E'yula Tia
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E'liah's demeanor is usually cheerful and his bright smile serves to accentuate his natural beauty. He stands at only a little over five fulm with a physique subtly sculpted from years of traveling and dancing. His long auburn hair is typically accented by colored chalk used within his tribe, but he otherwise has no visible tattoos or paint that gives away his tribal-born heritage.
E'liah tends to act before he thinks when he sees something of interest to him. He's typically drawn to dangerous situations or beasts, with no clue of what he might be getting himself or anyone following him into. E'liah means well, but his excitable nature has landed him face to face with packs of blood-thirsty coeurls, vicious pirates, and a malboro's wretched breath to name a few. Even with all his mishaps, E'liah is still delighted to involve himself in adventures in any way he can.
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E'yula serves as a consort, guardian and confidant for E'lios Nunh. Like many of the younger members of their faction of the Eft tribe, E'yula was brought in as a wandering orphan shortly after the Calamity ravaged La Noscea. He's fiercely loyal to the tribe's patron and would not hesitate to lay down his life for the sake of those who took him in and treated him like family when he had nothing. E'yula spent most of his days gathering and fishing with other Tias to maintain a steady supply of food for the tribe's many celebrations. He was forced to leave for his own safety after a violent outburst from E'lios Nunh's
E'yula serves as a consort, guardian and confidant for E'lios Nunh. Like many of the younger members of their faction of the Eft tribe, E'yula was brought in as a wandering orphan shortly after the Calamity ravaged La Noscea. He's fiercely loyal to the tribe's patron and would not hesitate to lay down his life for the sake of those who took him in and treated him like family when he had nothing. E'yula spent most of his days gathering and fishing with other Tias to maintain a steady supply of food for the tribe's many celebrations. He was forced to leave for his own safety after a violent outburst from E'lios Nunh's
E'liah's demeanor is usually cheerful and his bright smile serves to accentuate his natural beauty. He stands at only a little over five fulm with a physique subtly sculpted from years of traveling and dancing. His long auburn hair is typically accented by colored chalk used within his tribe, but he otherwise has no visible tattoos or paint that gives away his tribal-born heritage.
E'liah tends to act before he thinks when he sees something of interest to him. He's typically drawn to dangerous situations or beasts, with no clue of what he might be getting himself or anyone following him into. E'liah means well, but his excitable nature has landed him face to face with packs of blood-thirsty coeurls, vicious pirates, and a malboro's wretched breath to name a few. Even with all his mishaps, E'liah is still delighted to involve himself in adventures in any way he can.
Before joining the 81st, E'liah had little real combat experience. He can manipulate aether using his voice and his harp to bolster the spirits of his allies or bring them peace of mind, but the only real weapon he's ever held is the conjury staff given to him by Rahn'a Lihzeh after E'liah expressed his desire to do more for the company. He's currently studying field medicine under the tutelage of the 81st company's resident doctor in order to expand his knowledge of healing further.
- ♥ Romantic Interest ♥ Sexual Desire ♥ Platonic Love ● Good Standing ● Neutral Standing ● Poor Standing
Easily Overheard Rumours
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Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
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Rarely Overheard Rumours
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Alignment: Lawful Good