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(If you're going to edit my page, at least offer the others the same treatment.)
(not sure why you're not acknowledging that the character's been dead for months, but go off, I guess.)
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! <div align="left"><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">'''[[Guillemont De'bayle | Guillemont de Bayle]]'''</font> - <font style="color:#C24640;" size="2">●</font></div>
! <div align="left"><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">'''[[Guillemont De'bayle | Guillemont de Bayle]]'''</font> - <font style="color:#000000;" size="2">✝</font> <font style="color:#C24640;" size="2">●</font></div>
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*[''Bonding'18''] A music box, one to a pair.
*[''Bonding'18''] A music box, one to a pair.
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! <div align="left"><font style="color:#000000;" size="2">'''[[Hikari Inamoto]]'''</font> - <font style="color:#6b6e72;" size="2">●</font></div>
| [[File:HikariWikiSquare.png|250px|frameless|center]]
Found wandering about in the muds of South Shroud's Camp Tranquil, Hestia and Denz sought out Hikari due to her involvement with Guillemont, who had gone missing. Noticing a certain resolve and strength within the woman, Hestia found herself drawn to Hikari’s loving nature, wanting to be a hand to help support the Highlander in her endeavors. Returning her back to the estate to be washed up and redressed, in time Hikari found herself a place within the House.
Denz took Hikari under his wing in teaching her how to use a greatsword. After an alarming incident reached Hestia’s ears, one that great differed from the Hikari she knew, Hestia found herself growing fearful of both what Hikari might become and her cousins methods. Given the time to brood over such thoughts, Hestia eventually came to terms with trusting the woman. While she may not ever be able to fully trust Denz, she did not want to be one to enable brewing feelings of insecurity within her new friend.
Hikari was once considered Hestia's 'Menphina', but due to slow and steady distance, this is no longer the case.
*''“I…I know that. Maybe not–maybe remove [The Burning Wall]. But I mean to…to help life exist after it. I came from people who were responsible for…this happening. I’m not them. I want to help for things to be better after the fact.”''
*''"G...gweeeooheeeohhweeeoh..."'' <small>-Imitating the sound of a Kongamato</small>
*[''Starlight'17''] A necklace with a blue stone hanging from it, Mephina's symbol carved into it.
<font style="color:#B22222"> ⚠ '''Past Relation'''</font>
<spoiler>''Hikari was one of the first few people Hestia met when she was young. Being a close friend of Guillemont’s, and someone that Carina trusted, she was on occasion asked to [https://78.media.tumblr.com/b9c85de4788b77cfb190247ebaa27a3f/tumblr_od9vskOUoG1urn9szo10_1280.jpg babysit] Hestia.''</spoiler>

Revision as of 22:59, 1 April 2019

Latest Activities (RP Hooks): Having defeated her father in combat, Hestia has taken upon the mantle of Viscountess of House de Bayle. With Denz at her side, the duo work toward the darkness that looms ahead, ready to stand by their allies with the Regiment for whatever comes their way.

Birth Name:Hestia Adelise de Bayle☆

Nicknames: Adelise | Fury | Little Lancer | the Hakkinslayer☆

Gender: Female

Race & Clan: Wildwood Elezen | Midlander Hyur

Nameday: 26th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon

Height 5 fulms, 7 ilms

Weight: Approximately 156 ponze


Birthplace: The Republic of Ishgard, Coerthas

Residence: A small cottage, Lavender Beds, the Black Shroud.

Patron Deity: Halone Icon.png Halone, the Fury

Relationship Status: Married to Killian de Bayle.

Occupation: Viscountess of House de Bayle | Knight Dragoon of Ishgard

Disposition: Neutral Good | ENTJ


GENERAL APPEARANCE: Upon initial impression, Hestia comes off to most she meets as either intimidating or petulant. She is tall by typical Midlander standards, yet far too short by those of the Elezen. Her heritage is more clearly expressed by her elongated ears - for better or worse. Despite her amalgam stature, the severe woman still manages to uphold an air of frigidity about her that either causes people to gravitate toward her or pushes them away. A typically icy touch accompanies her somewhat pale complexion; the faintest of colour due to what sun exposure she permits herself offers some rouge to her cheeks. Her long umber tresses reach almost abnormally past her waist - a strange feature for an elite knight - which she often wears braided or tied up and kept out of her face. When casually about, Hestia instead has a tendency to wear her hair down or loosened from her tight updos. It is mostly straight when properly handled, but retains some volume and curl without meticulous brushing.

The woman’s gaze is perhaps the most expressive part of her person. Most assume them to be purely a crimson hue, but upon closer inspection one might note that the half-Elezen’s eyes are in fact heterochromatic: originally pure hickory in colour, they are now almost entirely dominated by a bright ruby shade. Her eyes speak more than she ever will, and often contrast greatly over her desaturated visage.

SCARS & MARKINGS: Having committed nearly the entirety of her adolescent life to learning the art of war, Hestia has her fair share of stories that mark her body. Mostly small faded scars from expeditions or outrunning notorious monsters, she tended well to their healing to ensure their permanence is at least subtle. Even still, some were simply too severe to fully mend. Vertically across her belly and slightly spread over her back are the remnants of a large and gruesome impalation scar obtained through a campaign in Gyr Abania. Accompanying such from the same campaign is a bullet scar on the back of her left forearm.

Her stern visage is characterized with a pronounced scar marking her left brow, seemingly just barely missing her eye. Upon her forehead is her family’s brand, a mysterious marking whose purpose remains unknown to most. Last but not least, a dark beauty mark decorates the woman's upper lip, a feminine touch to her hardened countenance.

VOICE: Hestia’s voice sets the stage for first impressions: it typically sounds monotonous, but still retains a sonorous intonation that often comes across as irritation toward those around her. She speaks only when necessary, and always with the eloquence of a cultured woman. However, Hestia is not always serious. Those close to her will find her tone more silvery in nature, and her draconian persona reined in, but only when she is comfortable enough to do so. Hestia has learned several languages over the course of her time studying in linguistics, which is a personal hobby of hers. Perhaps as a result of this, her voice resonates with an odd sort of unrecognizable accent - one not overpowering, but certainly noticeable.

The half-Elezen is a talented and well-practiced singer, low and melodical in range, with a soft, clear timbre that speaks of hidden power in her voice. It is starkly different from her usual astringent tone. In fact, one might consider her singing voice quite appealing if they happen to hear it, but only a select few ever get the opportunity to find out; Hestia does not often sing in public.

Example of her speaking voice. | Example of her singing voice.

ATTIRE: Hestia’s fashion-sense constitutes one of her few outlets of feminine expression. Aside from her Dragoon regalia routinely worn in field of work, she is surprisingly fashionable when it comes to day-to-day wear. From flowing skirts with billowing blouses to high-waisted pant suits, the young woman is always sure to stay up to date on the latest in Ishgardian couture. Despite the expected aesthetic of this outlet, Hestia is typically known to wear whatever theme she feels herself drawn toward. From lighter pastels to darker, harrowing hues, her chosen attire is a reflection of her mood for the day and whichever flavored chic she might find herself drawn to. Due to this, her chosen ensemble can likewise range from overtly feminine, to completely masculine.

Jewelry is commonplace in Hestia’s attire. Although perhaps strange considering her modish inclinations of clothing choice, the woman often wears vintage accessories, and never modern minted ornaments. Typically wearing hand-me-downs or gifts from friends, her jewelry is almost always something with sentiment behind it, such apparently having more value to her than that of actual fashionability.

"Gaze upon true fury with eyes wide open."

Easily described as typically dour and otherwise monotonous, Hestia is the walking embodiment of focus and ambition. At purely face value, it would appear to most her only emotions are disinterest and irritation. Hard to sway from the path she sets before herself, the girl is all work and no play… mostly. While almost uncomfortably serious during most of all interaction with anyone not considered close to her, people who spend enough time digging through those thorns might find a surprisingly curious and playful young woman. Holding a great desire for knowledge gaining, a love for music and the arts, Hestia may be on the grouchier side but she is far from a mean or boring individual.

While her expression typically offers a different narrative, Hestia is a tough loving sort of woman; caring quite deeply over the safety and care of most people and animals, if not through a more forward approach. One aspect of Hestia that can often seep through even her more crankier displays is her stubborn pride. Such hubris, typically in her abilities, has more often than not caused her more issues then she might care to admit. While the girl always means well, she has a tendency of pushing both herself and others too far.

The Half-Elezen is rather devoted to her divine studies, dedicating a great deal of her studies to the Twelve while prioritizing the teachings of her patron deity, Halone. To the young woman, worshipping the gods is not enough, it is nothing. Her ambition leads her down the path of embodying the very being of the Fury.


  • The strange and curious.
  • Theology.
  • Linguistics.
  • Tonberries.
  • Instruments of many kinds, specifically the harp.
  • Baking.


  • Bad behavior.
  • Poorly written literature.
  • Suitors.
  • Dishonesty.
  • The heat.
  • Prejudice.
  • An overtly unhealthy diet.


  • Whenever made to feel nervous, bashful or uneasy, Hestia will fiddle with her long hair.
  • If ever somehow made to laugh, she will always cover her mouth
  • Is almost an entirely different person when dealing with small children or animals. Showing to be exponentially nicer and approachable.
  • Has a rather apparent distaste for long-time sun exposure. Will wear wide brimmed hats if out for long periods, or simply stay inside until late in the evening or early in the morning. Prefers dark rooms.
  • Mouths whatever words she may be reading on a page when partaking in literature.
  • Has an affinity for windows when sitting anywhere.


  • Enjoys drawing, but is quite lousy at it.
  • Has a small blue wyvern named Nogelle that is seen with her on occasion.
  • Favourite colour is lilac.
  • Left-handed.
  • Fluently multilingual. Has a light foreign accent.
  • While her grouchy persona keeps this hidden typically, Hestia has larger thick pointed canines.
  • Has cheek dimples when smiling widely.
  • Is allergic to peaches.
  • After a severe accident, Hestia was diagnosed with [Binocular Vision Dysfunction], having to wear spectacles from then onward.


   Martial Prowess
   Magic Affinity

Hestia is a younger woman of surprising martial prowess. Having trained from a very young age to wield a variety of weaponry, she excels in physical combat. Above all else, Hestia has dedicated most of her time alive to wielding a polearm, to follow in the image of her goddess, Halone. The Half-Elezen is powerful as she is fierce. There is not a day that passes that she does not dedicate some of her time to training her body and keeping fit.

A healthy body however, calls too for a healthy mind. Diplomatic, well spoken, and rounded in the art of strategy from years of pouring over countless texts, Hestia knows how to talk war, nearly as much as she knows how to plan for it. Text however, can vary greatly from the real thing. While well versed in her readings, it is not to say the fear of falling short of perfection has not, or cannot lead to the young woman's downfall from time to time.

While fit as a fiddle, considering her past health and well instructed, Hestia still suffers greatly in the field of magic. Past illness makes it difficult for her not only to cast magic, but to receive healing from it as well. Thus making any injury she might receive on a battlefield, a liability. While her training in becoming a Dragoon has forced her to put more effort into her practice with aether, it is still her weakest point both offensively and defensively.

Free-Company Combat Sheet:

Gae Bolg
Hestia's current spear, bestowed upon her by the Holy See when she was formally inducted into the Knights Dragoon. If she has no reason to leave it behind, she will not as it is a symbol of her ambition.

A single, long ornate dagger Hestia keeps on her person at all times. She is not keen on ever being completely weaponless.

Nameless Polearm
Hestia's previous spear since returning to the mainland. Despite having yet to name it, nor acquiring it by any special means, her lance does hold value to her. She always keeps it finely sharpened, and bound in leather during spars. While she may still bring it with her under certain circumstances, it has since been retired.

Worn Red Leather Journal
Hestia's journal. Anyone who might happen to get it cracked open, will find the entirety of it written in some odd language that most will be unable to understand. Certain pages have flowers pressed into them.

Pocket Chronometer
Hestia's personal chronometer. The young woman feels very strongly about her punctuality and will never be too early to enter a venue/leave for a mission, or be too late. Always exactly on the bell, making for the carrying of the time to be of the utmost importance.

Fountain Pen
A gold-plated fountain pen with ornate details etched onto its surface. Hestia brings it with her everywhere, as one never knows when something must be written.

Coin Purse
Hestia's coin purse. The woman is particularly frugal, so her pouch is seemingly always jingling with gil. She finds little need to purchase things outside of necessity or gift for others, and therefore typically has money on hand.

Used Books
Usually a tome containing some language of the sorts. Hestia enjoys the learning of a variety of languages, and therefore will keep at least one textbook at her if her satchel is on her. Sometimes it might be something more leisurely, but such a thing is unlikely.

Numerous Potions
Multiple potions given to her for safe-keeping. Hestia need carry potions with her as she finds healing by magic means to be difficult on her body.


These items are assumed to potentially be on Hestia's person. Those labeled as being regularly worn are always on her, while those labeled on occasion or rarely will be described to be on her person if worn.

Eternal Bonding Ring [Regularly]
Hestia's engagement ring, given to her by her partner, Killian. A bright silver band lined with rubies and diamonds with a larger diamond center. Etched along the inside of the band are the symbols of the Twelve. She wears it on her at all times, unless donning armour. Even then, she typically has it either tied around her neck, or safely tucked away somewhere on her figure.

Aspected Crystal Bracelet [Regularly]
Gift from Killian. Small pieces of carved crystals in the shapes of crudely made flowers and leaves. Shimmers in the light. While carried with her always, the bracelet is not always donned depending on Hestia's attire, often instead found in her satchel, or pocket instead.

Tarnished Antique Ishgardian Bracelet [Regularly]
A worn bracelet given to Hestia by Aeidida when she bumped into the woman in Ishgard. Certainly some turns old, it holds the appearance of a forget-me-not bracelet and being Elezen-sized, perhaps once belonging to a knights lover. It is usually worn wrapped twice over, due to its size.

Flower Pendant [Occassionaly]
A namesday gift given to her by Killian. It hold purple flowers encased in glass, held by an antique golden frame.

Pearl Lapel Pin [Occassionaly]
A handmade gift from Aedida. The gold is reshaped at the top to present a suitable place to mount two distinctly shaped pearls. Warped and overlarge, they have been fit together on the same gold plate no larger than the tip of a midlander thumb. The bottom cap had an attached trinket in the form of a very small, polished dark stone set in the same gold.


Any and all past-relations within some entries are to be read with caution as they are spoilers and with the awareness that any form of meta-gaming using the content within them will result in immediate communication cut. Please be courteous of the player and their character.

🌷 In-Love
🌱 Romantic Feelings
Platonic Intimacy
Sworn Lineage
💔 Former Partner

Personal profile within.

Hestia's cadre is made up of the people she considers to be her absolute closest allies. People she talks to frequently, or feels she can trust with anything. They are her closest friends, and often the people she calls upon when in need of advice, or help. Especially in a combat situation. She assigns them each one of the Twelve she believes best suits their virtues as a person.

Aedida Aldricht - Nymeia -

When Killian spoke to Hestia of a kind woman he had met out in Ul'Dah striking up a business opportunity with her, his wife was reasonably suspicious. Distrusting of those occupying Thanalan as it was, she feared this 'Miss Aldricht' to be taking advantage of her husbands kindness - almost immediately causing whatever impression she didn't have yet to be a negative one. However, such changed rather drastically upon meeting the woman. Hestia found her softer-spoken and smaller demeanor to be endearing, and their shared interests caused a draw to want to know her more; especially since Aedida seemed interested in hearing what Hestia had to say. Hestia has come to see Aedida as someone she trusts with surprising closeness, having never found someone so receptive of her affectionate gestures.

Hestia decided on Aedida as her Nymeia after some interactions, claiming: "You embody the Spinner, by challenging fate where it would see you defeated." Along with choosing Aedida as her Spinner, the two have become sworn siblings, the woman now considered nothing less than Hestia's sister. Aedida was present in assisting Hestia birth her twin babies, Loth and Áine.

Hestia took it upon herself to assist Aedida in rebuilding her old home in Abalathia, in the hopes of potential business prospect and also helping her friend. Together, the two began the Abalathaia Spine Village Reconstruction Project, or the ASVRP for short.



  • I would be happier to see you more comfortable-- and at ea~se." - In regards to escorting Hestia
  • "..It is a matter of respe~ct. I would not wish to let you dow~n - Not when I have done so little to be considered a part of anything~....And...Others lea~ve so quickly. I do not wish for you to disappear."
  • "Fai~r--. Though I do not think a mo'ethir to be~ should speak so lightly of such va~gue defeat... If I ca~n, for that sake, I will shield you from such an end~... A new wo~rld may rest on the shoulders of a child raised by you~ after all. That is what 'legacy' is meant to be, yes?... It is a way to live without li~ving."
  • "...I think it means Hestia believes Lawrence to have breasts." -In regards to Hestia commenting that Law has breast.
  • "I--...I-I could be, yes--. M-many are bound by less than blood and...well... Wh-when you left [ the ball ] I was quite saddened. I-I liked to...er. I liked to call you Systir~." -In regards to Hestia and Aedida becoming sworn siblings.



  • A black Agate bracelet, made from minerals she brought back with her from where she grew up.
  • An uncirculated gil piece fasented to a chain to be worn as a necklace.
  • A pair of blue satin pajama's.



  • ☐ Abalathaia Spine Village Reconstruction Project: Show text
Astrelle de Bayle - Byregot -

Of all of Hestia’s family, she is by far the closest with Astrelle. Lady of the House and twin sister to Guillemont, Hestia finds she and the middle sister have a great deal in common with one another. Both have a strong will and a desire to build their own path outside the consent of their family, Hestia has found herself on a few occasions sitting for bells with Astrelle and talking about things she might not otherwise share with anyone else.

While Hestia and Astrelle have very similar personalities, offering a very cold visage to most while having a surprisingly warm center, Hestia finds that to be a troublesome hurdle at times between the two women. While she loves Astrelle dearly, she finds the older Bayle rarely takes her seriously, or has a tendency to chide Hestia regarding feelings and topics she holds in lesser value. As it stands, Hestia is disheartened by the relationship between them, feeling more distant than ever with a large majority of her family.




  • A fox plush.
  • A miniature model airship based of 'The Little Lancer', a ship Astrelle built with Hestia as its namesake.

Past Relation Show text

Cinnabar Prentice - Menphina -

Someone Lenny brought back to the House before taking his leave, Cinnabar is an aspiring lancer with a particular admiration for Ishgardian culture. A stuttering but kind woman, her demeanor and stature also go entirely against the personality she has to offer people at first glance. Something Hestia can relate to.

While the two could still be considered acquaintances, Cinnabar was responsible for leading Killian back to Dravania to seek Hestia out during a falling out. It is due to this, that Hestia feel she owes a debt to the Roegadyn, who without her assistance, she believes she might not have been able to mend her rocky relationship with her lover at the time.


  • "It's... One less, regret. F-for, anyone to, shoulder... You are, most welcome."-In regards to helping Killian and Hestia with a disagreement.



  • [Bonding'18] Offered Killian and Hestia two plushes in their likeness: An Onion Prince and his loyal Eggplant Knight. They were dubbed Waltz and Adelise, respectively.
Fiona Delaine - Rhalgr -

Known fully as Fiona Arianna Delaine de Serevaine, Fiona is half-Elezen woman Hestia first met at a Blitzball rally. The two have since bumped into one another at several different locations, but it wasn't until a surprise visit to the Brume did the women actually sit and have an actual conversation with one another. Hestia quite likes Fiona, finding the other woman's love for her study quite endearing. She hopes Fiona will find a similar fondness, and seek more of the girls company in the future, if not to just learn more languages, at least.

Hestia watched Fiona pace about the Pillars one evening on duty, only to find out of something tragic the befell the woman. Taking her back to her home and offering her some condolences, they eventually left in higher-spirits. Fiona followed up such with a request that Hestia accompany her as she sought out vengeance for what happened. While somewhat hesitant due to the nature of the excursion, Hestia complied and took along two of her cadre members. The mission was an overall success, and Hestia hopes it brought Fiona back some fire for what she lost.

Over time the two have had several interactions with one another. Mostly being that of pleasantries, their conversations further delved into the issues plaguing both women respectively. Hestia with her own curse, and Fiona hers. Offering Fiona some solace from her stagnating mindset, the other woman guided Hestia to making sense of the conflict that shrouded her ambition from sight. Through an evening of heated back and forth on her plague, Hestia was able to make the steps needed toward finding herself again with Fiona's prodding.

The duo's relationship in time did eventually grow to be a more honest friendship, Hestia offering Fiona the position of her Destroyer.


  • "...the world changes. We have to change with it. That dragonriders become dragonslayers... So what, if you were not made to be? I was not made to be a- whatever-the-hells-I-am. You've put so much into becoming what you are, but I bet you can learn. And- besides. Imagine, leaping from Nogelle's back to spear through an Imperial warship, to land upon it again on the other side. You might never need even touch the ground..."
  • "Then know I've considered us friends long before, and- frankly, I'm glad to cast off the charade. Certainly, there's place for it- but it makes it .. ah, challenging, in other clime, non?"
  • "[I am glad we were able to find one another as well]. Mayhaps t'was chance, or the Fury's will. But I'll not question it, and be grateful all the more... Don't be sorry for [your sorrows]. I'm not troubled- if anything, I'm glad to lend and ear. To let you voice it to someone who- who might not wholly understand, but believes and trusts you wholly on it..." - In regards to Hestia confiding in Fiona.

GIFTS Recieved

  • Two carbuncle themed hats - one emerald inspired and the other topaz - for Hestia and Killian's newborn babies made out of Highland sheep's wool. Pulled soft before yarning.
  • Made of the same material as the caps, was a red, black and white scarf.


☑ Revenge:Show text

Killian de Bayle - Azeyma - 🌷

Previously Killian Waltz, Hestia met the man in Carline Canopy where she inquired to him about employment, the two have since had many interactions that led them down a path of many twists and turns. Killian is probably one of the few people Hestia has ever willingly put her guard down for after such a short period of time. His personality offered her nothing short of comfort and endearment, as she saw a pure light within him that reminded her why she fought for what she did, regardless of the issues that plague him. Over time the two grew very close, and while Hestia tried to subdue the growing feelings she held for the Hyur, it reached a boiling point after some long periods of loneliness had her confide in him for comforting. After some heartbreak and plenty of complication, Hestia agreed to being courted by Killian. Despite what her reluctance initially might have entailed, she loves the man dearly, and would do anything to keep him safe and happy. While the duo have reached rough patches in their relationship, with the help of friends and talking with one another, they were able to make it another day at each others sides. They were wed on the 29th sun of the Second Astral Moon.

Hestia gave birth to twin babies with Killian, a boy named Loth and girl named Áine. Together, the two also raised two dogs together named Mercy and Summer, and a cat named Petra.



Hestia: 2 | Killian: 1


  • "Any way I can help...that's what I'm here for. To help people. To bring people happiness. I'm not very good at it, the last part anyway, but I like to think I learn a little more whenever I try."
  • "I know. I guess that sounded...but I know there's a lot to live for. Sometimes just feels like sleeping would feel better. I don't think very well in the morning, is all. I'm not - I mean, I don't want to - I want to stay here. I want to be friends with ye. I don't want ye to be lonely."
  • "I don't think I'll be stronger next time. I think I'll be drugged next time. That is...exactly what ye said to me, ye know? In that hallucination, that everything that happened was because I wasn't good enough, and I'm...trying to get it out of me head, but it's...everything I already feared. Not ye dying, but...I can conjure air. I could have redirected it upward. I know spells to cleanse the body of poison, I could have done that. There were things I could have done."
  • "I love ye. I'm sorry that complicated so much, but I do."
  • "I don't know if I feel grateful for being blind or sick or...whatever else is wrong with me. I don't think I'm grateful that ye were sick, either...but mostly...maybe it's true ye wouldn't be here if ye hadn't been born sick, but we don't know if that's true for me. It...it doesn't matter, though. If I had to choose...between being healthy, being able to see, or having ye, I would choose ye. I love ye so much."
  • "I don't know...if there's anything I could really give ye in exchange for what ye've already give me...or any promises I could make to return even an onze of the happiness ye've brought into me life. Because...without ye, I'm nothing. And with ye, I'm more than I could ever have imagined. So I vow...to make me life forever yours. I vow to be the man you see in ye dreams, and live up to the potential ye know I can be. And I will give ye the best of me, me heart, me soul, forever." -Wedding Vow
  • "I suppose I shouldn't take it with me when I go places. So I'll have to make a space for it in the cupboard. Thank ye...I really like it. I like everything. It's so much. It makes me feel...happy. That there are...people who care about me. Thank ye." -In regards to his mug and namesday.
  • "Ye kissed me. In front of someone. Did ye see it, Cinnabar? Did ye see her kissing me?" -Hestia showing Killian public affection.



  • [Starlight'17] Patched fur quilt of varying animal hides that she made herself. Crude but weighted and warm.
  • A Kojin Plush from her first trip to Kugane
  • His jade cane, one she got commissioned from a specific carpenter.
  • A typewriter specifically made to type in braille, a special language for blind-folk. Found the print for it during her trip to Kugane, and requested it be built by Astrelle.
  • [Killian's Namesday'18] A handmade, misshapen mug with lavender sealed onto the surface and a braille poem carved onto it.
  • [Starlight'18] A custom crafted Mahjong set from the same specific carpenter she commissioned his cane from. Detailing the box are beautiful images of an unknown tale.



Lawrence Wallace - Nald'Thal -

Asked to be referred to as Law, he is a younger Elezen man Hestia found wandering about near Camp Tranquil. Warning him of the potential dangers of Morbols, she questioned Lawrence as to his reasons for being out there. After explaining he was working outside the law to search for a criminal, Hestia was swift to accuse him of being a vigilante, berating him some on his choices. The two almost immediately hit if off heatedly, them bickering at one another for some time before Hestia simply ended the conversation on a moral dilemma for Law to come to terms with on his own time, insisting that he come to her when he came to terms with the world he wanted to see made. Law is a zealous man, set in his ways and views good and evil as black and white. While this sort of mindset doesn’t particularly appeal to Hestia, she sees that he is a man of virtue and compassion who seeks to right the wrongs of the world they live in. Similar to herself and her own ambition. Something that differs from herself however, is that of Law's drops into self-doubt and fear. Often rather nervous when not focused and easy to rattle, she find this particular part of him a curious weakness. Since their meeting, the man comes to visit her often, discussing his philosophies and seeking her aid. He has agreed to be an ally of hers, and thus she depends on him for his help, offering her own in return when needed. While the two can be heated with one another, Hestia finds Law to be an honest confide.


Hestia: 1 | Law: 0


  • "I needed you to say it. To hear that you are willing to do what must be done in the name of your vision. That you are willing to act, not just speak words of dreams and visions as many are willing to resign themselves to. Whether you weep or not for those souls is no concern of mine, I wanted to know if...I am told I trust too easily those who display a passion for justice similar to my own. I wanted to know if I could trust you to act. If that is the case, I will offer my arm in aid."
  • "...you call me your Nald'Thal, so you should know that above all, balance is needed. I will embrace what darkness lies in my heart, so long as I can use it to protect the innocent. To keep the wicked suppressed, and to see the righteous prevail. If you would be the shining beacon of Halone, I would be the darkened gates of Nald'Thal, the one that delves the darkness so others don't have to."
  • "Very well. Just as I keep you from soaring too high in your own ideals, so shall you prevent me from falling. A fair agreement."
  • I know. I know. It's difficult to remember that I have friends and allies now. A welcome change to my life, but one I've not quite adjusted to you."


None yet!


Quarcy Questant - Thaliak -

An old friend of the Viscountess, brought into the House as a librarian. A strange, macabre sort of fellow, he verses himself plenty in the the grand study of literature and research stretching over many different cultures and subjects. Some perhaps darker than others. He is also know to be able to handle situations regarding the void and dark matters, something Hestia found to be of great use after an incident in the house got others killed.

Since his arrival, Quarcy has been nothing but useful to Hestia. Providing her information and his services when needed, she has come to see him as a very reliable source. It is with that, that she came to depend on him as her Thaliak, being one of the most scholarly people she knows. His ability to provide her both his doubts and support, is something she highly respects.

Has a hatchet fish named Witness that apparently feeds on sentient thoughts - also helps to run his library.


  • " Ah, the wisdom of the ancients bless this one. As you can see, unlike your regimented determination, I am but a wanderer in the field of understanding".
  • " I've seen mages unmake themselves over an uncrossed G or an upside down A, but never do I truly think such a sharp mind a liability. Lest it possesses one with unbidden knowledge and cursed hunger that grips most mad men "
  • " Just a minute, a few more seconds as the book says, is all it takes to make a leap of faith. Is to acknowledge all the things keeping you down and simply take them with you too " - In regards to Killian being hesitant to try Hingan Curry for the first time.


None yet!


Rageant Lacordaire - Althyk -
A man who approached Hestia while she stood on duty as a Dragoon in Ishgard. Once the right-hand man of Father Isarn - the now deceased leader of the Black Sun Covenant, at the hands of the inquisition - the man Reageant who went by Ragi'zi, took up his mentors forename in memoriam. Since their meeting, Hestia has found herself drawn to Rageant's shared beliefs, them being quite similar in their stance on theology and morals. Their seemingly shared desire to hold an alliance with one another has made her view him as someone as close to a friend as she might allow, even with their short time knowing one another. She finds his unabashed honesty and forwardness, genuine. When it came to wanting him alongside her in her cadre, she found the decision to way heavily on her heart. The only god she saw fit for the man was that of the Keeper, both in demeanor and even in birthright. However, the title had become synonymous with that of her former lover, Siovant. Despite this, she decided she needed a voice of a reason - not the weight of her past - to help her continue forward on her path of righteousness.



  • "Burn of thy dead boughs, Hestia. Free of thyself the things that weaken you. The past exists that it may be seen, and we see it that wisdom may be drawn from there. Carry nothing behind and keep all which matters in thy forefront; the flower toils not in the field, but sways in the wind. Be not the flower; be the wind. Strength wrought no virtue greater than the virtue that it is."
  • "Wisdom in fellowship. Man's first lesson."
  • "Steel thyself for what lies ahead. Blessed art thou who bringest new life, in spite of the struggles thusly begotten. That hardship will imbue thy life with meaning."
  • "Never forget them. They are components of what thou art. Meaning is not something one can have, mayhaps, but what one pursues. And as we pursue it, so long as our heading is sure, we grow and we become better. Would that our lives lasted forever, that we might see just how far we can go. Live, then, for what you so choose, but watch as choosing something meaningful elevates you. It's truly... phenomenal." -In regards to Hestia's past, and the people she lost.
  • "One thing it may bring you peace to be reminded of is this; if you can't find sleep, you can be certain it will, inevitably, find you."



  • [Hestia's Namesday'18] Crude, hand-carved prayer beads - twelve in total, carved from dark oak, finished, and with a carving on each bead bearing an emblem of the pantheon.


Svana Heart - Oschon -
Ffxiv 12292018 005138.png

A woman Hestia happened upon in Ul’Dah while watching a troupe play; the two seemed to hit it off well with pleasant enough conversation. Despite the rather awkward abandoning of an Au Ra who grew frustrated and irrate with Hestia, the two spent the rest of their evening back at the de Bayle estate talking over bread. The sun following, Hestia bumped into Svana once more within Carline Canopy - an encounter more than chance. Through some more prodding into Hestia, Svana decided to ‘accept’ the young half-Elezen's offer to be her ally, even offering her a friendly hug in return - much to Hestia's embarrassment. While Svana is a boisterous woman, Hestia finds some peace in her jovial attitude, it providing some relief from her typically dour persona. In time, Svana came to become a ward under the House, their name backing her gladiator competitions.

After having dropped out from one of the House's joust nights, Svana and Hestia sat down some suns later where the woman apologized to Hestia for her shortcomings. Assuring her that the event is completely leisurly, they then took time to discuss the difficult times going on in Svana's life at that point, where Hestia attempted to comfort her. It was then she had mentioned also finding Oschon. From there, she expressed an interested in joining Hestia's cadre, claiming: "...Maybe it's easiest to say I've realized where I fall short of honoring a true understanding of living freely along the roadside, what I could have done, where I wish to go. Truth of it is, or so I suppose, that you might just be able to wander without losing yourself to the trail. Remain unbound, but not flee from what you find worthy along the way."


  • "You know I'm starting to see the match here. Until now I thought you were aiming at Halone out of tradition, but that's a proper fury."
  • "What beauty is there to be found from the highest peaks and the farthest reaches if you forsake the memory? Why find good company in your travels to never rejoin them once more?"* -Lamenting on the loss of Hestia's original Oschon.

Hestia's kin, by blood, marriage and sworn lineage.

Aegisan de Bayle II -

Aegisan Corbin De'bayle is the second child of the Viscount and Viscountess. Hestia seems particularly fond toward the child, often watching it and caring for it. She holds a very adamant self-imposed duty of protecting the baby.

Áine de Bayle -

Born second on the 3rd Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon, Áine de Bayle is the daughter of Hestia and Killian, and twin sister to Loth. Áine is pale-skinned like her parents, with wisps of auburn hair crowning her head. She has bright blue eyes with partial heterochromia, resulting in striking a orange-brown color ringing the pupils. She is the calmer of the twins, often either relaxing or sleeping, Killian often fearing in the beginning if she was sick. Perhaps much to the parents fortune (or misfortune, depending on how some may view it) she can be stirred to upset when her fussy older brother begins his typical wailing. Áine is often held by her father, the two sharing in their relaxed demeanor.

Áine Waltz -

Killian's late mother, Hestia knew next to nothing about the mysterious woman that Killian only knew of by name. Through extensive investigating, Killian and Hestia were able to learn much about Killian's mother: a woman from the Brume who built her way up to working within Durendaire, only to eventually be casted to the Observatorium after a scandal. There were many twists to the woman's tale, but they eventually led to her meeting of Killian's father, and her eventual death - along with the birth of Killian and his unknown twin sister.


Nobleman of House de Bayle and once Viscount. Hestia held a great deal of respect for the man, and was rather willful to learn the art of being a Dragoon under him. In her time returned, the two have unfortunately seen very little of one another, due to the mans constant absence in the north for duties. Despite understanding the situation, this leaves Hestia bitter. Her ambition of becoming a Knights-Dragoon slowed and the Viscountess of the House typically left to her lonesome. While she does not hate Armont for this, some part of her is left disappointed.

Having improved their relations over time through small gatherings, the ever present tension of the title of Viscount came to a head in Coerthas, where Armont once fought his own cousin for the same title turns ago. Overcoming Armont, Hestia stood victories and as the official head of her family's House.


Hestia: 1 | Armont: 1

Past Relation Show text


Noblewoman of House de Bayle and once Viscountness. Hestia’s respect for the Lady of the house holds no bounds. Even the slightest mention of Carina's struggles set the young woman off in an uncharacteristic tangent on the scarred Hyur's bravery. The two seem to be close, as close as they can be for having known each other for such a short time. Hestia heavily empathizes with Carina's traumas, and inspires to be as strong a figure as the woman someday.

Past Relation Show text

Denz de Bayle -

Baron of House De’bayle. Denz’s initial response to Hestia’s arrival home was mostly that of shock; having not expected there to be another Bayle that he was unaware of. Since her eventual promotion to Baroness of the House as well, Hestia and Denz have found themselves both as confidants of one another and at eachothers throats. While it is clear that Denz views the girl through a jaded perspective of the world, seeing her ambition as far too wild to contain, Hestia see’s her uncle as a coward. Someone who would rather remain silent and ignorant than stand up for the good of the world. All in all, Hestia often finds herself disappointed with Denz, seeing that he easily falls prey to the weakness of the the heart.

As of late, Hestia and Denz have made great strides in the improvement of their relationship. Once at a place of constant bickering and sneering - the two are now nearly inseperable in their work. Whether through friendly banter or preparping their House for the next great conflict, the two share a common goal that had assisted in putting aside their past indifferences - cultivating respect and affection.


Hestia: 0 | Denz: 1



  • [Starlight'17] A small crudely hand-crafted charm replica of one of Halone's three spears.


  • A katana from Kugane meant to replicate that of her late instructor's blade, Hagun.


  • "Surely you've encountered those who require you to be as.... monosyllabic as possible."
  • "I can only be the Gates to Hestia for so many things."

Past Relation Show text


The first of her family to meet after her return from her travels, Guillemont welcomed Hestia back with a warm welcome despite the girl's initial confusion as to who he even was.

Since her return a great deal has happened regarding her uncle. His eventual disappearance at the hands of questionable forces and reemergence as a man named Seisyll, caused the young woman and her lover a great deal of grief with all the circumstance revolving his absence over the moons of their searching for him. Their relationship especially declined after an encounter that saw them bickering with one another heatedly, followed with Guillemont slapping Killian. From there on relations only worsened, and eventually came to a boiling point before the bonding of her and Killian. Despite efforts to see the relationship mended, it was simply not meant to be. The two have not seen or spoken to one another since.



  • Mr.Big Eye, her Ahriman plush.

Past Relation Show text

Hitokiri -

Hestia’s long time instructor and one of her guardians. The man is strict as he was often times gloomy. Reluctantly taking the girl under his wing in the beginning, at the insistent request of Serick and by letter of her mother, their beginning turns were rocky ones. His training on such a young girl could be potentially be deemed as cruel or unfair for someone who was of her stature, but despite this he is a pivotal reason in Hestia’s growth. Over time, the two warmed up to one another through small gestures, and what started out a cold relationship the held tensions between both sides for different reasons, became a genuine friendship. At least as much of a relationship as Hito could have with a person. The mans dour persona rubbed off on the girl some, and in their time together Hestia learned many things about the man. Even in his attempts at keeping his personal life, his past, to himself.

Hito is one of the people Hestia respects the most in her life, and while she can often seem ungrateul over his methods, knows she would be nowhere without them. She hopes to the man, that she was able to be the successful pupil she learned he always wanted. While the girl might never admit it, she is fully of the understanding that she might never get to see Hito again. While such an idea is devastating to her, she would never openly display such.


Florence + The Machine - Wish That You Were Here

Jancis Milburga -

A kind conjurer, and wife of Denz. Hestia’s initial views of Jancis were nothing but positive. However, as the two interacted more, the young woman found herself feeling mixed about Jancis and the presence the woman has in her life. Far too dedicated to her focus at hand, Hestia finds it difficult to find comfort in the memories Jancis wishes to share with her. Even more so, that she understands and accepts that she disappoints the Hyur by not holding to the same De’bayle spirit she might wish to see in her.

As time passed, Hestia was able to grow more comfortable with Jancis' presence, and the maternal influence she wished to offer. Jancis was present during Aegisan's birth, offering comfort to the girl during her otherwise panicking state.



  • [Starlight'17] A hand-crafted handkerchief with a yellow zinnia crudely sewn onto the fabric.


Past Relation Show text

Loth de Bayle -

Born first on the 3rd Sun of the Sixth Umbral Moon, Loth de Bayle is the son of Hestia and Killian, and twin brother to Áine. Loth is pale-skinned like his parents, with wisps of auburn hair crowning his head. He has bright blue eyes with partial heterochromia, resulting in striking a orange-brown color ringing the pupils. Loth is a huffy child, this of course not causing his parents to love him any less, but he is certainly vocal about his emotions. Laughing more than his younger sister, and certainly crying more, he finds himself easily soothed by his mother's hold - where he often tends to be when out and about, to perhaps spare others the headache.

Nogelle -

Nogelle is nothing short of an enigma. Merely a mindless beast that rests upon Hestia's shoulder to most, to the woman he is so much more. They have known eachother forever it seems, or at least been together. And when begged to answer to who he is, if ever even cared - one would be only met with a short response - he is her final solution. Whether she loves or hates the beast, is often unknown to those around her. She seems to keep him around though, despite whatever strange discourse they presumably have.


  • "..."

This profile regards Nogelle as his own personal character, and therefore may contain spoilers. If you wish to learn orgnanically of the character, it is highly suggested you not view this! Any and all meta-gaming regarding Nogelle will result in an immediate block of communication/RP until further notice.
Expanded Character Profile

"Look unto me, within my gaze - what do you see? A spoken heart that does not beat within mine chest. Rest assured the visage you set upon is that and more. Fiends come in all shapes... if even that of a man. That a man could take upon the countenance of a fiend as well..."

The majority of Nogelle's existence is spent in a shrunken, neutral state of simply being. Unable to speak, he is often perched upon Hestia's shoulder, simply staring off as though he were nothing more than a mindless being. Decorated in shimmering azure and cream scales, the little fiend's scaly hide is at least a sight to be seen when struck by rays of light. His eyes are hollow black in color, as though missing their very essence.

His appearance changes most drastically when he becomes larger. The fiend becomes more elegant and goes through a typical dragon metamorphosis, changing into a wyvern entirely, although he retains many of the features from his smaller form. He gazes through deep crimson irises akin to Hestia's, with a deep black sclera. Depending on his aspect, his appearance can alter greatly when overcharged, and he is limited to the use of whatever aether he is paired with.

  • When aspected to fire, flickers of flame leave his tongue and fangs whenever he speaks, smoke consistently billowing out from his nostrils.
  • When aspected to lightning, levin crackles and snaps from within his maw. When overcharged - seen during an umbral static storm - his scales ripple with a more violet hue and his horns enlarge and act as catalysts for devastating thunder shocks.

Those close to him have learned through study that Nogelle is unable to maintain his aspected form, but the reasons for this remain kept secret. Inevitably, his metamorphosis will revert him back into a neutral, unaspected dragonet form, unless he remains in an area contain and abundance of over aspected aether. (ex. Sea of Clouds and wind aether, via wind crystals.)

VOICE: Nogelle speaks in a smooth, smokey sort of tone, for those who might ever find themselves with the honour of getting to hear his voice. While only being able to speak normally through Hestia, when large and aspected - he has the capability of speaking on his own.

Example of his speaking voice.

ATTIRE: Nogelle expresses a fondness for jewelry, but as of now dons nothing but his own azure scales.


Nogelle is a callous, cruel fiend, offering those who have had the lucky opportunity (or misfortune) of talking to him nothing more than snide remarks, ridicule, and taunts. The creature is not all negativity, however. Despite his relationship with Hestia being apparently rocky at times, he has shown to at least offer reasonable advice, even if his methods can be more of a smack to the face than a kind gesture. If there is one thing that is certain, it is that Nogelle will never, without fail, refer to himself as a dragon before he does as a spoken, even harbouring a strange hatred for his own kind.

While he proclaims to hate quite a bit, Nogelle does seem to have hobbies he enjoys. Hobbies worth digging into, if one finds themselves so inclined to becoming closer to the little beast.

  • Hestia de Bayle | 🌷 | "Nogelle is a cruel little thing. And yet I could not live to be without him. I am sure you must wonder, how I could torture myself so? I do not. He is the one who does the torturing."
  • Killian de Bayle | 🌷 | "He's like me, sometimes. Except meaner. He's like I used to be. Because everything's unfair. I'm trying to help him be good, but it's hard. I'm not good at explaining things. So I don't think he understands concepts like independence without selfishness. He doesn't understand love the way I do, but how do I explain that? He's trying to be good, though. I think - I hope - it's because he wants to be good, not just because I want him to be good."
  • Fiona Delaine | | "I like him. But I also hate him. He's all the parts that she lacks, for good or ill. I can't believe that our friendship really started with me threatening to kill him. I wonder if he still holds that against me."
  • Ghalleon Helseth | | "I have never in my life thought to be on peaceful terms with a dragon, much less speaking terms. But I had never thought there were dragons which were not... Dravanians, either. It was a great surprise. The creature seems--articulate, and straightforward, which is refreshing, but which always leaves one somewhat off-balance. It is curious--I know not how ancient Nogelle's days run, but his thoughts seem to me--ah--both elderly, and childish--somehow at the same time. I speak in metaphor only, though. I know better than to presume that they are like us in every respect. For the moment, I seem to enjoy his affection, and--well, that pleases me, truth to tell. How many mortals can say they have spoken with a dragon that enjoys their company?"
  • Aedida Aldricht | | "Hmm~. I do not see it...The rude hindquarters [he is] so aptly named for~.”
  • Hilda Alarias | | "I don't trust him."

Nuarmac de Bayle -


Acquaintances, friends and coworkers.


Hestia's knowledge of Ae'sael boarders on almost next to nothing. Despite their minimal interaction, Ae'sael as made a habit of seemingly mysteriously appearing in Hestia's life since their meeting at random, as they've seem to happen upon one another more often than not since their first encounter. Even while present in Ishgard at a feast, that in which eventually led to her going into labour, Madame Del'ombre was there at her side - another meeting that began to make it seem like more than mere chance. While Hestia's interaction with the woman has been pleasent - Ae'sael even offering Hestia gifts for her new born babies - the half-Elezen's leeriness of the mysterious nature behind Madame Del'ombre remains intact.



  • Two stuffed dragons, and two stuff bear cubs. Along with a burlap sack to carry them in - for Hestia and Killian's twin babies.

Knight of House de Bayle, Hestia finds Alleria to be a particularly odd woman. Her kind face matches her equally kind personality, and yet the woman worked under them as their knight-captain. Having gotten a moment to question Alleria as to her reasoning's for picking up her blade and fighting, Hestia was left thoroughly disappointed with the woman’s lack of true ambition. Alleria eventually returned with a more firm vision to Hestia, but to the young Half-Elezen, a vision is only as meaningful as the force behind it. Once Knight-Captain, the woman's lack of presence within the House saw the position abdiacted, leaving Hestia disappointed in her lack of conviction.


Squire of House de La Coeurl - a group of relatively quiet reformist inquistors - Hestia first met the youngest of three sisters at House de Bayle's Hastilude. Having seen relatively little of the woman following that, it wasn't until several moons later while being on duty in the Pillar during a Starlight festival of the sorts, did she meet Bastienne once more; the woman gifting her Starlight log. Since then the two have a habit of speaking to one another in passing, almost always in that of Old Elezen, Bastienne's preferred tongue. Hestia thinks fondly of the younger woman, knowing little of her, she at least finds her to be a kind presence.



  • [Starlight'18] Starlight log.

An at time exhaustingly peppy Elezen man, Bruno caught Hestia while wandering the Beds. The two struck up conversation as Bruno was searching for a lost chocobo belonging to his last employers, expressing to Hestia then his grand ambition. Some time later the man remorsefully met with Hestia once more to share with her of his firing. Pitying Bruno in the context of his situation, Hestia took him into House de Bayle as its chocobo keep. He has since become a squire proper and works toward becoming a knight. While he can be reckless, overly optimistic, and at times foolhearty, Hestia as a soft spot for the young man. She finds his compassion and goodness earnest and wishes to see that light protected at all costs, even if he does love to challenge all he meets to spars.

Debora Voilinaut -

Currently a ward of House de Bayle and under Hestia's care specifically, Debora is the younger sister of Zophia Voilinaut - a woman whom was unable to care for her sister financially and needed put her into foster care due to such. After hearing of this, Hestia was adamament about taking the girl under her care, and offering her what others in similar situations such as her self are not so fortunate to obtain - a family. As it stands, Hestia views the thirteen summer old girl fondly, but otherwise holds a neutral relationship with her, with them not knowing much about one another for the time being.

Edlyn Roussos -


Evariste de Garnier -



A Seawolf woman with a strong accent and heavy dialect, Hestia knew very little of the one who wished to go by Fhylie, much to Hestia's rejection. While the two have come upon one another a few times, they never truly spoke one-on-one until one fateful evening where Hestia found the woman within the quiet Bayle estate. Questioning why the Seawolf had come to offer an apology, she was met with a confession of stealing the House's cutlery simply for the sake of doing it. Not necessarily angered by the admission so much as confused by it being done to begin with, the duo discussed further topics until eventually falling upon that of Fhylie's name. Insistant that she learn to properly pronounce it in its entirety as a practicing linguist, Hestia requested the instruction of the woman in the nearly forgotten language of the Seawolves. Looking forward to her future lessons, Hestia looks forward to future interactions with Fhylie.


  • "Well, fine then. Th'most frequent foible f'r folk outside Vylbrand is t'not start from th'meanin' be'ind th'syllables. 'Merl' is 'sea'. One sound. Merl, not Meryl. 'Haemr' is 'hammer', 'wyn' is daughter, but y'say it like 'veen', so y'can always tell if folk 'ave /read/ a Sea Wolf name without ever 'earin' it said. Sea Hammer's daughter. Merlhaemrwyn... Good, now faster. Emphasis is on th'middle. Hae. Murl-HAY-mur-veen."
  • "Th'other part's 'Fhil' as in yellow, 'liht' as in light. No one ever says that right, though, so don't worry too much. An' sure. One could say I'm naturally good at sounds. Modyr made sure o' my properish elocution, d'ye know. Fhil. Exhale, teeth not quite touchin' lips. Soft aitch. Unvoiced doubled internal consonant. Liht. Silent aitch, NOT a soft aitch. They're differ'nt. Glottal stop, tongue tip. Not th'other way round."
  • "Eyy, monsters with no land. That's us both. Y'r doin' a right good job o' insinuatin' y'rself into Ishgardian things, though, if an outside view counts f'r much."
Gerel Kha -

An older Xaela woman Hestia only heard of from Killian for the longest time. During her brief visits to Magical Misc. - a now closed shop of miscellaneous items - Hestia had the honour to finally meet the woman that had bestowed upon Killian one of his most treasured belongings: a book written in the tactile language only he can understand. Much to Killian’s dismay, the shop closed that evening after seeing Gerel one last time, and he losing one of his jobs with it. Somewhat disheartened by Killian’s sadness and fear in never seeing Gerel again, Hestia sought out the woman to come participate in Killian’s first namesday. More than just joining, the Xaela assisted Hestia in perfecting her gift for her husband, along with baking him a special cake for the event. Having helped to reconnect the woman back with Killian, they now remain connected through more than just him. Hestia hopes in time, Gerel might assist her in her curiosity revolving around the theology of the East.


Upon being delivered a seemingly out of the blue missive, Hestia was set to meet its sender 'Sir Helseth', who not only spoke of her in such high regard, but was also a son of the Fury. Replying to his letter posthaste, the two met with one another within the House's bakery to discuss interests, along with some slight touches into theology. After such, it had been time again before meeting once more, that being at the Grindstone. While the two discussed, they were approached by a Hyur woman who managed to do little more than infuriate Hestia with her beliefs. While finding trouble in appropriately talking down this woman, Ghalleon succeeded in being more of a mediator, and keeping a level head. Hestia respects this in the man, and looks to involve him more in future endeavors of the House.



  • [Temporary] Ghalleon lent Hestia his sceptor, that in which to allow Killian to inspect with greater detail as to what the man uses as a foci.
Hilda Alarias -

Despite Hestia’s current standing within her family’s House and everything she has worked towards achieving, the fortunate luck of Hilda Alarias stands as one of the few things that seemed to never fail to elicit a burning green sensation within the Bayle half-Elezen. Since meeting the woman, each moment of learning how the other half-Elezen’s life events have handed her everything Hestia has scraped to attempt to achieve with her own inhibitions, only further to frustrate and infuriate the woman. Often reminding herself of one of her instructors long-time virtues regarding the sin of envy toward another better off than yourself, Hestia managed and even desired to work toward a friendly relationship with Hilda during each of their meetings.

Hestia’s anger came to a boiling-point however, when the opposite half-Elezen came to visit her after a severe accident - one that left her in a fragile mental state. Being entrusted with a more secretive portion of Hilda’s background, Hestia lashed out in fury, expressing openly her bitterness toward the other woman’s fortunate happenstances. Finding herself subdued after and quickly remorseful, Hestia works to try and earn Hilda’s forgiveness for having gone against one of the very virtues her mentor taught her long ago.

Since this interaction, Hilda has joined under House de Bayle - agreeing to Hestia's terms in training under her to better herself as a Knight Dragoon. While the two certainly have a grounded relationship in working together, they still have a long ways to go before they might reach any form of friendship. Fortunately for Hilda, Hestia's insistance on training is at least a good sign... if not for the early bell.

While now a mentor for Hilda, the two have varying interactions. Hestia has had moments where she views Hilda proudly and positively - though quickly finds that vision dashed in light of Hilda's common, unreined outburts regarding anything that may anger her in the wrong way. Hestia wants to be proud of Hilda, however the other woman often makes it difficult to do so.


  • "You're a strong woman, Dame. I say that not as a dragoon, but... as any other person. You're strong of will. I've not seen many other in my 30 turns that are as stubbornly willful as you."
  • "You're still young, Dame. Perhaps, in this changing nation of ours... you can prove yourself to be a saint amongst the masses of sinners."



  • [Starlight'18] Being the woman's secret gift-giver, she procured a tin can of a special blend of black tea from Killian's collection.
Kenta Roussos -
Carinas Papa.png

A Doman carpenter, currently working on commission for the carpenters guild in Gridania.


A current knight of House de Bayle, and Lord of House Guiscareaux. Lucius served as Hestia's proctor for her Drachen Trials, being a still active veteran of the Order of the Knights Dragoon. While of the understanding of Lucius' severe demeanor at times, and his somewhat inexcusable past, Hestia is willing to offer Lucius opportunities to turn things around for himself, in return for him helping her finally achieve her goal of being a Dragoon. Her husband, Killian, holds an especially high disdain for the Elezen due to his harsh treatment of her during her trials, especially one where she found herself poisoned and the Hyur didn't know an antidote was present. While Hestia knows full well of her husband's frustration over her remaining respect toward Lucius, she also understands that he cannot grasp the complexity of why she chooses to offer Lucius mercy, rather than cast him aside for his occasionally ruthless behaviour. Lucius has been the cause of more than a few rifts between the couple, that they typically manage to work out in time.

As it stands, the woman feels no particularly high inclination toward Lucius outside of base respect as a coworker. She hopes in time he will prove to her that a better man lives within him.


Sister to vassal of House de Bayle, Basile Feurieux, Nathalie has a far more approachable and gentler demeanor than that of her brother. Having come to the House due to Basile selling their estate in Ishgard, her previous abode, the woman was forced to move and came to take refuge at the embassy in the south. Having spoken to Hestia personally, after an enthusiastic desire to meet, the woman was officially taken into the House's ranks as a scribe. Hestia is fond of Nathalie, despite their minor interactions, a part of her finding the woman's soft persona endearing and worth protecting. She has made more of a habit to speak to the Hyur, even inviting her on a venture to the Hinterlands.


  • "I... Well, the Lord Commander shifted our way of life, and... many fail to adjust. They simply need guidance, or someone to... convince them against making poor decisions. You must implement new ideals with old ones. And you have that goal. I hope that you finish it successfully."
Rhuli'a Kanjun -

A Keeper that stopped and chatted with Killian and Hestia at the Canopy. While their interaction then was brief, it would be some moons later before they would meet again by chance at the Magical Miscellaneous shop. Having begun crafting his own path as a Fist of Rhalgr, Hestia found interest in the mans somewhat changed demeanor. Having been invited out to Mor Dhona to discuss business, it was clear the two had on some unofficial level, become associates. After some more passing time, Rhuli'a requested Hestia's aid in helping clear a trading path to Ala Ghiri, by helping subdue a True Griffin. Under the pretense that the Griffin be safely handled and taken to a better location, the mission was a success, and Rhuli'a came some weeks later to inform Hestia that the Griffin was in good hands.

Hestia and Rhuli'a's relationship has evolved from where they once stood. Once more or less business acquaintances - prolonged interaction has come to have Hestia view Rhuli'a as something of a younger brother. Often giving him flack for his arrogant posturing, and offering the man what wisdom she is able, Hestia still holds faith that Rhuli'a will make her proud and become as grand as the amibition he has - similar to that of her own.

Despite her previous reservations over the man, Hestia finally gave Rhuli'a the furious spar he so desperately wanted from the woman. From it came a fight neither of them could have imagined, the end result leaving much for them to brood over. Upon meeting once more during a Grindstone night, Hestia absconded with Rhuli'a to speak in private over the ordeal. After addressing things said, as well as her own ambitions and offering him words of consoling, their relationship has seen something of a dramatic shift in dynamic.


  • "... It seems you were speaking the truth. You do know of this path. And so you chose the third option. Suppose, Hestia, suppose that I were to throw the coin enough times that it landed on its edge. You seemed to have experienced such. I wonder what becomes of a soul once they've gone through such change."
  • "... My faith is the one thing I can take refuge in. It is a power without equal in this world. Otherwise, I would have cast myself from the Peaks long ago. So, take heart in knowing that you've a measure of it for this fantastical journey you find yourself in."
  • "Then I shall wander by your side. Come and go as I please and as you need. My place, ultimately, is with my Moon and my people. But know you stand with them. Time makes slaves of us all, but know I will wildly thrash against the cold fury of the inscrutable wheel."

A kind man Killian met at Gemini and Wendy Argent's bonding ceremony who requests to go by Ric. He helped Killian while there and kept him company. Upon hearing about Killian's distress at the Alliance trial to condemn the Ironclaw Order, Ricard came to the estate to find and speak to Killian to make sure he was alright. Upon seeing Hestia and Killian's affectionate interactions, the man took his leave, sore from his own loss in love. Fearing he upset Ricard, Killian and Hestia went to see him at his company's establishment where they spoke for a great deal of the sun and struck up something of a wholesome relationship. Hestia respects Ricard's treatment of Killian, and hopes he can find a close friend in her husband as time progresses.


  • "Prob'ly rude o'me t'call attention to it directly, but with the look she's givin' ya right now, it's obvious yer wife's smitten, Ian."


Vilette Laurent -

Vilette is a distant woman to attempt to get to know. Hestia finds herself struggling to try and connect with the once leader, but does not seem to have any strongly negative feelings toward her. In what small interactions she and Vilette have had that have been more friendly, the woman sat with Hestia in Ishgard during the final suns of her pregnancy and talked about the future. It was then she also gifted Hestia with two things to help keep her busying during that troubling period. Vilette also suggested ballet classes to Hestia, something the woman was quite enthused to pick up.


  • "I know you'll do the right thing."



  • A Xaelic flute.
  • A Hingan ring puzzle.
  • [Starlight'18] Two slightly misshapened carbuncle plushes for Áine and Loth, along with some knitted socks. Made of the same wool was that of an adult scarf.

A woman Hestia and Quarcy happened upon at the Grindstone. While not knowing too much about her, other than that she was forced into mercenary work after presumably the loss of her parents - Hestia learned of the further tragedy regarding Zophia that was the loss of custody of her younger sister, Debora, due to finanical instability. Offering the Elezen woman's sister a home to stay in, she anticipates seeing Zophia from time to time as she comes to check-in on Debora and continue her teasing of poor Quarcy.

Lost Contacts
Lost contacts are people who have either disappeared from Hestia's life without reason, or have gone a prolonged amount of time without interaction of any sort.
Elias Thorne -

A rather persistent, and still ever mysterious man Hestia met while on Dragoon duty; Elias seems dead-set on pulling conversation from Hestia and spending time with her. The young woman can't quite wrap her head around why someone so talkative or casual would enjoy her company, but she hasn't gone out of her way to make him go away. Hestia actually quite likes Elias' attempt of friendship, as not many like him try for such in light of her thorny persona. In their time together, Elias has also struck up a business partnership with Killian, via his own company Rose & Thorne. His kindness toward Killian and willingness to look past his difficulties, has made Elias a good man in her book.


A man Hestia first spotted at a Silver Table Accord get together, the two formally met one another at the De'bakery. Boisterous and if not also a bit crude, Ser Belliard is the stark opposite of what Hestia strives for. Overweight and somewhat lazy, the man prides himself in being more so the life of the party than he does making real strides toward improvement for either himself or his City-state. Despite such, Hestia feels no scorn toward him. Being an older Elezen - and a father at that - the man has offered plenty comfort to Killian. A certain paternal warmth he has never felt. Even though the Elezen’s prodding and teasing of her husband, Hestia can see clearly that Killian appreciates the Alex's attention, and therefore she finds him bearable as well. At least for the time being.

Blaise - >



Sister of Gemini d'Argent, Cassiopeia is a lady of House Argent and one of the organizers of the Silver Table Accords. While the two have not had many interactions one-on-one, if any at all, Cassiopeia offered Hestia the chance to speak her thoughts and help push her ambition during their trip to the Brume. Something that - while not necessarily vocal of - Hestia is eternally grateful for.

Hestia invited both Cassiopeia and her brother to her and Killian's bonding, where the two offered them both a matching gift.



  • [Bonding'18] A music box, one to a pair.

There is one thing that Hestia is certain of Dalmar, since their chance meeting in the Canopy, and that is that he is by far one of the goofiest men she has ever met. Beaming with surprising enthusiasm, Hestia made a quick friend in the ruffian-wannabe. She worries for Dalmar, who often doesn't take care of himself or think highly of himself, or even gets himself stuck in the wrong crowd. Sometimes acting more mother-like to the man than she probably should, she tries to see that he is cared for, even if he makes a stink of it each time. Hestia is fond of him and his antics, despite thinking he can be up to no good at times, and hopes he finds a friend in her as she does in him.


Hestia: 1 | Dalmar: 1


  • "N'aw, the bracelet. The Rat just whispers n'shite. Clearly not accursed. Ere, I'll whisper it to you. He says...'Get m'out of this fuckin' bag, you ape.'"-In regards to an accursed rat



  • Socks
  • [Starlight'17] A crudely made charm bracelet made of wood.


  • [Starlight'17] A bottle of lightining.

Met as Alexis Arteme, Hestia's initial impression on the seemingly skittish Hyur that trailed her husband like a duckling was more or less indifference. She respected that the girl viewed Killian so highly, and thus saw her as a good influence in his life to help his confidence. However, upon learning of a strange stone she bestowed upon Killian, Hestia's impression of Miss Arteme could not be any more sour. Viewing her as the woman who gave Killian idea's that could put him in great danger - and even more, cause him to scorn his wife - there was a rift broken between the two of them. She viewed the Hyur as a cur upon her relationship, and felt nothing more than seething fury toward her over what she has done. While the situation did blow over with nothing substantially bad happening, Hestia doubts she will be seeing the girl again any time soon.

Eirlys Griffin -

A highlander woman who requests to be called Steiger Griffin. Hestia received on request to the Miners Guild for potential business endeavors. Aside from having a difficult to discern accent, Hestia knows very little about the woman outside of their established contract for business between her House and Eirlys company.

Gemini d'Argent -

Baron of House Argent and one of the organizers of the Silver Table Accords. The two have interacted very few times, however the man is an active Dragoon, making him one of her coworkers. The two share a demeanor, it causing them to find agreement in perhaps some often ridiculous things.

Hestia invited both Gemini and his sister to her and Killian's bonding, where the two offered them both a matching gift. Despite this, the two are not very close, and have rarely seen one another since.



  • [Bonding'18] A music box, one to a pair.
Jebe Qestir -

A mute Xaela man Hestia approached during the Golden Gala. While obviously the two have shared very little words with one another, in fact, none at all - Hestia finds Jebe to be a kind man with a welcoming presence. Hestia knows just about nothing on the man, but despite this has invited him already to join her group when visiting one of the Twelve stones. She is interested in the way he conducts himself, the sort of language he uses to communicate. She is also curious of his culture, as she has never known an Au Ra well before him.

Jehni Kaiyn -

Hestia's first impression of Miss Kaiyn wasn't a very positive one. Loud-mouthed and snarky, Hestia found the shopkeeper who ran Magical Miscellaneous to be far too crude for her tastes. A moment of weakness early on in Hestia's pregnancy however had Jehni there to comfort the woman, causing Hestia's opinion to shift. While still rough around the edges, she knew the woman's heart was in the right place. However, after Jehni approached Hestia via a call inquiring on the usuage of House workers without offering details as to what they would be used for - that in which Hestia declined due to liability issues regarding disclosure - the Miqo'te's personality suddenly twisted. Upon her and Killian's next visit to Magical Misc. the two were unceremoniously kicked out, and Killian without a job as the store was closed permanently. After that, Hestia knew Jehni was the sort of woman to only care about herself.


Having introduced himself to her as simply Lenny, he is a young Duskwight Hestia happened upon during one of her many wanderings into Carline Canopy. Striking conversation with him out of curiosity mostly, the two found pleasant enough company with one another. Wanderlusting over adventure he had never tasted, Hestia pushed the man to pursue his desires to leave the Shroud and find his place in the world, insisting he return to share epic stories of his ventures through song. Lenny is often self-deprecating due to the nature of his kin, something Hestia finds little to know pleasure in dealing with. In time, the man came to understand the Half-Elezen’s wild ambition, if even to some mild degree. To Hestia, Lenny is the Oschon to her Halone, an ally she believes will help her accomplish great things.

Old events brought a shift in the duo's relationship, and while it was certainly a divide between them, tears of all kinds were mended and made to be a stronger bond than the first.

While Hestia and Lenny still remain good friends, the man left her a letter telling her of his choice to wander and leave the House. While she finds this especially fitting of the person she titled her Oschon, due to the distance and lack of companionship, she can no longer rely on him as a close ally, let alone to be her Oschon.


Hestia: 1 | Lendroit: 0


  • “Though our immediate goals may not be the same, the spirit of them is! If you will have me, let me lend you my bow - that I may assist you in your efforts! And by doing so I shall gain the renown I desire for my own ends!”
  • "You're the first person in years who thought I could amount to anything. Who... Who placed any faith in me. How could I not..."
  • “I do not think that I should apologize for my feelings for you. I just don’t. The heart wants what it wants, you know? But fairness is the word in this conversation is it not? It is only fair then, that I respect that your heart wants what it wants and that isn’t me.”
  • "I know that. You are my friend. No more trying to be better. I will just be better. Do it." -Regarding Hestia cutting off Lenny's fingers.


☑ Redemption:Show text

Serick -


Siovant Gascogne - 💔

A suave and ruthless Elezen man that was both Hestia's comrade and fiancé, Siovant is easily one of the most important people in the young woman's life. While typically driven away at the sheer idea of courtship, the young Half-Elezen considered Siovant to be her closest confide upon her return to the mainland. As handsome as he is intelligent, Hestia found herself initially drawn to neither, as much as she revered the man's physical prowess and draconian nature. While the two do not always see eye-to-eye on certain social or religious matters, the strength of their devotion was hardly wavered even in light of disagreements, as both make large strides in understanding and indulging one another. After some large periods of time apart, Hestia grew lonely in her lovers absence. She was often comforted by her close friend Killian, who had to see her fall into these bouts of depression on more than one occasion. One evening that comforting grew too heated for the both of them, and they were found out in their mourning by Siovant himself. The situation left Hestia and Siovant with a broken heart, and Killian some broken ribs. The two after some time are on talking terms. Siovant calls Hestia via her linkpearl to tell her all about his latest adventures. The man was once her Althyk, but due to their distance and his marriage to another, she found his position more of a weight she refused to let go of, rather than one that offered her any genuine assistance.

The two have a cat together named Tartare, that in which Siovant took with him when he left.


Hestia: 0 | Siovant: 4


  • "Married or not, I will remain at your side until you dismiss me. Your dream is my dream, and if it requires a sea of sundered corpses I will gladly be the hand that swings. You don't need to coddle me, or my feelings. Only realize that I will be the form you need to contend with in the small hours of the morning."
  • "If you were to be lost to [the stars] until the end of your days, then you would find me to be just as enthralled by your side."
  • "In that case, I shall strive to put them all to shame upon my own talents. Where Gods and men will watch with awe as I sunder mountains beneath my axe and heel.”
  • "If you lose, she'll scalp you." -Regarding a duel between Hestia and Lawrence
  • "Marry me, Hestia. Be with me, forever. That I might never be left without your light again. For without you, I don't know that there might be any light left for me."
  • "I... I know you're capable. More than capable. I'll never be able to stop worrying about you, though. Not until I can know for certain that every threat lay butchered."
  • “When I left at first, I wanted so badly to return as a terror. To break everything that you had worked so hard to create. I wanted to be the Winter to your Summer. I wanted you to hate me, I wanted you to kill me. But, when I came here, and I saw you. All of… those thoughts vanished. I still want to be your Althyk but… just from a distance. I am not a good person, and I never will be. I can’t stand for all that is light, and pure, while I am rotten to my core.” -Regarding the duo's break-up

GIFTS Received

  • A dark purple choker with a golden ring she was meant to wear after losing a bet.


Past Relation Show text








Some of these rumors are untrue, speculation, or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under the Player Character category! Any PC rumours marked red are considered rare, and will need permission from the gossiper or player before usage.
COMMON RUMORS - Easily overheard. Use these freely!

    “How many of them damn Bayle's are there?! The girl's a new one but at least she's approachable. Well, as approachable as them Elezen folk can be, 'suppose.” - Ul'Dahn Traveler
    “That Adelise woman has a stare that could pierce your heart. And not in a good way either. One that sends a death rattle through your bones. She comes here often; while she may be a looker, I would not stare too long.” - Isghardian Scholasticate Student
    “Somewhat lanky girl? The one with the marking on her forehead, yeah? Those Bayle's seem to make face here quite a bit as of late. I see her around, typically escorting that one blind lad who is constantly coming in here. Poor lass, getting herself involved with a sorry sod like that.” - Carline Canopy Regular

UNCOMMON RUMORS - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!

    “Lady Adelise is extremely well mannered, despite her often times apparent rebellious behaviour, it is often surprising how much she differs from her cousins.” - Madame Celeste, Estate Employee
    “I sometimes see her about with a little blue lizard, or Wyvern or something. Aren't those things heretical in the Holy See?”- Gridanian Citizen
    “I hear she goes by 'Hestia' now. Not quite sure why, but she claims it is her real name. If it was here real name, why tell everyone she was Adelise?”- Ishgardian Citizen

RARE RUMORS - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!

    “Lady Adelise's arrival is a curious one indeed. I find it particularly peculiar that after the disappearance of our smallest lady, this distant cousin would make surface. Do I think Lady Adelise know's of the youngest daughters disappearance? Well, even with her polite persona, I cannot say I am not suspicious of her intent. I believe her presence is to take her cousins title of Viscount, starting with his lineage. When considering Lord Ceonix's behaviour toward Viscount de Bayle, I can hardly be surprised. However, you did not hear that from me.” - Anonymous Manservant
    “A woman with a brand on her forehead? Ah yes, the half-breed. She came here some moons ago. Offering me the fingers of a Duskwight to bless. She seemed rather devoted to doing the Twelves work. I can hardly say I was displeased by such, but one cannot help but fear such strong zealotry. If even to a minor degree.”- Oschon Priest

PLAYER CHARACTER RUMORS - Feel free to add rumors of your own!

    "Don't fuck with her." - Serick Aster | 9/5/17
    "Adelise? She's..." He pauses for a moment, brushing a strand of hair out of his face as he thinks of how to respond. "I can't say I know anyone else quite like her, you know? She's got a lot of potential, and the drive to make the most of it." A quiet chuckle. "I want to be there, to see what she does, you know?" - Lendroit Gatineaux | 9/6/17
    "A truly vexing woman. Her stubbornness is matched only by her ferocity. A fine ally, and one who I would not want to see turned enemy." - Lawrence Wallace | 9/20/17
    "Pride. Honor. Fury. Look upon the faces of her parents, and you will see their qualities exemplified in their child. All of their good and... certainly some of their flaws, she is truly a De'bayle. She has a desire in her, a path to follow; One she carves out with a righteous fire. I pray she does not lose sight of the world around her in her mission... Then again, her father and I were not so different from her, in our youth." - Denz de Bayle | 9/28/17
    "She's...kind, and understanding, and patient. She always smells like orange blossoms. She sees me...she sees me. Not my weakness. ... She's a friend. I don't have many of those." - Killian Waltz | 10/17/17
    "I doubt you'd be able to find a woman quite as ferocious and protective as her. She would do anything for the people she loves. And she has helped me to understand why wolves howl at the moon." -Siovant Gascogne | 12/5/17
    "Adelise...? Mmm. She is quite the strange girl. Hard-headed, distant, idealistic. But... she is also strong, and has been through so much. Protective... intimidating. Yes... quite like a dragon, I would say." - Carina de Bayle | 1/19/18
    "She is so sweet, can see it with how stern she is. I think about her a lot. She is very strong. Wants to protect the whole world and carry it all herself. Bundle it all in her arms and heft it, fingers unable to touch, and carry it everywhere on her own. Even people she loves and love her; pick them all up. It puts her in a lot of danger. I always want to keep an eye on her, even though I cannot. I do trust her; it is not that. I want her to live a very long time. She gave me the most beautiful handkerchief. Forgive me, I am rambling on." -Jancis Milburga | 2/8/18
    "Aye, she will likely become one of the greatest lancers her generation will ever bear witness to. Those on her side are very fortunate, though to be on the end of her blade... perhaps prayer would be best suited for that soul." - Armont de Bayle | 3/6/18
    "Hestia is a fine warrior, who perhaps, may someday attain her ambitions, if the incompetence of her fellows do not drag her down." -Lucius Guiscareaux | 3/6/18
    "Ah, Hestia? Her collection of plush creatures and dedication to bettering herself are both commendable. She could do with being a little more outgoing, but I've time yet to beat some sense into that thick skull of hers." -Elias Thorne | 5/21/18
    "My niece is troubled with conflict. Her presence is strong but beneath lies a child who did not get to live a life she should have been afforded. It shows clearly in her room and in the reassurance she seeks only behind closed doors. I have never been a mother, nor have I ever wished to be — yet if I can see her as a friend as well as mine family, then I hope I can offer her something she has lacked in spades: comfort." - Astrelle de Bayle | 6/8/18
    "Rumormongering ill suits me. If you would know of Hestia, ask of her thyself; she is honest and hides naught but that which thou art unworthy to hear." -Rageant Lacordaire | 7/8/18
    "Hahaha! You've caught me in an odd mood, stranger! A rare blend of being well within my cups to see my guard fly yet still retain full motion of my tongue! Come, sit closer, do not shy away! You ask of Hestia? Of everything she has succeeded in, her partner being such a whelp vexes me! The man seems fit to fall over any day now; was this her plan? Cemented the union, though, I'll surrender that much. I cannot wait to see the child..." -Rhuli'a Kanjun | 8/22/18
    "I wonder if Hestia keeps those out of reach because she herself is too short to reach them, and believes others will not go loo~king." -Aedida Aldricht | 9/4/18
    "Strangely forgivin', should y'approach 'er with contrition. Or per'aps 't'is due t'my friendship with 'er sister, an' she's a close ranks an' destroy all traces sort o' girl. Either way, she's not so furious as she'd 'ave y'believe." -Fhiliht Merlhaemrwyn | 11/22/18
    "Hestia was but one of many youths in our allied regiment during Rhalgr's Beacon. I thought little to naught of her, and 'twas folly to think that she would not become the fierce comrade she is this sun!" - Unknown Rumourmongerer | 12/28/18
    "Hestia? I admire her. Few have made such an effort, used their position so, in the pursuit of unification and a brighter future. I just wish she could share that same impetus on her own. She needs nudging. But nobody's perfect, and the best amongst us get all the scrutiny." -Fiona Delaine | 12/29/18
    "Trust. That is the most important thing to give her. If you want to help her, trust and show her you can be trusted. She has a lot of family, now, a lot to protect. She protected me, Thaliak knows." -Jancis Milburga | 01/09/19
    "The Baroness? Well, she's as strong as they come and strict at times, but that's only'cus she's got a big heart. She's like the second mom I wished I had, but never got. Waah! Do-don't tell her I said that! -Feather Benitoki | 03/12/19

Ado BG.png
Disclaimer: Anything written here is pre-written history or things that have occurred in-character and are heavy spoilers. Their purpose is for reading pleasure and mostly for the author of this wiki's reference material. Proceed with caution after reading this information and roleplaying! Any and all forms of meta-gaming with such information without gained through RP will be cause for immediate cut in communication until further notice.

☑ Indicates a finished event line.

Indicates a significant change to the characters development that is referenced elsewhere on this wiki.

⚬ Childhood-Adolescence ⚬
The First - Entry 1

My first namesday was… well forgettable in all of its entirety. I only know of it from mine own writings and the words of Serick who wished to document my life for me. I have been told to refrain from speaking of There. It is foreign, out of the comprehension of those here. Understandable, if not even somewhat sad. The tales of my adventures will be limited, limited to these pages. For the sake of those who may be confused, or might read these journals and wish to know of this place, I fear it is not in my place to disclose. I can not bring upon comprehension to the minds closed. Only seeing is enough to allow for others to believe, a subject I understand. This location will be simply referred to as ‘There’ for the sake of avoiding such feelings. I hope anyone reading might come to understand my feelings in regards to this.

Back on topic. My first namesday is one that I on my own cannot remember, as I was after all technically only a turn old. Technically. There are quite a few technicalities revolving around my life, though again perhaps it is better I do not go into far too much details regarding that. It had been, though a few moons after my arrival and my first real memory with being at Hito’s side. At the time of our arrival back at his home, after suns of attempting to even get the man to agree to helping care for me. I cannot deny, I was scornful. My mother had made him out to be a hero, to be a man she would put not only her own life, but my own as well. And he had rejected me, spoke of my life meaning nothing. I was rightfully hurt. I had not wanted to speak to him, or even spend time with a man who would do such a thing, even if he did in time cave to the requests of my mother. I did remember watching his face when he opened her letter. I did not know of its contents, I knew nothing of their relationship with one another. His face remained expressionless, but his eyes. No matter how hard he tried to dismiss it, the emotion that bled through them was impossible to miss amidst the dull nature of his typical persona. Like colour within the grey and dreary. Colour that held pain. Perhaps it was the letter, that pushed him. That made him reconsider. It did not forgive him though, for his harsh words.

On that day though something changed. Only Serick knew of that date, came back from one of his earlier ventures to bring me a gift. A leatherbound book for practicing my letters. I was quite fond of it. Within my room, given to me by Hito, I relaxed for that evening with my new book. Writing down my scribbled writings, the only memories I had of that day. It was only a few bells after dusk, when I heard a knock upon my door. Calling to the only person I knew it to be to come in, Hito entered into the room. The same straight expression laced over his face, never-changing, always dour. Approaching me, he set down a thick book before me, lacking wrapping of any sort but clearly meant as a gift. Azure eyes glancing toward me, he’d nod once before turning and leaving the room.

The book was a history book, the history of there. I am sure at the time, most of the words were far outside my comfort zone of understanding. That book though, became essential into helping build the world around me, build my knowledge of not only There, but of myself. My ability to read, write. I do not think he knew how important it was to me, or if Serick knew how important that journal was. Perhaps they never will.

⚬ Post-Return ⚬
☑ Eorzean Alliance: Feats of Ala Mhigo's Liberation☆ • 7/18/17 - 8/10/17

Kale Aideron: "Adelise De'bayle, front 'nd centre!"

Adelise De'bayle takes a deep breath as she hears her name called, raising her head and marching forward toward Kale.

Kale Aideron gives you a Flame salute.

Kale Aideron: "Adelise De'bayle! You are amongst the younger soldiers in our joint regiment, but you 'ave defied your so-called 'superiors' in age by fightin' like a twenty-summer veteran. Your great feat, certainly, was witnessed by many. The mysterious brood of Shinryu we faced we 'ave come to call a Hakkinryu. Your feat rivallin' that of the great Ishgardian Dragoons was most certainly recognized by that order. Hestia De'bayle!"

"The Order of the Twin Adder recognizes the service of House De'bayle, and awards you with 'the Ironwood Leaf' [★★★]! Henceforth, you shall be known to the Eorzean Alliance as Adelise the Hakkinslayer."

Adelise De'bayle tenses proudly, dipping her head in a nod, "an honour Ser," she bows toward the man.

Kale Aideron gives you a Flame salute.

Aghurlal Qar-akimusun murmurs to himself. "Bloody 'ell, ye really did face dragons, ey..."

Astrelle De'bayle: "Well done, Baroness." Astrelle offers Hestia a smile before turning her gaze forward.

Adelise De'bayle lightens for once, looking toward Astrelle with a fleeting beam. "Thank you."

First Campaign | Second Campaign | Third Campaign | Fourth Campaign | Ceremony Awards
☐ Journey to the Twelve • 8/14/17 - Ongoing
☑ The Truancy of Guillemont☆ • 11/24/17 - 2/21/18

Things had been tense. Tenser than usual. Since his return. I did not want to see him, or know where he was. Not after what I had to witness that evening. I wished to forget. Forget the faces of those dead. The faces of their loved ones as they screamed and asked me ‘why’. I could not tell them. What would I say. I hated that. I hated that…

Some suns had passed since that confrontation with Guillemont, and still nothing came of it. Truly I was a fool to believe anything would come from such, that they would see me as their family worth defending. Killian and I argued plenty over it, over my fears. But… they have yet to be elevated.

Discovery | Finding Hikari | Coeurl Cove | Breaching the Black Mantle | The Return | Resolution☆
☑ Drachen Trials • 2/19/18 - 4/12/18

“This fight is concluded, Hestia de Bayle. You have more then proven your aptitude with the lance. I am formally offering you your title of acting member of the Knights Dragoon, effective posthaste.” Lucius relaxed his stance, the spear thrown into the ground beside him. The helmet was removed, and the man did not smile, but seemed proud all the same. “You’ve made it.”

Ser Guiscareaux | Gauntlets - Strength | Helmet - Willpower | Sabaton - Endurance | Chest - Fortitude | Trousers - Dexterity | Induction
☑ Blitzball: March To Madness • 11/28/18 - 12/16/18

Hestia De'bayle: Hestia flies up into the air, flipping up and over the group unblocked to land in A!

Svana Heart: Svana finds a good chance to stare with her jaw dropped at Hestia's unstoppable defense from her place in the backlines. She starts choking on saltwater for that mistake.

Sehteeri Nelhah: surges toward Hestia! Tackle!

Eses Fafa: Eses lunges at Hestia, trying to punch the ball-holder in the jaw!

Hestia De'bayle: Hestia raises a foot to shove Sehteeri away with a forceful kick. Having saw Eses' violent look, Hestia rose an arm to take the brunt of the punch. Jumping up, Hestia attempts to take the shot!

Araceli Caillen: || Goal!

Vath Adventurer: "GOBBIE BOOOOOM!"

Jyn Nihalyn: "Wow, she's good."

Kara Skyfallen: "WOOOO! HOOO!!!""

Vath Adventurer: "....." The Vath began blowing up another ball. "<puff><puffffff><puffffff>"

Svana Heart: "...She just swam through an entire team on her own to throw that."

Llane Krieger: "Told you Lady Hestia was going to sink you uplanders! Gobbie boom!"

Vath Adventurer: "The score is <pant>, <pant>...." PUFF. "Two to.... -wheeze- zero!"

Another Aegir: "1-0 Chargers, Captain Hestia lines up for her shot!"

Hestia De'bayle: Slamming the ball into her palm with some fury, Hestia shot a glare toward the goalie. Taking a breath, the woman twisted before shooting a beam at the goal!

Another Aegir: "Captain Hestia stands on the field like HALONE her self! But she's got BALLS instead of spears!"


Paissa Press Volume IV - Article on the Idyllshire Swimfleet Gobbie Goalgetters

First Game: The Don Coconero Water Wasps vs the Idyllshire Swimfleet Gobbie Goalgetters (1-2) | Semi-Finals: Idyllshire Swimfleet Gobbie Goalgetters vs Meracydian Mist Dragons (2-1) | Finals: the Imperative Finibus Primo Praecipe vs Idyllshire Swimfleet Gobbie Goalgetters (2-2 | 2-1 Tiebreaker)

You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.

Be advised that the images presented in this gallery are sexually suggestive/explicit. It is implored that you be 18+ before viewing.


The music presented here is meant to act as themed for different scenarios said character might be in, whether that be just a normal theme or battle. Please mind your speakers when clicking the links.

    Composers: Jeremy Soule
    Context: Her spirit.
    Sinister Shadows
    Composer: Yoko Shimomura
    Context: Knight Dragoon.

Player user name is KHMarie. You can find other characters I RP as there, along with links to my own personal blog and arts. I am 5-UTC, and I'm available during most periods of the day! I am a heavy roleplayer and dedicate just about all my free time to being in-game. I am also the lead of the Free Company House de Bayle
Personal RP Limitations
Expand for more Details

✓ Long-term Roleplay.

✓ Combat Roleplay.

✓ Pregnancy/Children Roleplay.

✓ Organic romances.

✓ Sexual tension/actions.

✓ Slice-of-Life Roleplay.

✓ Paragraph Roleplay.

✓ Discord Roleplay.


● Final Fantasy XI mixed roleplay. I know this can be a bit iffy with some people, but I am certainly very willing to indulge in it so long as everyone involved is on the same page.

Please Note: Any and all of Hestia's XI involved lore is generally kept very hidden from people ICly. She will not be going around talking on about her adventures in public places. This part of her lore is complicated and heavily built, therefore it is not something commonly spread around unless I personally know you the player better.

● Character Maiming. This applies to: severing of a limb, permanent disfigurement, and otherwise anything that could be extremely debilitating on my character for the rest of their life.

● Rape involved plots. While I am not against having dark things happen to my character, certain past experiences in RP have made this particular subject somewhat uncomfortable for me. If your character is villainous and looking to attempt something like this toward my own character, I will not allow such a thing to happen without OOC consent initially. Due to this experience though, be prepared for the answer to more than likely be no unless given a reasonable enough circumstance to work with.

● Prior friendship/romance planning OOC. While this is leaning more toward the "I'd rather not do this" I do make exceptions for a good enough reason. However though I strongly prefer organic friendships that build over time, rather than forced by writing.

● Lore-bending. So long as the lore is still intact, bend to your heart's content. After all, most characters wouldn't be all that interesting without stepping out a bit into deeper waters. Hestia herself bends lore in a lot of aspects, however I try to keep things as lore-friendly as possible. Anything that may stretch outside that realm, should be saved for private RP sessions and not in open public RP areas.


× Strictly ERP that is outside of organic plot growth. My character can and will ERP if the situation is put there, but she will not ERP with just any person that comes up and asks her.

× Permanent character death unless asked of by myself. If you ask to kill my character, the answer will be no, always. No matter the situation they're in, I decide when they're ready to go.

× Any sexual or romantic relations with a character that is a minor.

× I will not indulge in or associate myself with characters that publicly and blatantly break lore. No 'The' Warrior of Light characters (this does not include warrior of light characters, they simply can not be the placeholder of the derplander who is directly involved in the MSQ.), or any heavy relations (Wife/husband, siblings, etc.) to primals or notorious NPC's. This also applies to: most if not all the mage jobs minus perhaps Black Mage and Astrologian. No Azure Dragoons. No people proclaiming themselves to be a notorious figure themselves (leader of a well-known clan ex. U'clan) No heavily open voidsent characters. Does this mean I won't play with people involving themselves with or who are possessed by voidsent, no, but if you walk into the Quicksand looking and openly speaking about how you're a voidsent, expect for me to most likely avoid you.

An exception to this rule: If you have a well rounded character that can explain with reason why they have the job they have (minus White Mage/Azure Dragoon) then I am more willing to be accepting of it.

It is important to note to all who choose to delve into Hestia's wiki, that some of the content and IC interactions revolving around the character are very lore-bending and to some potentially breaking (Though I wish for all readers to keep in mind that everything I do involve my character with, I make as lore-friendly as possible. Most if not all her actions are considered to be "possible" as proven by the MSQ in some way shape or form.). If this sort of content is something you as a player are not comfortable with, allow me to assure you that as an RPer I would never go out of my way to shove any content involving my character that might not coexist within the guidelines of public RP down anyones throats unless they so wished to respectfully interact with this side of my characters story. Most of anything that could be considered straying from these guidelines are typically kept from public view. If such knowledge causes you to be swayed from RPing with this character, I still thank you for your consideration nonetheless and hold no ill-feelings toward your decision. I am fully of the understanding that not all wish to stray away from strict-lore rules even if the character does not publicly display such content, and respect that.
Character Combat Score
Grindstone battle victories and losses
Won: 4 Lost: 8 | Grindstone Entire Victories: 0
Links Out
Links that lead off the wiki, but are technically relevant to the character.

Wiki Templates: Using the skill stats window from Fancy Template. Thanks to the authors!

The whole layout and page design belongs to Suen Shyu, with some minor modifications done by KHMarie.

This theme is free for use, but all images and banners belong to KHMarie. Please produce your own!