Roen Deneith

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Ul'dah-transparent.png Roen Deneith
Gender Female
Race Hyur
Clan Midlander
Citizenship Ul'dah

Once a Sultansworn and now a Free Paladin, Roen Deneith is a woman driven by her ideals. Her staunch adherence to her principles make her seem rigid at times, others have called her naive or foolish. As she tries to do what is best for those around her, she struggles with staying on the righteous path especially when the world seems to want to prove to her that virtue has no place in it.


Roen is a young woman in her 20's. She is often seen wearing light leather tunic and breeches in Ul'dah, usually with a longsword by her side. When not in Ul'dah, she prefers a lighter affair, shirts and pants of cotton or linen. She sometimes foregoes her sword as well, but will have a pair of fist-cuffs handy. When she is expecting a battle, she prefers medium or heavy armor and dons a shield as well, befitting her paladin training. She is of slight frame, but her lean muscles and calloused hands show evidence of training. Her one prized possession is a finely forged sword crafted by her brother; she does not carry anything else of notable worth. But despite her humble disposition, Roen's carriage tends to indicate that she's had a well-born upbringing.


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She's mostly quiet. Roen often holds her tongue on matters she considers not important. But she is quick to come to the defense of the weak and does not hesitate to stand up to bullies, even when she is sorely outmatched or outnumbered. She is not quick to anger, but sometimes eager to commit herself to causes she believes are right. Emotions show easily upon her face, and she is a horrible liar. She tries her best not to do it often, if at all.

Roen does not speak of herself too often, but is forthright with her answers when asked. She also does not make small talk well; she is seen as quite serious by most, and some might even accuse her of lacking any sense of humor whatsoever. The truth of her guarded demeanor is more complex, of course, but few understand that. She smiles rarely... but when she does it is always genuine. She offers her aid easily, and takes people at their word. Some may consider her polite to a fault especially when they have only recently met. Often her speech can be considered to be formal, although with a hint of a dialect that is not native to Eorzea.

Roen has an inquisitive mind and is quick to learn, and any teaching of craft, skills, or lore offered to her will rarely be refused. Despite her competence with sword and shield, she is still very green when it comes to the general knowledge of the Eorzea overall. It seems what she knows of Eorzea was learned in the last few years.


Roen prefers sword and shield above all else. Trained as a gladiator, and then as a paladin, she excels in defensive fighting, always preferring to protect others before going on the offensive. While she takes to training with fervor and her technical skills leave very little to be desired, she still lacks in experience to put them to use with full effect. She often hesitates in striking down a weaker foe, especially if they show fear or remorse. If they ask for mercy, she will often grant it, even if it may be just a ploy.

While undergoing her training with the conjurer's guild, it was noted that she has great aptitude as a healer as well as a strong connection with the aether, both within and without. But Roen left their guidance after learning the rudimentary skills needed to continue her paladin training. She has since returned to Steelglen Fane to revisit her training as a healer, at the urging of her former teachers.

Recently, Roen has also been training in hand-to-hand combat, especially after learning the most painful way, how vulnerable she was without her weapons. She trains against a wooden training dummy every morning to acclimate herself to such impact against her bare hands.



Some of these rumors are untrue or are greatly exaggerated. Please feel free to add your own rumors under PC!

◢ Common Rumors (Easily overheard)
"She was hired to protect my caravan a couple o' times. Don' recall her sayin' much, but when the job was done everythin' was all polite and proper. Mos' polite mercenary I've ever come across!"
"She was hired as protection duty for some fancy ball. I tried to buy her a drink, but she wouldn't have it. A little miss uptight if you ask me."
"I heard that she was once fired from her mercenary company 'cause a Sultansworn's suspectin' her of being involved with the Syndicate or somethin'. I saw her being questioned in the streets even!"
"Oh yeah! She was chosen by the Immortal Flames for that Little Ladies contest! I don't know what the big fuss was all about, but she sure looked uncomfortable being escorted everywhere by the Yataghans."
"Oh ye can find her easily enough either on Pearl Lane or the refugee camps outside the walls. A bleedin' heart that one, always bringing potions and the like. As if that'd make any difference."
◢ Moderate Rumors (Moderately difficult to overhear)
"She healed me once, after I was attacked by some antelope. I assumed she was one of them free paladins, what with all her armor and all. But she said she wasn't, just hoping to be one someday. She seemed nice enough."
"She has great potential for conjury. If she would only commit more time to it here in Gridania, I believe she can become quite a powerful conjurer."
"I heard she is connected to the Ala Mhigan Resistance, even helped them a few times. Wasn't she a Sultansworn though?"

◢ Rare Rumors (Very difficult or rarely overheard)
"I remember her first day in the Steelglen Fane. She seemed awful nervous, despite being sent there by her Guildmaster. And then her first spell learned, she looked like she wasn't expecting that at all. Odd, don't you think?"
"Did you hear? The man who stabbed that girl in the street, he hung himself while still under arrest. Then she arranged for his body to be sent home, and I hear she even accompanied it herself. You'd think she'd see it tossed over some cliff."
"I heard all sorts of rumors of her time as a Brass Blade. Blades aint' too kind to women, and an ex-Sworn to boot. I hear there is still a Blade walkin' around wearing the hair he cut off from her head."
"First Sultansworn. Then Brass Blade. Then accused Garlean. I heard though that Sultansworns got her freed, so she must be innocent right? And now I hear she be chasin' after Monestarists ... the girl's got a death wish if ye ask me."

◢ PC Rumors (Rumors from the character's of other players)
"After Roen was released, watching her walk by me to go celebrate with others was one of the hardest things I've had to do. She needs someone to blame however, and if that needs be me, then I won't shy from it." -Natalie Mcbeef
"Mind what you ask, whom you ask, even how you ask. She is protected. Are we clear? Good." - Delial Grimsong
"What doesn't kill you can make you stronger... if y'pull through. If y'can stand. If y'survive, inside and out." - Osric Melkire
"She is strong, and she is brave. However, I still fear for her. She lives in a place where the strong and the brave get used by those who have more gil and bigger titles." - Kiht Jakkya
"Roen is a sweet girl. Kind to a fault and I fear far too trusting for her own good. She saved the man I love and I'll always owe her a debt for that. I'm not sure Ul'dah deserves a girl like Roen Deneith looking out for it." - Obsidian Hornet
"If ever Eorzea had a well-meaning fool... But then, she's just a girl. A girl playing at things she ought not to. She seems to still be in possession of the idealism of youth, and Gods know how the Sultanate hasn't beaten it out of her yet. Still, she's a sweet enough lass, if a bit headstrong. Perhaps I'll keep an eye on her. Just in case." - Brynhilde Wulf
"She's a far different person than I imagined her being. Likable, strong, brave. My only regret is the conditions we were suffering under when I discovered these traits." - Askier Mergrey
"My sister will not be broken by her recent ordeal, I know this because she is a Wolfsong, I only hope the innocence that made her who she is nae gone completely" - Gharen Wolfsong
"I hear her name all the time, but I've never met her. I've been told that we would like each other! She seems to be involved in so much trouble, though..." - Aya Foxheart
"My joy for her is only eclipsed by my sorrow for the same. For her sake alone do I hesitate in what I know I must do now." - Coatleque Crofte
"I don't know what happened to her, but Ul'dah seems to have chewed her up and spit her out. I worry about her." - C'kayah Tia
"I have promised to meet her on a day when the world isn't crashing down on either one of us. Easy enough for myself, but I wonder in her case." - Verad Bellveil
"Standing true to an oath even when the world crashes on top of you requires great deal of strength and character." - Xydane Vale
"They speak in hushed, reverent tones. Whatever slander they tried to saddle her with... The people remember who took care of them. We remember." - Warren Castille
"I've met her! And in Ul'dah even! Its so good to see her back, I know her friends have missed her so much. She's so nice, I just hope trouble doesn't catch up to her again!" - Aya Foxheart
"She's fond of ideals. Cook a meal and name it the 'Justice and Peace' and she'd eat it up like a starved coeurl. But she means well, which is a far better sentiment than most people deserve." Nero Lazarov
"She listened, which was more than I had expected. I would very much like to speak with her again, help show I'm trying to keep my word." - Franz
"Roen is the kindest being I've ever had the fortune to know, and she's very much the sister I never had but always wanted. Strong, warm, and always willing to throw herself in harm's way for someone who needs it most. I'm proud of her, I always have been, and she's grown so much as a person that I sometimes can't help but just marvel at her. Roen is one of the most important people in my life, I love her more than anything and even if she doesn't say it I know she feels the same. One day maybe we'll be able to just settle in the Shroud and have our talks again, as old ladies with our troubled days behind us. I'd like that for us." - Siha Xinkei
"Madam Deneith is a woman of distinction, and possessed of a fine and resolute character. I would not be so presumptuous as to suppose any nobility of title or breeding, but... certainly it is plain to see that she possesses an admirable nobility of bearing and demeanor." - Gideon North
"I have known the girl through chance encounters, nothing more, but that is all I have needed to gauge that this is, in fact, the type of person who finds themselves attracted to trouble like steel to lodestone. And if my dealings with Ser Natalie are any indication, she is lacking much in the way of pity from her peers. I pray for her, and I do not pray for many." - Edgar Gandervalt
"I met Ms. Roen halpin' out th' poor folks outside Ul'dah. That's th' kinda person she is - she halps people. Whenever I see her, she's halpin' someone - 'n on more than one occasion that someone was me! If there's anyone who has a heart closest ta th' kinda hero I wanna be, it's Ms. Roen." - Chachanji Gegenji
Rain, sound, smell, the feel of it
Running full speed on her chocobo
Warm bath
Cold weather
The sound of the ocean waves
Fishing, in company of friends
A flavorful dish, especially with garlic or other Garlean flavors
Freshly picked La Noscean oranges

Boats, she gets seasick AND claustrophobic
Long tedious studies with books
Lying and deception
Corruption and injustice
Slimy fish, namely one Dunefolk delicacy
Anything tight around her neck
Shackles or anything that seem to bind her wrists
Recently has developed a disliking for Coerthas
Unforgiving people


Romantic Interest     Platonic Love      Good Standing     Neutral     Poor Standing
Sexual tension
Askier Mergrey - A miqo'te and a fellow Garlean, made infamous by his attempt to bomb Ul'dah, Roen did not trust him one bit when he stood by Delial's side during Roen's dealing with the Highlander woman, and it was only made worse when he kidnapped her afterwards. But during her captivity, he tried to save her from his vicious partner and was tortured to near death for it. Roen no longer holds hatred for him, feeling that he has suffered enough.
Brynhilde Wulf - A strong and pragmatic Highlander and ex-Resistance fighter, Brynhilde came to Roen's aid when she was trying to save Gharen. Roen looks up to her for her wisdom and sharp-mind and takes her advice to heart, even if the Highlander seems jaded by her long history of warfare against the Garleans. Recently Brynhilde had warned her of her naivete, words that Roen is finding more poignant, given the string of betrayals she has suffered recently.
Chachanji Gegenji - Roen met this Lalafell youth of bright spirit and cheerful outlook on one of her visits to the refugee camps. She found his pure desire to help people mirroring her own in her earlier days, although it saddened her to realize that she herself had become somewhat jaded since. She has agreed to become one of his mentors, in hopes of strengthening her own faith in ideals in doing so.
C'kayah Tia - An enigmatic Seeker, Roen does not know much about him, other than two people who are dear to her both care for this Miqo'te deeply. She knows his dealings and connections to be vast and perhaps not all of them legal, although she has never fully delved into them nor is she inclined to. Recently he has offered to help her in a personal matter which has earned him her trust and gratitude.
Coatleque Crofte - A steadfast Sultansworn, Roen has met this paladin under strained circumstances. But Ser Crofte made the effort to lend her some comfort each time, and ultimately made an offer to try and vindicate her from some of the burdens and accusations that loomed over Roen. Roen gave the Sultansworn evidence that could damn her and cost her life, but Crofte was able to use it to successfully exonerate Roen. Roen considers Crofte one of the few trusted friends she has left, especially since the Sworn seems to be the only one still standing staunchly by her side against the Monetarists.
Delial Grimsong - Roen met this Highlander woman while researching her mother's ancestry in Little Ala Mhigo. The Highlander woman endeared herself to Roen with her helpful and even flirtatious nature, but to Roen's dismay, she later discovered the woman's true motive: to use her to hunt down the Resistance and to capture Gharen Wolfsong for her employer, Raelisanne Banurein. Eventually Roen and Delial came to agree to a truce in an effort to deal with Banurein, but due to actions of Delial's allies, it came to an abrupt end. After Delial killed Crimson Mountain, they have been neutral towards each other and oddly enough Delial has shown a protective attitude towards Roen.
Erik Mynhier - The Sultansworn who saved her adopted family two years ago, Roen found him when she first came to Ul'dah and he agreed quickly to become her first paladin mentor. Erik recently returned from being missing for months, and currently leads a special unit within the Immortal Flames.
Franz Renatus - Roen does not know what to make of this Highlander. He speaks in Ishgard at times, but has also spoken to her in Garlean. To her horror, she discovered that a kind Elezen who has helped her in the past has passed, and the Highlander somehow inherited the man's memories. But he also seems to know Roen from her homeland Garlemald. Her first reaction was that of wariness, but Franz (who borrowed the Elezen's name) seemed so lost. So she is giving him the benefit of the doubt.
Gharen Wolfsong - A Highlander well trained in many fighting skills, Roen accidentally met him at the marketplace only to find out much later after many trials, that they were brothers and sisters. She helped him recover after rescuing him from a mysterious Garlean woman by the name of Raelisanne Banurein who captured him and tortured him for weeks. The table had turned on the siblings soon after as Roen was kidnapped and tormented by a Roe named Crimson Mountain, and after being rescued, Gharen has helped her recover from the ordeal. Now, however, the two siblings stand to oppose each other, because Gharen is looking to work against Nero Lazarov.
Gideon North - This well mannered gentleman approached Roen, seeking help in finding justice for his masters who had been murdered. Suspecting the wealthy noble families of Ul'dah to have had a hand in their demise, Roen has agreed to help him seek out the truth. She arranged for him to be employed under Jameson Taeros, to serve as a new pair of eyes within the Monetarist society, but since has discovered that Nero Lazarov was one of the people that were responsible for the death of Gideon's former masters. She has revealed the truth to the valet, much to his sorrow. But in return, she has agreed to help Gideon in a task that she herself secretly dreads.
Itarliht Syhrkoensyn - A fiercesome Roegadyn known as Crimson Mountain, Roen met him during her encounter with Delial. Despite a rocky start, they came to agree to a truce of spilling no blood between them. However, he broke this promise when he took part in attacking her and taking her captive against her will. In her captivity, she discovered that Crim has a violent temper and a dark and cruel side to him. He was killed after she was rescued.
Jajara Jara - A generous and cheerful Lalafell, Roen met this skilled Goldsmith through Gharen when she was seeking a gift for Erik. While they have only met a few times, Roen finds her presence bright and comforting. In their most recent encounter, Jajara shared an insight about Roen's feelings for her brother, which gave her much comfort and confidence in protecting her sibling. The two have further bonded after a girls-only fishing trip since on their way to Gharen's camp.
Jameson Taeros - This foppish Monetarist noble first crossed Roen's path when he started an investigation that led to the disgrace and demotion of Natalie, Kage, and Roen from the Order of the the Sultansworns. He arranged it so that they would work for the Brass Blades, then blackmailed Natalie and Kage into doing his bidding. While Roen has no tangible proof, she suspects this noble to be responsible for an attempt on her and Gharen's life, having ties to Raelisanne Banurein, and arranging for an execution of an imprisoned pirate without a trial. He currently leads the Monetarists efforts against Nero Lazarov to put an end to the pirate's raids on the sea born Syndicate trade ships.
Kage Kiryuu - A brave and loyal lalafell gladiator that Natalie also took in as an apprentice, Roen and Kage trained alongside each other and took the Trial of the Sultansworn together. Roen always held a soft spot in her heart for Kage, but after Natalie's death, they grew apart when the Lalafell seemingly severed all ties with his old life.
Kiht Jakkya - Roen met this Keeper Hunter at the Grindstone tournament. While both were quiet-mannered, they began to appreciate each other's knowledge of battle, and soon each other's unobtrusive company. Roen sees something akin to herself in Kiht, a stranger in a new land, walking her path alone, and trying to do what is right. Kiht has helped her track down a person in her time of need, and most recently has offered her protection as she hid in Limsa from the reaches of Ul'dah. Roen has come to see her friend in a new light, as a competent leader and warrior.
Natalie Mcbeef - Roen met this relentless Sultansworn when she accidentally fell under her investigation into the Syndicate. Despite initially finding her cold and intimidating, their relationship grew to one of trust and deep friendship after Natalie took Roen as an apprentice. But that relationship was shattered, first by Natalie's well intended efforts to keep Roen safe, which resulted in a horrific and violent kidnapping, and then Natalie's execution of someone that Roen held dear. She also began to hunt the man that Roen had professed feelings for. After Natalie's passing, Roen struggled to resolve her feelings for the mentor she once called friend then enemy, but recently has allowed herself to forgive her.
Nero Lazarov - Roen sought this smuggler out while she was investigating Jameson Taeros. After a frank but secreted conversation, she discovered that Nero was not who he seemed, and had altruistic motives for Ul'dah. Seeing that she and he shared the same dream to help those in need, they agreed to an alliance, one that has taken a turbulent course since its inception. After the tragic death of Nero's first mate, Roen became more determined than ever to try and help the pirate, especially after realizing she had developed feelings for the man. She is currently trying to hold onto her values, even in the face of Nero's ruthless tendencies, and hopes to save him from the dark path he paves for himself.
Obsidian Hornet - A strong and fierce Roegadyn, Roen recently brought Hornet to Gharen after his rescue, knowing that they used to be lovers. Hornet's affection and loyalties to her brother being made plainly clear, Roen considers Hornet a friend, and a good ally to have at her side. She knows the woman has a violent past, but trusts that she has changed many things about herself in her recent journey of atonement. Despite her recent departure from Gharen's side, Roen still holds Hornet dear in her heart.
Osric Melkire - Their acquaintance really began with a lie, when he duped her into meeting Gharen under the pretense that it was for Erik's sake. The two have had some rocky encounters since that meeting, but she's always seen him fight on the just side of things. She's also sought him out for some lessons in hand-to-hand combat. Despite his recent trials, she still trusts him and has asked him for help against the Monetarists in an effort to reform Ul'dah.
Qaeli Varily - Roen sought this silver haired Hyur woman out when Gharen disappeared, for her name was one of two he had listed as trusted allies. But in their joint effort to rescue Gharen, they found themselves at odds in most things, Qaeli's wrath being quick, her tongue cold and cutting regarding Roen's idealism and methods. But Qaeli's fierce loyalty to her brother was something Roen could not deny, so she continued to keep Qaeli's company, at least until Gharen recovered. Qaeli has recently returned from months of absence without a word, and Roen suspects there is a dark tale to follow that.
Shaelen Stormchild - A former Ala Mhigan Resistance member and currently a smuggler of all things Garlean, Roen met this Highlander woman after being indirectly responsible for death of a man that Shaelen loved like a father. Needless to say, their first encounter was not pleasant. They have come to terms since, and Roen now owes Shaelen for her help in exonerating Gharen as well as lending aid in her work against the Monetarists. Roen finds Shaelen's silent First Mate Thaliak's Axe endearing and trustworthy even though he has yet to speak a single word.
Siha Xinkei - A Keeper and a seer, Roen met Siha through Erik, who considered the Miqo'te woman his Oath Sister. It was Siha who saw a vision of a woman that was possibly Roen's ancestor. When Erik seemingly succumbed to his illness, both of the women found solace in each other through their shared grief and have become close. She considers Siha her Oath-sister, and while they have been absent in each other's lives for many moons now, their bond has never suffered.
Verad Bellveil - An eccentric and bombastic Duskwight Elezen, Roen met this merchant of "dubious" goods in Limsa when she was wandering about aimlessly after her kidnapping ordeal. He played a vital role in drawing her out of her shell and restoring some of her idealism. She saw 'Mister Bellveil' as a trusted friend, and welcomed his wisdom and company whenever she felt lost or conflicted. Most recently, she has severed her relationship with the merchant in secret hopes of protecting him and herself.
Xydane Vale - An aloof and mysterious Midlander, Roen met him through the Ala Mhigan Resistance when he was helping them locate a missing man. He helped rescue her adoptive father from a Castrum dungeon, and he did not judge her for her Garlean heritage. She saw him as man of good intentions, although his skills in killing and delivering violence did not go unnoticed. She has recently encountered him again in Limsa and suspects him of possibly trying to kill a Brass Blades captain because of something she told him.



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Written Works

The threads below are chronologically ordered. Legacy is still an ongoing thread that has yet to complete the telling of how the story began. The Coming Storm is the current thread of ongoing events.

(Art By Jn3)

"A Legacy in Blood"

A tale of three people whose fates are entwined together by their blood and heritage.

"Second Hand Faith"

Three Sultansworns are disgraced and struggle to find redemption.

"No Good Deed"

An alliance formed between two people who share the same dream but opposing ideals.

"A Forlorn Fortight"

A fortnight conversation between a condemned man and a hopeful paladin.

"The Coming Storm"

Escalation of events between those who hold the power in Ul'dah and those who seek to topple it.

"Starlit Illumination"

Reflections of the past and loved ones during Starlight.

"Paladin's Proof"

Roen acquires a new pupil. He may teach her a few thing or two.

OOC Notes

This wiki page contains details about Roen's past, especially in the history section. Some of it may be discovered by those who actively seek it out, but much of it is not generally known. General and Behavior information are free for any observant character to play off of, and same goes with the Rumors. History is purely there for OOC knowledge and is to help create plot development with those I am involved in a storyline with. Same goes for Recent Events and Relationships. If you are interested in taking part, please let me know! And this page will be edited intermittently.

Also please note that this is a character that was originally derived from another collaborative role playing effort with another player. This one in Final Fantasy is a whole new reincarnation. If you are interested in the original story that gave birth to her, you can find it here: It is written by the player I collaborated with.


This Template was created by Bancroft Gairn with lots of help from Gharen Wolfsong!

The artist known as Jn3 on this page can be found at