Jajara Jara

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Jajara Jara
the prodigal daughter
berimu's pariah
Uldahflag 50x55.png
Goldsmith 50x55.png
Oh, fer Twelve's sake...!
Jajara profile.png
10th sun, 5th um, 1549
the coral sea
Generally good natured almost to the point of naivety, Jajara is quick to trust most anyone who isn't holding a weapon to her throat. An unapologetic optimist, she tends to see the good in people and strives to do good herself. Smiles and laughter come easily to her. She holds personal honor and promises to be paramount as while Ul'dah may be a city that runs on secrets and gil, a person is nothing if they cannot be trusted with either. She would not call herself an "adventurer" per se but she has been known to strike out onto the road at the behest of strangers in need of help, but rarely without compensation. She is a child of the Dunesfolk, after all, and remains loyal to her kin, her nation, and the prospect of coin in her pockets. Quick to attach herself to her friends, she is without a doubt loyal to a fault and her emotional state is often heavily influenced by the state of her friends.

Jajara is generally observant of laws and traditions and would be a most unlikely criminal. She is a terrible liar and a worse thief; fortunately, she relies on neither skill in her day to day life. Jajara is also something of a pacifist and tends to try avoiding violence as a means to end conflict. Murder is, naturally, completely and utterly abhorrent to her and she tends to look down on known murderers.

Since Reverend Hakuga's death, she has tried to be a little more active in worship. She is naturally a pious thing, often invoking the Gods for one thing or another in her day to day life. As per family tradition, she honors Oschon the Wanderer and Byregot the Builder above all else. Nald'thal has also become a fairly important deity to her as of late.

On matters of romance, Jajara is painfully ignorant. She knows the ways of her clan which gave little time for notions such as courtship and flirtation and so she is completely out of her depth approaching either. Because of that she rarely ever initiates such things and would be very hard pressed to reciprocate such behaviors out of either sheer shame or, simply, because she might not know what the appropriate response is. 'Repressed' is a word to describe her attitudes towards the whole span of romance, but 'extremely repressed' is far more appropriate. Strangely, however, several of her friends have seen fit to come to her for advice on such matters. Jajara does not understand it but she does her best to be helpful all the same.


Work. The busier she is, the more content she is.
Stars. Few things make her happier than a clear sky full of starlight.
Gemstones. Beautiful to look at as well as her primary source of income.
Piety. Honoring the Twelve brings her solace, and she tends to trust those who do more than those who don't.


Liars. Dishonesty is something she does not forget, and cannot abide.
Airships. Unnatural machinations. Boats are horrible enough; airships are worse, by far.
Vulgarity. Some of the things Limsans say are absolutely horrifying!
Patronization. No, her height is not a disadvantage. It's the non-lalafell that are weird!


Independence. Being able to stand as her own woman and not as Jojore's daughter.
Prosperity. Wealth and stability for herself and her betrothed are her top priority.
Peace. There is discontent in her family and the clan they rule. Despite her distance, she is left uneasy knowing this.
Status. She doesn't speak of it much but secretly she covets being thought of as a capable, skilled craftsman.


Hard-working. Jajara believes very much in earning her keep in all she does.
Kindness. It's entirely possible that she doesn't have an evil bone in her body.
Stamina. A work-horse (chocobo?) through and through.
Industrious. She is most comfortable with jewelry and metals but her involvement in the guilds gave her a broad range of skills.


Hard-working. Sometimes (most times) she puts her work ahead of her health.
Naive. Jajara has a hard time telling when she is being misled and is a little too quick to trust.
Confidence. She second-guesses herself often and can be easily discouraged.
Uneducated. She can read, write, and count... but beyond that, she remains largely ignorant.


Birds. She hates them.
Racist. Her upbringing instilled in her a distrust for most of the other races, and sometimes it becomes very apparent.
Boats. She hates them. She hates them a lot.
Spicy Foods. Her bane. She dislikes overly-seasoned things and cannot handle spicy food at all. Ul'dahn cuisine is incredibly vexing.

Jajara sm1.png
Short even for a Lalafell, Jajara Jara makes up for it somewhat with a stout and surprisingly muscular frame, a detail often overlooked given her race's inherent rotundity. Her skin is dark and, while unmarked by scars, bears a stylized tattoo across her face in reddish ink which gives her a vaguely intense appearance when also taking vibrant nearly flame-orange eyes into account. Her hair takes on hues of reds and violets and is worn fairly short and tied into two loose braids at her neck. She is lightly freckled across her nose and her ears are unusually large for a lalafell. Her hands, if anyone were to take good notice of them, are rough and worn, calloused and lined with small scars. Her ears are rather large, by lalafell standards, and are pierced twice per lobe.

The clothing she prefers is loose fitting and easy to move in. She has little taste for the fineries of silk and lace but makes exception for jewelry. Favored colors span between humble earthtones and gaudy reds, oranges, and yellows. It is rare to see her without a turban or bandana of some sort. Lately, it is more common than not to see her dressed in the uniform of one Guild or another, the Goldsmith's and the Blacksmith's being the most apparent.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus

Jajara spent much of her youth training as a pugilist under her father and the other men of her clan, intent to put herself to use by helping protect them from wild beasts and the occasional bandit. There is a certain grace, she believes, in using the body as a weapon - particularly a body which most would dismiss as unimposing to say the least. Her style tends to focus on dehabilitation over outright offense, strikes aimed for joints and nerves in order to cripple or slow targets down. Slaying beasts does not come easy to her but when the situation calls, she can. It is against other people where she exercises the most caution for she feels very strongly against murder.

Blessed by her race's latent agility as well as the strength that comes with a lifetime of heavy physical labor and exercise, Jajara could easily stand her own in a fight. Most weapons are clumsy in her hands but give her a good pair of cesti and she would likely be able to go toe-to-toe with most opponents regardless of height. She is by no means a violent person, however, and usually tries to reserve combat for extreme situations if she thinks she might be able to get out of it. If she has to protect someone dear to her, however, she will not hesitate to put herself in the fray. When she first came to Ul'dah, she put in a brief stint in the Coliseum and was met with some success but she has since refrained from putting her skills out for sale in such a manner.

Over the past few months, Jajara has become quite familiar with the workings of the axe and considers herself competent, if not proficient, with said weapon. Still, she is most comfortable with her fists and feet.

NOTE: ICly Jajara cannot claim to be a Monk as she does not understand how to intentionally open nor control her Chakra. She may be able to unconsciously do it to a degree, lending a bit of that edge to otherwise basic hand to hand combat, but she makes no claim to be anything more than a pugilist.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.


Blub blub blub.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo vitae, ornare sit amet, wisi. Aenean fermentum, elit eget tincidunt condimentum, eros ipsum rutrum orci, sagittis tempus lacus enim ac dui. Donec non enim in turpis pulvinar facilisis. Ut felis. Praesent dapibus, neque id cursus faucibus, tortor neque egestas augue, eu vulputate magna eros eu erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam dui mi, tincidunt quis, accumsan porttitor, facilisis luctus, metus
NOTE: Information presented here may be used as RP hooks within reasonable means. It is mostly presented as a point of reference for myself because I am hella forgetful.


1549: Born on the 10th Sun, 5th Umbral Moon to Jojore Jore and Sasayome Nanayome.
1553: The last of Jojore's children, Sasasori Kokosori, is born. A good omen hangs over his birth and it is quickly determined that he is gifted with magical talent.
1557: Much to the disapproval of her mother and much of the elders in the clan, Jajara decides that she wishes to become a warrior. Much to the disapproval of her mother and the elders, Sasayome agrees to allow her to train with him and her brothers in the clan.
1564: Jajara is accepted as a warrior, and is given permission to bear the tattoos that mark her as such. The ceremony takes several suns but at its end, Jajara is finally given purpose.
1570: There are rumblings of darker times and the Garlean threat. Sasayome takes it upon himself to take many of the clan's warriors with him to investigate the north, citing an inability to stand idle if the world outside the Sagolii were truly being threatened. Jajara is forbidden to go, and remains to protect the clan from the dangers of the desert.
1572: The Battle of Carteneau, and the Calamity. Despite their numbers being dangerously low, Great Berimu remains relatively untouched as deep as they are in the desert, away from the bulk of the damage. The status of Sasayome Nanayome and those with him remains unknown.


Flight to Ul'dah
1573: Some of the warriors that went with Sasayome return and are picked up from the Forbidden Springs. Sasayome is not among their number.
1574: Jojore begins to advocate the betrothals of her remaining children in an attempt to recoup losing so many of the clan's number to the Calamity. Jajara is betrothed and subsequently wedded to a son of a relative clan. The marriage is a difficult one, and Jajara produces no children.
1575: Jajara abandons her husband and the clan and makes the trek to Ul'dah. Her new life begins in the Coliseum, but she abandons that a ssoon as she is able to acquire work as a laborer for the Miner and Goldsmith's Guilds.
Present Happenings
Jajara quickly embraces the life as an honest merchant and craftsman, eagerly accepting any and all jobs she could get her hands on. It is not too long before she accepts a contract to work for an organization calling itself XI:7 and takes her first journey outside of Thanalan.
Her involvement with the craftsmen guilds grows profoundly. More and more of the world opens up before her eyes and she is able to see and experience things beyond her wildest dreams with the her clan. Though at times she is incredibly homesick, her determination to make a name for herself on her own keeps her in the free cities. After spending time in Limsa Lominsa and Coerthas, Jajara returns to Ul'dah with newer prospects on mind.
Currently she works for the Coral Sea and its interests, and lives in the free company house in the Mist with Chuchukepa Hohokepa. While she is signed on primarily as a merchant and craftsman, on occasion she has been called to fight on its behalf.



Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category!
◢ COMMON RUMORS - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
"That girl is plenty nice enough but she can be a bit dense." - Patient Merchant.
"Yeah, I seen her around the Goldsmith's Guild a lot. Seems she's come a long way since she first stumbled in there, lost and confused. Proud as can be in that uniform of theirs, you know the one." - Jaded Jeweler.
"Never seen her in a fight but I reckon she could pack a punch. You ever seen a Lalafell built like that? Not outside the Coliseum you don't." - Pit Enthusiast.
"Walked to work one morning and saw her sitting off to the side, hammering away at one thing or another. Wouldn't you know it, she was still there hours later when I was walking right back." - Concerned Citizen.
◢ UNCOMMON RUMORS - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
"Someone told me she ran out on a family debt of some sort, but I don't know what that might mean exactly. I don't think she has any family here. Seems to be the point." - Quicksand Patron.
"I've seen some of the people she talks to. Ruffians and criminals and worse - even a Garlean if you'll believe it! Poor thing is just asking for trouble if you ask me." - Busybody.
◢ RARE RUMORS - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
"Well some poor Dunesfolk comes in to the shop drenched in sweat, covered in sand, and she drops this ring on the counter. Looked like some kind of wedding ring, real old fashioned thing that wasn't even worth the spit to shine it. Tell truth, I only gave her the gil cause she looked like hell." - Kindly Pawnbroker.
"I got a pot of gil thanks to her. Nobody wanted to bet against Lance Goodpunch - no one but me! But when she knocked him out not once, not twice, but three times - WHAP! POW! - ohhh, my heart was singing! Thank the lady for me, would you?" - Grateful Gambler.
"That gold-eyed girl? Yeah, she comes through pretty often. A miner, isn't she? Now and again, though, she'll just ride up to the top of a dune and just... stand there. Stand and stare. Sometimes after a while she'll ride out, and sometimes she'll just come right back and leave. No idea why, though. If it's the sandworms she's watching, that little bird of hers is more than fast enough to outpace them." - Curious Huntress.
◢ PLAYER CHARACTER RUMORS - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
"Feel free to add your own rumors here!" - cuideag
"Would you believe it if I said that she has been able to make a man wet himself?" - Keru Lowry.
"The dearest Sister I could have used growing up, I owe her much, truly. Her heart is like an endless font of kindness, nestled snugly with the most fortitudinous of conviction." - Edgar Von Gandervalt.
"Given Byregot's gift I'd say, an' a mean throwin' arm as well if'n ye startle 'er. What's more important though? She's a good soul, count myself lucky te know th' lass an' call her friend." - Gharen Wolfsong.
"Thanks to her, I got to try a rare plainfolk delicacy!" - Roen Deneith.
"Lotta spirt packed into a tiny package. I'll give her that." - U'roh Tia.
"R-rumors about such a lady? A heart so pure that to hear her laugh is to feel the warm sun on your face? ... I-I mean, I really must be going! And stop gossiping!!" - Chuchukepa Hohokepa.
"It's been a while since I've seen her, but! She's cute, funny, and can kick a bad guy's teeth in if he gives her any lip!" - L'yhta Mahre.
"I was having a bath in Chuchukepa's hot tub one time and she walked in. Then she made me dinner. Nice gal, I like her." - Augustine Frost.


Romantic Attraction | Platonic Love | Positive | Negative | Neutral
note: Characters with whom Jajara has had little interaction with will be gradually cycled out. Also trying to be more active with her in RP after a long sort of hiatus so please forgive me if your name has slipped my mind!

Chuchukepa Hohokepa ( ) - Honeybee.
Abloo bluh blah blah. These need to be filled back in...!
Memeli Meli ( ) - S-she's...
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
Virara Wakuwa ( ) - ...Intense...!
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
Roen Deneith ( ) - Worrisome.
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
Gharen Wolfsong ( ) - Real worrisome.
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
U'roh Tia ( ) - Upstart.
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
Jancis Milburga ( ) - Real... real kindly, her.
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.
Chachanji Gegenji ( ) - Seems pretty decent.
Bluh blub bloooo bluh.

Potential Hooks
BLUB. Repopulate this!
Outside Links:
Heart of Gold - A Tumblr inspiration blog. Some IC content, mostly images and stuff. SFW.
Jajara's Mixtape (YouTube) - A collection of songs that I listen to when I need to be a backwater popoto.
Bluh bluh bluh.
Misc Info:
Template adapted from Bancroft Gairn, with edits by Xheja Rajhera / N'hadiya Khei. Further edited and adapted by Jajara Jara / Delial Grimsong.
Jajara draws some heavy inspiration from an old WoW character, Lyssaria Crowseye. Hello if you were from Silver Hand!