Lynn'wo Vahnal

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Gridania-transparent.png Lynn'wo Vahnal
"You will not defile such beauty~!"

Gender Male
Race Miqo'te
Clan Keeper of the Moon
Citizenship Gridania
Age 25
Occupation Wandering Mogarai
Orientation Pansexual
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Affiliation None


Lynn'wo Vahnal (Pronunciation: linn-woe-vaahn-ahll), An illusionist by trade and a troublemaker by choice, Lynn'wo is often on the prowl for the next bit of treasure he can find or the next bit of fun he can have. Despite his more selfish qualities, he aspires to be a pillar for those around them, often never turning on the friends who put up with him. He's often not far from exciting, yet dangerous, situations - and, given his job, he certainly finds plenty of them.


Lynn'wo, in terms of build, is none too special. He's of above average height with a slim frame. As any basic Miqo'te would, his body is toned with lean muscle more suited for running than fierce, one-on-one combat. Down his right arm (from his perspective) is a long, black tribal tattoo decorated with various small designs such as stars and swirls, the ink seemingly glowing silver against moonlight. Down his left arm was a similar tattoo made of clear ink, with designs not unlike that of the first - but much more varied and far less coordinated. This ink seemed to glow all shades of the rainbow, each tiny marking containing its own unique color. His clothing tends to be frilly, stylish, and (mostly) functional. He's fond of heels, scarves, and coats, and usually prefers tighter pants or leggings. His outfits tend to change quite often, yet most - if not all of them - adhere strictly to the monochrome motif he seems so fond of, one that matches black couerl-spotted ears and snowy white hair. His eyes are a bright silver, and lips a darker shade of his usual pale skin. He often appears quite sleepy, but despite this, is rarely caught without a bright, almost mocking smile. His ears seem to be quite expressive, as is his tail.


Mischievous. Curious. Dedicated. Lynn'wo is a playful young man who isn't shy about teasing others. Despite this, he's rarely, if ever, unfriendly to someone, and never means any harm by it. He's still got his naive qualities, but his time in the 81st has wisened him to the threats of the world and how to approach them with a smile smile. Always the optimist, Lynn'wo seeks to encourage his allies with silly banter and even song, if the need arises. He's also quite promiscuous, something those around him often mock, and is often fond of teasing and flirting. Still, he can end up quite blushy when the power dynamic shifts, much to his chagrin. Since he has taken to the forests, Lynn'wo seems to have calmed - but his playfulness remains, in smaller doses.


Archery. Lynn'wo has impressive aim, and loves hunting with his bows - and now, guns!

Illusions. He's quite fond of amazing those around him with an impressive sleight of hand.

Smiles. Lynn'wo loves to provoke smiles best he can - and blushes, too!

Sugary sweets. He often keeps various candies on hand to munch on.

Birds. The Keeper is quite found of birds and their ability to fly alike.

String instruments. His soul crystal has evoked a new love for string instruments - specifically the harp and violin.


Thaumaturgy. He doesn't mind the useful applications, but he finds it cheap when used as a trick for performances.

Poor attitudes. Lynn'wo doesn't enjoy excessive negativity, or threats.

Stubborn attitudes. Lynn'wo distrusts those who try to keep him 'grounded', so to speak. At least, excessively so.

Alcohol. He has no tolerance for booze, nor does he particularly enjoy the taste.

Destruction. This world is beautiful, and most be protected!


Impressive aim. Having trained with a bow all his life, he has a keen eye.

Extremely agile. Lynn'wo is impressive on his feet - able to move at high speeds and perform impressive acrobatic feats.

Optimist. When all seems to be going to shite, Lynn'wo aspires to keep that smile - for both himself, and those around him.

Tracking. He's a wonderful scout, and years of hunting has taught him how to navigate any setting - no matter how confusing.

Quick to learn new concepts. Lynn'wo can easily adapt to new settings and new callings - even without the use of a soul crystal.

Friendly and Caring. There are very few people Lynn'wo won't warm up to and look out for. He loves those in his life dearly, and will protect them.


Showboating. He's a bit of a showoff, and is not the least bit subtle about it.

Selfish. He's grown from this, but at his heart, he's still quite selfish - looking out for himself before others, at times.

Easily distracted. Lynn'wo tries to keep his eyes on the prize, so to speak, but it usually requires a third party to set his sights straight.

Attention hungry. The Keeper is quite starved for attention, and will get a bit bratty if he isn't given it.

Bratty. Depending on the individual, Lynn'wo can behave at times like a proper brat.

Fragile. Lynn'wo can dodge a hit, but should he take one, he's very easy to break and can go down without much trouble.


This is a list of the items that Sparrow currently is keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 12/7/2015

  • Miko: Usually on his person is his bluebird companion, Miko, who resides in one of the pouches on his belt, having made a tiny little nest in there.

  • Gil Pouch: A small silk bag filled with gil and even a few old photos.

  • Triple Triad Cards: A deck of triple triad cards for a game on the go! There are quite a few rare ones, too.

  • Various Sweets: A small silk bag filled with various spice drops, taffies and hard candies - rolanberry being the most abundant flavor, and green apple the last.

  • Potions and poisons: Usually a few health potions, but he also carries a few bags filled with powdered medicines - and poisons, depending on the job.


Face Claim: TBD.

Body Claim: TBD.

Voice Claim: Julian Koster

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