Y'lyfriel Sikah

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Y'lyfriel Sikah
Lyf Sunlight.jpg
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 23
Occupation Adventurer, Scholar
Guardian Llymlaen, the Navigator
Namesday 32nd Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
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Lyfriel has never been part of a proper Seeker of the Sun tribe. Her family lived along the La Noscean coast, but after her mother and sister were claimed by the Calamity, Lyfriel began studying at Mealvaan’s Gate. After two cycles of study, a misadventure at sea left her bereft and alone. She eventually arrived in the Twelveswood, where she met Rhesh’ir Zhwan and numerous companions whom she still travels with. Together, they bested challenges in the Thanalan deserts, the forests of the Shroud, and the vibrant La Noscean isles. Along the way, she fell in love with Rhesh’ir, and together, they brought a child into the realm. The Company of adventurers she belongs to has begun to make a name for itself, gaining renown from their numerous exploits. Most recently, they banded together to banish a powerful enemy from Lyfriel's past; it's an act that she feels she'll never be able to properly repay. Lyfriel will most often be seen with a smile on her face, whether it is genuine or forced. She is studious, and speaks with an air of formality, but is prone to occasional teasing when in the company of those she trusts. She's quite prompt in her habits, and no matter where she is, she often keeps strange hours in order to spend time with Rhesh'ir and her son, to see to her work, or to groom her chocobo, Ealdwine.


Her face carries traditional Sunseeker markings, as well as a few thin scars. She wears her hair long, lately, and now that she's made it through her pregnancy, she's become quite fit once again. Lyfriel finally has the look of a proper adventurer, often bringing her grimoire, a pistol, and various sundries every time she departs the 81st's estate. Time for her hobbies has largely dwindled, in favor of honing what she sees as her most useful talents, and dedicating as much time as she can to Rhesh'ir and Riel'a. That said, it’s the rare occasion that she doesn’t have some scholarly text or another along with her, and she has begun taking steps to reclaim those elements of her life she so enjoyed.


Lyfriel is a dedicated student of the Arcanum, and is always seeking ways to augment her talents and capabilities. Her grimoire is with her at all times, and is nearly full of personally inked geometries and equations. She is somewhat proficient with a bow, but has found her projectile weapon of choice in a Maelstrom-issued pistol that is near-constantly on her hip. The past year has seen her becoming more familiar with the realities of the adventuring life--death, loss, and the need to constantly be better-prepared for the dangers ahead. While Lyfriel knows fully well that she has what it takes to kill, she is usually sickened by having to do it.


Lyfriel has long been a resident of La Noscea, and for the last six years she might easily have been seen within Limsa Lominsa. She has a history with Mealvaan's Gate, and spent two years studying there. Before she could establish an actual career in customs, however, she was spirited away by the wings of adventure. Over the past year, she's spent small amounts of time in the Black Shroud and Thanalan, but has predominantly spent her time across the Vylbrand, doing work for the Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company. She is quite intense in her scholarly pursuits, and is always in attendance for lectures on Eorzean history or, more specifically, anything pertaining to the Allagan Empire. Most recently, she and her company have begun searching out work in Mor Dhona; Lyfriel's primary interests lie in the digs and research of the Sons of St. Coinach.

Lyf relaxes at her place of solace in the Black Shroud. Art by Soranamae


Fine Cuisine




Games of Strategy


Favourite Food/Drink: Faerie Apples, Oysters
Favourite Place: Her own study
Favorite Weather: Rain/Sunshine
Favorite Season: Beginning of Spring
Favorite Color: Maroon
Favorite Scents: Books, Ocean, Garlic


Romantic Interest     Sexual Desire     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral Standing     Poor Standing

Friends & Acquaintances

Rhesh'ir Zhwan: 'Zee of the Shroud' has brought Lyfriel more happiness than she ever thought she would attain, in her life. She remains dedicated and wholly in love. She prizes their struggles and successes alike, and would not trade any of it. She trusts him completely, and before the 81st's confrontation with Rayner Cantilever, Rhesh'ir was the sole person trusted with painful elements of her past. Though they underwent some hardship, Riel'a entering both of their lives has brought them a new focus, and a closeness that they haven't shared for some while.
Lyf Rhesh'ir Cute.jpg
In spite of the dangers they face with their Company, they continue to find great happiness with each other, and their son. With the Rite of Oschon, their Eternal Bond, Lyfriel and Rhesh'ir have pledged to take what they want from life, rather than let themselves be led. 
Dawson Colwell: One of her most trusted friends, and one of the first that Lyfriel will seek out in the case of anything going horribly awry. Though she at times has trouble comprehending Dawson's wants and motivations, she would trust him with her everything. She and Rhesh'ir have asked him to care for their son, should anything ever happen to them. 
Ralamano Nulumano: By now, Ralamano is far more than a companion in scholarship. She seeks him out constantly, trusting in his expertise and his care in almost every aspect of her life. She knows of his past, his struggles, and though she cannot always relate (no matter how hard she tries), she ultimately looks to Ralamano for lesson after lesson in life and practice. 
Onuma Ahntifi: Closer than ever, Lyfriel's relationship with Onuma is the embodiment of the term she so affectionately uses: "sister." There is little that she would not do for Onuma, and though she's not said anything, she's extremely admiring of the woman's ability to soldier through some of the most crippling hardship. 
Kodaro Ba'rococo: Kodaro has a commitment and passion that Lyf near constantly admires. Though she finds herself at odds with Kodaro morally--she firmly believes him too good for the world he's living in--she has no reservation in calling him 'brother.' They have endured a great deal together, and she would likely aid him in any endeavor.  
Fen'rin Taveck: Lyf often wonders where, exactly, her friendship with Fen'rin bloomed from. In the past several months, she's gone from being purely curious about this strange Roegadyn man to depending on his friendship. They speak frequently, and few topics or events pass through Lyfriel's life that Fen'rin is not a part of. She sees him as gentle and reliable...and far more able than most of her companions readily give him credit for. Though she hasn't said so, yet, she relates quite strongly to his search for the right path to walk---be it his studies in magick, or otherwise. 
Rah'na Lihzeh: Though his childish behaviour and flightiness still frustrates her, Lyfriel cares a great deal for Rahn'a. She worries after him constantly, but won't allow herself to stoop to a motherly role--she wants too badly for him to find his independance, to do so. 
Rinha'li Dhavha: Though somewhat wary of Rinha'li's attachment to voidsent and their study, she ultimately trusts him, respects him, and would do near-to anything to keep him safe. Her care for this Moonkeeper man is built on prolonged experience rather than single events, and she's become quite accustomed to having him around. 
Trisselle Rondelet: Trisselle's impact on Lyfriel's understanding and pursuit of magick has been paramount. Though she considers Trisselle a good friend--as well as a mentor from afar--the pink-haired miqo'te is often intimidating. Lyf's constant goal is to rise to the challenge of that intimidation. As a result, she is often trying to impress Trisselle through some means, or another. Most recently, Lyf has sought Trisselle--as well as her counterpart, S'aerdha--for private lessons in thaumaturgy. 
Ainle Goldpaw: For the longest time, Lyfriel took this young man's presence and efforts for granted. Always eager to give, but ever quiet, she knew that he existed happily among the other members of the 81st. Over time, she has come to learn bits and pieces about his family, and a recent meeting between the two of them brought forth the greatest number of words they have shared in moons. Shared interest will see Lyfriel seeking Xihra out more, both as a friend, and an instructor.. 
Z'koa Rhiki: Much like her brother, Lyfriel assumed that Z'koa was both content and quiet. In the past several suns, her eyes have been opened to the struggles of a family that she is just beginning to see in full. They have shared feelings on several close, intimate subjects, and these brief moments have brought Lyf's emotions to a peak. She has no idea how she feels about Z'koa, except that she wishes to protect her family to the best of her ability, and see her smiling as much as possible . 
Lihrit Lightfoot: Only recently brought to the 81st, this young woman's presence conjures up the exact image of Lyfriel's sister, Y'adebh. Facing greater physical hardship than any other Lyf knows, and yet somehow having more energy, she has garnered love, respect, and a protectiveness that shows no signs of diminishing. Lyf feels immensely guilty about how easily she sees Debh in Lihrit, but reassures herself that such guardianship can serve as a model for the care that the rest of her 'family' deserves. 
Ehrinn Thorn: The woman is reliable, efficient, quiet, and above all, wholly capable of anything she puts herself to. Lyfriel knows little of her, but knows her as one of the 81st's most valuable members. 
Oriel Durand: She does not yet know what to think of this Miqo'te. Lyfriel has encountered this man only a handful of times, and they barely spoke on either occasion. Still, he seems trustworthy on the surface, and -quite- dedicated to his geological pursuits. Future encounters are certain to allow her to develop a more thorough understanding of him, as he now has a proper place within the 81st. Lyfriel hopes to see him about, more. After seeing how pleased he was with his Nymeia's Secret Saint gift, she at least feels that she knows Oriel a tiny amount. 
Noor Falmah: Recent events have brought Noor and Lyf close together, and while a misstep in Lyfriel's judgment of herself brought them perhaps overly close, she would never stoop to saying she regrets the intimacy or closeness--only the confusion that led her to thinking that it was for the best. Noor is a very trusted companion, whom Lyf sees a great deal of herself in. As with Onuma, Noor is practically a sister, and Lyf would do nearly anything for her. 
Leo Arkwright: While they began on uneven footing, Lyfriel has come to trust Leo as a staunch and reliable ally. She enjoys his presence in almost any situation, and has come to find a great deal of value in his ideals. Recently, he's trusted a few close secrets to herself and Rhesh'ir, secrets that worry her a great deal. Even in spite of recent hardship and strained trust, Lyf knows that Leo holds the Company close at heart. Though she will likely be wary for a while, yet, she has no hesitation in returning to her duties alongside him. 
Emilienoix Bellegarde: Lyfriel first met Emilienoix while he was attempting to rob the 81st's estate. After casting him out and sending him away, she met him again in Limsa Lominsa. Instinct outweighed judgment, and she urged him to return, and undergo a demonstration in order to earn a place within the Company. He did so, and proved his worth (to her, anyway) when he accompanied them into battle against a Primal. Though she still disapproves of many facets of his personality, she doesn't regret recruiting him. Their friendship has recently become strained after Emilienoix expressed his love for Lyf. After she apologized and admitted that she could not requite his feelings, he departed coldly and abruptly. Lyfriel cannot bring herself to dislike him, and the manner in which they parted--and the distant silence he maintains--continues to wound her. 
Vesna Novaar: Lyfriel has seen and heard enough to know better than to hold any resentment towards Vesna. Any actions she has committed that might be construed as hostile were clearly not something that the woman wished to carry out, and enough distance has been placed from those events that Lyf can look on them with greater objectivity. She will likely be very wary around Vesna, but the woman is still a mystery, and Lyf will still likely take steps to help improve her quality of life, if the means ever become apparent. 
Shoshopu Shopu: Shoshopu's eagerness to accompany the 81st into action, with Fyrilsunn alongside, made a distinctly positive impression upon Lyfriel's first meeting her. The nature of the affliction she suffered from following the battle against the Primal was of great concern, and interest, to Lyfriel, considering how closely tied it was to the art of Allagan summoning. She continues to keep a close eye on Shoshopu, and will attempt to offer her own expertise in the Arcanum as instruction as often as she can. After a recent mission, the Lalafellan girl seems distracted and distant; though Lyf can hardly blame her, considering what occurred, she nevertheless keeps a watchful eye over one of the companies rising mages. 
Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn: A quiet Roegadyn man who made a strong first impression when Lyfriel first met him. She thinks him inseparable from Shoshopu, but sees no problem with this. While she is still quite distant from Fyrilsunn and his personal concerns, she has accompanied him on enough missions to see that there is far more to the man than she initially assumed. Refusing to take him for granted any longer, she now watches him carefully, and has dedicated some of her resources to helping he and Shoshopu where she can. 
Seda'li Tayuun: Lyf doesn't quite know what to make of Seda'li. He has all of the trappings of one attempting to fit himself into an awkward place, but she has nonetheless appreciated the gifts he's brought to her. The man's forwardness in establishing a presence in and around the 81st has put her on edge, and keeps her so, for now. 
Kikira Kira: Kikira emanates a sense of innocence that Lyf feels compelled to protect. Possessing some significant talent in the Arcanum, Kikira has impressed Lyfriel on many occasions and will likely continue to. The sole concern that Lyf has for this young Lalafellan girl is that her worldview might be utterly shattered when faced with one of the many dire threats that the 81st has, and will, face---something that Lyfriel is all too familiar with. 
Lynn'wo Vahnal: This man is something of a mystery, albeit a very pleasant one. His mischievous nature has brought a smile to Lyf's face on more than one occasion, and he has beyond proven his dedication to the well-being of their companions. For reasons that she still can't place, she finds herself worrying over Lynn'wo from time to time. 
E'liah Tia: E'liah's presence at the 81st's estate has been beneficial to Lyf. The boy has taken up the mantle of a company mender, and has looked after Riel'a on more than one occasion. 


Riel'a Zhwan (NPC):
Riel'a Zhwan. Sketch by Oriel Durand
Born on the Thirteenth Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon, Riel'a is the son of Lyfriel and Rhesh'ir. He carries much of his father's looks, and was born with dusky, dark skin and white hair--he has the throughput look of a Keeper of the Moon. Lyfriel adores the child, and he has been a shining beacon for her, since born. She spends as much time of each turn of the sun with Riel'a as she can. As he has grown, he has only grown more into his father's likeness. He seems unafraid of people both new and familiar, and often stares at passers-by with wondrous, wide eyes. 
Eirene (Faerie): Lyfriel happened upon this small elemental during her tragic voyage aboard the Imperial Together, they have survived adventure after adventure, and have only been brought closer together for it. Their bond goes deeper than familiarity, and the faerie's own history has given Lyf a significant and advantageous perspective on the fallen civilization of Nym. 
Ealdwine (Chocobo): This bird was actually acquired through perfectly legal means; he was Rhesh'ir's gift after her own chocobo died in the field. Ealdwine keeps his pale blue plumage immaculate, and though the bird has been through rigorous grand company training, he is still young and quite skittish in certain specific scenarios. He very quickly became obedient to Lyfriel's every whistle and command, and the more time that they have spent together, the more utterly attached Ealdwine has become to his new owner. 
Noire (Chocobo): (Deceased) Stolen (accidentally!) from a chocobo border in Thanalan, this red, feathery companion kept Lyfriel safe for many moons. Their connection was cut far short, though, when the bird was killed at the hands of a powerful thaumaturge--or perhaps worse--while the 81st was deployed to North Thanalan. His death hurt Lyf immensely, and she keeps several of his feathers safely tucked away. 
Tahla'li Tayuun: Lyfriel scarcely sees Tahla'li any longer. She knows that his mentor, S'aerdha, keeps him busy, but she is unaware of his other activities, and often wonders after his well-being. She knows that he and Rhesh'ir were once close, but as Rhesh'ir makes little mention of him any longer, she chooses not to pursue the issue. Lyfriel hopes that his time spent at the Ossuary has not changed him overmuch. 
Lahn Flavel: Having departed the 81st, Lyfriel does not see Lahn, anymore. Were they ever to meet again, it would most certainly be on good terms, and Lyf would be eager to hear of what adventures the Elezen woman has been on. 
Solelle Frilaix: Solelle's abrupt departure from the 81st earned Lyfriel's ire and frustration. Though she's pleased to have the Sergeant back, she's more pleased to see the woman's lover, Ehrinn. It will be a while before Solelle earns back the respect that Lyfriel once expressed. 
Stahl Shepherd: Lyf knows little of this man, in spite of his being a member of the 81st for some time, now. She knows that he's skilled with a blade, and hasn't made a great deal of mention about his past. Regardless, she counts him among the most trustworthy---his courage in battle has earned this. 
Erimmont Leguard: He is (or, was) the Immortal Flames Captain charged with capturing Rhesh'ir Zhwan. While this immediately soured Lyfriel to the man, his subsequent decision to serve as defense at Rhesh'ir's trial opened her eyes to the man's sense of duty. Still, he is quite aloof, and she does not know what to make of him, more often than not. He seems trustworthy, and has taken to traveling with Lyf and her companions. He often flirts mercilessly with Rhesh'ir, and while it frustrates Lyfriel to the core, it will take a great deal more of it before she raises any voice against it. 
Sthalmoen Merlskyfwyn: Though it's been some time since Lyf has encountered or spoken with Stahl, she thinks fondly of the Roegadyn woman. She has not forgotten, and will not, how the woman came to the party's aid after their encounter with the Amalj'aa and subsequent battle against Ifrit. She still owes Lyfriel a tour of Ul'dah, though, of late, Lyf has seen more of the city than she really cares to. 
U'dahsh'a Nuhn: Lyfriel likely takes Dahsh'a's presence for granted. He is clearly a very talented combatant, and resourceful; is it merely her harsh view on Sunseeker men that keeps her distant, or something else? While she was once short of trust in him, his presence and willingness to go to battle for the 81st have built quite a lot. Lately, that trust has been undermined by her fostered distrust of Sunseeker tribal culture. Dahsh'a unceremoniously departed the 81st to look after his own tribal offshoot, and the manner in which it was handled has soured Lyf against tribal life even further. 

Martine Law (NPC): A midlander Hyur woman, about the same age as Lyf, who joined Mealvaan's Gate at the same time. While Lyfriel left for adventure and thrills, Martine stayed on. She is currently a successful investigator and inspector at the Gate, who was recently overjoyed at being reunited with her friend. The two share a history that is at once tender, awkward, and very significant. 
Eloise Redsnarl (NPC): The Hyur charged with prosecuting Rhesh'ir Zhwan on charges of treason, in Ul'dah. Lyfriel knows littls of the woman, other than the fact that she dislikes Eloise immensely. Rhesh'ir's surviving the ordeal has given Lyf a sense of smug superiority, over her. 
Lotan'to Jiub: (Deceased)The loss of Lotan'to struck a deep chord within Lyf, and only fueled her already fiery hatred for Garlemald. While Lotan'to's history with the Empire caused frustration for many of her company-mates, Lyf's respect for the man--and his continued effort in support of his companions--continues even after he's been lost. Just as when she lost X'linwh, Lyf hopes to honour Lotan'to's memory. 
X'linwh Tia: (Deceased) He will always be remembered in an endearing light. He grew on Lyfriel during their travels together, and in spite of the trouble he often got himself into, she respected his deep roots in Seeker culture. He was a good friend to her, and the fact that she was many malms away when he met his death in Coerthas ripped her heart to shreds. She has begun to come to terms with it, and for now, she wears a small marking under each eye--a warrior's mark--in his honour. 
Easily Overheard Rumours
 "I've 'eard her gettin' shouted deaf in the Bismark. Don't think the maesters care much for 'er." - Limsa Lominsa Resident
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"Always see her alone, that one. Only time not, when she's gettin' the ears beat off her, sparring with Yellowjackets up the beach." - La Noscean Merchant
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"I saw her climbing out of an airship, yesterday. All confidence and swagger, one of those godsdammed huge books tucked under one arm. Looked like she'd had a rough day, but was smiling for it.- Yellowjacket
"She ran past me, t'other day, red in the face, and a welt the size of a La Noscean orange on her cheek. Hope she sought a healer." - Local Fisher
Player Character Rumours
"Always so grim. No wonder you and Lyfriel are friends...You'll notice that despite hardship, she is still able to smile? The world isn't so far gone, then, seeing that." - Rhesh'ir Zhwan
"She believes that if everyone is together that we'll be alright. It's naive, but... endearing." - Rhesh'ir Zhwan
"Lyfriel is everything. She calls me 'her Moon', but in reality, she is the same for me. She is a soft, beautiful light in my life. Only, I don't have to wait until nightfall to see her shining properly~" - Rhesh'ir Zhwan
"She's a strong-spirited girl, and unlike most sunseekers, I find her pleasant to be around. But she has an air of apologeticness about her that I can't shake, and it almost bothers me, to a degree. She works far too hard to please everyone, and her kindness is a double-bladed edge. What will happen when she runs out of resources to give, I wonder? Will she break, or will something new bloom?" - Onuma Ahntifi
"Lyfriel is sister to me. Not by blood, but she may as well be. She's a special person in my life and I wouldn't give anything in the world in exchange. I hurt her once, but I'm adamant in not letting that happen again. For this, I'm thankful we are on best of terms again. " - Onuma Ahntifi
"Lyf is our constant, and truly the best friend I've ever had. Without her, the group would surely have drifted apart. I confide in her more than anyone because she has truly earned it." - Dawson Colwell
"Lyf has a good heart. As far as I'm concerned, she's at the center of our little tribe. She works hard--probably too hard--to make it all work, and for that I am grateful." - Dawson Colwell
"Y'lyfriel is and will continue to be a boon in mine own experience. Though a mother, she continues to show her youth in many ways--ones that will likely create more conflict than not. She is tenacious and bold, I shall admit" - Trisselle Rondelet
"Miss Lyfriel is very, very kind. She deals with so much when all of us are together, and yet she's always smiling! Even when Rhesh'ir is being a ..Rude. A rude rude." - Rahn'a Lihzeh
"I can't say she'll cease to surprise me anytime soon; seems she's a swift study with all sorts of subjects. She's even taken to designing her own arcane geometries as of late! I endeavour to emulate her educational eagerness, then maybe one day I'll be as much of an asset to the tribe as she." - Kodaro Ba'rococo
"Lyf is a wonderful person, she always has time for me, even when she has her own troubles... I really appreciate that, and I hope I can at least match that myself when she needs help. She's like a sister to me in many ways, and a mother in others... I suppose it would be safe to say I consider her an extended member of my family." - Fen'rin Taveck


Birth and Youth
Lyfriel during her pregnancy. Art by Michie
Y'lyfriel is yet unaware of her birthplace; her mother, Y'zanza Behn, and her father, Sikah, brought her to La Noscea, and it is there that she spent the entirety of her youth. The family lived a short distance from the Swiftperech settlement. Her mother made much of the family's living as an artisan weaver of some renown. When Y'lyfriel was only two years of age, her father, an adventurer, failed to return from a particular outing. Y'zanza spoke very little of his occupation or interests during Lyfriel's growing up, but maintained an insistence that Sikah had died while abroad. Shortly after her father disappeared, Lyf's sister, Y'adebh, was born.
In spite of Sikah's disappearance, the family managed to remain well off. Both Y'lyfriel and Y'adebh were adventurous in spirit, the former finding her freedom in her numerous acquaintances along the La Noscean coast, the latter keeping her head in the clouds---clouds full of adventurers' tales. Neither found themselves in an abundance of trouble, apart from the bumps, bruises, breaks, and heartaches of young lives. Hearing at a distance of Ala Mhigo's plight, and later, the Battle of Silvertear skies, kept them longing to see and experience other lands. Though Y'zanza allowed her daughters a large amount of freedom, they were kept from traveling abroad.
The Calamity
The destruction wrought by Dalamud's fall, and Bahamut's emergence, took thousands of lives. Away on a rotation with a patrolling Yellowjacket squad--an apprenticeship that would prepare her to enter Mealvaan's Gate--Y'lyfriel was away from her family's small home when it was brought to ruin. Breaking from her horrified awe at the spectacle that would forever change Eorzea, she rushed home to find only death--Y'zanza's and Y'adebh's bodies still aflame.
With the help of what was left of the small community, the dead were laid to rest. For the next three cycles, Lyf struggled to maintain a living for herself as a weaver, but what little her mother had imparted to her was not enough to find her a suitable living.
Mealvaan's Gate, Adulthood, and a Disaster at Sea
Resigning from the recovering community of Swiftperch, Lyfriel made her way into Limsa Lominsa and took up her nearly abandoned apprenticeship. She began as a clerk in Mealvaan's Gate, but her studious nature and desire for adventure allowed her a place to study the Arcanum. Alongside her blossoming thirst for knowledge, she made a fair, and perhaps expected number of poor choices. One brief courtship with a Bismarck waiter landed her an apprenticeship at the esteemed restaurant, but it lasted only as long as Lyf's patience.
Lyfriel and Rhesh'ir with their son, Riel'a
After two years of study at the Gate, she began a relationship with a Lominsan privateer--Captain Erasmuss Ross. Believing it to be a route of escape into a life of adventure, she allowed the man to convince her to leave her studies and her home, to travel abroad. Their first voyage together was over shortly after it began; Sahagin set upon their ship, and several crew members, including Captain Ross, were killed. The man who assumed command--a renowned Arcanist named Rayner Cantilever, was unveiled to have his own motivations. He assaulted Lyfriel within Ross' cabin, and ordered the crew to sail for a Nymian ruin. Only further disaster awaited their arrival, as a host of tonberries set upon Rayner's new crew. Lyfriel escaped the disaster with two others, a strange stone, and a yet-unknown new companion that would change her life forever.
Finding a New Path
Shipwrecked and adrift, Y'lyfriel was picked up by a passing merchant vessel that eventually made its berth on the eastern Eorzean coast. From there, Lyf traveled to the Black Shroud, but not before discovering the strange, sentient elemental that had saved her while at sea---Eirene, a faerie of Nym. Their bond together freshly forged, they remained together in the Shroud while Lyf attempted to make a living working as a naturalist. While attempting to study a flock of ziz, she happened upon one 'Zee' of the Shroud--Rhesh'ir Zhwan, a traveling, reclusive bard. Time spent together brought them closer, and along the way, Lyfriel met Tahla'li Tayuun, Onuma Ahntifi, Lotan'to Jiub, Dawson Colwell, and X'linwh Tia.
What began as a loose gathering of like-minded companions in the Shroud evolved into a renowned free company operating beneath the banner of the Maelstrom, led by Rhesh'ir himself. Though they've known hardship, she and Rhesh'ir now have a child together, and have found more worth fighting for than either could have suspected after their fateful meeting in the Twelveswood.
Onward, Certain
Brought together by circumstance but bonded by love, Lyfriel and Rhesh'ir became Eternally Bonded before the eyes of their companions and the Twelve. With fresh resolve, they continue to lead the Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company towards fresh endeavors and new threats that circle ever closer.

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Theme Song: You're Not Alone

TV Tropes: Stiff Upper Lip, Underdog

Alignment: Chaotic Good