R'miah Tosh
R'miah Tosh (Pronunciation: rah-Mee-ah), Miah is a member of an offshoot of the Raptor tribe. Born to the Thanalan deserts, she is well regarded by her tribe for her skill as a huntress, and also for her expertise with herbal medicine and her penchant for storytelling through song. That she was born a twin has also kept her in particularly high esteem. She is an exceptionally curious miqo'te, and though she rarely seeks trouble actively, it somehow seems to find her fairly often. The wider world fascinates her, though she has had little experience with it apart from what (and who) her tribe has encountered. She prides herself in being fairly well-spoken, and over the past several moons, has been overcoming her illiteracy through constant study.
R'miah stands at just above average height for a miqo'te, at five fulms, four ilms. She has a lean, athletic build, kept firm by a life spent entirely in the wilds, and in service to her tribe. Wisps of natural red stand out in her pale, blonde hair, always kept long. Her eyes are an emerald green, bright against her sunkissed skin. The only noticeable scars on her person are the thin line across the bridge of her nose, and an old arrow wound in her right shoulder.
Living apart from her tribe, but in the company of other people, has afforded Miah the opportunity to expand her style of dress and sense of fashion. Rather than relying solely upon the garments that best suit her environments, she now has a variety of outfits to choose from; simple, small clothing items during her leisure time, and rugged leather with sturdy cloth for her work. When in the wilds, she's rarely without her bow. In towns, she often brings an ample sampling of her various herbal remedies, medicines, and dyes, in a worn leather satchel, with the hope of selling to locals.
Bright. Curious. Passionate. Miah's personality ranges from soft-spoken to bubbly, depending on the present company. With those she trusts, her bright demeanor is on full display, and she is mostly unafraid to give voice to any emotion or thought that crosses (apart from those very private.) Around those she's cautious towards, she is an observant person, often choosing to remain quiet and listen, rather than offer her voice to any particular topic. She knows where her talents lie, and she knows where they do not. Among those things that she wishes to know more about, a sharp curiosity drives her. Miah is also independent in most things. Hesitant to ask for help, she likely only will when not given any other choice. Her opinion and outlook on a person will almost always be dependent upon their actions, as will her trust in them.
This is a list of the items that R'miah currently is keeping on her person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc. Last Updated: 6/6/2016.
Face Claim: TBD. Body Claim: Morena Baccarin. Voice Claim: Salma Hayek.
R'miah Tosh is not a fighter; this is something she'll remind to anyone that asks her to jump into a conflict. She is, however, a huntress, and has held a bow since her arms were strong enough to string one and draw it. While she loathes the idea of killing men (and has always avoided it), she is an exceptional markswoman.
Here is a list of recent and/or notable fights, roleplay scenes, etc. that R'miah has been a part of. This list is by no means all inclusive, and serves more as a general reference as to what she has been up to.
Forced from their home in the Thanalan deserts, the six remaining members of R'miah's Raptor-tribe offshoot piled onto a courier vessel and sought refuge on the Vylbrand. Now, they struggle to recover from whatever loss befell them, and whatever threat took so many of their numbers. R'dhen Nunh, Miah's twin brother, is 'dreadfully ill' from some mysterious malady. Her future, as well as that of her tribe, hinged on these events, and how they transpired. After several encounters with members of the Maelstrom Foreign Levy 81st free company, one of their menders was finally able to bring R'dhen back to health. Plagued by a voidsent, he was remedied when the mage chased it from his body to places unknown. Shortly after this, however, R'miah was forced to reckon with the reality that her path was not in line with her tribe's and so according to their tradition, she was left behind when the rest of them returned to their home in the Sagolii desert. Now, living on the Vylbrand, she will stretch her potential beneath the umbrella of independence, and attempt to find her own path, and fuel her own passions.
Miah's trade has flourished, in the short time that she's been independent from her tribe. She continued to grow her friendships with those from the 81st that had helped her, before, chief among those was her fledgling romance with Rhesh'ir Zhwan, the company's captain. Though she has constantly maintained her desire for independence and strength, she's found both through her relationship, and more than she'd ever thought to find when asked to be mother to Rhesh'ir's son, Riel'a. Alongside her raising of a fledgling chocobo, she has her hands full with fresh responsibilities. Those responsibilities haven't come without turmoil, however. Shortly after deciding to remain with Rhesh'ir so that they might each pursue each other, the 81st Foreign Levy was attacked by malicious, mysterious forces by way of a magick "curse." Afflicted herself, Miah found fresh comeraderie as she fought through the despair brought on by the foul magick. When it was defeated, the Sunseeker's resolve was only strengthened. She still seeks to improve her trade, to grow her friendships, and expand her lacking knowledge of the wider realm.
These are mostly backstory-related relationships.
Listed here are the non-tribe characters, both PC and NPC, that R'miah has interacted with enough or in such a way for her to form a real opinion about them. Please don't take personal offense if your character isn't listed here, or how the interaction or relationship is described. It isn't that I dislike your character or our RP. I just tend to only add these as necessary for those who make a real impact on Miah, and descriptions are purely based upon in character experiences and opinions! Last Update... 6/6/2016.
Important! Without any guiding lore for the background of the R tribe, I have cooked up a feasible headcanon of my own. It remains headcanon, however, and I do not expect any other R tribe roleplayers to abide by it!
The Young: Though weakness is rarely, if ever, tolerated amongst Seeker of the Sun tribes, the traditions of the Raptor tribe require all children to begin participating in the tribe’s hunting traditions at five years of age. Though talents and responsibilities within the tribe are far more diverse than prowess with a weapon would indicate, all young are required to learn as a foundation of their growing. Each young female is paired with a matured huntress, never exceeding two young per adult. For the next three years, they will shadow, hunt with, and live with this sole person. During this time, the young will likely discover other interests and talents, which they are encouraged to pursue and strengthen (as long as said talents benefit the tribe.) The adult huntresses in each part of the tribe are a strong community; though individuals train the young, all huntresses monitor the aptitude and strength of those yet learning. Young males live with, obey, and learn from the nunh. While competition is encouraged between young males in each part of the tribe, a respect for the tribe’s continued prosperity and health is made the priority in their teaching. They learn to hunt and fight, but they also learn the nuance of nurturing and trade. It’s not uncommon for Raptor tribe Tias to make excellent cooks and craftsmen. While one or more Tias will eventually try for the position of Nunh, those who do not possess such aptitudes and prowess remain an integral part of each branch of the tribe; they guard the tribe with their lives, if necessary, with a priority placed upon the safekeeping of the young. Young who fail in the eyes of their guardian are sent away from the tribe, but not without means for themselves. The Raptor tribe is well-aware of the advancements and diversity of the rest of the realm, and thus they urge their “failures” towards the nearest city or settlement. Twins (or more!) are regarded with special interest by members of the Raptor tribe. Strength through unity. The Matured: Though care, tutelage, and training of the young remains an utmost priority for both males and females of the tribe, the additional responsibilities of the females remain abundant and diverse. While all are trained to hunt skillfully together from a young age, they are also tutored individually in certain talents. Medicines, trade, weaving, leatherworking, and often more advanced skills such as blacksmithing, stonemasonry, and carpentry are often pursued with fervent passion by those with the aptitude for them. While rivalry is encouraged between matured members of the tribe, more petty violence or acts of spite are quickly punished. Betrayal, backstabbing, or dishonesty go against everything that their totem represents, and banishments are not an uncommon punishment if too great an offense is brought to light. Nunhs are selected in a traditional Seeker of the Sun fashion, in a combative trial between the current Nunh and the prospective Tia. Both combatants are required to be unarmed. While fatalities are not unprecedented, it’s not a desirable outcome of the melee; instead, victory comes from knocking the opponent unconscious, with special merit granted to those who pin and immobilize the other fighter. Because Tias train for such opportunity with an almost spiritual fervor, they make remarkably dangerous hand-to-hand opponents. Mates & Coupling: As with most Seeker of the Sun tribes, bearing children sired by any other than the nunh bears consequences, though not necessarily ill intent. If the tribe has a means to allow the child to grow elsewhere, he or she will be given away to do so. If such means are impossible, then mother and child both will depart the R. Frequently, the nunh of a tribe or branch will have a “first-chosen mate,” with whom he will dedicate a majority of his intimacy. This is by no means a monogamous relationship; such pairings are few and far between, and often do not linger within the tribal structure. The nunh and his first-chosen are more than a simple sexual coupling; often, the first-chosen will advise him on all matters concerning the tribe, from its movements to its sustenance to its future (since females are responsible for much of this knowledge anyway, they are often well-suited to leadership roles.) The departure of any member of the tribe, male or female, should they decide to pursue a relationship outside of this basic structure is lamented; so important are most members treated--from birth to adulthood--that any loss leaves a gap in the tribe’s ability to function. This stigma and lamentation can be prevented, if the departing tribe member sees their responsibilities suitably fulfilled before doing so. Branching: Though members of the Raptor tribe are encouraged to constantly work together for the betterment of the whole, the tribe and its branches are never allowed to grow to an excessive size. Upon reaching more than thirty members, a ceremony is conducted between prospective Tias to become a “new Nunh” that will then begin his own branch of the Raptor tribe. The Nunh of the current tribe is responsible for choosing the males who will compete for this, as well as selecting the females that will accompany his departure. The current tribes huntresses are, in turn, responsible for finding and selecting the lands that this tribe will begin freshly in. Their expertise at foraging, gathering, hunting, and monitoring the health of their own tribe gives them a unique efficiency in this task. In the case that a fledgling branch of the Raptor tribe fails, the members of that offshoot will not be welcome back to their origin. No matter the cause, tradition dictates that those too weak to sustain themselves and their tribemates must find a different place, and a different way, to become strong enough to face the world.
Coming soon!
◢ Common Rumors - Easily overheard. Use these freely!
◢ Uncommon Rumors - A little more difficult to hear. Use sparingly or ask first!
◢ Rare Rumors - Very rarely overheard. Please ask before using!
◢ Player Character Rumors - Feel free to add rumors of your own!
You are not permitted to re-use this artwork for your own characters or purposes, whether on Final Fantasy XIV or on other games, forums, etc.
The entirety of R'miah's life has been thus far dedicated to her tribe, but there are still places in the world where one might have met her, albeit briefly.
Hello there! My name is Tom, I'm 29 years old, and have been roleplaying off-and-on (mostly in MMOs) for several years. I'm an avid gamer, but also a foodie, photographer, and professional writer; thus, one must strike a balance! I enjoy great roleplay just as much as the rest of a game's content, and value an immersive experience that allows me to take part in everything offered!
Overall, I'm pretty chill as far as guidelines go. I don't have an extensive list of 'Do's or 'Don't's or things that I personally find triggering. So chances are, you won't offend me or make me uncomfortable unless you're trying to or just being really skeevy in general. Still, for the sake of making sure everyone's on the same page here, let me make a few mentions in particular: