Ferai Caolann

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Limsa Lominsa-transparent.png Ferai 'Accident on Legs' Caolann
Gender Female
Race Mi'qote
Clan Seeker of the Sun
Citizenship Limsa Lominsa
Age 22
Sexuality Pansexual
Occupation Blade of the Upright Thieves
Guardian Althyk, the Keeper
Namesday 25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
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Ferai comes from a relatively small family. Her mother works at the Ul'dah markets as a buyer/seller. Her elder brother by two years, Firenze, is a talented mathematician and thaumaturge. The two siblings, despite a height difference of a fulm and a bit between them, look so alike that they can be mistaken as being twins. Their relationship is one of pure love/hate though, with both siblings constantly agitating the other.

Firenze loves to prank his sister and often is quick to call her on her 'stupidity' as she was never very interested in books or school and left it early to focus on her physical talents. He never fails to mention her rebellious teenage years where she wanted to run away (and attempted many times) to join a circus show as an acrobat. Ferai in return, has spent years attempting to make him go bald, by magical or razor-wise means. She's usually always caught before she can do the deed. The closest she got was shaving one of his eyebrows off before he woke up because she'd cut him accidentally.

Ferai's extended family however is expansive, with a childhood filled with plenty of tales of delight including the time her Aunt traumatised her for life with gravy and that one time when she got her tail trapped in a chocobo saddle and was dragged for almost a malm! She's quick to regale people with the terror of those childhood memories but also just as quick to defend them - it might have been a weird upbringing but hey, it's family!


Somewhat sensitive about her height, Ferai comes in at 'Five fulm and one ilm!' but if you look closely, her shoes are built to increase her height. When she takes them off, she sinks down under the five fulm mark, something she tries to avoid at all costs.

This Mi'qote is the kind of person who is always smiling, which is a good deal as she has a face that reflects her open nature. With long white hair that bangs about her tanned and extremely freckled face and large, heavily lashed eyes of a rosy pink hue, she looks like a doll. Her delicate frame and small chest only add to this illusion of sweetness, that no word that trips from her pretty rosebud mouth could ever be anything but gentle...


That of course is where the illusion stops and you come crashing back to reality. As soon as Ferai opens her mouth, words spill out thick and fast that make it difficult to keep up, not just because she thinks twelve steps ahead and blurts out whatever she is thinking, but also because her speech is influenced by the Ul'dah markets and commons, where she grew up... and also by associating with those in her profession, the Rogues of Limsa Lominsa.

She's quick to act and quick to think, despite her lack of book smarts, and the kind of person who'd be around others attempting to cheer them up and make them smile. Ferai loves to spend time with children and animals, finding them more suitable than people due to her unfortunate ability to trip over anything and everything. Because of this, she is quick to lose her temper and even quicker to apologise once the temper flare is done with, usually sinking into deep embarrassment. She is unable to take a well turned compliment and is sure people are making fun of her when they do. Her extreme bluster and bravado cover a heart made of glass, beautiful to see through but easily shattered.

A talented storyteller, Ferai's quick wit and silver tongue are known to hold people enthralled in tales of her childhood, her exploits and even whole-cloth lies made up to entertain.


Boiled Eggs
Jacke and the Rogues
Sitting under the stars on a cold night


Her elder brother, Firenze
Reading, Writing and Arithmatic
Sweet Foods


Chocobo Husbandry
Social Work at the local Orphanage
Telling Stories


Favourite Food/Drink: Anything not nailed down, or coated in sugar.
Favourite Place: Anywhere high up where she can see the land laid out and feel the wind.
Favorite Weather: Breezy
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Scents: Pine, just washed clothes, the smell of the wind on a morning


Romantic Interest Sexual Desire Platonic Love Good Standing Neutral Standing Poor Standing

Firenze Caolann - Ferai's elder brother. Well educated, trained in arcane arts and talented mathematician he is not only the scourge of her entire life (as she tells it) but part of the reason why Ferai seeks personal glory. His attitude is aloof, snobbish and sometimes even a little cruel to his younger sister, but they do love each other, even if that sibling love is buried deep beneath burning resentment and constant fighting.
O'lyenna Kalderi - Ferai's mother is a brilliant merchant, gifted with a silver tongue and a golden touch. She has worked the trade in Ul'dah for as long as Ferai has been alive, possibly longer. O'lyenna is fond of her children, but despairs of them in equal amounts.
Rhesh'ir Zhwan - Upon meeting the Keeper, Ferai decided to adopt him in an informal manner as her 'new elder brother' and calls him 'Bro' though she attempts to try and cover this up with 'Cap'n' as often as she realises she's spoken wrong. Eager to please, she's forever finding random junk and passing it along to him, not least the rose made of Ice that she left on his paperwork, badly made cookies and whatever the Twelve only knows what she has hidden up her sleeves. She finds him easy to talk to and wishes they were actually blood related. She's aware he's a busy and often thoughtful man and goes out of her way to try and cheer him up and on in the only way she knows how to! - Recent events have left her with a life debt to the Keeper, one she is determined to repay.
Fen'rin Taveck - In Fen she has found a distinct kindred spirit, with a positive outlook on life and a shared delight for adventure and madcap insanity. Whilst apart they have some chance of being remotely normal, as soon as these two troublesome idiots get together, all kinds of innovative if utterly nonsensical things begin to occur. Outside of being bad influences on one another, Fen and Ferai are warm and open individuals at heart and she treasures his simple, honest nature in a world filled with horror and lies.
Onuma Ahntifi - 'Other Ma' as Ferai teases her with, Onuma is a stern lady who can easily put the fear of the Gods into Ferai and pull her into line. Ferai looks up to her with a deep respect and is probably one of the few capable of getting Ferai to listen to her and calm down. She's grateful for the support Onuma has shown her and has promised to make herself useful in any way she can be for those in the company, so she won't let 'Other Ma' down. Lately, Onuma has promised to help Ferai with her crusade (or vendetta) to find the ones who hurt her badly.
Y'lyfriel Sikah - Rhesh'ir's bonded mate and Ferai's tutor in the Arcanum. 'Miss Lyf' is gentle, patient and understanding. Ferai finds that she wants to improve and is grateful for the patience shown to her, especially when it comes to numbers and words. Y'lyfriel is happy to let Ferai experiment with geometric designs, an aspect of her oddly inventive mind that could perhaps flourish if given the right kind of guiding hand. Y'lyfriel is also a great cook - something which makes the 'walking trashcan' happy, always sniffing about for food!
Dawson Colwell - A relaxed and laid back healer, Dawson is the man Fen has chosen to devote his life to, and so by extension Ferai sees him as family. She likes him, but finds his height and quietness a little frightening.
Seda'li Tayuun - If there was ever a bad idea that happened, it would be these two. It's a bit like putting nitro and glycerine together and shaking it up. Seda and Ferai share definite aspects of their personality that others would find less enjoyable. But together they have an understanding, and one that is based on -somewhat- mutual respect. And killing.
Zarek Earthshaker - The quiet and rarely smiling man and Ferai enjoy a shared passion of their line of work, stars and the night sky, outside and being free to do as they wish. However, both also know that life is never as simple as 'doing as you wish'. Zarek shared a secret with Ferai she's closed her mouth on.
Noor Falmah - The quiet and gentle Keeper has made a deep impression on Ferai's heart, willing to listen and offering advice. She admires Noor's personal bravery and her incredible talent with all kinds of magic. In the future, Ferai hopes she can be of help somehow to Noor, in any way she can, as repayment.
Kodaro Ba'rococo - Whilst 'Winky' / 'Patches' / 'Didn't see you on my left' and Ferai have their differences and she feels he considers her to be a very silly person, she does have respect for the younger Seeker. Despite this, she's always attempting to keep his spirits up, especially lately, in any way she can.
Lynn'wo Vahnal - Lynn and Ferai got along like a house set on fire almost immediately. Whilst they have different personalities, they shared a wide streak of humour in their natures that allows them to laugh over anything and everything. She thinks of Lynn as something close to a best friend, but isn't sure how to properly vocalise it without it sounding just 'plain odd'.
Upa Zuvhe - Lynn's mate is a sweet girl and one that Ferai loves to small bits, as she has such a gentle nature, something Ferai deeply regrets having lost. She may tease Lynn about stealing Upa away, but she loves to watch their relationship blossom as it helps her feel that maybe one day she too can achieve something just as wonderful if given enough time.
Fyrilsunn Fiandoensyn - If you see Ferai, it's a sure bet that poor Fyril is close by, being dragged into her madcap schemes. He calls it 'being unable to say no to a pretty face' and he often regrets agreeing moments after 'signing and sealing' the deal. Ferai enjoys his company, he's a well spoken man with a view on life similar to hers. Someone has to do the dirty work, and neither one of these two are shy about getting it done.
Auriana Wynter - Ferai and Auri joined at the same time, with Ferai warming up to Auri quickly when it was apparent they share a similar line of work. Over time, the pair have developed a close friendship, to the point where they remind one another 'back to back'. Where one goes, it's likely you'll find another behind, making sure their partner stays safe. Ferai enjoys complimenting the Highlander and does it partly out of her reaction to it, and partly because she feels Auri should be complimented. Her closeness with the Highlander grows each day.
Orcrist Saragin - Sparkles is a happy man, or so she considers him to be. To Ferai, the monk is a quiet and contemplative one and she enjoys his calmness. She wants to spend more time attempting to calm down and take life at a less breakneck pace, and wonders if Orcrist's method of meditation may help her find some inner balance.
Alicia Bennett - A relationship that hit the rocks almost as soon as it began, the two managed to salvage it from the threat of complete misunderstanding. As such, Ferai looks to Alicia for help with mathematical problems, as she has a deft and keen mind for numbers. She thinks Alicia holds herself aloof too much from others and is way too shy, but if anyone can drag her into disaster after disaster made of fun, it'd be Ferai!
Raeventiel Beaudonet - If there ever was a case of friendship born from hate, it would be Rae and Ferai. After incidents at the Crystal Tower, both parties have begun to see one another in a different light, gradually coming to accept the other as they are which is all either can ever ask. Despite their differences, they share a striking amount of similarities. With time, perhaps Rae and Ferai may even become the friends they have always wanted.
Tertersa Terin - Tiny little Crystal is one of Ferai's absolute favourites, she loves her to small pieces. She finds the bravery that she tries to summon admirable and has made a promise with the Lalafell that they would both find courage together (if for different things). She's in awe of Crystal's skill at crafting, something she has no talent for at all.
Rah'na Lihzeh - A young seeming Keeper, Ferai treats him with the respect due to anyone who can heal. Even though he seems shy of talking, she tries often to talk to him and especially his lovely dog Toby, who she feeds jerky. If Rahn'a doesn't chide her soon, Toby will end up tubby!
Wyra Nimh - Whilst she doesn't actively dislike Wyra, she's not exactly friends with her. She tries to be polite and include her in the hope she can come to understand the near robotic Keeper, but also has this itchy feeling in the back of her neck that perhaps just ramming a dagger into her heart would also be easier. It makes for difficult conversation.
Ranirus Crithalos - If you ever wanted to see active hatred in action, leave Ranirus alone with Ferai for ten seconds. If you return and she isn't happily trying to drag his corpse to the sea, it's a good day. She believes he is a troublemaker, a criminal and someone who should be dealt with in the same way you deal with pests: by exterminating them.

Easily Overheard Rumours
"She's always falling over, hitting something, knocking down banners and stuff. You can't have her around, whole place would go up in flames." - Yellowjacket Guard
"I always see her at the Orphanage, says she's bringing them gifts but I never know where she gets them from." - Trader on Hawker's Alley
Somewhat Difficult To Overhear Rumours
"I hear she works for that Jacke in the Rogue's Guild, she's trouble, mark my works." - Dockhand.
Rarely Overheard Rumours
"That Mi'qote with the white hair and the pink eyes? You ever meet her? I hear she killed a group of slavers for dealing in trafficking kids. Slaughtered the lot in their beds. They say, she skipped through the streets afterwards, covered in blood. You stay far away from her, she's not right I tell you, she's not!" - Drunken Patron of the Drowning Wench
Player Character Rumours
None as of yet!


First in, first to hit, and as long as she comes out standing, she considers it a success. Agile, dextrous and able to deftly read an enemy, Ferai makes a ferocious and intelligent front line attacker.


A bright but not studious child, Ferai was always dextrous and quick on her feet, as well as quick with a comeback. Despite her inability to learn to read (perhaps it was the kind of tutoring she had that forced her away) - she instead spent much of her early teens trying to run away from home to joina travelling show as an acrobat.

Five years ago, in Ul'dah, Ferai was involved in an accident where she had to be sent away by her mother to seek apprenticeship under Onuma. This was not without incident, and the ship she took from Vesper Bay to Limsa Lominsa in search of Onuma was attacked by slavers. After a series of terrible events, culminating in her slaughter of most of the slavers once she had broken free, she and the other survivor (as the slavers had in turn killed as many of the crew and passengers as they could once being aware she was out for blood - many slavers fled instead) lay on the deck of the ship, to keep lookout for passing ships who might help. The two survivors, if they can be called that, were both terribly injured, but Ferai clung to the hope that someone out there would come save them.

It was then that Severine, the young Ishgardian, died in her arms, smiling as the sun came up. It was nearly a day later when a passing ship happened upon the drifting vessel, and by luck alone that it was being captained by the Rogues of Lominsa, of a search their own for criminals who had broken the Code. Her memories are vague, but she remembers Jacke saying to her that she was alive. They took her and the body she was clinging to aboard, and set fire to the ship with the corpses on, allowing it to burn to the sea. The tides of Lominsa, kinder than slavers, swept them to their rest.

Months later, when she began to overcome her trauma and speak, do basic interactions with others, she found out that Jacke had given Severine a proper burial. When he asked, she told him she had been the one who killed the slavers, and demonstrated for him her skill with the blade. It wasn't as finely controlled as before, the pain of her scars making it difficult to form the correct motions. Jacke told her it would take time to properly heal, but impressed, he offered apprenticeship with the Rogues and work as a specific kind of Rogue. She knew he meant as an Assassin, but accepted his terms.

Over the course of five years, she worked as a blade of the Rogues, a blade that cut loose threads, that trimmed dead weight and that neatened a society she felt she had no part of, but wanted to protect. Driven by this strange black and white view of the world, Ferai settled into a routine of murdering criminals by night, and spending time with her beloved Chocobos and the children at a local orphanage during the day. Her crippling phobia of being touched, a leftover wound from the events on the ship, is something she desires more than anything to overcome, as she feels the longer she goes without facing up to it, the closer she comes to forgetting who she is.

She recently joined the 81st Free Company, under the guidance of Rhesh'ir Zhwan. She has begun to branch out into areas of Arcanum and even tried developing her cooking and fishing skills (though neither is always reliably successful). With her bright, if somewhat socially abstract (if we are being kind) personality, Ferai has had many friendships blossom in her time so far, and looks forward to developing more.

After events at the Crystal Tower, she felt distraught and confused at being unable to provide adequate help, and was angry with herself more than anything. In this time, she chose to take a job that Jacke had offered, leading to a discovery she shared with Onuma. It will take an immense amount of time to bring the hope that this might be the clue she is looking for to help relieve her past, but she is patiently working at uncovering what information she can.

After taking items to the Agrius drop off, she was badly injured, leading to a severe heart problem. She is currently confined to the infirmary at the estate, and has had her linkpearl removed. Those around her are told to force her to rest and keep her calm. As such, she isn't privvy to the knowledge that Rhesh'ir and two officers, Sollele and Onuma, have been arrested. They fear that if she discovered it, she would not only work herself into a terrible emotional state, but also attempt to rescue them and cause a bloodbath - the strenuous exercise would place unneeded pressure on her heart, and likely without a healer to hand, her death.

Auriana and Fyril are currently taking turns watching her like a hawk.


Theme Songs: "Somewhere to Run" "Wonder" "As it Seems"

Tv Tropes: The Klutz I Did What I Had To Do Girly Bruiser Thieves Cant Oblivious to Love