pit herself against him in contest of battle prowess. His smug attitude both infuriates and intrigues her.
Mayu Cloudwalker - Ward of the Gilded Rose; Weaver of Spells
A soft spoken, and kind hearted, Raen Au Ri. Nahare had the pleasure of competing against her in a fighting tournament. Mayu made short work of their spar, dextrous fingers landing swift incantations with deadly precision. Since then, Nahare has made it a point to talk to the young woman whenever she sees her, finding their association most welcome and mind opening at the same time.
Blazerro Draken - Ward of the Gilded Rose; The Peacekeeper
One who cares deeply for his friends, Blaze has helped Nahare and her family a few times when it boiled down to self defense and medical attention. Though she doesn't see him often, Nahare enjoys their conversations and appreciates his sunny disposition. Along with healing, he's also a remarkable lancer, having shown Nahare and the contestants of Grindstone a thing or two.
Togy Brandmakt - Leader of the Masks; The Dodo
Best described as an enigma, Togy attempted to recruit Nahare within his fold of cloak and dagger assassins. Though she ignored the offer, her reply was loud and clear when she used his wish for a spar against him to steal an item needed for a job. He constantly reminds her of "the debt" she has to pay. She laughs it off, equating Togy to a puffed up bird trying to dazzle her with his feathers, though she thinks him full of shite in the process.
R'elend Tia - Brass Blade; Uncouth Degenerate
There is no love lost between R'elend and Nahare. She puts forth little effort in covering up her disdain for this pitiful excuse for a Miqo'te and most certainly doesn't regret shooting at him. His comments laced with vitriol and salaciousness have left a less than stellar impression upon her.


  • The Dauntless - Combat Division
  • Rising Claws - Retired, former Talon Sworn

Music Themes

Player Rumors

  • "I heard she tried on my jacket once, then ran around my room doing flips and digging in my sofa for treasure. I guess she was pretending to be me?" - Nataru Rahz
  • "She's a pair of horns and a speech impediment away from becoming a demon herself!" - Flynt Reddard
  • "Being quick on your feet runs in the family. So does insanity, hard-to-believe smiles, and a penchant for juice." - Orenji Kharn
  • "We're both broken and dangerous. Technically, we should be too feral to work. And yet, somehow, happily, we're mates." - Askier Mergrey
  • "A great lass ta be 'round. I think me favorite thing 'bout her is how down ta earth she is." - Nazyl Tharazyl
  • "She's a loud one, but she seems fun enough. Tensions were strained between us for a while, but at least I feel like things have calmed down." - Jenivieve Ravendale
  • "A fermenting keg of madness and bravado quietly ruled by fear." -- Mask of the Seven Horrors Hidden in Nald'thal's Mists
  • "Ought t'know better than t'pull a firearm in someone else's home. As a guest. When not in mortal peril or the least bit o' danger." - Osric Melkire
  • "Oh-ho-hooo! Det girl ees fun. Spend ten tics een her companee an find out fer yerself. Ay once heard she downed seventeen stout mugs of ale an' proceeded te rough up every Nunh een sight bare handed. Ees det true?" *unsure noise and shrug* - Memith Ganajai
  • "A fine specimen. I wonder what Ser Grimsong values more, her skills or her... skills." - Tengri Geneq
  • "Female, hormonal, homicidal Miqo'te is, unquestionably, hormonal." - Jin'li Epinoch
  • "Seemed like a decent enough gal. Got no complaints here so far." - Berrod Armstrong
  • "She's terrifying and endearing all at once, I only hope that I can help her as I intend to." - Siha Xinkei
  • "Nahare is truly a delightful soul. Time required to understand but this one believes well worth. Pray no further troubles and misfortunes will fall upon Nahare, undeserving of them." - Tsaganarii Dhoro

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be true or false.



Feel free to send me a PM on RPC to Duplicitous Dame, or contact me via Skype at lulz_lucyluu. I'm always willing to roleplay with other people and form more connections ^_^. Keep in mind that I am on EST time zone.

Plotlines Nahare is involved with: Blood Trade