R'miah Tosh

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 R'miah Tosh
R'miah by Fallingmist.jpg
"I do not know where I fit, in this wider world. Only where I fit in my world."

Gender Female
Race Miqo'te
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship None
Age 22
Occupation Alchemist/Botanist/Guide
Orientation Heterosexual
Alignment Neutral Good
Affiliation Raptor Tribe


R'miah Tosh (Pronunciation: rah-Mee-ah), Miah is a member of an offshoot of the Raptor tribe. Born to the Thanalan deserts, she is well regarded by her tribe for her skill as a huntress, and also for her expertise with herbal medicine and her penchant for storytelling through song. That she was born a twin has also kept her in particularly high esteem.

She is an exceptionally curious miqo'te, and though she rarely seeks trouble actively, it somehow seems to find her fairly often. The wider world fascinates her, though she has had little experience with it apart from what (and who) her tribe has encountered. She prides herself in being fairly well-spoken, and over the past several moons, has been overcoming her illiteracy through constant study.


R'miah Tosh by Amy Kelly
R'miah stands at just above average height for a miqo'te, at five fulms, four ilms. She has a lean, athletic build, kept firm by a life spent entirely in the wilds, and in service to her tribe. Wisps of natural red stand out in her pale, blonde hair, always kept long. Her eyes are an emerald green, bright against her sunkissed skin. The only noticeable scars on her person are the thin line across the bridge of her nose, and an old arrow wound in her right shoulder.

Living apart from her tribe, but in the company of other people, has afforded Miah the opportunity to expand her style of dress and sense of fashion. Rather than relying solely upon the garments that best suit her environments, she now has a variety of outfits to choose from; simple, small clothing items during her leisure time, and rugged leather with sturdy cloth for her work. When in the wilds, she's rarely without her bow. In towns, she often brings an ample sampling of her various herbal remedies, medicines, and dyes, in a worn leather satchel, with the hope of selling to locals.


Bright. Curious. Passionate. Miah's personality ranges from soft-spoken to bubbly, depending on the present company. With those she trusts, her bright demeanor is on full display, and she is mostly unafraid to give voice to any emotion or thought that crosses (apart from those very private.) Around those she's cautious towards, she is an observant person, often choosing to remain quiet and listen, rather than offer her voice to any particular topic.

She knows where her talents lie, and she knows where they do not. Among those things that she wishes to know more about, a sharp curiosity drives her. Miah is also independent in most things. Hesitant to ask for help, she likely only will when not given any other choice. Her opinion and outlook on a person will almost always be dependent upon their actions, as will her trust in them.


Songs & Stories. She keeps a wealth of songs and stories in her mind, and is always eager to learn more. While overcoming her illiteracy, she has greatly enjoyed being able to form those stories with written words.

Rain. In the desert, it's a blessing. Everywhere else, it's a pleasantry, and it always brightens her mood.

Exploring. Whether hunting, foraging, or otherwise, Miah takes great happiness in being out and about.

Sturdiness of Character. Miah enjoys the company of people who are genuine. Lewd, crude, angelic, or simply straightforward, honest presentation of oneself is a good thing.

Spices. Miah enjoys an abundance of spices in her food, and especially prefers clove and cinnamon, scents she often uses when bathing.

Animals. The miqo'te has an affinity for beasts, and those that aren't endeared to her are at least certainly respected. She enjoys the company of small animals, but doesn't endeavor to keep any near her.


Liars. Dishonesty and manipulation. They will drive her swiftly away.

Voidsent. Though she knows little to nothing of them, her tribe has encountered a few. The 'devils' do not belong in this world.

The Cold. R'miah has yet to experience Coerthan cold or snow. It wouldn't hinder her from exploring a new place, but she revels in warmth.

Killing. Though tribal life has made her well aware of the frequent necessity of taking life, she has not yet done so outside of hunting. And she has no wish to.


Curiosity. Naive but eager to learn; her eagerness to know more often wins over her fears.

Loyalty. Extending beyond her commitment to her tribe, Miah is loyal to herself, her feelings, and those she feels indebted or connected to.

Patient. Though fueled by her curiosity, Miah is not one to make hasty actions. She is often observant and a bit timid, before making important decisions.

Hopeful. Whether it manifests in her reverence for Azeyma or her own actions, Miah is an optimist. She believes in small things leading to great things, and is often able to see the brighter side of any darkness.


Curiosity. She finds trouble more often than she might, if she didn't indirectly seek it.

Naive. Though she's a quick learner, R'miah has lived in a tribal setting for all of her life. While she is aware of the wider world, she has lived apart from it. New things are often challenging for her to overcome and understand.

Grounded. The idea of flying high into the skies, or far out to sea, remains terrifying for her. Sailing between Vesper Bay and La Noscea is the longest journey she's made, that isn't overland.

Displaced. Though she rarely ever spoken of it, Miah feels out of place everywhere she has been. Departing the main of the R tribe to help in beginning a new branch was a leap of faith; now that it's nearly gone, the feelings have returned.


This is a list of the items that R'miah currently is keeping on her person. Feel free to use this information if it comes up logically in the course of RP, such as pickpocketing, a search, etc.

Last Updated: 6/6/2016.

  • Bow and Quiver: Rarely does R'miah go anywhere without her hunting bow, and a quiver-full of arrows that she's made herself. She is proud of her hunting, and time spent in the wilds to do so is a welcome relief from nearly anything else.

  • Conjurer's Wand: Though it's still rather new to her hand, Miah tends to bring her small wand--a preserved yew branch--everywhere. She's made a simple leather sheath that hooks to the back of her belt, and the wand can almost always be seen there. Far from proficient with it, she nevertheless occupies quiet moments with practice and meditation.

  • Coinpurse: She's quickly learning how greatly gil makes the realm's wheels turn. Where she might not have thought of it, while living in a stable tribe, she now cannot cease thinking of it.

  • Medicinal Wares & Herbs: Miah makes her living off of what she can forage and combine, and is quite talented at making various remedies, elixirs, and even mixtures used for hunting. Wherever she goes, she's sure to have at least one or two to sample or sell.

  • Hunting Knife: Her trade and livelihood (as well as a good deal of her passion) lies in the gathering and mixing of herbs, into various remedies, tonics, salves, and other creations. She'll never pass up the opportunity to gather fresh finds, and will always carry the means to do so. She also uses the knife to finish still-breathing prey and clean her kills.

  • Nymian Lyre: Found with a friend at the bottom of a Bronze Lake tributary, Miah had this eras-old instrument restored by a historian and goldsmith in Limsa Lominsa. She carries it with her often, and through quite a lot of practice, has become at least skilled enough to accompany herself with simple tunes..


Face Claim: TBD.

Body Claim: Morena Baccarin.

Voice Claim: Salma Hayek.

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