Kanako Moonweaver

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~Resistance Fighter~


"The woman you seek died in Southern Thanalan."



BIRTH NAME... Kanako Moonweaver

RACE & CLAN... Au ra - Raen

GENDER... Female

AGE & NAMEDAY... 28; 5th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon





Unknown - Possibly The Black Shroud

OCCUPATION... Fighter, Bounty Hunter & Dancer.

HEIGHT... 5 fulms 2 ilms

WEIGHT... 105 Ponz

ALIGNMENT... Chaotic Good

STATUS... Alive



Marigold, it's just a name. This alias that the Doman uses to keep her identity safe. Many who knew her by her real name assume she's either dead, or missing. Either way, she went out of her way to cover her true identity, But why? Marigold's name is now attatched to a very small band of fighters that call themselves Crescent Warriors. This group claims to fight for their ideals, to take the risks that others are not willing to take to make a change.


Marigold is rather tall compared to other female Raen Auri, standing at 5 fulms & 2 ilms. This may not seem to be very tall compared to other races, but when around of Au Ra females, she might look almost like hyur woman in height. Marigold's alias isn't something that just happened to fancy her one sun, she has a good reason to have a name like this and it starts with her hair color. Although unnatural, Marigold carries a light orange hair color with blond highlights which may remind some of fire and burning passion. Her eyes are no different in sharing that fiery look with a rose color and light, almost white, orange umbral rings. However, just like her hair, the umbral rings also seem to look unnatural.

Eyes Hair Skin Body Type Voice
Red. Light orange, blonde highlights, Long. Fair, Face Claim. Slim, busty, Body Claim. Voice Insparation.
Laterality Scars Tattoos & Piercings Style
Right. Four. One | Three Lightweight, accentuating leather & cloth.


Charismatic. Sassy. Ambitious. Marigold’s personality is one that is easy to get along with. She loves to have a good drinking buddy to share conversations with. She has a tendency to to talk mostly about business and the way that trade works. This is likely because that is what she deals with almost everyday, and likes to talk about her daily life. She can also be very flirtatious. Although she may not act or talk like it, she pretty intelligent. Although not the smartest of the bunch, she’s pretty close.


Strong Alcohol. Prefers drinks with nice tastes, and more often than not, strong alcohol satisfies the cravings.

Dancing. Dancing ever since she was young, she finds enjoyment in moving to beautiful, rhythmic songs.

Archery. Feels more natural.


Betrayal. She has had to deal with it too much and has zero tolerance for it.

Pessimism. Marigold used to always think this way; however, she has learned that there isn't any point. If you keeping doubting yourself and thinking the worse, then there is no ambition.

Clunky Armour. She doesn't like the way it feels or sounds.


Street Smarts. She knows how things go on the street. It is because of these smarts that she isn't easily robbed or tricked.

Multilingual. Considering the caravan she was apart of had people from all around, she was taught the basics of the languages.

Agile. She has always been flexible and quick. This makes up for not being as strong as other lancers.

Politics. Having an understanding for how things work, she'll use the political rules to her advantage.


Competitive. She always wants to win, even if it means she has to play dirty. This can often lead her to not thinking clearly and getting into trouble.

Gambling Addict. Goes hand-in-hand with her competitive behavior.

Short Temper. If things get too heated, she'll begin to throw, punch, or stab things.

Overconfident. She tends to see herself to be almost too great - glorifying herself.


This is a list of the items that Marigold currently is keeping on her. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 3/20/16.

Coinpurse.png Linkpearlicon.png SteelDaggerIcon.png JerkedBeef.png AgedDecanter.png Sunstone Choker Icon.png
  • Coinpurse: Need to store your gil somewhere.

  • Linkpearls: Considering the business she is in, she has many contacts and has to keep linkpearls with her at all times.

  • Dagger: Often hidden in her boot, she'll carry this around when she is inside the city area. Simply used for self defense.

  • Rations: She tends to eat snacks a lot.

  • Canteen: Is it water? Whiskey? Liquor? Won't know unless she offers you some.

  • Pendant: A nice, red pendant It is nothing too fancy and it looks to be new.


No one knows much about Marigold and if anyone claims that they know who she really is, she denies all claims. With her past buried with the dead woman left behind in Thanalan, not much can be traced back to her. Marigold has no past, only the present and future.

Memories of a Dead Woman

Kanako and Mamiko Moonweaver were abandoned after their mother died giving birth to them. If it wasn’t for a gypsy Matriarch Yumia Starcatcher, who knows what would’ve happened to the two. The gypsy caravan was originally based out in Doma, but found it’s way to Eorzea cycles before the refugees came thanks to the open trade routes. Marigold learned how to fight with a lance, dance, and among other skills. It was when she was eighteen cycles when she took on the life of a pirate - a decision that she would later regret. After escaping the pirate ship, she went back to her sister and expressed her interest in a merchant’s life.

The Gypsy Caravan

Lead by Yumia Starcatcher, the Gypsy caravan was originally from Doma, but soon found it’s way to Eorzea thanks to the open trade routes. It was Yumia who gave Kanako and Mamiko their names, a home and a family. It is thanks to their travels that Kanako was able to learn so many languages, even if it’s just the basics. When she left at eighteen cycles, she told herself she would never return. However, after being away for almost ten cycles, she found herself visiting them whenever she could and even coming to them if she was ever in trouble, or needed a place to stay.

The Malice Arrows

When Kanako left the caravan to become an independent woman, she didn’t expect for herself to get involved with pirates. The captain was allured by her and lead her to believe that being by his side and apart of his crew would lead her to a better life. Although she was the second mate, she found herself feeling more and more trapped each day and the tattoo on the inside of her wrist was proof. It wasn’t until after the Calamity that she was able to claim her freedom, but it came at a cost. Not only does she have the faded tattoo from her time with the pirates, but a public bounty that has only recently resurface.

The Merchant

After escaping the pirates, she decided to take what she learned from her and try to become a merchant with her sister, Mamiko. They started off in Gridania selling animal skins, then worked their way up to larger jobs in Ul’dah and even Mor Dhona. The two of them hope to make a name for themselves - The wannabe merchant queens. The two of them specialize in selling fabrics, small weapons, gemstones and jewelry.


She was young when she picked up with her first lance and with much practice and training, she soon found herself using the lance as her main weapon and the one she is strongest with. However, with her past travels and current alliances, she has picked up other skills which further help her in combat.


Dexterous: She isn’t like other lancers who excel in strength. However, she is still stronger than many may think. To make up for this, Marigold is very dexterous and will move her body in ways to make interesting attacks. Instead of having one large and strong attack, she’ll attack using a flurry of blows.

Keen Senses: Given her current training and past training, she has been able to further enhance her senses. Although this does make it more difficult to sneak up on her, it isn't possible as she is van be tricked. Her strongest sense is likely her hearing considering it a natural trait for many Au Ra to carry.

Well Versatile: Although Marigold specialty is combat with a lance, she doesn’t let that restrain her from using other methods of combat. If she doesn’t have her lance with her, then she’ll use the two daggers strapped to her boot, or her own fists. Not only will she use weapons, but she’ll use the environment around her - like kicking up sand, or throwing a large rock. She might be a bit out of her element, but it’s better than being completely defenseless.


Steel Halberd: Her primary weapon. She doesn’t carry this around when she is in the cities. However, she will carry it with her when she is outside the safety of the city.

Maple Bow: Among the few members in The Crescent Warriors there is a skilled marksmen who acts as her scout. Upon request, he has begun to train Marigold in the ways of archery and it seems to come almost naturally, perhaps it has something to do with her past. With her training, she is slowly coming to realize that maybe it would be better that she continues on the path of archery.

Daggers: She doesn’t use these often, nor does she have much experience with them. They are often hidden on her person and only used if she doesn’t have her halberd, or if the halberd is that well suited for that particular fight.

Silver Musket: A weapon which was given to Kanako by her sister, now, it is Marigold who carries it, but rarely uses it.


*Please Note: Many of these relationships are with Kanako. Under the new persona, many of these relationships have yet to be rekindled with Marigold. When they have, the titles will change and a new part to the relationship tab will be added.

Color Key
In A Relationship: Marigold is involved in some form of committed relationship with this character.
Romantic Attraction: Marigold is romantically attracted to this character.
Sexual Attraction Marigold is physically attracted to this character.

Platonic Love/Family: Marigold considers this person family.
Friend: Marigold considers this person to be a friend.

🔒 Trusted: Marigold trusts this character with his life, and would willingly lay his own down for them.
🔒 Distrusted: Marigold's trust in this character has been shaken, though her loyalty to them remains unaffected.
🔒 Betrayed:Marigold's trust in this character has been completely broken, and is irreparable.

Good Standing: This character left a good impression.
Neutral: Marigold has no specific feelings about this character.
Bad Standing: This character left a bad impression.

Dislike: Marigold doesn't consider this person a friend and will only interact if needed.
Wary: Marigold has became leery of this character. Conflict can happen.
Hate: Marigold considers this person an annoyance and will try to avoid them, otherwise conflict is almost certain.
Fear: Marigold is terrified by this character and will try to avoid them at all cost.
Rivalry: Marigold considers this person a rival and will try to initiate conflict every time he gets to meet them.

Family Member: This character is related by blood to Marigold.
Business: This character is either Kanko's employer, employee, or coworker.
Deceased: This character has passed away.
🔃 Unsure: Marigold is unsure how she feels about this character because of certain actions the character makes.
Mamiko Moonweaver ( 🔒 ) - The Dead Woman's Sister

They were fraternal twins who always stayed by each other's side and despite their seemingly polar opposite personalities, they got along almost perfectly. Mamiko acted as Kanako's advisor during their time in the trade business, however, after certain events, they began to grow increasingly distant. During Kanako's final breaths, it was her sister who she worried about the most.

Continuing life as Marigold, she still wishes to watch over Mamiko, part of her still wishing she could reunite with her again and tell her that everything was okay. Alas, this is something she can't do. Although she will make sure the two will never meet, she will still keep a watchful eye over her and keep her safe.
Yumia Starcatcher ( 🔒 ) - Gypsy Mother
Yumi was the one who took care of Kanako and Mamiko when they were only babies. She treated them like they were her own and taught them the life skills that they needed to know. Kankao had left the caravan for ten cycles and when she returned, she was welcomed with open arms and even found herself staying with them much more often. Yumia had plans to make Kanako the next leader of the caravan considering how much the fiery woman had grown, but she would never see that happen. Yumia grew death sick and everyone in the caravan did what they could to take care of her. It was Kanako who went out of her way, ignoring her own health to help Yumia. When Kanako didn't return after going out to an oasis, Yumia was left with the terrible thought of her death. Shortly after Kanako's disappearance, Yumia died in her sleep. With no leader and no one who could truthfully claim it, the caravan dispersed.
Sakura Starcatcher ( ) - Yumia’s Daughter
Only six cycles old, she is full of energy. When Kanako was around, she’ll often play with her and braid her hair. To Sakura, Kanako was like her second mother. When Kanako disappeared, she was one of the few who still held hope that she wasn't truly dead and even tried to encourage others to try harder to find her, but with her mother sick, it was difficult to do much of anything. After her mothers passing, she was left in the care of one of the caretakers. When the caravan dispersed, she stayed with the caretaker and went to the peaceful Gridania.
Niko ( ) - Feine’s little brother
Kanako first met the boy in Ul’dah, and not on the greatest terms. Niko came running back after some thugs tried to beat him up, but he managed to escape with only a few bruises. While Feine went to go deal with them, Niko was left in Kanako’s care. A side of Kana was seen that she only allowed the people in her caravan and her sister so see, a more motherly side. She saw Niko as someone close and dear to her despite only knowing him for that one day. She may not admit it, but she loved kids and Niko was the one who helped that motherly side resurface. It had been moons since she had seen Niko and the last time she would see him was at a festival. From there, everything seemed to continue to go downhill for Kanako. The one thing she regretted most was that she was unable to take Niko in her care.

The one thing that Marigold can't burry is her love for children and even now, she searches for him just to give her that reassurance that he is okay. Feine abandoned him and so did Kanako, she only wishes to ensure that he does not completely lose hope.
Xeiz Feine ( 🔒 ) - The tormented Soul

The one Kanako considered to be her closest friend, despite the obvious facts that it was him who brought her life downhill. It was him who dragged her under and kept her from having a normal life, but he isn't the one to completely blame. Multiple times was she presented the chance to leave him behind, but her loyalty and stubbornness kept her from just abandoning him. Kanako truly believed that she could help him gain a better life - a second chance. When the corrupted aether soon found it's way into her body, she slowly began to lose hope for he had changed too. Feine was among the undead and acted more like the thing who haunted her dreams, Reaper. When Kanako was alone in Southern Thanalan, he was the one who she called. Feine was the last person she talked to and said goodbye. She knew that with her death, that he could never be saved and once more, she believed that she failed.

It was him who gave her a rather rude awakening and as quickly as they met, he quickly left. With Marigold burying most of her past, he is still the one person she can't let go. He conflicts with her ideal and has left her at a stand still. Will she continue to remain the loyal friend, or do what is right and kill one to save the many?
Waylon Baladur ( ) - Misinformed Highlander

( 🔒) These two hit it off fairly well, sharing a nice taste for alcohol and just general good times. After being hanging around Waylon more often, it became apparent to her that she felt something for him, a love she hadn’t truly felt in a long time. Once she confessed her love to him, he was taken by surprised and shared his thoughts about her. The two began dating, but was unfortunately short-lived. Waylon wanted someone he could settle down with -- to have a family. Kanako wasn't ready to settle and the relationship was called off. From then on, Kanako would remain a bit spiteful especially after she found out he had a wife. She would never know that he wanted her back.

Waylon immediately recognized Marigold and assumed her to be Kanako even with the visor which concealed most of her face. Although it took some convincing, Marigold was finally able to get it through that Kanako died alone in Southern Thanalan. At the back of her mind, the memories which she said she would leave behind came crawling back, especially after he had mention that he no longer had a wife, and admitted to screwing up. Keeping her composure, she returned the red pendant that Waylon had given Kanako moons ago and left. Marigold left Waylon alone to only think about the grave news delivered to him.
Hojo'to Zuginoch ( ) - The Bounty Hunter
Ghost - HojoIcon.png
The first time these two met, it was with Hojo’s life in danger. Kanako just happened to be at the right place at the right time to stop the man from pushing his sword into Hojo, and even distracted the others who surrounded him. They killed off these bounty hunters one by one and even burned the corpses after. After having a good time of sharing drinks, dancing and telling parts of their past, Kanako realized that this man was nice company and kept her mostly relaxed. The two grew close, but with her own troubles and his sudden disappearance, she was left to think she lost another friend. Kanako would never see him again.
Nahare Mergrey ( ) - The fiery Feline
Ghost - NahareIcon.png
The two first met at a fighting event, albeit briefly. They encountered each other again in Western Thanalan by pure coincidence and despite Nahare greeting Kanako with a gun pointed at her back, the two learned to get along. Kanako saw much in Nahare that related to herself. The two seemed to get along perfectly, same personality and style. She left Kanako overjoyed when the news of her pregnancy was revealed and Kanako couldn't wait to become the aunt figure. Unfortunately, that will never happen.
Sun'ra Zhawn ( ) - Sun
Kanako met Sun'ra when she met Nahare and he was certainly the most calm out of the three. She though that Nahare and Sun were dating, but she kept her mouth shut on the matter. Later on, she discovered that the two weren't dating and that Nahare was married. She also found Sun's hair color to be rather strange. Though after that brief meeting, the two would never really speak to each other.
Arata Matsuoka ( ) -Defrosting Ice Queen
The two met near small pond in Gridania. Marigold suggested that Arata should possibly pursue making a Medical Clinic as there isn’t many out there. Just like Rihxo, it seemed as though Arata was unsure about the suggestion. Marigold hopes that she too will pursue the Medical Clinic. Marigold was also able to share a little bit about her trades and how her and her sister made a living in Gridania. After seeing Arata again in Ul’dah, she found that she was a bit different from the last time she saw her. Perhaps it was how cute she look and how she acted around Noah that had her so amused.
Nanagi Nagi ( ) - Lil' Researcher
Nanagi helped Marigold once by healing her former boyfriend Waylon Baladur and is doing again. With Marigold's recent Aether phenomenon, she went to the little researcher knowing she could help. Although slow progress is being made, Nanagi has done everything she can to help. Even with Nanagi recent retirement, she still agrees to help Marigold.
Khaz ( ) - The Innocent Youth
First time they met, she punched him. He looked just like Feine and it was her thought to be dead friend made her angry and confused. Multiple times did she challenge him, knowing he wouldn't actually hurt her. He spoke of wanting to explore Eorzea and finally leave Thanalan, he reminded her of herself when she was younger. She knew little about him but knew that he wasn't particularly fond of his brother. She hoped she would be able to find him again so she ccould hold her end of the deal and get him out of Thanalan. There were so many lose ends when Kanako passed away, and Khaz was one of them - she wouldn't be able to get him out of Thanalan.
Rihxo Matoi ( 🔃 🔒 ) - Truffle
The first time her and this miqo’te met was in the Quicksand. Rihxo had offered Kanako a piece of chocolate and then began a long conversation. Kanako suggested to Rihxo that she should trying selling her chocolates, start off small and possibly work her way up to an actually bakery. Although Rihxo seems unsure, Kanako hoped that she will pursue the business. It turned out that the two of them shared a nice taste in alcohol. If Rihxo never ran into Feine in Coerthas, then perhaps Kanako wouldn't be as weary of her. After Rihxo took a shot and Feine, she felt the sting of betrayal. She wasn't sure if she would call Rihxo a friend, or foe and she wouldn't know until they could speak again, but she would never get that chance to make the final descision.
Adelaide Levenson ( ) - The Blonde Bitch
Perhaps it was inevitable that these two would clash. Their first meeting wasn’t all that great and their second meeting was anything but pleasant. See it as a battle of wits and “who can say the worst thing about the other person” contest. To say the least, Kanako thinks Adelaide is more terrible than a pirate when it comes to attitude .



Some of these rumors are untrue or are exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the PC category!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
“When we last saw Kanako, she looked rather sickly, but I didn't know it was killing her! It was the Flames who told me about her passing.”
– Merchant Friend
“Marigold? No, can't say I know her.”
– Momodi
“A fighter, that's what she claims to be. She just showed up one day and started rallying people to 'fight for a cause'. I wasn't going to get involved in that shit.”
– Female Lalafell Mercenary
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
“As soon as we get th' news about th' bitches death, a cunt named Marigold shows up on our ship! Dunno who th' fuck she is, but she gonna pay fer takin Danny and th' others away.”
– Pirate Crew Member “Arrow”
“Heard that she's looking for someone, but not like a merchant or something. I mean a clod-blooded killer! I guess if you're going to fight for your ideals, you have to face scary people like that.”
– Quicksand Waitress
“I swear she looks familiar! I mean, it's just a gut feeling! When you wear a visor like that, she must be hiding something!”
– Former Gypsy
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
“I don't buy it. This Marigold woman spoke to me once and for someone who claimed to know nothing about Kanako, she seemed to know a lot about my business with her.”
– Elezen Agent - Ul'dah


◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

"Hm? Oh, yes, Marigold is my sister. My partner in crime, if you will. Say, do you care to buy a pelt?" - Mamiko Moonweaver

"...What a little nuisance. Kana’s the perfect example of everything you shouldn’t be in life. She’s selfless and reckless, and painstakingly honest—and she’s become a friend against all odds. Damn you, Kana." - Feine

"Lies and slander go here." - Culprit’s Character Name Here

"Lies and slander go here" - Culprit’s Character Name Here

"Lies and slander go here." - Culprit’s Character Name Here.

"Lies and slander go here." - Culprit's Character Name Here.


Songs to set the mood and reflect Marigold! The following links will take you to Youtube. Please mind your speakers.

Absolute Configuration
Artist: Puella Madoka Magica: Rebellion OST
Context: Battle Theme I
Red like Roses Part II
Artist: Jeff Williams & Casey Lee (RWBY OST)
Context: Battle Theme II
Fire Emblem Fates - Aqua's Dance (Nohr)
Artist: Fire Emblem Fates OST
Context: Performance Theme I
Fire Emblem Fates - Lost in Thoughts All Alone
Artist: Fire Emblem Fates OST
Context: Don't know yet, I just like the song and want to use it
The Last Song
Artist: Drakengard 3 OST
Context: Performance Theme II
Artist: Final Fantasy XIII OST
Context: The song of hope
[LINK] &
[LINK] &


A collection of screenshots of Marigold that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.

PAST - Kanako

A collection of screenshots of Kanako that serves as a visual reference, or snapshots from certain roleplaying scenes.


A collection of artwork of Marigold, either commissioned or gifted by the respective artist(s). Artist names & info are linked when you hover over images.
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.


I'm a female who lives on the East Coast and loves to RP. Marigold is my first and only alt. I hope to use her not only for RP, but for endgame content, just like Aulbiene Daiviere.


I'm kinda a slow reader. No matter how hard I try, I can't read super fast like a lot of people. Please be patient with me as this could also lead to somewhat slow replies.
I make typos.I will make typos, and I usually catch them as soon as I send the post. I do my best to try to quickly fix them. I have gotten better at re-reading my post before sending it, so hopefully you should see less typos.
Walk up Friendly. I have a bad habit of not walking up to people because I get nervous. I totally understand and know what it's like to be nervous to walk up to someone. Just know that I am walk up friendly. If we are in a crowded place (Quicksand) then a nice /tell before or after you reply to me would be great! Sometimes I may be AFK. It won’t be for long since I am IC, so please be patient.
Marigold is an alt.Marigold is an alt and i’m not on her as often as my main, Aulbiene Daiviere. With that being said, I still try to be as flexible as I can be with RP. Just don’t expect me to be on Kana all day..


I will

Combat RP. One-shot RP. Long-term RP. Dramatic plots. Heavy, feeling-driven plots. Romance. Sexual Tension. Serious injury. Temporary injury and incapacitation of mind or body. Temporary captivity or imprisonment. Assassination attempts. Rivalries. Deep platonic friendships.

I Will Not

ERP. Allow Lore Breaking. Allow my character to be killed. Injury that will leave my character incapacitated. Allow godmodding. OOCly planned romances.


Torture that leaves behind lasting, long-term effects (aka, longer than 3 months). Long-term and/or permanent injury. Long-term captivity or imprisonment. Significant tampering of the mind. Anything that is dramatically character-changing, or may have extremely negative implications for my character.


Hydaelyn Role-Players Profile: GhostlyMaiden.
Tumblr: Mostly Nanagi stuff but Kana will be included.
Other Wiki pages: Aulbiene Daiviere, Nanagi Nagi


Thank you all for letting me use/alter your codes. Please remember to link back when using this wiki.

Template was created by Bancroft Gairn.
Adapted by Xheja Rajhera.
Tabs by Unnamed Mercenary.
Tab banners by Jaliqai Qulaan & Leanne Delphium.
Relationships picture idea by Rihxo Matoi.
Music and OOC note by Glioca Sargonnai.
Mash-up by D'lyhhia Lhuil.
Appearance Chart by Odette Saoirse.
Relationship Tab Organization by Osric Melkire
Inspired by Xeiz Feine.
Some small edits by Kanako Moonweaver.