Lynn'wo Vahnal
Lynn'wo Vahnal (Pronunciation: linn-woe-vaahn-ahll), An illusionist by trade and a troublemaker by choice, Lynn'wo is often on the prowl for the next bit of treasure he can find or the next bit of fun he can have. Despite his more selfish qualities, he aspires to be a pillar for those around them, often never turning on the friends who put up with him. He's often not far from exciting, yet dangerous, situations - and, given his job, he certainly finds plenty of them.
Lynn'wo, in terms of build, is none too special. He's of above average height with a slim frame. As any basic Miqo'te would, his body is toned with lean muscle more suited for running than fierce, one-on-one combat. Down his right arm (from his perspective) is a long, black tribal tattoo decorated with various small designs such as stars and swirls, the ink seemingly glowing silver against moonlight. Down his left arm was a similar tattoo made of clear ink, with designs not unlike that of the first - but much more varied and far less coordinated. This ink seemed to glow all shades of the rainbow, each tiny marking containing its own unique color. His clothing tends to be frilly, stylish, and (mostly) functional. He's fond of heels, scarves, and coats, and usually prefers tighter pants or leggings. His outfits tend to change quite often, yet most - if not all of them - adhere strictly to the monochrome motif he seems so fond of, one that matches black couerl-spotted ears and snowy white hair. His eyes are a bright silver, and lips a darker shade of his usual pale skin. He often appears quite sleepy, but despite this, is rarely caught without a bright, almost mocking smile. His ears seem to be quite expressive, as is his tail.
Mischievous. Curious. Dedicated. Lynn'wo is a playful young man who isn't shy about teasing others. Despite this, he's rarely, if ever, unfriendly to someone, and never means any harm by it. He's still got his naive qualities, but his time in the 81st has wisened him to the threats of the world and how to approach them with a smile smile. Always the optimist, Lynn'wo seeks to encourage his allies with silly banter and even song, if the need arises. He's also quite promiscuous, something those around him often mock, and is often fond of teasing and flirting. Still, he can end up quite blushy when the power dynamic shifts, much to his chagrin. Since he has taken to the forests, Lynn'wo seems to have calmed - but his playfulness remains, in smaller doses.
Archery. Lynn'wo has impressive aim, and loves hunting with his bows - and now, guns! Illusions. He's quite fond of amazing those around him with an impressive sleight of hand. Smiles. Lynn'wo loves to provoke smiles best he can - and blushes, too! Sugary sweets. He often keeps various candies on hand to munch on. Birds. The Keeper is quite found of birds and their ability to fly alike. String instruments. His soul crystal has evoked a new love for string instruments - specifically the harp and violin. |
Thaumaturgy. He doesn't mind the useful applications, but he finds it cheap when used as a trick for performances. Poor attitudes. Lynn'wo doesn't enjoy excessive negativity, or threats. Stubborn attitudes. Lynn'wo distrusts those who try to keep him 'grounded', so to speak. At least, excessively so. Alcohol. He has no tolerance for booze, nor does he particularly enjoy the taste. Destruction. This world is beautiful, and most be protected! |
Impressive aim. Having trained with a bow all his life, he has a keen eye. Extremely agile. Lynn'wo is impressive on his feet - able to move at high speeds and perform impressive acrobatic feats. Optimist. When all seems to be going to shite, Lynn'wo aspires to keep that smile - for both himself, and those around him. Tracking. He's a wonderful scout, and years of hunting has taught him how to navigate any setting - no matter how confusing. Quick to learn new concepts. Lynn'wo can easily adapt to new settings and new callings - even without the use of a soul crystal. Friendly and Caring. There are very few people Lynn'wo won't warm up to and look out for. He loves those in his life dearly, and will protect them. |
Showboating. He's a bit of a showoff, and is not the least bit subtle about it. Selfish. He's grown from this, but at his heart, he's still quite selfish - looking out for himself before others, at times. Easily distracted. Lynn'wo tries to keep his eyes on the prize, so to speak, but it usually requires a third party to set his sights straight. Attention hungry. The Keeper is quite starved for attention, and will get a bit bratty if he isn't given it. Bratty. Depending on the individual, Lynn'wo can behave at times like a proper brat. Fragile. Lynn'wo can dodge a hit, but should he take one, he's very easy to break and can go down without much trouble. |
This is a list of the items that Sparrow currently is keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.
Last Updated: 12/7/2015
Miko: Usually on his person is his bluebird companion, Miko, who resides in one of the pouches on his belt, having made a tiny little nest in there.
Gil Pouch: A small silk bag filled with gil and even a few old photos.
Triple Triad Cards: A deck of triple triad cards for a game on the go! There are quite a few rare ones, too.
Various Sweets: A small silk bag filled with various spice drops, taffies and hard candies - rolanberry being the most abundant flavor, and green apple the last.
Potions and poisons: Usually a few health potions, but he also carries a few bags filled with powdered medicines - and poisons, depending on the job.
Face Claim: TBD.
Body Claim: TBD.
Voice Claim: Julian Koster
Much like the man himself, Lynn'wo's combat style is flashy and exciting. A lack of aetherical potency is made even with a wide range of tools designed to trick an opponent - smoke bombs, poisons, flashbangs - all provided by his elder brother. His frailty gives him little room for mistakes - which has helped the Keeper develop into the clever trickster he is today. Since he was a child, he's been trained in the use of a bow, and will often turn to archery before all else - striking from the shadows, when possible. He's also trained in the use of knives, and more recently, firearms - though he prefers the former too dangerous at times, and the latter? Simply too noisy, even if it is more fun. Lynn'wo now fights with the Kupo Katana, the legendary blade of the Pink Pom Grove Moogle sect.
Zephyr was a recurve bow that Lynn'wo had owned since he was a child. As cycles passed, the bow had received revisions and upgrades, now no longer the small wooden bow it once was. Designed with gold accents, a silver polish, and ebony wood, it is the result of many moons of labor by master artisans within the 81st foreign levy, and even contains a small reservoir of the Keeper's own aether. These odd spiritbonding properties allowed it to be used as a focus of sorts, able to manipulate the velocity and direction of arrows after being fired in areas heavy with wind aether. The weapon was destroyed, having been the source of a curse placed upon the Keeper. |
Flight, like Zephyr, was a weapon owned since childhood by Lynn'wo's older brother, Lynn'li. What started as a small wooden rifle has since been modified into something much more extravagant - an ornate revolver rifle, complete with an eight chamber cylinder and a leather strap for carrying. The design is impeccable, and a true testament to his brother's love for his craft. It's capable of firing all sorts of ammo - regular rounds, incendiary rounds, and even darts. Lynn'wo returned it to his brother when he took to the forests. |
The powerful blade of master Kapla Kapa, the Kupo Katana is bestowed upon the guardian of the forests who swears to strike upon all those who would harm those within, or the woods themselves. Some say the elementals of of the Twelveswood have blessed this weapon themselves, but that is a disproven rumor. |
When needed, Lynn'wo can call upon his companion Miko to distract and even attack enemies. Though the small bluebird cannot do much direct damage, she's capable of distracting most enemies long enough for Sparrow to get a good few strikes in. Recently, he's held back on doing this after she was injured. Miko still accompanies Lynn'wo, but she is along in years... and now has her own family. |
Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that Lynn'wo has been a part of. Listed only are the ones that have served as a major development for his combat style.
- The Battle of Castrum Centri : Zephyr. This was one of the first large-scale operations Sparrow was a part of, and helped him develop both the stomach and the skills to fight in massive battles.
- Ambush at The Silver Grove : Zephyr, Knives. When ambushed by his former tribemates when trying to rescue a friend, Sparrow learned how to make quick decisions, and even lead small groups of people through chaotic combat scenarios.
- Climbing the Abalathia : Zephyr, Knives, Miko. This fight nearly killed his companion Miko, and was the one that left him wary of using her in such a manner in future encounters.
- Tarvoth's Fall : Zephyr, Flight, Knives. This was the very first time Sparrow ever used his lyre to boost his allies, and was also one of the first battles in which he properly used his brother's former rifle, Flight.
Lynn'wo was born from a union between a mother, Antki of the Kajhir, and his father, Rahn'ir of the Morohvi. As an infant, he found himself instead in the care of his father's mate, Lynn of the Morohvi, and was made to believe he was her seventh son - a fact he did not become aware of until his days with them long passed. His tribe had a reputation for being fierce, brutal, and dangerous - though, among their ranks, he was treated relatively well despite sharing only half their blood, though this was mostly due in part to that very fact being kept secret. He was brought up as a hunter - a rare task for males - and was trained in the use of the bow from his seventh namesday and on. When only eleven cycles old, the brother who'd cared for him more than his mother - Lynn'li - vanished from the tribe. The remaining two cycles were miserable for him, up until a dispute within their ranks forced the tribe to dissolve. When in search of a new place to call home, he was separated from his adopted mother and brothers, and eventually found his way to Ul'dah, finding no solace in Gridania - having been effectively labeled a criminal there.
As a vagrant, he made many connections to stay alive - and even a few friends, some of which he'd later reunite with upon joining the 81st. Trained to run and hide in the shadows, his petty theft would eventually land him in a great deal of trouble - and he was sentenced to be hung, along with many other thieves plaguing the merchant's guild. Be it by fate or luck, the rope meant to kill him snapped, and he managed to escape with a nigh more than a scar around his neck. From then on, he made it his immediate goal to escape this living situation - and a treasure map that carried him to La Noscea would be his ticket out. After moons of saving and performing, he made his way to Vylbrand, where he stumbled upon the 81st on the beach near Costa del Sol. He started to follow them around out of curiosity - which lead to something far greater.
His time with the 81st has forced him to grow in extraordinary ways. He's learned to work with others, think about himself less, and to stomach the most horrifying of things in the interest of protecting not just those he's close to, but Eorzea as a whole. Finding greater purpose was just what he needed, and upon being reunited with his brother Lynn'li - who'd barely recognized the grown Keeper - it was clear that he wasn't the same person he was only a cycle prior. He's fought evils both old and new, explored distant corners of Eorzea, and met talented and interesting friends. As much as he'd grown, the company could not last forever, and Lynn'wo departed alongside everyone else when the 81st fell.
Currently, he wanders the forests.
♥ Romantic Attraction – ♥ Physical Attraction – ♥ Platonic Love – $ Business – ❖ Deceased – ✔ Positive – ✖ Negative – ● Neutral – 🔃 Unsure – 🔒 Trust |
These are mostly backstory-related relationships.
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Listed here are the non-family characters, both PC and NPC, that Sparrow has interacted with enough or in such a way for him to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Sparrow, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions!
Last Update... 2/16/2016
* An asterisks denotes that Sparrow doesn't know the individual's true name.
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- "His illusions are unlike anything I've ever seen!" -- Ul'dah Citizen.
- "Have you seen his performances at the Golden Saucer!?" -- Excited Fan.
- "I used to see him runnin' from the blades a lot." -- Ul'dah Citizen.
- "Wasn't he hunting some sort of treasure? Asked me for directions and everything." -- Lominsan Shopkeeper.
- "Tha' boy's gonna get fat if he keeps eatin' like tha'." -- Candy Story Clerk.
- "I swear, I saw tha' boy bein' taken to the gallows. He some sorta' ghost?" -- Unknown Brass Blades Recruit.
- "One of the Morohvi. A proper scourge, them." -- Gridanian Citizen.
- "Ye see, Lynn an' me, we're best friends, always 'ave been an' always will be. Ah'll trust 'im wi' me life, an' ain't many ah'd say that fer. Me truest friend... an' a complete shite, but, ye can't 'ave e'rythin', aye?" -- Ferai Caolann
- "Lad can oft act and be the fool, but 'es a good heart from what I seen. Jus' don't gettim started on 'is damned 'illusions'." -- Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn
- "Don't be fooled, he thinks about others at least as much as he thinks about himself! Lynn's a very good friend. He's got a thing about swearing, though! [laughs]" -- Shoshopu Shopu
- "He's a cute one, yeah? I'd wonder what he's like outside of a crisis, but I've barely to catch him during anything else. I wonder if most realize his courage. I've seen it." -- Keaira Twinning
- "Ain't heard from him in moons. Damned good sleight o' hand, that one... least, I think it was. Anyroad, if y'happen t'see him, give him a holler for me, eh? The missus and I were lookin' forward to that performance o' his." -- Osric Melkire
- "What a dear friend Sparrow is! not understand much of his business with his free company, but of hunting and strength we share many similar feelings. I hope that we share many fruitful hunts, together." -- R'miah Tosh
- (Insert rumor here.) -- Rumor Author / Location
- (If you add a player rumor, please first copy and paste the above line of code to leave behind for the next person! Thanks!)
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc. If the artist for a piece isn't listed and you'd like to know who they are, let me know and I'll make sure to add them.
Sparrow has a wide variety of interests. That being said, he's pretty flexible - if something you see here isn't listed, let me know and we can probably set something up anyway!
- Keeper of the Moon Tribes: The tribe he was born into had an infamous reputation.
- Ul'dah Street Rat/Performer: He performed often in Ul'dah, and also stole for a living. For this, he earned a bit of a reputation.
- The 81st Foreign Levy: The 81st Foreign Levy is a free company of large repute. He might be recognized as a former member.