Nonope Nope

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 Nonope Nope
"I miss my glasses..."
Puncher of Faces
Gender Still female.
Race Lalafell
Clan Dunesfolk
Citizenship Nomad
Age This is where she shrugs at you.
Height Exactly 88cm or 2' 8"
Weight "Be more rude, yes~"
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Occupation Failed Witch, Librarian and Adventurer.
Server Balmung


If you think lalafells are short as they are, let me tell you. This one is shorter. When stood up straight as a stick, she stands at an estimate of 2' 8, making her.. Well.. Short. This is a fact that isn't very popular to her but she still jokes about it and does see it's uses. Not including the many times she's almost gotten eaten by a peiste or trampled by a giant tortoise, which is definitely not one of it's uses.

The very scruffy and not really super well kept, nor trimmed, hair that sprouts from the top of her head has a white-ish blonde colour to it. Believe it or not, this is her true haircolour, albeit she herself tries to keep it dyed black, because she thinks it looks better, yet is too lazy about it and usually leaves it as it is.

After becoming blind on her right eye, her left one is the one that still yet holds her normal eye colour, a light purple one, whilst the blind eye has gotten a more bright, white-ish colour to it. Both of them still has the protective layer that reveals her dunesfolk heritage, but good luck seeing it with that scowling squint of hers, which makes it look like she has her eyes closed all the time from a glance or from a distance. Her eyelashes are quite bushy and bear the same colour as her hair. Same goes, colour wise, for the two oval dots above her eyes, which would be her eyebrows. Her skin is tanned, as it has always been since she was born. Both of the two ears that're attached to her head slouch, as they're both very big and also long compared to other's of her race, almost reaching down to her shoulders. Disregarding their size and length, they're flexible to a degree as they're seemingly able to either perk, or slouch even more, depending on certain emotional states.

Her nomadic lifestyle doesn't seem to have impacted on the interest in the use of accessories however as she can be seen wearing many different kinds of rings, earrings, chokers and/or scarfs, bracelets or other sorts of piercings, such as her lip ring. Her ears have been pierced extensively to accomodate to the amount of earrings she wears as well, which is, arguably almost too many. The use of makeup however is a much more recent interest, and thus has yet to reach perfection, if she actually bothers with putting in many amounts of effort into it.

After many years of wandering, adventuring, doing oddjobs and exploring, her body has become very well-trained and built, but still keeps that healthy lala-plump as it should. Her body isn't really free of scars either, although she doesn't have all too many of them. There's only one small scar on her face that travels down from her lower lip, but nothing else. It's not often you'll see her without any type of gloves as she's not really fond of the idea of showing the not-so-pretty burns that cover her palms and a bit of her fingers, mostly due to embarrassment of a past-mistake.

Her fashion is still yet a mess, using mostly different coats and 'flowy' type of clothes that don't restrict movement too much. Expect that most of the clothing she wears has actually been stolen, since she rarely spends money on clothes herself. She's revolted by the idea of wearing pants, as for her, they rarely fit due to the issue of that her thighs and derriere doesn't really allow for it and it'll probably look, as much as it feels; Uncomfortable and very, very tight, if she even gets them on. It's either skirts, small clothes or nothing at all.


Someone who acts one way but thinks another, can fight but prefers legging it. No matter how fast she sprints or where to, trouble with the last name of disaster, always comes to find her.


Was born somewhere. Did some things. Met Nomi.


Did many things. Adventuring is one of them.


Went to the now new places that magically appeared on the map. Befriended some bug people.

Was part of a secret cult or something. Was being a keyword.

Recent RP Events

Family Romantic Platonic Physical Friend Acquaintance
$ Business Deceased Positive Negative Neutral Unsure


  • The Mother ( ) - Nono's spooky magic-person to a mother, who's probably a witch or something. Is rarely present due to adventure.
  • The Father ( ) - Nono's almost never present father. An adventurer with a taste for exploration and hunting it's said.
  • The Younger Brother ( ) - Someone we do not talk about.

Nearest and dearest

  • Nananomi Nomi ( ) - Oldest and dearest childhood friend, who she considers as a brother and is also her usual partner in crime and foolery.
  • Poporo Poro ( ) - Nomi's nice but sometimes scary mother. Refered to as 'mum' by Nono as well, eventhough they're not blood related.
  • Monarch ( ) - Her favorite chocobo, who's named Monarch. Has been with her for a big part of her life.

Those bound by fate

  • Lucky Mewrilah ( ) - Met him. Thinks he's a nice cat.
  • Xehn'a Hmyr ( ) - Nice theatrical cat.
  • Flora Valerian ( ) - Who doesn't like Flora? Nono really likes Flora.
  • Ghalleon Helseth ( ) - Got married to Flora. Consider yourself liked.
  • Kosetsu Kensei ( ) - Has their face covered all the time.
  • K'yhia Mewrilah ( ) - One eyed Miqo'te with the ability to deliver the most highly rated of roasts. Feels that she understands her really well.
  • Calintz Negata ( ) - An Au Ra she holds respect for, considers him as a good friend.
  • Fandris Elestrian ( ) - Met him once or twice. Nice fellow. She likes to play pranks on him.
  • Arblis Ellhis ( ) - Nono can't possibly dislike Arblis when there's nothing to dislike.
  • N'taeyl Yhash ( ) - Real nice and respectable dude. Is fun to scare.
  • J'lyneth Khal ( ) - Doesn't know much about her but she's all okay in Nono's book.

Everyone else

  • What
  • Is
  • A
  • Friend
  • ?

Those passed on

  • Yuki Kusakki ( ) - A former boss man, who she totally did not have other interests in, not at all. Stern, respectable but very kind. Nonope has made mental notes to find and visit his grave at some point.


Loves her some books. (occult especially)
Loves a good spar.
Traveling. Does it a lot.


Not having money.
Fighting when there's no need for it.
Hypocrites. (says the hypocrite)
You and your stupid face.


Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Vice(s): Too many to fit in here.
Favorite Food: Sandworm meat.
Favorite Drink: Pineapple Juice
Favorite Color: Red and Purple



Appearance Tropes

Relationship Tropes

Personality Tropes

Common Rumors (easily overheard)

  • "[Incoherent screaming and roaring about strangling that one lalafell when he finds her]" - An infuriated Brass Blade.
  • "You know. She's a good customer, when she actually buys things instead of stealing them." - A local merchant in Pearl Lane.
  • "Tried talking to her once. Not too bad, I thought, until I realized my gil pouch was gone." - A mildly annoyed citizen.
  • "Question; Why isn't she wearing pants?.. Also have you seen my shirt?" - A shirtless highlander.
  • "A duel with her? Oh heavens, no. Last time she put a huge dent in my iron shield with her fist! -HER FIST-!" - Slightly terrified gladitor.

Moderate Rumors (not obvious)

Rare Rumors (discuss OOCly first)

PC Rumors

NOTE: You can add your own rumors!

  • "Ah, she’s lovely. And vicious. I mean, she likes to sneak up on yoOHH-" N'taeyl Yhash, as he’s snuck up on yet again.
  • "There is something missing within her and that emptiness is a vessel for sin. You may not see it, but I do." - Nonotome Tototome.


If you happen to have a picture of Nono you'd like to share, feel free to post them here!


If you have any screenshots of Nono that you like, please add them here!

Other Characters (alts)

  • no


This Template was created by Deirdre Ta'ea, then modified for tabs by Franz Renatus.