Y'uraq Tia

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BIRTH NAME. Y’uraq (Uraq of the Jaguars)
AGE. 30 (Appears 20-25)
HEIGHT. Six fulms, one ilm (6'1')
GUARDIAN DEITY. Menphina, the Lover
BIRTHPLACE. Beryl Point, Upper La Noscea
TRIBE. Jaguar (Y)
FAMILY. Missing, Deceased
SEX. Male
RACE. Miqo’te, Seeker of the Sun
WEIGHT. 145-150 Ponze
NAMEDAY. 4th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
CURRENT RESIDENCE. The Goblet / Lavender Beds
OCCUPATION. Bodyguard, Duelist, Void Hunter, Crafter, Performer
NICKNAMES. Raq, 'The White Jaguar', Dark one
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Good


➤ Y'URAQ TIA. (pronounced Yah-oo-rock Tea-ah)
Since his mysterious awakening in the deserts of Eastern Thanalan, Y'uraq had embarked on what he can only call his 'strange, long trip'. Though his travels indeed had their moments of discovery and wonder, they did not come without the dangers and hardships that all journeys would face.
Before long, fragments of his memories returned to him as he took on the promising life of a sellsword. But as many answers as he was able to remember about himself, he never found the answers to the questions he sought, causing him more grief and frustration than peace of mind. Before long, Y'uraq's pursuit of forgotten answers yielded more than he bargained for.
He remembers the tragic hour his former life ended, and the chaos Dalamud's fall had wrought with it. The roaring flames that spread and consumed everything with the craven pirates that came to invade, pillage, and enslave his tribe in the midst of the chaos. Y'uraq remembers fighting to protect his home as everything and everyone he held dear burned, bled, and died around him. He remembers being among the last to survive before he was ensnared and taken into the bitter, and soul-crushing life of a slave.
It wasn't long before Y'uraq was passed, and sold and dragged into darker reaches under the Lambs of Dalamud. And After surviving his death sentence, Y'uraq was taught to harness and evoke aether into a volatile and destructive force through fear, anger, and hatred for his enemies. Indeed, Y'uraq fought with everything he could muster to survive their unholy trials, but such powers were not gained without a succumbing to the madness his inner darkside had wrought. He was slowly losing himself to his inner darkness.
In his darkest times, Y'uraq recalled spilling the blood of the innocent for moons. Until his defiant stance against his craven masters to protect a life from their unholy deeds. Though Y'uraq failed to escape with the soul he sought to save, he narrowly managed to slip into freedom on his own, with only a poisoned dart taken in his escape into the wastelands. Exhausted and envenomed, Y'uraq remembered kissing the dirt in his final moments, waiting accept freedom in death. But instead, he awoke with a new beginning waiting at the end a new chance to live, learn, and grow.
However, second chances mean little with the shadow of his past risen to haunt and torment him back into darkness. Forcing Y'uraq to stride forth to rewrite his destiny, fight the odds lined against him, and find his place in an ever-changing world. Or lose it all again.
But he was not alone in his struggle for freedom. He was blessed to had met people who helped and supported him through his dark journey. Some whom even came to be his greatest friends, and allies in his battle against the forces that sought to reclaim him as a tool of destruction and suffering.
Four moons since surviving the last of his trials and his joining ritual, Y'uraq carried on to seek his dream of a relatively care-free life in the civilized world. Wanting to keep himself as far from unnecessary violence and conflict as possible, Y'uraq focused on exploring his non-combat talents, and earn a decent living as an adept craftsman with an incredible eye for detail and craftsmanship while serving the Eorzean grand companies of the Immortal Flames and the Twin Adders. In his spare time, he travels between the Eorzean city-states, seeking to explore and enjoy what peaceful social gatherings in search of new and brighter things to enjoy with like-minded people.
His search of happiness had indeed yielded a wonderful new opportunity as he was left inspired by the incredible performances of the Lucky Sparrow troupe. Ultimately discovering his ability to sing to the delight of an audience. Discovering his delight in the world of performing, Y'uraq explores the strange frontiers as a performing artist.
Though the present seemed much brighter for Y'uraq, the unsettled mystery behind his spellcasting lineage, and his inherited soul of the black mage still remain. With the determination and courage to face his true potential with love for the future and for magic, Y'uraq braves on for his next adventure.


by Incansun/Y'uraq Tia
Y'uraq stands at just an ilm over six fulms, appearing slightly taller than the average male miqo'te. His darker complexion strongly suggest he is indeed no stranger to the sun. Though he may seem physically limited, Y'uraq's lithe frame and speed has made him into a swift and precise striker when a moment demands it.
His moods are easily read through his eyes, either revealing a radiance of joy through his sharp, dark ambers partly glinting in the light. Or when they're dulled and concealed by his dark hairs, revealing a somber look in his eyes. Two longer bangs hanging down on both opposite sides of his head with his pointed furry ears slightly leaning toward the back of his head. With smaller fangs that reveal in his smiles, and in less friendlier moments.
Since his travels, Y'uraq's interests have protruded in the finer things, which soon reflected on his casual and battle attire. Y'uraq's outfits demand for subtle elegance while also keeping comfort and practicality in mind. Y'uraq keeps an extensive wardrobe packed with clothes and attire ranging from 'cute', to 'casual, to 'elegant' to 'battle-ready'.
He often wears the colors white, black, and/or red.
Numerous scars over his arms, back, hips, and torso. Each one tracing memories of the trials and hardships he’s faced throughout his life.
On his face, a long scar runs down his right brow, over his eye and a few ilms down his cheek, There is a smaller scar running down the left side of his face near his lips. Over the course of his journey Y'uraq has since added two black stripes over both sides his face and three smaller ones running down the bridge of his nose
Unlike most people that would brag about their scars while letting onlookers awe in wonder, Y’uraq thinks of them as nothing more than a testament of the battle's he's faced, and his will to fight on.
Y'uraq generally speaks in a soft-spoken voice, The pitch and tone of his voice makes him incredibly easy to read, from his cheery and high spirited enthusiasm, to the less favored melancholic tones.
Yuraqitem3.png"Star's Heart" : An important relic to Y'uraq's past. With his mother's help, Y'uraq made and adorned a platinum necklace with pearls and an peculiar dark purple gemstone locked at the brooch. A symbol to his devotion and a promise of something great and wonderful ahead of him. He was inspired to make one to present to his chosen mate someday, just as his sire had done for his mother. In his effort to protect his mother's keepsake, it eventually found itself in the wrong hands before revealing the true potential hidden inside. His mother's soulstone.
Yuaqitemberylcrest.png"Beryl Crest" : A Turquoise necklace recovered from the ruins of Beryl Point. Y'uraq proudly keeps his tribe's crest close to his heart as an eternal reminder of his true identity and heritage.
Yuraqarsnotoria.png"Ars Notoria" : During a visit to the ruins of Beryl Point, Y'uraq found and recovered an old, weathered codex that once belonged to his mother. Inside, the book contains a collection of manuscripts on archaic prayers and spells by both Ishgardian and Nymian scholars dating back to the end of the fifth umbral era. Much of of book's diagrams, and ley charts remain an undecipherable nightmare for Y'uraq.
Yuraqitem2.png"Chabuca" : Formerly his sire's lance. Since it's recovery, Chabuca has proven to be a sturdy and resilient piece of Lominsan steel. In time, Y'uraq has reacquainted himself with the weapon, taking much from his sire's example in practice.
Yuraqflameringbrands.png"Ringbands of Flames" : Armed or unarmed, Y'uraq almost never seen without a pair of augmented ruby ringbands fit over the back of his hands. Transmuted to draw and evoke aether from the astray leys, enabling Y'uraq to cast and ignite aetherial fire with his bare hands without risking self-immolation. They however, do very little to protect Y'uraq from frostbite.


YuraqPldstone.png"Soul of the Paladin" : Confident in his specialty with a sword and shield, Y'uraq challenged his skills and managed to prove himself to the sultanguard in a mere two moons. Y'uraq ascended as a free paladin and earned his soulstone. However, Y'uraq's lust for battle and vainglorious tendencies often made him forget his creed. It wasn't long before his soul of the paladin began to lose its luster the more he turned to rage for power in combat, until it became unresponsive for two years before it would begin to show faint signs of response to its chosen master again.

Since completing his joining, the light radiating from Y'uraq's soul of the paladin has shown its glow steadily returning, Y'uraq looks to the possibility of finding another mentor that will help him refresh his knowledge and finish his training correctly.

Yuraqmchstone.png"Soul of the Machinist" : In his bid to research alternate means of evoking and manifesting aether, Y'uraq took his first semester away from the Vylbrand Academy to attend the Machinist' guild in Ishgard, where he was taught the fundamentals of safety, maintenance, and aim. In his time there, Y'uraq has earned his soulstone, proving to have great promise in for his ingenuity and craftsmanship, but he has yet to unlock his soulstone's full potential.
YuraqBlmstone.png"Soul of the Black Mage" : Since experiencing its hellish potential first hand, Y'uraq had begun to wonder if his mother's knowledge about thaumaturgy and aether extended far beyond the things openly she shared with him. Knowing full well the severity for possession of a forbidden Mhachi relic, Y'uraq guards his inherited soulstone closely.

In the following moon since completing his joining, Y'uraq came across a peculiar, yet chipper xaela man whom was quick to assess his talent as a thaumaturge. It wasn't long before the stranger confirmed Y'uraq's suspicions, but the man didn't seem remotely as dangerous as black mages were thought to be. In the end, Y'uraq took a risk and revealed his soul of the black mage to the man who would become his new mentor.

YuraqDRKstone.png"Soul of the Dark Knight" : In the midst of an unholy ritual, Y'uraq had his first encounter with his destined soul of the dark knight. His mind was shattered and his spirit broken from the terrible visions after coming face to face with the concentrated darkness that became his shadow, his darkside. Y'uraq was reawakened to suffer the effects of his madness unleashed for moons before fate would spare and sever him loose from his dark destiny.

With help from his friends, Y'uraq managed to overcome and survive the many hardships, trials, and tribulations his 'long strange trip' brought with it. After two, long and arduous years of sweat, blood and tears. Y'uraq completed his joining ritual, earned his soul of the dark knight, and found the redemption and forgiveness he long sought for.


by Sarah Cleary/Z'laish Tia
Y'uraq has never been the kind to go quietly into the night. Instead, he braves on to overcome the challenges and obstacles thrown at him with the best of his abilities and triumph. Even in the face of uncertainty, Y'uraq defiantly pressed on to the last.
His experiences, origins, and heritage have inspired him through difficult moments in his journey. At times his pride would flip an imminent defeat into a moment of triumph, evoking an incredible strength and constitution against what ever opposed him. However, misplaced pride would lead him into dark and bitter moments.
In his weaker, more private moments, it's not uncommon for Y'uraq to find himself drowning in memories, yearning back for his care-free days before the Calamity. Feelings of regret, and sorrow were not far behind.
Despite the rage and destructive power he'd become known for, Y'uraq would surprise people with how caring and understanding he could be toward friends and strangers in need. In the end, it wasn't Y'uraq sense of 'justice', but his sense of empathy for others that revealed who he truly was.



Thanalan's wilderness
Recreational moko grass
Competitive sparring
The colors white, black & red.
Fashion & fine embroidery
Spicy foods
The sounds of thunder
Rainy days
Natural Redheads


Bullies and bigots
Slave traders
The Lambs of Dalamud
Forced conversations


Bar tending
Triple Triad
Reading and Writing
Poetic Literature
Swordplay / Sparring

Flaws / Ineptitudes

Not the best choice for physical labor
Talks a lot
Has a strange, dorky laugh
Emotionally driven
ENFP - The Campaigner


Since he can remember, Y'uraq was taught to confront threats with ferocity and determination. To stand his ground and drive his enemies away was the standard for all destined guardians of his tribe. In result, Y'uraq was trained in several armed arts including one-handed swords, greatswords, and more blades of all shapes and sizes. Over time, his training with weapons extended to fight with swords and shields, lances, daggers, and battle-axes. Having very little experience with unarmed combat, Y'uraq will turn to thaumaturgy and magic to aid his victory, or survival. He casually practices his aim with corporeal projectiles to conserve his casting hands.
Years of studying and practicing basic aetherology in his youth has helped enforce Y'uraq's knowledge over advanced spellcasting. Acknowledged by the thaumaturges guild as an adept in their ranks, Y'uraq continues to study, reflect and demonstrate the great and volatile powers of fire, thunder, and ice while restraining his focus away from the dark, and terrible thoughts that once foolishly inspired them.
Through moons of nightmarish trials and deeds, Y'uraq has learned much from the Lambs of Dalamud, and Rune Fury in forbidden arts. Including evoking and harnessing aether into a volatile and destructive force. Embracing his fear, anger, and hatred to unleash on his victims. Y'uraq's knowledge extends to necromancy, shadow and blood magic. To this day Y'uraq continues to reject the dark, and terrible things Rune Fury had taught him, but uses his knowledge as a means to identify void magic when he sees it.
Note: Resistant to void/dark-aspected magic and effects.


Y'uraq training.png
Born with a strong affinity to aether, Y'uraq was quick to demonstrate his potential as a spellcaster since a very young age. He but needs a school of magic to evoke it through.
Since childhood, swords have been Y'uraq's weapon of choice. Years of mastery have enabled him to drive, slash, swing and maneuver his blades with agility, and percision.
Y'uraq's will to fight and survive makes him determined to defy his odds, and push past his known limits if it meant winning the day.
Despite his deceptively thin and light frame, Y'uraq gains the physical might to match the raw strength of a large and hulking Roegadyn when his darkside is evoked, making him exceptionally athletic in combat. In addition, he can also withstand heavy combat at close quarter, while retaining an array of his most powerful spells at his disposal.

Y'uraq has been prone to underestimate his foes too lightly before learning a harsh lesson in bad judgement.
Y'uraq suffered a serious, and bloody injury to his right leg in early adolescence. He is likely to fall with a firm and direct strike to his right leg with a lot of pain.
Despite Y'uraq's set of skills and abilities at his disposal, he is immensely light for a man his height.
Y'uraq is vulnerable without a weapon, or his ringbands to evoke spells with.



“Y'uraq? Hmm I remember him. He's easily among the better sellswords out there. Heard he nabbed a couple of championships too, good for him.” - Scorpion Crossing Merchant, Western Thanalan
“Merciful gods did you see him fight?! He's an absolute savage! - Grindstone Spectator, Central Thanalan
“Indeed, Y'uraq is easily among the more gifted thaumaturges to ever walk through our doors. But his passion for knowledge and thirst for answers concerns us. - Adept Thaumaturge, Azzaneth Ossuary

“They say he's lost his memories, I say he's hiding something." - Quicksand Gossiper, Ul'dah
“Agent Y'uraq? Mn, aye he's been a fine addition to our ranks since wandering in. He's been prone to bring proof of marked sightings over the twelveswood, but our scouts never seem to find the remains...” - Serpent Personnel Officer, Adders' Nest
"He almost seems like a different person when he fights, cruel and vicious... Yet, he's so calm and friendly when he's not.” - Grindstone Spectator, Central Thanalan

“Years ago, I saw a male miqo'te in a red tattered cloak board my ferry. He was alone, quiet, the air around him was frigid. I remember my crew commenting over a feeling of dread in our sail across the channel. I felt that dreadful feeling depart as he did.” - Vesper Bay Ferry Captain, Western Thanalan
“I've seen him running between Rowena's house of splendors, and that old digsite just north of that Crystal tower they found. I can't help wonder what he's done with that stave and the stack of tomes he got from Rowena” - Seventh Heaven Patron, Revenant's Toll
“I swear I'm telling you! I saw him mark and consume a voidoriga into nothing!” - Drunken patron, Buscarron's Durthers

"He seems to have some potential, but his mind is clouded." - Rahn'a Lihzeh
"Don't go near him, he'll give you fleas" - Sylbor Leclair
"Rumor here." - Character Name


Over the past few moons, Y'uraq has been commonly spotted at these locations

The Black Shroud - A land shrouded in miracle and mystery. Since moving to Gridania, Y’uraq has taken an interest in familiarizing himself with the region and its history.

The Lavender Beds - Y’uraq’s current residence, spends most of his leisure hours reading and studying in his apartment.

Thanalan - Y’uraq’s has been spending time in Ul'dah and the surrounding wilderness. Y'uraq feels a personal charm for the region for having been the first and most important point throughout his adventures.

The Goblet - Since rejoining the Fireborn, Y'uraq has returned to Ul'dah for extended periods in confidence he had a home, and friends to start the new beginning in his life as it had over before.


The Lucky Sparrow { Guest Performer / Volunteer Staff } - Since fatefully wandering of their shows, Y'uraq was blown away and even inspired by the amazing performers of the Lucky Sparrow troupe. Inspired by their amazing song numbers and choreography, Y'uraq has taken it upon himself to explore and nurture his creative side while assisting his new friends in any way he can.

The Ala Mhigan Resistance { Friendly Contact } - In a bid to keep contact to his only living relatives, Y'uraq serves the Ala Mhigan freedom fighters in Ala Ghiri as an assistant conjurer under his aunt's discretion.

The Fireborn { Flame } - Re-accepted into the ranks of the Fireborn, Y'uraq is grateful to serve under Garen Stone's authority. He seeks to contribute to the teamwork and moral compass they stand for whenever fate allows.

From Most Recent to Past

The Botanists Guild { Costumer } - Y'uraq occasionally visits the Botanists guild for recreational moko grass.

The Twin Adders { Serpent Agent } - Y'uraq a renowned name among the adders. Often noting his immense success at hunting voidsent in the region, by himself.

The Bobbing Cork { Former Apprentice } - Y'uraq spent a few moons as an apprentice-culinarian to distract himself and earn a decent living. Before other responsibilities forced him to resign.

The Ca Tribe { Former Nunh } - Since inadvertently gaining the title of Nunh of the 'Ca' Tribe, Y'uraq sought to negotiate his pact with the elders before before circumstances forced him to step down as Nunh and assist the Ca's returning to 'C' territory

The Vylbrand Academy { Former Student } - Eager to start a normal life, Y'uraq enrolled himself to study among fellow scholars and find his place among them. It wouldn't be long before his unfinished fate would come back to haunt him. Despite the hardships and challenges Y'uraq did his best to resume a scholar's life, before his training would come back to haunt him.

The Vault Reavers - { Former Leader } With the grant and blessing of the Immortal Flames, Y'uraq once lead a stationed free company of treasure hunters operating in the region. Though it's more of a City-state funded research organization. Regardless, Y'uraq has been able to make good use of the resources provided by the Flames, for as long as it lasted.

The Arrzaneth Ossuary - { Former Student, Former Librarian } In effort to improve and gain frequent access to their archives, Y'uraq worked a couple of moons as a part-time librarian, aiming for less busy hours to study in relevant peace. He returns periodically to catch up on his studies.

Eorzean Arenas - { Currently Inactive } While not necessarily an 'employment', Y'uraq's love for competition and rites of strength made him a natural contender! Attending nearly every competition he notices in hopes of walking away with a championship and the spoils that come with it. Even though circumstances have forced him to focus on his dark gifts, Y'uraq has yet to retire from the ring.

Immortal Flames - { Formerly Active } Y'uraq served and negotiated with his fellows. Often applying his limited craftsmanship skills in provisionary tasks since giving up mercenary life, for a 'relevantly' less exciting one.

Maelstrom 81st levy - { Former Member } a crew of mercenaries stationed in La Noscea. Despite his good tidings, Y'uraq found himself re-evaluating the risks and benefits of mercenary life. He soon sought new purpose in as a scholar's apprentice, before deciding to resume his pursuits in Thanalan.

Gridanian Locals - { Former Employers } While Y'uraq wandered and searched his way across the immense woodlands. He occasionally stopped to mend, gather, hunt and sometimes cull the local fauna in the name of the greater good, or so they said.

Omner Garamonde - { Former Employer } During his time exploring the twelveswood, Y'uraq was granted gathering and hunting jobs for Mr. Garamonde's free company, before taking off for La Noscea.

Ul'dahn Locals - { Former Employers } Y'uraq took on simple jobs across ul'dah for gil scraps, or anything that kept him from starving. Including pest control, deliveries, and hunting local fauna. As his swordsmanship improved, Y'uraq has been able to offer his services as an accomplished sellsword to fellow travelers, scholars and excursionists alike.


-Positive Standing    -Neutral Standing    -Negative Standing

-Physical Attraction
-Romantic Attraction

A complete list of all the NPCs that made their appearances in Y'uraq's adventures. NPCs range from deceased and missing family members, to new found friends, allies and contacts, to bitter adversaries.
NPCs featured are works of creation by yours truly and the Amazing folks I've had the pleasure of RP'ing with. You know who you are!
NPCs (Vol 1)
Y’turo Nunh:

Y’uraq’s Sire. In life, Y’turo was among the most distinguished and respected warriors in his tribe. Noted much for his brute strength, determination and skill with a polearm in hand. Y’uraq spent much of his childhood aspiring to be just like his sire in his adult years. Y’turo met his end defending his home from a horde of pirates on the night of the Calamity.

Y'rulia Rotol:

Y’uraq’s mother. In life, Y'rulia was blessed with an immense talent for spellcasting. Regardless of the ill will, and obstacles set from the other females, Y'rulia proved herself to be able and resourceful enough to earn her place as Y'turo's Alpha. Since becoming a mother, Y'rulia became more devoted to raising Y’nida and Y’uraq through their, childhood until they would be old enough to fight and defend beryl point from the 86th.

Though Y'rulia fell defending Beryl Point from a Kobold Siege just moons before the Calamity. Her mysterious legacy lives on behind her sealed soul of the black mage.

Y’nida Tia:

Of all the other kits and half-siblings alike, Y’uraq spent most of his time at his older brother's side. The two grew close together through their childhood and into adolescence as the two took on their separate mantles within the tribe. Y’nida chose to follow his mother’s advice, spending much of his years away from home while studying in Limsa’s Arcanist guild. Y'nida managed to exceed and earn himself a place among lominsan scholars, before he would return to Beryl Point. He soon disappeared during a siege by the 86thm his fate remains uncertain.

Y’mocci Isabra:

Y’mocci was a young huntress responsible for Y’uraq’s early combat training. Despite having excelled at every trial Y’mocci had set for her students, Y’mocci’s relationship with Y’uraq soured with every challenge he would overcome with ease only to openly accuse him of foul play.

Y’mocci fought and survived through the Calamity, until she sealing her own fate the night she had the survivors rally against Y’uraq’s exile from the Beryl Point. In the midst of his dark rampage, Y’uraq recalled striking Y’mocci down, he feels no regret or remorse over her death.

Caylee Jeren:

A Human Midlander Y’uraq came across during one of his many young excursions around La Noscea. Before long, Y’uraq and Caylee fell into their first romance that would last on for nearly two years before their growing discourse drove them apart beyond repair. Caylee departed from la Noscea with a bitter goodbye only three years before the calamity.

Y’uraq had never heard or seen her since, until their fateful reunion at Rune Fury's side. She was not the girl he once fell in love with. And indeed she was not as their shared memories were all forgotten as she fiendishly attacked Y'uraq and his friends along side Y'kila in Tam-Tara. She was struck and defeated by Kim'ahri before she was swallowed into the depths below.

NPCs (Vol 2)
86th Order Matriarch Ma Ri:

The Territorial disputes between Beryl Point and the Kobolds of the 86th have spanned through generations dating back to the Sixth Astral Era. Through the entirety of Y’uraq’s past life, the Y tribe of Beryl point would clash against the Matriarch's underlings. Heavy losses were claimed on both side, including the destruction of the land.

One bitter night, Y’uraq witnessed the dreadful moment his mother was struck down by the matriarch herself. In a rage, Y’uraq rushed toward Ma Ri, managing slice off two of her fingers from her clutches before the craven monster screeched in retreat with her kin into their mountain, taking what they could, supplies, food, prisoners, his brother.

Rune Fury & The Lambs of Dalamud:

Y’uraq was dragged and corralled among dozens of other slaves purchased by a group of people donning bone white masks and red cloaks. The group followed a Roegadyn hellsguard donning a distinguished mask of her own and a tattered red cloak veling over her rusted, blood caked plates.

Rune Fury took a special interest in Y’uraq’s vicious savagery following the moment Y'uraq killed his slaver and survived his death sentence. Before long, Rune Fury took and trained Y'uraq as her new 'Shadow Reaver', giving him but a small glimpse of his darkside. Despite the ‘friendship’ and guidance and unlikely comfort Rune Fury could offer her enthalled student, Y’uraq despised her for the hell and torment her training subjected him to over coming moons. At the night of Y'uraq's escape, the old Roegadyn approached her hysterical student. Y'uraq succumbed to his madness and defied his dark mentor in vicious combat, before slashing Rune Fury's left arm clean off.

Thought reports and sightings of the crazed cultists were corfirmed across Eorzea in the following years, Rune Fury's fate was uncertain. Until her reunion with Y'uraq in her bid to reclaim her 'prodigal son'. Returned, Rune Fury forced Y'uraq to take her trial before she taking Ca'yita as leverage. Y'uraq has since passed her test without succumbing to her trap before he and his friends ventured into Tam-Tara to put an end to her once and for all.


Y'uraq was issued a white feathered and short tempered Chocobo during his enlistment at the Maelstrom. (WIP)

Sena'li Mujuuk:

A despicable cutthroat hired by an Ul’dahn mogul following Y'uraq's triumphant unprecedented conquests over the Grindstone. Sena’li was sent to break into Y’uraq’s home and steal the prize money suspected to be stashed somewhere in his home. The thief bid his time before breaking in, only to find Arzu still inside. Sena'li forced himself violently on Arzu, demanding her to open Y’uraq’s safe. Arzu bravely defied and fought off the intruder before Sena'li's sentries warned of Y'uraq's return. Sena'li stabbed Arzu in her stomach and fled, leaving her to die.

Y’uraq eventually caught up to Sena’li in a vicious, and bloody vengeance those following weeks.

Y'asmei Toaki:

Arzu's half-sister. Y'uraq met Y'asmei in a visit turned violently ill as she took y'uraq by force in a sick bid to drive Arzu away from him. Y'uraq had since resented the vile woman. before news of her death in Gyo's hands only drove him with more ire, than peace of mind.

NPCs (Vol 3)

Ca'nipe Nunh:

Though Y'uraq hasn't suffered Ca'nipe's tyranny like Ca'yita and her tribe had. It wasn't long before he vowed to strike Ca'nipe down after finding Ca'yita's bleeding, battered body. Y'uraq was convinced to exercise his full power and unleash his shadow in the name of justice. Though he was internally shaken by his own viciousness, Y'uraq was assured with evidence and stories of Ca'nipe's cowardice and his rise to Nunhship. Y'uraq had indeed served the Ca Tribe as a proper Dark Knight would bring justice to those in need.

While inadvertently earning his Nunhship title...

Ca'geh Zihde:

Since stumbling upon the curious and self-appointed "little shadow", Y'uraq's darkest hours took a sad, yet illuminating detour upon discovering none other than Ca'yita's estranged little sister. Despite Y'uraq's optimism to reintroduce her to her family, Ca'geh plead him to keep her a secret from the rest of the Ca's. Y'uraq agreed to the girl's terms and resumed meeting with the little shadow at her discretion.

Before long, Y'uraq was able to learn much about the Ca's through Ca'geh's life and the recent past. She often kept a close watch, stalking and observe Y'uraq leading her tribe through their recent hardships. When Y'uraq made his plans to step down as Nunh, Ca'geh immediately begged Y'uraq to take her to the civilized world with him. Y'uraq did not need much convincing. Y'uraq however struggled much to convince the child to accept the opportunities a new life in Civilization could offer her, she did not sway from remaining in the shadows.

After a brief conflict with the troubled child, Y'uraq was able to dissuade Ca'geh from nearly killing her own sister in a bid to keep her asleep forever, and even trust him into waiting until her sister awakes. Watching the two sisters reuniting brought Y'uraq memories of the his own long-lost brother.

The following moons have improved as the two were able to bond to the point Y'uraq consider himself a male role model for Ca'geh. Though she is still wary of the rest of the world knowing she exists, he hopes to help Ca'geh come out of her shell.

"The Ca's":

Ca'yita's half sisters, named Ca'yume, Ca'rina, Ca'khuna, Ca'ohmo, Ca'dalaa, Ca'towi, Ca'mia, and Ca'sanra. After Y'uraq stepped down as Nunh Ca's, eight women from the Ca tribe swore fealty to Y'uraq and followed him back to civilization. In the following moons, Y'uraq had helped them settle in Gridania, and establish a steady living as his retainers and huntresses.

Since then The ca's have each made their own efforts to adjust to living life and explore possibilities they couldn't had found back in Southern Thanalan. Including the new friendships, and adventures they went on to have on have on their own.

Ziho Lizuh:

Following the series of events in Southern Thanalan, Y'uraq came across a fateful encounter with a keeper of the moon miqo'te girl he remembered meeting and befriending before the Calamity. Like the rest of Eorzea, the tragic events had claimed much of the life Ziho once knew as well. Thought she was unwilling to speak of her missing years, Y'uraq's days in Gridania became deceptively brighter as the two spent the following week re-kindling their friendship before things took a much more intimate turn.

However, Ziho's intentions proved herself false in Y'uraq's eyes. In the end, the turned-succubi's attempt to end Y'uraq's life was turned on her before he took a dark pleasure in putting the voidsent out of her misery and consuming her Aether for himself, but it wouldn't be long before he realized what he had ultimately done to himself.

the inadvertent efforts of sylphic magic and alchemy allowed Ziho re-emerged from Y'uraq as monstrous arachnid, before she was immediately put down by Kim'ahri, Syf, Ca'yita, and Ca'geh. Saving Y'uraq's life.


Leader of a pod of touched ones. Kitxio bared witness to Y'uraq undoing his simple and twisted 'prank' to feed a small party of 'walking ones' to a morbol. During Y'uraq's rampage, Kitxio was able to sedate and imprison Y'uraq with aim to control the 'scary one' and unleash the monster he witnessed on little solace. Before his plans were thwarted by Katxia with help from Ca'yita, Ca'geh, Syf, and Kim'ahri coming to rescue Y'uraq and his 'pod' from his shortsighted plan.

In their following encounter, Y'uraq found it in himself to forgive the disgraced sylph, to Katxia's approval.

NPCs (Vol 4)


Kitxio's twin sister. She first met Y'uraq when she took pity in his torment wrought on by her kin's toxins and illusions. She immediately took it upon herself to soothe, cure, and switch her own medicine to help him counter and resist sylphic illusions. Since his rescue from the Sylphlands, Katxia has been grateful for Y'uraq's friends saving her kin from the monster her brother unleashed. Enough to venture beyond her homeland and join Y'uraq on his adventures to lend her helping hand.

Ronzoix Joubert:

A craven and disgraced Ishgardian nobleman whose deceptive ways managed to earn his way to a slave master among the Lambs of Dalamud. Y'uraq was helplessly beaten and tormented by Ronzoix's boot in effort to break him, before Y'uraq would rise free from his chains and handlers. Ronzoix revealed his cowardice when he could only attempt to decieve Y'uraq into coercion before he was finally impaled under a blade.

Since Y'uraq's ascencion and eventual escape. Ronzoix's corpse was retrieved and reanimated as Rune Fury's new champion. Ronzoix sought the opportunity to unleash his vengeance on Y'uraq, and reassert his place as his superior. However Y'uraq's might proved to be the greater knight once more, and Ronzoix was forced to into a last resort, through Y'uraq's soul of the black mage. Ronzoix made himself Cuchulainn's avatar before he was ultimately defeated and vanquished by Y'uraq and his friends.

Y'kila Nasegul:

Once Y'uraq closest friend in his tribe, Y'uraq and Y'kila spent much time together venturing to Limsa Lominsa together from barhopping to partaking in festivals together and the company they had found. Y'kali often flirted and teased Y'uraq, insisting she'd happily mate and breed with him if he were a Nunh. On the night of the Calamity, Y'kila was captured before she broke free and fleeing with the other survivors into the wilds the night of the Calamity.

In their first fateful reunion, Y'kila was struck down by Y'uraq in cold blood. Her blood in his hands had since brought him much turmoil for allowing his rage to betray his best friend. Y'uraq and Y'kila shared a second twisted reunion at Rune Fury's side, reborn as a succubus. In their bid to Rescue Ca'yita from Tam-Tara, Y'kila fought and unleashed the flames of her fury at Y'uraq and his friends alongside her fated sister, Caylee. But she was struck down as she took one last sorrowful look at Y'uraq, before she fell into the depths.

Jemomo Bushoho:

A lalafellin taken to the way of piracy, smuggling, and slavery. Jemomo would sail with his crew across the south seas in search of small villages, tribes, and hamlets to raid and plunder goods and slaves for profit. Following a hint of beryl point in Upper La Noscea, Jemomo's crew of Roegadyns, Highlanders, And Elezens raided Y'uraq's home. Despite resistance by the huntresses and defenders, Jemomo's crew crushed and murdered those that resisted the pirates and capture the remaining survivors along with Y'uraq.

Y'uraq still looks back at Jemomo, and all slavers like him with ire and scorn. It would be many summers since the Calamity before Rune Fury revealed his return in bid she takes his vengeance on his slaver. Y'uraq willing walked himself and his friends into her trap, only to survive certain death thanks to them. Jemomo revealed himself entirely connected to the lambs and a pupil of Rune Fury tasked to kill Y'uraq with the promise of his own freedom and more riches waiting for him.

In the end, Jemomo was overcome by his darkside's greed and unleashed his fury on Y'uraq, and Zisa'a. After losing arms after another, he was finally severed to half a man by Y'uraq's blade.


Y'uraq built the mammet formerly known as 'Placeholder' in an effort to construct a band of mammets to play musical instruments in attempt to support his vocals. Gonzalo is an eager and spirited mammet always ready to jack his magitek amplifier to eleven and his powerful and present demeanor demand his full attention when it's time for a show.

NPCs (Vol 5)


Y'uraq built a second mammet after 'Ronny' with intent on making him the bass guitarist of his new band. His absent demeanor often clashes in contrast with Ronny's own eccentric demeanors, lacking a share of vision. He is also much more patient, or simply just too care free to care about anything other than playing his instrument. wWhether or not other people come watch and listen to him.


The final addition to the band. Y'uraq designed and built a slightly larger mammet around his torso to deploy and pack his drum set from his storage compartment. Addy is much quieter than his brothers, but he is always happy to lend a hand and follow directions as best he can.

J'arisa Maro:

Y'uraq's long-lost aunt, and Ala Mhigan Resistance medic.

J'vid Tia:

Y'uraq's cousin, and Ala Mhigan Resistance warrior.

A complete list of all the player characters that have left a lasting impact on Y'uraq since the beginning of his strange, long trip.
Player Characters (Vol 1)
Sharla Blackheart:

The very first person Y'uraq spoke to since awakening in the wilderness and his eventual wander into Ul'dah. Instinctively drawn by her sword, shield, and shining armor, Y’uraq confided in the stranger for guidance that would prompt him to find the early fragments of his memories. Since then, Sharla had advice Y'uraq early in his journey across Eorzea.

Though he had not heard from the distinguished sultanguard in moons, he still fondly remembers of her as the beacon that lit him on his way.

Omner Garamonde:

Y'uraq recalls being hopelessly lost making sense of the Ul'dahn markets, before he stumbled into a Hyurian Highlander in the middle of his blacksmithing craft. After an exchange of greetings, gil, and armor. Y'uraq was invited to join the man's free company at their estate in the Twelveswood. Y'uraq was happy to accept their hospitality during his time in the Black shrouds, and often took the time to repay their generosity before parting for La Noscea.

Y'uraq hasn't heard from Mr. Garamonde or his free company since his departure.

Satomi Hakase:

Y'uraq first met the talented alchemist early in his travels. Their brief meeting left him with a sparked interest in academia that would later grow in his travels. Y'uraq had encountered the curious Doman time again in his travels. Her bodyguards had since lightened up to their friendship during his stay at the Vylbrand Academy.

Rahn'a Lihzeh:

Former Crewmate, mentor. Despite his difficulties in Gridania, Y'uraq sought to try his hand at conjury once more under Rahn'a's guidance. Despite their attempts, Rahn'a concluded Y'uraq's mind was far too clouded to be an effective conjurer.

Ralamano Nulumano:

During his time with the 81st Levy, Y’uraq began to aspire for much greater pursuits thanks to the Lalafellin’s Guidance. Before long, Y’uraq was sparked newfound interest in the lost knowledge and artifacts littered across history and over the entire continent.

Player Characters (Vol 2)
Seseli Seli:

After settling himself in Ul'dah. Y'uraq met the cheery and sweet-mannered lalafellin, before their friendship quickly blossomed into something more. Seseli became fightened, baring witness to Y'uraq's savagery in combat and left him.

Y'uraq had since lost contact with Seseli before fate crossed their paths at the Vylbrand Academy, the two had since managed to find closure.

Garen Stone:

Leader and commander of the Fireborn. Since their excursion in Coerthas, Y'uraq had come to respect and confide in Garen's leadership. Y'uraq feels he owes the man for re-discovering his extended abilities while braving into the unknown. Often addresses him as "Ser Garen"

Altonio Salaphonte:

Former colleague, fellow contender, and trusted friend. Y'uraq met and befriended Altonio during his brief stay with the Fireborn. The two continue to maintain a friendly competition at the Grindstone tournaments every chance they get.

Arzu Dilara:

Following his first moons back in Thanalan, Y'uraq met and enlisted the healing hand of his new personal conjurer, and housekeeper, Arzu Dilara. Despite their 'rocky' start, sparks soon lit and flew as their friendship blossomed into romance. However, Y'uraq's fate made his romance brief, despite his attempt to fight against his creed as a Dark Knight. Their stormy relationship occasionally found patches of peace before another storm would rise to threaten their relationship. She remained as the most influential figure in his strange, long journey.

As much as the two yearned to bond and walk the aisle together someday, Y'uraq's fate would once again tear Arzu from his arms and sacrifice what wished he valued more in exchange for unlocking his full potential.

Though Arzu is no longer in his life, Y'uraq does his best to remember her for the light she offered him in his darkest hours.

Sarnai Kha:

Thanks to Sarnai's guidance, Y'uraq was able to grasp and understand his darkside and the fundamentals of his training. Sarnai went on to introduce and study the philosophies and fundamentals of walking the path. Before long, Sarnai witnessed Y'uraq's power to evoke such destruction through rage alone that she stressed him not to form emotional attachments. To which he disobeyed.

Regardless, the two resumed their studies toward the martial study and spellcasting before Sarnai mysteriously disappeared. Y'uraq was left to resume his studies and face his dangers without a mentor.

Player Characters (Vol 3)
Togy Brandmakt (aka: 'Mr. Mask'):

Y'uraq first encountered the deranged champion following a competition in Halatali. Since Then, Y'uraq had reserved a very low opinion for the masked man, before escalating into a short unrequited rivalry. Mr. Mask and Y'uraq had since proven themselves victorious over the other only one each. Before word of Mr. Mask's retirement led Y'uraq to abandon their petty rivalry in stalemate.

Isoei Buhen:

A former fan of Y'uraq. Since their first meeting, Isoei's fascination with Y'uraq had grown too much, too fast before she would declared her romantic interest in just a few suns. Y'uraq had since rejected the girl's advances before she disappeared almost as quickly as she came in.

Katiti Kati:

Y'uraq and Katiti shared a brief relationship together, before it began to sour due to not only the difference in their interests and pursuits, but from the distance that began to settle between the two. In a twist of fate, Y'uraq found himself in the embrace of his former lover. Upon confessing his deed to Katiti, she broke up with him without second thought.

Though some time has passed since their bitter separation, Y'uraq still tries to look back at Katiti for the lesson his relationship with her was worth. But she's since resented him for breaking her heart.

Terretha Nightsong:

A friend and former student of Y'uraq. The aspiring 'Jill-of-all-trades' sought to learn the art of combat from Y'uraq after a fateful meeting at the grindstone. Y'uraq has since attempted to test and train Terretha on his martial skill before his training auto-turrets soon became too much for the poor girl.

Regardless, Y'uraq and Terretha have maintained a relatively good friendship.

Ca'yita Zihde:

Despite their rocky beginnings at the Academy, Y'uraq and Ca'yita had since become close friends thanks to Ellilaine's advice. To this day, Y'uraq's friendship with Ca'yita has left him pondering the possibility of romance with her in a near future, even though another part of him is reluctant to pursue a romantic relationship in his current state.

Player Characters (Vol 4)
Sylbor Leclair:

Y'uraq perfers not to remember the smug, silver-tongued, spineless excuse of a man he met at the Academy. Sylbor remains a symbol of sleaze, cowardice and deception in Y'uraq's book to this day.

Katzumi Nakahara:

Former colleage and pupil. Katzumi first found Y'uraq wallowing in the darkness over his broken heart. Before long, she was able to remind Y'uraq to look for the good in his life, the light in the darkness. Y'uraq began to enjoy his friendship with Katzumi, before she too began to express feelings Y'uraq couldn't requite. Heartbroken, Katzumi's relationship with Y'uraq soured.

Regardless of their falling out, Y'uraq looks back at Katzumi for the light their brief frienship inspired in him.

Syf Kha:

Y'uraq met Syf on the verge of taking his own life in despair. Since their fateful encounter, Syf inspired the light of hope in Y'uraq, and longing to find the other forgotten memories again. Before long, Syf took Y'uraq as her student. Despite the dark nature of their arts, Syf has always treated Y'uraq with kindness and respect. Through his strife, Syf had always remained close to lecture and train Y'uraq into mastering his darkside and regain the inner strength to wield it.

Despite their success and their hardships, fate's always kept Syf close to remind Y'uraq of his path, and train him into a proper knight. Y'uraq had always trusted her guidance.

Ellilaine Florenza:

During his time at the Academy, Y'uraq was introduced to the rhyming and charming woman to be his tutor. Ellilaine was meant to teach Y'uraq advanced thaumaturgy, but not before teaching him about proper control and "killing your adversaries with kindness" first. Y'uraq spent much time learning from his Sharlayan mentor, before her charming wits and his wish to please her tutor would spark mutual attraction between them. Despite being nothing more than just that. Y'uraq continues to look back at Ellilaine for the invaluable lesson she had taught him.

Zoey Holendoey:

Y'uraq met the curiously impatient and rude lalafellin woman. Attempting to follow Ellilaine's example, Y'uraq learned there was much more to Zoey and her condition before he was able to meet her without umbral aether to cloud her warmth. Making him reminiscent of his struggle against his darkside.

Player Characters (Vol 5)
Gyo Shouzhen:

Y'uraq met Gyo attending the Vylbrand academy. Though the two were never much acquainted, Y'uraq had never forgotten his debt to Gyo for saving his life.

Kim'ahri: -Uncertain/Puzzled

Much like his sister, Y'uraq and Kim'ahri have not started off on good terms either. Between the battles and the escalating bitter rivalry he feels Kim'ahri instigated, Y'uraq has in part failed to keep his own pride out of their agument. Y'uraq currently holds an uneasy truce with the giant, but hopes they can bury the hatchet sooner than later.

Zisa'a Yguara:

Despite the poor impression Zisa'a has left on his friends for being part of Ca'yita's kidnapping, Zisa'a plead to redeem himself for his actions has struck a soft spot in Y'uraq's own quest for freedom and redemption. Y'uraq has since allowed Zisa'a to prove himself through his actions to help bring Ca'yita back from her capture. Over the course of their adventure to save Ca'yita, Zisa'a was able to gain Y'uraq's trust, and friendship... To some extent

Aoki Kha:

Y'uraq met the eccentric, yet curiously insightful man after following the scene of moko grass into a railway tunnel across the Coffer & Coffin. Though Y'uraq was immensely cautious around Aoki, he has since grown to trust the man's offer in guidance into improving his potential for spellcasting while mentoring him in the fine arts and philosophies of black magic. Despite being a male Xaela, Y'uraq finds him incredibly easy on the eyes and hopes to learn much from his new mentor.


Arranged in chronological order. The songs listed retell defining moments in Y'uraq's journey and experiences from his perspective.
The following links will take you to Youtube, please mind your speakers or headphones when clicking the links. Updated periodically.

Character Themes (Vol 1)

    Wake Me Up
    Artist: Avicii
    Context: Y'uraq's search begins.
    Artist: Rob Zombie
    Context: Y'uraq's theme. (darkside mode)
    I've Just Seen a Face
    Artist: Jim Sturgess
    Context: Y'uraq is literally smitten by his new conjurer as their relationship began to bloom.
    Artist: A Perfect Circle
    Context: Y'uraq realizes the suffering and horrors his madness had wrought to those around him
    Pure Love
    Artists: Arash (ft. Helena)
    Context: Y'uraq and Arzu's romantic reunion. Y'uraq comes in terms with his feelings for her.
    I'm not okay (I promise)
    Artist: My Chemical Romance
    Context: Y'uraq's harsh experiences in the Academy, and his jealous struggles to control his darkside from ruining things any further.
    You Give Love a Bad Name
    Artist: Bon Jovi
    Context: Y'uraq's discovers Arzu cheated on him a second time, before taking actions to follow her example.
    Here Without You
    Artist: 3 Doors Down
    Context: After his misadventures in Southern Thanalan, Y'uraq finally takes the time to mourn his broken heart.
    Stand by Me
    Artist: Ben E. King
    Context: Y'uraq reflects on his relationship with Ca'yita and the moments she's helped him through trouble when no one else would.
    Coming Undone
    Artist: Korn
    Context: Since inadvertently marking and consuming a voidsent, Y'uraq struggles to contain the monster the sylphs worked to empower.
    Artist: Linkin Park
    Context: Y'uraq is terrified and helpless to find Ca'yita was kidnapped by the same man that once tormented him.
    Artist: Dashboard Confessional
    Context: In light of recent developments, Y'uraq continues to reflect and learn the lessons he needs before the hour of his joining.

    No Rest for the wicked
    Artist: Cage the Elephant
    Context: Y'uraq learns the value of gil, the Ul'dahn way.
    Out of Control
    Artist: Hoobastank
    Context: Y'uraq's early experiences evoking his darkside.
    Artist: Saliva
    Context: Y'uraq's rise as a renowned gladiator
    I Will Go Sailing No More
    Artist: Randy Newman
    Context: Y'uraq attempts to carry on alone, only to find his darkside has made him weaker.
    Written in the Stars 2.0
    Artist: Eric Turner
    Context: Y'uraq contemplates his happiness, and his will to fight for his freedom.
    Mr. Saxobeat
    Artist: Alexandra Stan
    Context: A song that played the night Y'uraq and a group from the academy attended Club Crescent. Detailing his brighter moments.
    Don't Take Me for Granted
    Artist: Social Distortion
    Context:Despite Y'uraq's effort to prove and redeem himself, his heart abandoned by the one he sought the most.
    Artist: Nelly Furtado (ft. Timbaland)
    Context: In his mourning Y'uraq turns to the Ca's for 'comfort', before fatefully 're-igniting' things with old friend, Ziho Lizuh.
    Artist: My Chemical Romance
    Context: Y'uraq's troubled feelings for Arzu on their second, bitter, and final reunion.
    With a Little Help From my Friends
    Artist: Jim Sturgess
    Context: Following the turn events in the Sylphlands, Y'uraq realizes he has friends he can count on.
    Lost in the Echo
    Artist: Linkin Park
    Context: In wake of their return, Y'uraq confronts his past demons and the unholy odds stacked against him.
    Dude Looks Like a Lady
    Artist: Aerosmith
    Context: In wake of the dire circumstances and the small window of opportunity to rescue Ca'yita. Y'uraq hatches a plan to sneak aboard posing as female courtesans with Zisa'a and Katxia, to his personal delight.

    Crawling in the Dark
    Artist: Hoobastank
    Context: Y'uraq's first journey across Eorzea.
    Words as Weapons
    Artist: Seether
    Context: Y'uraq meets and speaks to his darkside.
    Vengeance is Mine
    Artist: Alice Cooper
    Context: After nearly losing his beloved, Y'uraq's descent into madness inspire him to take action.
    Hey Ya!
    Artist: Outkast
    Context: Y'uraq's brief and mismatched relationship with Katiti before cheating on her with Arzu.
    Artist: 3 Doors Down
    Context: Y'uraq's new life continues to crumble as his convictions are now being tested.
    I'm Still Here
    Artist: John Rzeznik
    Context: Despite the things gone wrong, Y'uraq finds the will to train harder and fight for his freedom, and his place in the world.
    The Nights
    Composer: Avicii (Victor Angeles Mix)
    Context: In his uncertain days as Nunh, Y'uraq's memory of his sire inspired the strength and confidence to lead the Ca's in Y'turo's example.
    Move Along
    Artist: All American Rejects
    Context: Though his escapades have met a dark, bitter end, Y'uraq decides he's grieved enough and resumes his training where he left off.
    Artist: Days of the New
    Context: Despite his attempt to mend things with Kim'ahri, Y'uraq fails to leave his pride and arrogance out.
    The Middle
    Artist: Jimmy Eat World
    Context: Y'uraq attempts to convince Ca'geh to reveal herself from hiding and live a fear-free life.
    Redemption Song
    Artist: Bob Marley
    Context: Despite his friends disapproval, Y'uraq turns to Zisa'a's help once more in faith he would prove them wrong.
    I was wrong
    Artist: Social Distortion
    Context: After narrowly surviving Rune Fury's trial, Y'uraq looks back and realizes he owes his survival, and an apology to his friends, each for their own reasons.

Character Themes (Vol 2)

    Reach For The Sky
    Artist: Social Distortion
    Context: After much time to contemplate the end of his journey, Y'uraq reflects on his blessings and lessons learned and his fervor to conquer his battle ahead.


Songs and tracks I've used (some more frequently than others) in RP to set moods for scenes and ambiance.
The following links will take you to Youtube, please mind your speakers or headphones when clicking the links. Updated periodically.

Scenes and Ambience (Vol 1)





✦ I consider myself to be a medium to heavy roleplayer, I'm a sucker for character development and story continuity. I also consider as a dynamic roleplayer, this means that I keep my IC and OOC knowledge between myself and Y'uraq well apart, this keeps the fourth wall nice and sturdy.

✦ This also means that I do not, and will not do or accept any 'fast forwarding of major character developments' between Y'uraq and your characters or permit 'metagaming' of any sort.

✦ However, due to the length of some scenes taking potentially longer than a couple of days depending on scheduling. OOC discussions to establish a time lapse after a scene without disrupting each other's stories is the only exception to the rule above.

✦ 'Retconning' is only limited to retyping a post before giving other people in the scene a chance to respond. Otherwise, I will not negotiate it. Part of character development is things may not always work out perfectly, but it's up to your character to overcome the obstacle. Own up to the consequences!

✦ In addition, if an aspect of RP makes you uncomfortable in a scene we're playing, please send me a /tell, letting me know. Communication is very important, more important than potentially keeping immersion.

✦ With that said, I reserve the right not to engage or RP with someone I wish to avoid. This goes back to the whole "dynamic" RP thing, forced and unwanted interactions are never a good thing.

✦ Though I may not always be IC or available while I'm online, please be sure to send me a tell before initiating roleplay with me. Unless I'm already committed to something else, I would be happy to drop things aside and set up for a scene with you. If I'm already ready RP'ing, feel free to walk up and join in. I don't ignore people unless they're trying to grieve RP.

✦ I generally use /say as my default designated RP channel, but I also use /tell, /party to IC when the circumstance or distance demands it.

✦ I am an M/RPer, meaning I am fine with the possibility of being part of a story arc that includes violence, sexuality, drug / alcohol use, dramatic, obscene aspects, scenes and plot points. In addition, I am fine with Y'uraq facing his own moments of weakness, and defeat. However, keep in mind I do not want to have this happening every day/week/month. I expect these to be nothing more than certain scenes and important plot points and helping someone progress their story development and/or my own.

✦ With that in mind, moments of levity are always welcome where possible.

✦ I am okay with some lore-bending. If the lore does not explicitly state something cannot be done and you have a valid reason for doing it then I have no problem. I have some of my own head cannon that fills in areas where the lore team was not as detailed as I and others would like, the gray areas that are perfect for bending without breaking. However, complete disregard for lore limits and continuity is not okay.



✦ Death/ Rebirth - If Y'uraq dies, he dies. I decide when it happens. No one is allowed to kill him unless the circumstances are set for his story to end that way, and perma-quit FFXIV with a bang.

✦ Ask about long-term injury and disfigurement. Long-term captivity or imprisonment.


✦ EST/ Eastern Time (GMT -4)

✦ Balmung

✦ Late afternoons, evenings, and weekends.


Y'uraq's Rants, Raves, & Lewds (IC RP blog) NSFW! +18! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

■ All art and photoshopped banners, unless otherwise specified, are drawn and produced by Y'uraq Tia.
■ Skeleton code was created by Bancroft Gairn
■ Adapted version inspired by Ruran Vas
■ Headers by Y'uraq Tia
■ Tabs by Suen Shyu
■ Combat by Suen Shyu and some inspiration from Ruran Vas
■ Various credit to D'lyhhia Lhuil.
And a big thank you to all the people I've come come across in walk-ups, FCs, forums, and RP events, you've made this all possible! (You know who you are!)
Finally, thank you to the Hydaelyn RP community and Balmung roleplayers for the creativity, stories, and adventures our community has inspired. Please keep being awesome!