Nahare Mergrey

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(This page is always being updated! Last update: 8/22/2016)
"If tha shoe fits, ye bettah lace that bitch up an' wear it!" — Naharé
Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Naharé Mergrey
Ffxiv 08012016 214127 -edit-.jpg
The Duplicitous Dame
Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsan
Place of Birth Limsa Lominsa
Nameday 8th day, Sixth Umbral Moon
Age 26
Sexuality Pansexual
Marital Status Married
Occupation Mercenary

Naharé Mergrey (née Rahz)

Naharé was born to exiled Lynx tribesmen X'rahz Tia and X'ahlia Mahsa in the city state of Limsa Lominsa. A rowdy kit from the start, she never did learn the words "slow down". She quickly became notorious for petty thieving, excessive white lie spewing, and letting rules go through one ear and out the other. Rahz and Ahlia hoped it was merely a phase and that she'd settle down with age.

Except she didn't. The aforementioned traits expanded and turned into a duplicitous and above-the-law attitude. She dabbled in webs of lies, dirty fighting, kidnapping, sabotage, extortion, and arson. Naharé learned to use any means necessary to ensure success in her goals, even if it meant hurting others in the process. A philosophy of hers is, "If it amuses me, or benefits me, then why not?"

This garnered the attentions of the seedier folk that prowled Limsa's taverns and alleys, and in seeing that the woman enjoyed throwing caution to the wind for the highest bidder, she found herself approached by intrigued contractors. After a few successful jobs and a heavy coin purse, Naharé shirked the straight and narrow and set up shop as a mercenary.

Despite the warped path she's chosen to walk, there is still some sense of love and loyalty to those whom have earned it. Her circle of friends and allies is small, the one concerning her family even smaller. Naharé doesn't trust easy and won't hesitate to keep someone at arms length for an extended period of time until they've proven themselves worthy. All it takes is one person to send everything you cherish into disarray, a lesson she's learned one time too many. Though once you've managed to breach her defenses you'd find a woman who protects and cares for those dear to her with unbridled ferocity.


Height: 5 fulm and 4 ilms

Weight: 130 ponze

Complexion: Latte, scattered freckles

Hair: Maroon

Eyes: Bright gold

Particular Traits: Years of adventuring and mercenary work have altered Naharé's body in terms of scarring and limb function. This list also includes current status effects in regards to her health. Show text

Voice: When speaking normally, her voice takes on a husky tone. This is accompanied by a Limsan (Irish) accent. Rolled r's and hissed s's become prominent should you spark her anger.

Clothing Style: Casual garments are centered around Limsan fashion though she's been known to wear leather armor from time to time. She is never seen without her bomb earring, and if anyone were to try and take it, she'd immediately lose her temper. In addition to the earring, there's her wedding band, link pearls, cigarettes, a flask of rum, and a small pouch of gil. A varying number of hidden knives and grenades come with each outfit because she'll be damned if she has no means of defense should her gun leave her hands.

Laterality: Ambidextrous


  • Color: Wine Red
  • Food: Rabbit Pie
  • Drink: Rum, Pineapple juice
  • Scent: Sea air, Jasmine
  • Place: Costa Del Sol


  • To make a name for herself as a mercenary
  • Refine her talents as a pugilist and machinist
  • Hone her abilities in creating explosives
  • Learn to play the piano


She wasn't particularly religious in the beginning, but recent times have found her calling upon Llymlaen more than usual.


Chaotic Neutral



  • Can drink like a fish, be it booze or juice
  • Has a short temper
  • Stubborn to a fault
  • Acts first and thinks second


  • Losing family
  • Being injured to the point she can no longer work, no work means no gil
  • Cactuar, she had one shoot needles in her face when she was a kit
  • Extreme heights


  • Utilizing her senses in the ability to track and hunt, whether it be beast or man.
  • Is known for her dirty and underhanded methods of brawling.
  • Shooting out kneecaps, earning her the nickname "Cap'n Knees".
  • Can craft jewelry from seashells, such as: earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.


  • She's able to read, write, and perform basic arithmetic, but by no means is a prodigy. There are times where things can, and will, fly right over her head.


Romance Attraction Friendly Neutral Business Unsure Poor Standing Enemies Deceased


Nazyl Tharazyl ( ) - Hunter of the Void; The Onion
"Oy, Nazyl? Hah! Tha man is practically me brother! I've known 'im fer well over two years now. I've takin' up arms with 'im, shared drinks an' stories, an' even our fair share 'o hardships. We've laughed, we've loved, we've hissed an' spit, but not once 'ave we turned our backs on each other. I can't tell ye how many times 'e's helped me when I've needed it tha most. I'll always admire 'im an' look up ta 'im, an' I'd sooner shove me gun in someone's face that tries ta hurt 'im instead 'o playin' nice."
Flynt Reddard ( ) - Sky Master of the Rising Claws; The Hyena
"Pft. Narcissistic, selfish, an' a righ' spoiled brat are tha firs' things that come ta me mind 'bout Flynt. A Twelves damned pain in me arse, 'e is. Yet, I've worked with 'im before an' oft times still do. Ain't no love lost 'tween us, but as long as we can shut up long 'nough ta get tha job done is what really matters. Dun mean I still dun wanna slap tha taste outta 'is mouth."
Vyse Gilder ( ) - Sky Master of the Rising Claws; Seiryu
"Ah. Another one I like ta call brother, but this one is more like me little brother! Tha kid's enthusiasm fer explorin' an' life in general is damned near infectious. Sometimes it's good ta see shite through someone else's eyes when yer own vision seems ta be bitter. Smart as a whip, too, when it comes ta flyin'! I ain't seen 'im smile brighter than when 'e be behind tha wheel 'o an airship. 'Tha Navigator' is summit else 'e's named fer within tha Claws, an' I believe it suits 'im perfectly. I always wish 'im clear skies an' safe travels."
Shirono Usagima ( ) - Sworn Wolf of the Rising Claws; Shadow Walker
"Ta be honest, tha lass used ta freak me out. She 'as this uncanny ability ta jus' pop 'round corners when ye least expect it. It was unnvervin' an' made me jump a few fulm in tha air. She's also quiet, mayhaps a little too quiet fer me likin', but dun let it fool ye. Shirono be quick on 'er feet with 'er Doman shenanigans an' will likely sweep ye arse ta tha floor before ye could even get one hit on 'er! S'alrigh', though, at least she can heal ye once it be over an' done with. Pahaha!"
Julius Bennett ( ) - Free Paladin; The Beacon of Light
"Uhm. Well. Heh. Where ta start? I've enjoyed 'is company fer close ta two years now. Diligent, diplomatic, an' gentle. 'e certainly 'as more patience than I ever will. We kinda balance each other out, ye know? Tha calm ta me storm, me anchor, me guidance. Julius 'as done so much fer me that a mere 'thank ye' dun even begin ta repay any 'o it. At all. I've taken care 'o 'im, an' 'e's taken care 'o me. A truly honorable man an' one m'glad ta 'ave in me life."
Arin Tayuun ( ) - Dabbler of Magicks; The Little Sister
"Oh, Arin. She's Julius's adopted little sister, an' now she's mine, too. I didn't exactly trust 'er in tha beginnin'. She knew summit used ta be wrong with me even before I 'ad tha chance ta say anythin', or defend meself. It spooked me, really. I didn't want ta stay 'round 'er cause I was 'fraid 'o what she migh' do. Spellcasters tend ta make me nervous, an' she's one ta be watchful 'o. But, Julius helped keep neutral ground 'tween us, an' she gave me space when I needed it. I've seen 'er through 'er best an' worst, an' she's seen tha same with me. Kinda got a soft spot fer 'er, an' now she makes smile instead 'o wantin' ta run."
Jenivieve Ravendale ( ) - Ward of the Rising Claws; The Informant
"Ye want ta know shite? That lass can get it fer ye. Fer a price, that is. 'er knowledge dun come cheap, an' neither do 'er talents as a Thaumaturge. Jen's got a quick wit an' dry sense 'o humor ta go with it, too. We stopped speakin' ta each other fer a while, no thanks ta Flynt. Things used ta be strained, but I'd like ta think we've moved past that now."
Osric Melkire ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; Pineapple Aficionado
"Good 'ol Beardy! 'e's been close friends with me husband fer many moons now. If'n anyone 'as been through 'thick an' thin', it'd be those two. Osric can be a lil' stand-offish at times, but I ain't seen 'im push me or anyone else away. I trust 'im, even more so considerin' we got a common enemy ta figh' 'gainst. Besides, 'e likes pineapple juice an' booze, especially when they be mixed together. Ye can't go wrong with that."
Kanaria Melkire ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; Quiet Healer
"Osric's wife an' one 'o tha many talented healers tha Dauntless call their own. Hnm. I wasn't quite sure what ta think 'o 'er, given 'er past... association with a certain someone. We didn't see eye-ta-eye an' prefered ta keep our distance. However, she's made good on 'er word 'bout providin' help when it's been needed. An', well, she understands what m'goin' through a little more than ev'ryone else. We've a mutual understandin'."
Sasazi Sazi ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; The Bookworm
"Ye mean tha 'Lil' Lady'? Aye, she's a sweet one. Sorta bashful, an' sometimes she 'as a stutter ta 'er speech, but m'thinkin' she jus' needs time ta come outta 'er shell? I know she enjoys 'er books an' studies. It ain't often that I see 'er without some readin' material in 'er 'ands or at least nearby. Maybe she can teach me summit one day? I dun understand a lick 'o what it is she does, but it's caught me interest!"
Siha Xinkei ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; The Nurturing
"An' unexpected friend an' ally. Tha motherin' type, truthfully. Always makin' sure ev'ryone is fed, in good spirits, an' stayin' outta trouble. Another one 'o tha Dauntless healers, too. I was 'fraid she'd reject me tha minute she found summit amiss, yet she offered me a shoulder ta cry on an' arms ta hide within instead. She's even forgiven me fer shite I've done, whether it be ta 'er 'o anyone else. Siha 'as a big heart, an' I think ev'ryone can benefit ta learn summit from 'er."
Delial Grimsong ( ) - Kinslayer; The Patient
"Askier is fortunate ta 'ave someone willin' ta put up with 'is shenanigans. If'n it weren't fer me bias, I woulda kicked 'im in tha swivin' shins an' told 'im ta scat a long time ago! Delial's been a good sister ta 'im, what with tha way 'e goes on 'bout 'er. It warms me heart, especially so that she helped me with Askier's recovery tha time 'e fell extremely ill. I dun see 'er often an' I wish I did. She 'as a clear head on 'er shoulders, a real pragmatic way 'o thinkin'. I can respect that."
Tsaganarii Dhoro ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; Oil Maker
"Hmph. She talks like Jin'li an' it's bothersome. Then 'gain, tha lass can't help it an' it ain't righ' fer me to judge. She ain't got nothin' ta do with that menace, so fer me ta make comparisons would be all fer naught. I really showed me arse in front 'o 'er one day when all she tried ta do was help. When all anyone wanted ta do was help... An' yet, she didn't give up on me. A smile was always ta be seen an' 'er behavior as calm as a clear Costa nigh'. I kept 'er at arms length despite it all. It took me a nonce ta warm up ta 'er, but m'thankful I did. After a while Narii sat me down an' taught me how ta make scented oils with me fav'rite flowers. Said she wanted ta reduce me stress. Ta this day I still make 'em. I didn't think oils could do anythin' fer me, but I was proven wrong. M'not gonna look a gift giver in tha mouth."
Seitsuda Gladepetal ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; Farouche Lancer
"That's one tall son 'o a bitch if'n I've ever seen one. 'e towers over poor Narii! Hells, 'e towers over ev'ryone! But I swear it be like me loomin' over 'im instead at times. Am I really that much 'o a shite? Bah. Tha man be really, really quiet. An' awkward. Quiet an' awkward. I typically see 'im glued righ' next ta Narii most times. I didn't expect 'im ta come see me in tha infirmary when I was sick, but 'is company was summit I needed after all. 'e listened ta me rant an' whine, an' not once did 'e bat an eyelash or make a snide remark. I guess ta be fair, 'e really ain't all that awkward once ye get ta talk ta 'im. Maybe I can make a friend outta 'im yet? Who else is gonna reach tall shite fer me!?"
Y'amra Tia ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; The Hunter
"Hn. It ain't no secret that m'not fond 'o tribe cats. At all. But, Amra seems ta 'ave a good head on 'is shoulders, an' I've seen 'im help tha Dauntless quite a bit. An', well, 'e's helped me out an' shown concern fer me, too. Lad's got a fiery tongue when 'e wants ta shoot quips at ye, can't say I 'aven't taunted 'im a few times, hehe."
Y'sado Tia ( ) - Man of Few Words; Hired Muscle
"Amra's brother. 'e's pretty ta look at, but 'e dun talk much. Then 'gain, that's not what I hired 'im fer, either. It amuses me that I got a tribe cat as me bodyguard. Sado lets 'is axe or fists speak fer 'im when I dun feel like dealin' with folk that's pissed me off."
Kanako Moonweaver ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; Traveling Merchant
"Pft. Ye talkin' 'bout 'avin' one sassy mouth on that girl. Though I do believe it's what caught me attention with 'er ta begin with. I tend ta like me women fiesty, pahaha! Come ta think 'o it, I -do- tend ta attract those types. Not complainin'. Kind 'earted as well, though, an' skilled at what she does when it comes ta 'andlin' gil. I think 'er an' I can get along jus' fine. Interested in seein' where this goes."
Sieg Egeas ( ) - Professional 'Chef'; The Loose Screw
"Ehehe, ohhh Sieg. One 'o Ishgard's biggest thorns in their rear. I wasn't kiddin' when I said tha man's got a laundry list 'o crimes, an' said crimes were answered fer by a successful Trial 'o Combat. So now 'e gets ta walk free, turned ovah a 'new leaf' per say, an' works in 'is famileh's soup kitchen. 'e also opened 'is own restaurant down in Limsa. Dun let 'is s'posed straight laced career fool ye, 'e'd still wrench a knife in ye gut an' not bat a damned eyelash if'n ye gave 'im reason ta."
Setras Volkov ( ) - Considerate Chirurgeon; Doc's Boy
"Alexei's widower, a freed whore, an' a long time friend 'o tha Dauntless. Some still call 'im 'Doc's Boy', seein' as 'is late 'usband practiced medicine. I jus' call 'em Set, or 'me boy'. I treat 'im like 'e was me own son as is. 'e's seen some shite, been through some shite, but hells dammit 'e keeps on despite it all. M'proud 'o 'im an' m'not 'bout ta let disgustin' old 'clients' keep 'im from followin' in 'is 'usband's footsteps."


X'rahz Tia ( ) - Father; The Exiled
"Heh. A gods fersaken liar. Shoulda known better than ta keep secrets, especially between siblings. Nataru an' I were goin' ta find out sooner or later, an' when I confronted tha bastard, it ended up with our fists in each other's faces. 'e can stay tha hells far away from us. I dun think I can look 'im in tha eyes anymore. An' ye know what? That hurts me more than anythin'..."
X'ahlia Mahsa ( ) - Mother; The Exiled
"A liar jus' like me father. I thought better 'o 'er, an' all she did was let us down. Dropped tha ball. Didn't even bother ta try an' make things righ'. Do I think things can be mended later on? Likely not, an' that shite will bug me fer a long time..."
X'khajirr Tia ( ) - Brother; Aspiring Doctor
Nataru Rahz ( ) - Treasure Hunter; The Ambitious
"Hehehe~! Nataru is me older sister! She's one 'o tha few that can keep me arse in line, but I still make it a point ta pester tha livin' shite outta 'er. I'd be dishonorin' me duties as a sibling if'n I didn't get on 'er nerves. Usually where one 'o us goes, tha other isn't too far behind. We dun necessarily 'ave a great relationship with our parents, so we try ta keep a healthy one 'tween ourselves. I also dun pity tha idiot that spars with 'er in a figh'. Nat will either deck ye across tha face or give ye a swift kick ta tha ribs! That Monk trainin' is summit else!"
Askier Mergrey ( ) - Gun for Hire; The Loose Cannon
"Tha Twelve 'ave a damned sick sense 'o humor. We started off by starin' at each other down tha muzzle 'o our guns, an' beatin' each other within an ilm 'o our lives. It's what 'appens when yer two mercenaries caught in a scuffle 'tween yer contractors. I was 'is target an' 'e was mine. An' back then, we didn't care. We 'ad a job ta do. But it settled down inta peace talks, an' fer tha sake 'o peace, we played nice. Askier be jus' as twisted as I am, an' tha more we kept each other's company, tha more we realized jus' how off kilter we really were. An' those off kilter pieces seemed ta fit together jus' righ'. I love that man with ev'ry fiber 'o me bein' an' would do damned near anythin' fer 'im. Cheesy? Maybe. But it's true."
Hojo'to Zuginoch ( ) - Wandering Warrior; The Ram
"A work colleague 'o mine an' Askier's, a famileh friend, an' me second mate. I cherish this man as much as I cherish me 'usband. I know what ta expect outta 'im, that 'e'll protect an' care fer me jus' like Askier, an' will always stay true ta 'is word. A gentle giant at times, but certainleh not 'fraid ta speak 'is mind, nor is 'e hesitant in raisin' 'is axe toward those that cross 'im. Given tha type 'o armor 'e likes ta wear, I pity tha sod that irritates 'im. On second thought, make 'im mad, I enjoy tha feral look that settles in 'is eyes. Hehehe."
Mikh'a Korofi ( ) - Ward of the Dauntless; The Voice of Reason
"Mine an' Askier's son. Well, 'e's me stepson, but in me mind 'e's one 'o me own. An' always will be. I thought 'e used ta hate me, as it seemed like we were always at tha wrong place at tha wrong time with all tha wrong things bein' said. It all boiled down ta miscommunication, which in 'o itself is a weird blessin'. M'glad 'e doesn't truly despise me. I want ta be a good mum fer 'im an' I'll guard 'is life like I do with tha rest 'o me family. Mikh'a is a lil' skittish, an' kinda frail, but what 'e lacks in strength 'e most certainly makes up fer with 'is sharp mind. 'e's a skilled doctor an' loves ta tinker in tha workshop. I see 'is father's good qualities an' it jus' makes me want ta snatch 'im up in a hug."
Jin'to Epinoch ( ) - Wandering Priest; The Guiding Hand
"A man once thought dead, an' also me other brother-in-law. Tha middle son 'o tha Epinoch brothers, an' I daresay tha most polite one. Soft spoken, well mannered, an' kind in tha sense ye'd expect it ta be. 'e caught me at a low point, an' though 'e could 'ave judged me, 'e pointed me in tha direction I needed ta follow instead. Maybe this one I'll actually take a likin' ta."
Jin'li Epinoch ( ) - Puppet Master; The Damned
"Gone. That son 'o a bitch is finally gone. No more will 'e terrorize me, me family, or anyone else. No more will I 'ave ta call 'im me brother-in-law. 'e will not be missed, nor do I 'ave pity on whatever soul 'e 'ad left. It'll take some gettin' used ta not lookin' over me shoulder so often, but we can all start ta rest easy an' heal."
Orenji Kharn ( ) - Sky Captain of the Rising Claws; Oi-San
"Me beloved nephew an' former employer. I can't help but act like an overprotective mother at times. I treat 'im like 'e be me own kit. Sure, we may fuss at each other, an' tha lil' shite 'as shot me on one occasion, but 'is well bein' will always be important ta me. I dun take kindly ta threats made 'gainst 'im, not unless ye wanna see me lurkin' nearby with tha muzzle 'o me gun aimed fer ye knee caps. I still do work fer 'im when I can, an' I'll always offer ta assist 'im even if'n it not be related ta work."
Qubh'li Kharn ( ) - Crimson Devil; Master of Honeyed Words
"Former mate 'o mine. Our relationship was... interestin'. I dunno how else ta put it. Misguided, maybe? 'e knew all tha righ' things ta keep me in 'is web. Tha bastard crawled inta me head an' made me dance like a doll on strings. Each thought, each uttered word, ev'ry action... Carefully calculated an' executed with silver tongued precision. Oh, aye, I loved 'im. I loved 'im so much that I was blind ta what 'e was doin'. An' then 'e left. Without any warnin'. But I remember what 'e last said ta me. I always will. "Yer my monster, darlin'. An' we'll burn in hell together one day." I lamented 'is presence fer tha longest time an' wondered if'n I'd ever see 'im 'gain. Recent suns 'ave found 'im back in me life, an' I dunno if'n I should be overjoyed or filled with disgust. Part 'o me wants ta think 'e didn't mean all tha horrible things 'e put me through, that 'e's capable 'o bein' tender... But tha other part 'o me still thinks 'e's full 'o shite an' 'e's never gonna change."


Tengri Geneq and Sarangerel Geneq ( ) - Contractor; Dubious Duo
"I dun trust 'em as far as I can throw 'em. Pft. They gave me husband a job moons ago that I didn't necessarily agree with, but because I'd rather not see me husband do summit stupid, I agreed ta help only if'n ta keep 'im outta trouble. Ain't heard a peep in moons, either, which is fine by me."
Mask of the Seven Horrors Hidden in Nald'thal's Mists ( ) - Patron of the Dead; The Creeper
"Ugh. I dun like that man. Gives me tha bloody creeps if'n ye ask me. Only met 'im once, but it was 'nough fer me ta feel sick ta me stomach. S'posedly 'e' be an associate 'o me husband. Askier really knows how ta pick 'em, dun 'e?"
Roen Deneith ( ) - Free Paladin; The Glimmer of Hope
"I didn't want ta hurt 'er. Gods, I didn't want ta hurt 'er. Me heart sank tha minute Jin'li assigned 'er as me target, an' I 'ad no choice but ta seek 'er out. BUT, an' there's always a but, I was able ta wiggle worm me orders. So I warned 'er. Told 'er ta watch 'er back an' why. An' ye know what? Llymlaen smiled on me that day cause she agreed ta help put an end ta Jin'li's madness. Twelve bless ye, Roen. If'n it woulda been me, I woulda ran."
Warren Castille ( ) - Free Paladin; The Arbiter
"Another target assigned by Jin'li, an' I sure as hells wasn't going to lay so much as a finger on 'im. Ye see stupid written across this forehead? I 'ave a healthy respect fer Warren. I did tha same with 'im like I did with Roen. I warned 'im. I'll be damned if'n I hurt folk that dun deserve it. Granted, Warren's help may be a lil' limited, but 'e's offered it nonetheless, an' I ain't 'bout ta say no."
Togy Brandmakt ( ) - Leader of the Masks; The Dodo
"Ehehehe~! Tha man, ta this day, is still mad that I stole from 'im. I gave it back, at least!? Dun that count!? Yeesh. 'e likes ta shove in me face each time I see 'im that I've done 'summit wrong.' Pft, I'll get scared when 'e finally acts on 'is threats, til then I'll keep snickerin' like I 'ave been."
Tiergan Vashir ( ) - Mercenary; The Misguided
"Summit ain't righ' with that man. Got a darkness lingerin' 'round 'im, an' I ain't talkin' 'bout emotional shite. Been fiddlin' with things 'e prob'leh shouldn't, but considerin' tha circumstances an' those involved, I can't sit by idly an' twiddle me thumbs. I'll 'elp. Fer now."
Khole "Stitches" ( ) - Freed Slave; The Gentleman
"An escaped slave. One I took in an' patched up. Found 'im treadin' awfully close ta Nald'thal's door in an alley. Blood ev'rywhere. Despite where 'e 'ad come from an' all 'e went through, 'e was real calm an' sweet. A gentleman, if'n ye will. Said 'e owed me a life debt in return fer savin' 'is own. I wasn't too sure 'bout it, nor did I believe 'e'd include 'imself within those conditions. 'e gave me back summit dear ta me, an' 'is selfless deed will never be forgotten. Truth be told, I'll miss 'im. I can only hope now that 'e's finally found a sense 'o peace an' rest."
Yvain Dulimont ( ) - Former Sworn of the Rising Claws; The Traitor
"Heh, was waitin' ta see how long it'd take fer 'is shite ta catch up ta 'im. Freeloadin', lyin' whoreson. Dun trust 'im. Failure ta report, disobedience 'o orders, post abandonment, an' wasteful use 'o resources. Real classy guy!"
Hawu Jinjahl ( ) - Tradeswoman; Diminutive Doxy
"Oh, 'er? -snorts- A racist, pretentious lil' shite. On top 'o that, a self-proclaimed, attention seekin' 'aristocrat' that gets pissy if'n ye dun fawn all ovah 'er or disagree with 'er. I dun care fer 'er an' I've got work that needs ta be done. I won't hesitate ta shoot 'er or fling a knife in 'er direction if'n she tries ta screw it up. She'd also do well ta mind 'erself with me famileh."


  • The Dauntless - Combat Division
  • Rising Claws - Retired, former Talon Sworn

Music Themes

Player Rumors

  • "I heard she tried on my jacket once, then ran around my room doing flips and digging in my sofa for treasure. I guess she was pretending to be me?" - Nataru Rahz
  • "She's a pair of horns and a speech impediment away from becoming a demon herself!" - Flynt Reddard
  • "I miss the woman, like the rest. A spitfire with a powerful bullet. Don't cross her or you'll regret not being able to stand again." - Orenji Kharn
  • "We're both broken and dangerous. Technically, we should be too feral to work. And yet, somehow, happily, we're mates." - Askier Mergrey
  • "A great lass ta be 'round. I think me favorite thing 'bout her is how down ta earth she is." - Nazyl Tharazyl
  • "She's a loud one, but she seems fun enough. Tensions were strained between us for a while, but at least I feel like things have calmed down." - Jenivieve Ravendale
  • "A fermenting keg of madness and bravado quietly ruled by fear." - Mask of the Seven Horrors Hidden in Nald'thal's Mists
  • "A good friend. Tad too tight on that trigger finger, mind, but she's better now than she used t'be. I wish her all the best." - Osric Melkire
  • "A fine specimen. I wonder what Ser Grimsong values more, her skills or her... skills." - Tengri Geneq
  • "Female, hormonal, homicidal Miqo'te is, unquestionably, hormonal." - Jin'li Epinoch
  • "Seemed like a decent enough gal. Got no complaints here so far." - Berrod Armstrong
  • "She's terrifying and endearing all at once, I only hope that I can help her as I intend to." - Siha Xinkei
  • "Naharé is truly a delightful soul. Time required to understand but this one believes well worth. Pray no further troubles and misfortunes will fall upon Naharé, undeserving of them." - Tsaganarii Dhoro
  • "Naharé...? Erm... She's not a woman to take lightly. Fair warning ... If she doesn't worry you, erm... Worry about those at her side she calls family." - Seitsuda Gladepetal
  • "The fact that she could love someone like Askier... it resonated with me. I hope I can help her gain her freedom from a madman, as her husband once did for me." - Roen Deneith

Note: This section is editable by anyone. Just keep in mind that the rumors here may be true or false.



Feel free to send me a PM on RPC to Duplicitous Dame, or contact me via Skype at lulz_lucyluu. I'm always willing to roleplay with other people and form more connections ^_^. Keep in mind that I am on EST time zone.

Plotlines Naharé is involved with: Blood Trade, O, Death, For a Fistful of Gil, Black Chains, Iron Shackles, Clouds in the Blood, and He Who Fights With Monsters.