Vyncent Tanner

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Vyncent Tanner
Ffxiv 08192015 203450 hdr.jpg
"I choose to do the things that you won't, so I can continue to do the things that you can't..."

Gender Male
Race Hyur
Clan Highlander
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 35
Occupation Recently reinstated Storm Sgt. 1st class. Former sellsword and mercenary.
Orientation Women
Alignment Chaotic Good
Affiliation The Maelstrom Grand Company. Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st Company


VYNCENT TANNER is a former Maelstrom enlisted soldier, having served with the Grand Company of his city-state for eight cycles. After receiving an other than honorable discharge, he made his way as a sell sword and mercenary for hire. In this line work of he created quite a name for himself, mostly that of a man to go to when you needed a job done. His prowess and skill in combat, most notably with the two handed axe, is well known across the realm, mostly to those having dealings with ones in his line of work. Fate saw his path cross with the 81st Foreign Levy, and he founds reasons to join the ranks of the Free Company, which he has served with ever since. Recent events, and helpful friends with allies in the right places, have seen him reinstated to his former rank in the Maelstrom, preparing for a dangerous reconnaissance mission into the heart of Garlean held territory, the fallen city of Ala Mhigo .


TANNER'S style of dress is one of comfort and practicality, the majority of the time. Simple, loose fitting leathers and garments, often equipped with some form of padding or light protection. On rare occasion he has been known to step up his attire, though the events or company must be deserving of such a thing. On the battle field he is clad in armor from head to toe. When wielding his great sword, his armor is of the medium variety, jet black and fitted to allow for ease of movement when wielding his second weapon of choice. When his preferred method of destruction is in hand, he dawns his custom armor of the bear, looking every bit as a menacing beast, clad from head to toe in thick armored plating, truly defining the roll of what a tanky, front line warrior should be.


Fierce. Loyal. Unrelenting.

Tanner, as he goes by to most, is slow to open up, and even slower to trust, sometimes mistaken as arrogant or a bit full of himself, though he doesn't intend to come off as such. Often taken as rude and heartless, he's very stubborn and set in his ways, not overly concerned with upsetting others by his words or actions. He is confident in his abilities and is always willing to lend aid to those in need, whether his demeanor reflects that or not. He'd not leave someone in trouble to fend for themselves, more than willing to charge in to battle and lend a hand. A member of the Maelstrom since his 18th name day, Vyncent rose quickly to the rank of Sergeant, though his promotions came to a sudden halt as he began to have more difficulty taking orders he deemed reckless or careless from younger officers with less experience than he, eventually leading to an other than honorable discharge from the Maelstrom. He believes one can only learn so much from study on battlefield tactics, and the real knowledge is gained on the field, through experience, earned in sweat and blood, along with his respect.



Hard liquor.





Innocents being harmed.


Those that talk, but don't back it up.

Talking about personal matters.

Most people.


Quick thinker on the battlefield.

Loyalty to those he cares for.

Understanding of the art of warfare.

Physical strength, as well as his never surrender attitude.

Unmatched with the use of a Battle Axe.


Close minded. Not open to things he doesn't approve or nor understand.

Quick to anger, and almost as quick to react.

Checks and balances, lacking them at times, dedicating the majority of his time to training, fatigued or not.

Not a social butterfly, and very slow to open up, slower still to trust.


This is a list of the items that Tanner currently is keeping on his person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 11/16/2015

  • Weapon: 'The' Axe or 'The' Sword. One or other, and if situations demand it, both can be seen strapped across his back.

  • Flask: Tanner never departs without it. And ensures it's always topped off before heading out. Roughly the size of two highlander fists, silver in color, wrapped in black leather. The initials G.T are etched into the bottom.

  • Coinpurse: Just that, a small leather sack, used for holding his gil. Never carried when in armor or on the battle field. In social settings, it's usually tucked inside his coat, in a pocket flush against his chest.

  • Rations: Jerky, a man needs his protein.

  • Horse: Black War-Steed- Onuma.

  • Chocobo: Draught Chocobo - Unnamed.


Face Claim: Tanner's Face [1].

Body Claim: Tanner's Body [2].

Voice Claim: Tanner's Sound(Vladimir Kulich) [3].

This template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified/mixed from Franz Renatus, Leanne Delphium, Bancroft Gairn, and Jaliqai Qulaan.
Feel free to use and edit this template to better fit your needs. However, please be sure to leave all credits in place. Thank you!
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