Warren Castille

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Revision as of 08:16, 6 January 2015 by Gegenji (talk | contribs) (Rumors and Quotes)
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Ul'dah-transparent.png Warren Castille
Free Paladin
Gender All that is man
Race Highlander
Clan Unknown
Citizenship Ul'dah
Guardian Oschon, the Wanderer
Marital Status Married to Sei Ikari
Occupation Free Paladin

I'm tired of things being taken away. I'm done letting that happen.


Height: 6' 7"

Age: Mid-to-late thirties

Weight: Difficult to gauge on account of the armor, but large.

Complexion:  Light-skinned but not pale. He lacks the distinct tan of an Ala Mhigan.

Hair:  Brown, kept braided.

Eyes:  Pale grey.

Particular Traits:  A facial marking of Highlander origin marks the right side of his face.

Clothing Style: When not in his armor, he tends to wear loose clothing. He is usually seen adorned in greys and shades instead of colors.

Armor Style: Warren wears a set of heavy armor in the style of a Sultansworn. It is colored dark grey to distinguish himself as a Free Paladin.



  • Hearty Meals
  • Strong drink
  • Manners
  • Aiding those in need


  • Corruption
  • The strong abusing the weak
  • Being unable to help those in need


Warren's considers himself one of Oschon's children at times.


Unquestionably good at first glance.



Warren does his best to speak "properly" and devoid of slang or accent. If he is heard cursing in public, something is wrong.


  • Warren is perhaps too wanting to help. He's a bit naive when it comes to playing "hero" despite his efforts otherwise.
  • Warren prefers natural healing over magic or alchemical solutions. He won't refuse treatment if the wound is bad enough but he prefers to keep his bruises and abrasions.
  • Warren keeps his walls very high and very secure. He is slow to trust anyone and prefers people see him only as his title.
  • Warren has constantly demonstrated a willingness to neglect himself when focused on another task he deems important enough. During times of strife, he will often ignore sleep and sustenance for as long as he can despite knowing it will only serve to impede him once they catch up with him.


He would have you believe he doesn't know the meaning of the word. In reality, he is deathly afraid of failing, letting down or otherwise losing the few people he has come to rely upon.


Due to his size and upbringing, Warren is strong and a dedicated swordsman. He also prizes his powers of perception.

Abilities and Skills


  • While lacking any true break-out abilities, he is thankful for his naturally high constitution and powerful musculature.


  • Warren considers himself proficient with a sword and shield. He is an amateur at hand to hand combat but attempts to make up for his lack of discipline with raw power.


  • He was once able channel healing magic, but has long since fallen out of practice.


  • Warren is proficient with a hammer and anvil. As long as you don't expect anything of master quality from him, he is perfectly capable of maintaining and repairing his arms and armor.


  • Warren is not affiliated with any specific Company. Recent events have had him questioning his allegiance and ties to the Sultansworn of Ul'dah, feeling his methods and ideologies no longer compliment the Order.

Rumors and Quotes

Known to many

  • Saw him this morning hurrying out of town. Looked like he'd been beaten savage by somebody. -Waking Witness
  • Didn't he useta wear white...? -Talkative Tankard Taker
  • Did you hear he took down The Beast in eight seconds at the Grindstone? Did it without a weapon or armor! Ripped her helmet off and brained her with it, he did! ...Hey, come back! I'm serious! -Grindstone Gawker
  • He went from fighting in the Grindstone to helping to run it! -Arena Aficionado

Known to some

  • The knight? I've seen him and his princess back around here. I wonder what happened there... -Book-reading Bar-goer
  • Him and that Seeker stop in for drinks often enough. I'm not sure what they've got going on, but they seem happy. -Curious Commentator
  • Saw him collecting his winnings from the Bloodsands. Something's not on the level there." -Pennyless Pugilist

Known to few

  • I knew it was all a front. He'll get his, Ul'dah will see to it. -Irate initiate
  • He doesn't wear white anymore. Good reason for it, too. -Skulking sellsword

Player Comments

  • Elyscia Rose: "Mist'r Paladin? Ah bloody love 'is choc'bo.. Ah mean.. if it likes 'im.. he cannae be that bad'ah man.. aye? Oh aye, 'n' don't listen to me sis'; he does nae fancy otha lads, he's no one ah them 'homosensuals.'"
  • Oscare Iono: "Another stoic guard? Honestly, having him around just makes me and the place feel safer."
  • Aya Foxheart: "He told me that he really does have friends..."
  • Aya Foxheart: "They used to say that the pillar would fall down without him. I guess that hasn't happened, but I have to say, I miss the guy."
  • Delial Grimsong: "Ser Castille, was it? Quiet. Can bleed quite a lot. Has the makings of a perfect man. Hah!"
  • Coatleque Crofte: "Ser Castille? Hrmpf. Do not be fooled by his outward appearance. I doubt anyone in this city truly knows the man. I thought I once did."
  • Xhosa Tauzeh: "Warren Castille is a wonderful man and a good friend to me. If ever I have need of him, I feel I can rely on him to be there. In return, if he is harmed or defamed, I will arrange such utter and extensive ruination that only passing through the Gates of Thal might offer some relief to what is left of the offender."
  • Erik Mynhier: "A good man who has my respect, not something I give away to just anyone."
  • S'imba Tia: "He stands by that pillar so much I had to carve his name right above his spot just so everyone knew that it was his."
  • Franz Renatus: "Didn't really know him until that kidnapping thing. He's...I'm not sure. I'd like to get to know him more."
  • Natalie Mcbeef: "Look up 'Grump' in the dictionary and you'll see his face. Besides that he's a good man to have at your side in a fight."
  • Berrod Armstrong: "Don't let all that shiny armor an' manners get yer knickers in a soak -- the man's a Highlander an' he sure as all hells fights like it. Wouldn't mess wit' that one."
  • Roen Deneith: "Honorable. Strong. Valiant. No matter what has happened between he and his lady love, I still believe him to be a good man. Perhaps he will find his way back someday."
  • Ha'uruh Nunh: "Anyone who knows him knows there ain't anyone stronger. Seems to need me for some reason though, so I'll stick by his side til he don't anymore."
  • Chachanji Gegenji: "Ah! Ser Warren! He's so strong 'n cool! Not only is he teachin' me how ta sword, he's always lookin' out fer me!"

General Stuff

Warren Castille used to be seen looming over the patrons of the Quicksand on any given evening. Where once before he would freely offer an ear or advice to those in need, citing that his position was to protect the citizens of Ul'dah from those who would abuse them, he has turned inward after the dissolution of his relationship with fellow paladin Coatleque Crofte and the subsequent change in treatment he received from both civilian and serviceman alike.

Warren's isolation has helped reinforce his separation from the populace of Ul'dah. He seldom stands watch in the Quicksand any longer, choosing instead to leave it in the hands of the Sultansworn. Regardless, he still considers himself a Free Paladin.

The Grindstone

Every week the Grindstone sees Warren Castille and his best friend, Ha'uruh Nunh arrive to compete in the Grindstone, and every week sees Warren and Howl eat dirt as they scrub out in the first round. The two always seem upbeat about it, though, and appear more interested in the camaraderie than actually winning. Most of the time. Neither of them have been present at the Grindstone in recent weeks, however.

Warren returned to the Grindstone recently, and has helped run the event in the past.

Warren has won the Grindstone twice* in his career as a fighter there.

  • His "victory" over Ruinfeild Oakenshield is subject to some discussion.

Current Record: 11-13

Current Events

After moons of combating the corrupted teachings thrust upon Howl and Sei, Warren has finally felt himself returning back to what passes for normal. His relationships have continued to blossom thanks to the dedicated effort of those involved and his mood has improved dramatically. He and Sei Ikari have begun the process towards Eternal Bonding.

Warren has also taken to helping instruct one Chachanji Gegenji in the ways of the Sword. The lalafell's quest to become a hero has struck a note in the paladin, and he wishes to help show his ward how to best protect himself and those he cares for. The notion of his reputation affecting Chachanji's is worrisome, however.

After years of build-up, Warren and Sei were finally bonded at the Sanctum of the Twelve. In a show of faith in their union, Sei immediately changed her last name to match his.